Dragonball 3D: Sukuraba is born

Published Sep 21, 2005, 7:08:39 PM UTC | Last updated Sep 21, 2005, 7:14:27 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

About myself: I'm a boy of 15 years old (almost 16). And I live in Holland, I'm good at writing stories because I am good in fantasy, well something about me is that I write only about myself, The name of the character that I am is: Sukuraba, my real name is: Dennis, but I like the name: Sukuraba, so thats something about me! :D

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Chapter 2: Sukuraba is born

After I woke up and did my morning things, I walked down the street and I was getting close to my appointment, I walked to Dirks house because he didn't came this morning so I setted off to his house. I was getting close and heard a *tack* and I truned around and I saw Trunks standing in front of me, and he says: ' Training time! ' With a smile on his face, and I said: ' Yes but first things first, my best friend will come too, and he loves to learn things, but, he was not at my place so I setted off to his house, do you want to fly me to that point? ' ' Well, yes off course, yeah sure, I will! ' 'Ok it will take you a couple of weeks to learn to fly, but if you want to come at my dimension than thats fine too!! There the future is already become, and we have realy great technologies! So, do you want to be trained like I was trained? ' Than I said: ' Well yeah, sure, but than I have to wanr my parents that I'm leaving soon, but they do not believe me off course. And, another thing. Can I return to this world and get back at every time I want? ' ' Yeah for sure, and even if you come back you've trained realy hard and even harder than you ever would. ' ' Can you train even at a gravity at your place?' ' Yes off course, and if it is fine with you, I would check what race you realy are, because I feld your powerlevel from far away, maybe your a saiyan and did your parents never tell you about something like this? ' ' No, they did'nt, I just don't belive that they know something that they won't tell me. Because my dad is working realy hard, and my mother is at home, well is that what you wanted to know? ' ' Only one thing left, did you ever be very angry, and hurted people? Or don't you remember something no one ever telled you? ' ' Well, the second question is the good one, I have several times that I don't remember, and I just wan't to know what that is. Because I thouht that it will be important. ' ' I think there is a great power hidding in your heart. ' 'You think so? ' ' Yes I do! ' At the time that Trunks was talking to me we where already flying, not at highspeed because that will make me affraid, now at this moment he says that I have to get a good name for myself, and that I have to use it at his dimension, I was thinking realy hard, and something like, kabuka or something was good of use, and than I had it! " Sukuraba '' That was a good name, well we where at the place of Dirk, and Trunks warned me of a dangerous energy, and I walked inside the house, full of blood, and bloody parents on the ground, and even the sisters and the only brother was on the ground, but where was Dirk? He was upstairs!! I raced through the homeroom, and walked through the door, and when I was at the first dept, I walked the other stairs to the attic, when I was there, I looked around, I saw Dirk sitting behind hes desk and was shaking, I said: ' Hey Dirk what happend? ' ' Trunks!! He's upstairs at the attic!! ' ' Well, there was a problem between my dad and the men who called thereself's Hanchmen, and I walked upstairs and hidded myself behind my desk, and tried to hide my powerlevel what realy did the trick, than the troopers came upstairs, and before I was upstairs, I heard them saying that my father was the only saiyan left, wich I did'nt know eighter. Than I runned upstairs directly, and I did research about my father, he was not even in the memory of the ministry, and when I heard them comming I hidded behind my desk and relowed my powerlevel, I think my dad was killed already then, because when they leaved. I was going downstairs, and I found them lying dead and blooded and I went upstairs again. ' Dirk was realy upset about what happend, and he fell in silence. ' And than you where realy shaked ? ' Trunks said, when he came upstairs. ' Yes I was, off course, but now, you are going to train us right? Trunks? ' ' Did Dennis tell you the story? ' ' Yes he did, actualy, I did'nt belive him at the first point. But now you are here, I just have to believe you. Eh Dennis? ehehehe, well there is just hanging a good environment here, well I'm realy Impressed that my dad was a saiyan, than my mother was one too I think, and trunks? I have something to know you, I telled this to Dennis before, he has the same things, We are something like paranormal, we can feel things comming, like punches, etc. Now that you know this, its time to train flying lessons. ' ' Yes, the first thing you have to know is that you have to completely believe in yourselfs, so no mather what, just believe that you can do it!! ' ' Yes, sir! ' Said Dennis and Dirk at a time. ' We will believe, that we can fly, because it was my greatest dream ' I said than and Dirk began: ' Well, My dream is to be a hero that can do everything, but if I could do anything, the world is not fun anymore! ' ' Yes, your completely right Dirk ' Trunks said. ' Well, we just believe in everything that came in our path.Is that enough? ' ' Yes indeed, but if you just believe more in it, you will do it better than everyone! ' ' Thanks! ' Dirk says happy. The morning stroke furher, and we learned a few new moves, when we handled the flying technique, we where able to fly higher than trees, but when we wanted to land, we just felt out of the sky, the days of tireness came over and Dirk and I where all tired of our training. After a few days we will continiue says Trunks, well, if we where full of energy again. And after we lunched on my birthday, I becomed 16 and I was happy that day because of the lenght of age that I made. I walked to the window, and looked outside, I had learned to search powerlevels and ki, and I could'nt find Trunks or the other Z-fighters anywhere. I thouht they were passed ack to their dimension, but the next day he came and visit me again. And he was so happy to see him that I hugged him as a friend, He says: ' Hey relaxed dude, your present is here! ' And I walked outside, and I saw a massive building in my garden! It looked like a capsule, and I said: ' A Gravity Room?! ' Of happyness I walked to Trunks and hugged hik again, and said: ' Hey dude, I will never forget you dude, I just can't. ' When Dirk came that evening we trained hard on gavity, and we trained our flying skills, and we managed to make ki balls and beams, there were instructions builded in the machine, how to make things from your energy, ancient but new things too! When we were finished our training, I sitted down on the chair, and asked the computer how to go to the next dimension. The computer says that I haved to go downstairs there was a transporter, and that will take me to the next dimension. I walked downstairs, and looked around, and I saw a massive thing that must be the transporter. I said: ' Ok computer transport me to the next dimension, to the world where the dragonballz world is. ' And the computer says: ' At your service '

And I felt my legs felt in a bowl of cornflakes, and I where standing on the ground of a farmer. And I thought, what name should I use? I think Sukuraba is cool enough. So I went to the city, that the name west city has.

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