Something About Saiyans: Something About Saiyans

Published Aug 14, 2005, 6:23:49 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 14, 2005, 6:23:49 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

SummaryGoten and Trunks decide to find out if the stories about Piccolo having a thing for Saiyans is true. It is sex ensues. This would be X-rated if that still existed, so we will have to settle for NC-17. Trunks/Goten/Gotenks/Piccolo.

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Chapter 1: Something About Saiyans

Something about Saiyans…
By Pixelgoddess

Things you need to know – This is a PWP from a version of the DBZ world where everyone fucks everyone. I don’t think there is a straight person in this universe, or if there is they are in the closet and don’t talk about it except with other straight people like themselves because they are the only ones who understand the hell they are going through. Soooo…this means this is yaoi, aka gay, aka homosexual, aka male types of various species are having sex, so if you don’t like it stop right now.

This plot bunny started because of a review by jaygoose on my story Maintaining and a smartass comment I made. Basically, I couldn’t think of a single Gotenks/Piccolo story – and considered it a challenge.

“Are you sure you want to do this, Goten?” Trunks asked trailing his fingertips down his boyfriend’s sculpted abdomen.

“What? Are you having second thoughts?” Goten grinned before tackling Trunks and pinning him to the ground.

“Hell no. I’m looking forward to it,” Trunks laughed, twisting so Goten was now under him.

Goten smirked and wrapped his legs around Trunks, pulling him off-balance, arching his hips to grind their erections together.

“Damn it, Chibi,” Trunks groaned. “We can’t do this now. If we take too long he’ll leave and I don’t want to wait another day.”

Goten pouted and moved his hips again. “Well give me a kiss first.”

“You are such a slut,” Trunks moaned against lover’s lips. He could feel Goten’s grin and attacked his willing mouth, sucking at his bottom lip, battling with his tongue.

Goten grinned again and rolled Trunks over, bounced to his feet and laughed at his disheveled appearance.

“Come on,” Goten said, pulling him to his feet. “Let’s go see if what we heard was true about how much he likes Saiyans.”


Piccolo shook his head in frustration. What in the hell was wrong with him anyway? How could he continue to train the two youngest demis? Horny teens – he could smell them on each other and could almost believe they had sex before they saw him just to torment him with the scent. Every time he had to meditate before and after, trying to calm and control the ache that pooled low inside.

Granted, his senses weren’t as strong as theirs, but the scent of a Saiyan did something to him, throwing him off balance, threatening his carefully maintained control. He didn’t love them – not in the way of humans and Saiyans – but he felt some type of possessive desire towards them.

He couldn’t explain why – had tried to figure it out – but there was no logical reason. Maybe it was the power they emanated…

He landed at their normal training grounds and looked around. No sign of the brats yet. Those two…he constantly fought with himself to hide the reaction they caused. But it was not to be – they were obviously a couple, and he would not pursue one or the other and risk damaging their relationship.

The only ones he hadn’t…

Goku had been the first. His innocence and bewilderment had been intoxicating, but once his passion had been unleashed… He smirked at the memory. Goku was a slut. Wrapping himself around him…purring… hell, they lost days of training for the androids. Gohan was sent off on some strange errands to give them time together.

He had hesitated when Gohan had started to seduce him, not wanting to abuse his role as mentor. He had given himself to his student when he realized how much the boy wanted him. He never asked where Gohan learned what he knew – although he suspected Sharpener was involved – he just enjoyed the touch and scent of the young Saiyan.

Vegeta had been the one who had shocked him several years ago. He had done his best to not let the prince know how much he wanted him. He did his best not to stare at the compact muscled body, to not let his grappling and holds last longer than they should in sparring. He was sure Vegeta didn’t know how much he lusted for him. And then Piccolo lost a match with him, lying beaten and bleeding in the mud. Vegeta had taken him – almost forcefully – a claim of victory, he said. He had let him, not really resisting, enjoying the dominance of the powerful prince.

And now he was letting himself be tortured by the youngest Saiyans – and they didn’t even know.


“Hey Piccolo,” Trunks said, landing just inches in front of the Namek. He grinned to himself at Piccolo’s surprised inhalation.

“Trunks,” he growled. “Where in the hell is Goten?” Please don’t leave him alone with one of these two. He didn’t think he could resist the temptation. He let himself wonder a moment if Trunks was aggressive during sex the way his father was.

“I’m right here,” Goten rumbled behind him, so close he could feel Piccolo jump.

Trunks smirked and moved closer to the Namek, forcing him to choose between contact with the lavender haired Saiyan or retreating. He chose retreat, stepping back until he was pressed against Goten.

“What are we learning today?” Goten purred, hands stroking the massive muscled back.

Piccolo couldn’t contain the shudder of pleasure at the contact. He tried not to visualize the things he would like to teach him. Goten was with Trunks – he couldn’t interfere…

“I was thinking,” Trunks continued, taking Piccolo’s hands, “We could learn holds…”

“Brats-“ he growled warningly.

“Maybe how to do some in-fighting,” Goten said, pressing his chest against the Namek’s back.

Piccolo snapped his head around to look at the youngest Son. Was this torment deliberate? Goten’s eyes were closed and he was dragging his fingers through his spiky locks.

Oh shit.

“What are you two-?” He was cut off when Goten hit him behind the knees, forcing him to drop to the ground, kneeling between the two demis.

“That’s better,” Trunks purred, his tongue sliding over the tip of an antennae. He couldn’t hide the tremble that passed through him.

Piccolo bit back a groan as Goten’s hands began traveling over his shoulders and back, slowly, teasingly working their way down. He couldn’t stop the wordless exclamation of pleasure when Goten’s moist tongue brushed over the points of his sensitive ears just as his hands cupped his ass.

He nearly whimpered as Trunks surrounded his antennae with his lips, gently sucking first one then the other. The demi’s nimble fingers had worked their way down the front of his gi and were already tormenting his nipples into hardened nubs.

“Stop. Stop,” he whispered, not really meaning it, but this was wrong somehow. Why were they…?

“What’s the matter Piccolo?” Goten purred, kissing his neck. He could feel his erection pressing against him, the demi crushing them together. “I thought you liked Saiyans…”

Oh shit. Someone had told these two about his fetish. And they were determined to drive him mad.

“I-” he began, before he was interrupted by Trunks tongue diving between his sharp teeth, attacking his mouth in a purely carnal kiss. He groaned into the mouth that was tormenting him and thrust his hips upward as Goten’s hands slid around and into his pants, wrapping around his erection and stroking him.

He didn’t even realize they had managed to remove his clothing with their ki until he felt the warm air against his cool skin, Saiyan heat burning with constant contact. He had been so stunned by this sudden ‘assault’ by these two he hadn’t even tried to return their caresses.

Well, if these two were so determined, who was he to say no?

He smirked as Trunks broke the kiss, and used his own ki to undress his seducers.

“He tastes good,” Trunks grinned before leaning over his shoulder and capturing black spikes, kissing Goten with a growl.

Goten licked his boyfriends lips and then his own, nodding in agreement. “My turn.”

Piccolo knew he had died and gone to Otherworld. There was no other explanation for it. He was surrounded, being stroked and kissed by two muscled, sweating, horny Saiyans – and they wanted him.

Goten was in his lap then, squirming and rubbing their erections together. The dark demi laughed before crushing their lips together, exploring his mouth with a technique he had only experienced when he was with Vegeta. Yes, Goten was a slut – just like his father.

Trunks’ was sucking on his antennae again and he began to tremble in response, making needy little sounds into Goten’s mouth. He trailed his hands over Goten’s heated body, making him shiver and writhe. Trunks was a fire behind him, arms wrapped around to squeeze and pull his nipples, erection pressed against him.

Piccolo spent a moment wondering if these two were telepathic, because even as Trunks was pushing him down so his back was on the ground, Goten was slithering down between his legs.

He lifted his head to see black and blue eyes staring back at him in hunger. Trunks began biting and sucking on his nipples, licking and kissing his sculpted muscles, his mouth molten against his cool skin. He groaned when Goten’s lips circled the head of his cock, tongue tormenting the slit, teeth lightly grazing, chuckling around him with pleasure.

Piccolo was disappointed for a moment when Trunks drew away, but smirked when he was presented with a perfect ass in front of his face. He could hardly think, Goten’s mouth sucking his mind out through his cock, but he doubted these two knew all of his abilities.

Piccolo extended his tongue, circling and pressing against Trunks’ tight ring of muscle. The demi made a surprised sound before relaxing and allowing his tongue entrance, gasping when it was long enough to press against his prostate.

He wrapped his arms around Trunks, holding him in place, fucking him with his tongue in time with Goten’s bobbing head. Trunks managed to hold him down for the dark demi and they moaned and groaned together, Goten’s purring, torturously talented mouth setting the pace.

Trunks was the first to surrender, coming hard, covering Piccolo’s stomach with a wordless scream. Piccolo withdrew his tongue, shouting as he filled Goten’s mouth with his seed, the hungry demi devouring him. Goten continued cleaning him, moving up to lick Trunk’s essence.

Trunks grinned and captured Goten’s mouth, pulling them off the still panting Namek, letting his dark-haired boyfriend pin him to the ground. He buried his hands in unruly spikes, sucking on Goten’s tongue for a taste of Piccolo.

Goten finally managed to free his mouth, nipping on Trunks bottom lip. He stuck his ass demandingly in the air and looked over his shoulder with a pout. “Hey, no fair. What about me?”

Piccolo took a shaky breath and stared at another perfect ass. How was it that Saiyans had such perfect asses? Round and muscled, meant to be handled and fucked… He gave thanks to whatever gods were paying attention at that moment as he felt himself hardening again.

“Hey, do that tongue thing, Piccolo,” Trunks said, wriggling under Goten. “Wait ‘til you feel it,” he said to his boyfriend.

Piccolo glared at the lavender-haired demi. He wanted to fuck Goten, damn it.

“Not this time, Trunks. I want that,” he pointed over his shoulder at Piccolo. “He’s huge!”

Piccolo laughed and crawled over. The little slut could have both, then.

Trunks stayed where he was under Goten, watching his boyfriend’s face as Piccolo’s tongue slid into him, stretching him. He grinned when dark eyes opened wide when the cool moisture pressed against his prostate, Goten making a surprised ‘oh’.

Goten made a moan of complaint when the slick thin tongue vanished, only to be replaced by a groan of pleasure when he felt the cool broad head of Piccolo’s cock pressing against him, sliding into him.

Piccolo bent over Goten, heat burning him where they touched, licking away the sweat covering Goten’s neck and shoulders. His thrusts were hard but slow, pausing between each for a heartbeat. Goten was shaking and pleading for something he couldn’t name, but Piccolo refused to change his pace. He looked over the demi’s shoulder to see blue eyes smirking at him. Trunks nodded at him before slithering under his boyfriend.

“Trunkkkkssss….” Goten wailed as his sorely neglected cock was surrounded by damp heat as Trunks devoured him.

Piccolo growled with pleasure and moved faster, moaning every time he slid into Saiyan heat. Goten was pressing back against him, burying him to the hilt, then thrusting forward into Trunks eager mouth. Dark spikes were flying as he tossed his head back and forth, making needy little sounds. When Goten came, his ki flared, increasing the pressure on his aching cock, making him scream in pleasure as he released into tightening heat.


Piccolo stared at the two naked grinning demis, trying to get control of his heart. They couldn’t keep their hands off each other, and kept looking at each other, then at him, then back at each other, and he was now positive they were telepathic. And up to something. The question was, would he survive much more sex with these two? Well, it was a hell of a way to die…

“What in the fuck are you two grinning at?” he finally growled, unable to stand it any longer.

“We have…” Trunks began.

“…a problem…” Goten continued.

“…because we both…”

“…want to fuck you…”

Piccolo raised his eyeridges at this.

“…but we couldn’t…”

“…figure out who…”

“…got to be first…”

“…until we came up…”

“…with a solution…”

“…but you are going…”

“…to have to…”

“…wait a minute,” Goten finished as the pair got to their feet, and moved to stand some distance apart.

Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit. They wouldn’t. They couldn’t….


They would. They did. Oh shit. Even the hair around his already erect cock was a mix of black and lavender. He couldn’t tear his eyes away. Power was pouring off the fused Saiyan and the dark eyes were watching him hungrily.

“Piccolo,” Gotenks growled.

He moaned without meaning to. He hadn’t seen Gotenks since the demis were kids. The fusion had a manic, aggressive, possessive gleam to his eyes that even Vegeta hadn’t had. Something about him made Piccolo want to roll over onto his knees and beg to be fucked mindless.

The question flashed through his mind – did they know about Vegeta – how the prince had made him beg?

And then he was beneath the fusion, trapped between muscled thighs, hands pinned above his head. Hungry lips imprisoned him and a demanding tongue fucked his mouth. He raised his head, trying to recapture the heated lips as they escaped but Gotenks was out of reach, leering at him.

He shifted his hips, trying to get some type of contact, some type of friction, but it was in vain. The fusion shook his head and grinned at him.

“Bad Namek. I’ll fuck you when I’m ready,” he said in that strange double voice of his, made deeper by desire.

Piccolo groaned when his wrists and ankles were restrained by ki rings. They knew. They knew exactly what Vegeta had done to him.

Gotenks proceeded to torture him then, kissing and licking his body, commenting and murmuring on his different shades of green, comparing the taste of his harder armor-like pink skin to the rest of him. His aching cock was teased, a heated tongue sliding over it, making him writhe with pleasure, before leaving him wanting. The fusion’s voice managed to purr and growl at the same time, the two sounds harmonizing until he was nearly screaming with need.

“Bastard! Fuck me already!” he begged in frustration. If he took too long – if the fusion ended and he had to wait…

Fingers were slipped into his mouth and he hungrily sucked on them, moaning with anticipation when they were removed and his ankles were released. He couldn’t stop himself from pushing back against the fingers that pressed into him, quickly preparing him.

He wasn’t aware of anything but his need, the whimpering pleading cries he made meant nothing. All he wanted was Saiyan heat inside of him, and if begging was what it took, he would do it willingly.

He gave a groan of satisfaction as Gotenks buried himself in one thrust, wrapping his legs around the fusion, pulling him in as deeply as possible. Gotenks made a growl and began thrusting, urgently and frantically, hitting him perfectly EVERY SINGLE FUCKING TIME. He was hardly aware of the fusion’s ki rising with every stroke until he realized he was screaming in pleasure, coming harder than he ever had in his life, literally being fucked into the ground by a Super Saiyan. Gotenks was molten inside him, his own orgasm making him flicker on the verge of level three.

Piccolo was surprised when he pulled out almost immediately, but understood when there was a flash and two demis were lying side by side. That had been too close – if they had separated while still buried in him… He closed his eyes and groaned at the sudden obscene images that filled his mind. Then he grinned – maybe next time – when he got his voice back…

The ki restraints vanished when Gotenks did, and the three of them lay splayed out on the ground, exhausted. Trunks got his breath first and sat up, pulling Goten up with him.

“Hey, we can’t go home without any clothes,” Goten complained.

“You should have thought of that before you decided to fuck me,” Piccolo said with a grin, easing out of the ditch his body had made. He concentrated a moment and the three of them were dressed in matching purple gis.

“Damn it,” Trunks muttered. “Now I look like Tinky-Winky.”

“All you need is a purse,” Goten laughed. He grabbed Trunks by the wrist and started to drag him skyward. “Hey Piccolo, thanks.”

Piccolo smirked and nodded.

“Same time next week?” Trunks asked. “We could always use more training.”

Oh shit.

The end.

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