My Gentle Strength: Chapter II - Of Finding Joy in Change

Published Jan 4, 2006, 2:59:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 4, 2006, 3:01:34 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

The world of Holst was a wild and untamed land full of dangers from the skies, the land and the seas. The only protection the people had were the ones called Wielders, those few men born with the talent to wield the magic of the land to protect and shelter. .. This is the Story of Wielder Goh and his Beloved Wellspring Obie.... Rated: R

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Chapter 2: Chapter II - Of Finding Joy in Change

“My Gentle Strength”

A Wielder and Wellspring Story

Author: D. Sanders

Chapter II - Of Finding Joy in Change



Father Andorn rubbed his temple, come dawn four Wielders stood in the temple. “Who is the greedy fool who blocked access to the Wellspring?” Pandar demanded and Andorn sighed.


“He had every right to block you from tapping into his Wellspring. You know the law Wielder Pandar. A Male Wellspring is only public property unless he is paired then he has the same rights as any Wellspring and he is the sole property of his bonded Wielder. I am not at liberty to divulge details further. This is a private matter between the Wielder and Wellspring pair and they are still resting after their physical pairing.” Andorn said and Pandar looked livid.


“LIES! I felt the Wielder’s power, he’s a man like the rest of us! He’d not bond to another male!” Pandar growled.


“I beg to differ sir. I am quite happily mated to my Wellspring and tired and your disturbance of the peace in the temple and power of the area has arrested my peaceful repose.” Goh said walking proudly into the room dressed in little more than a sheet.


“Young whelp, how dare you attack your elders!” Pandar hissed and Goh raised an eyebrow.


“How dare you refute my claim on my Wellspring Old Man. How dare you grasp and grab at power with such a heavy hand! I care not to think how often my love suffered under your brutal ineptitude! Were you never taught what it felt like to transfer power and how much it hurts if it is pulled from you by force rather than to be given freely? He was giving and you still grabbed more by force. You are a poor Wielder indeed if you take care not to hurt the Wellsprings who feed you power.” Goh reprimanded and Pandar turned red in the face.


“Insolent Cur! Just who the hell are you to insult me?” Pandar hissed and Goh nonchalantly sat on the edge of a long table and reached into a bowl of peaches and took a bite before answering.


“I have many names. King’s Own, Demonsbane, Wielder Bright Flame, but I prefer my own name. Goh.” Goh said and four pairs of eyes widened.


“You are not Lord Goh!” Pandar hissed and Goh smiled.


“But I am and I suggest you anger me not further Old Man or else I will mete out the King’s Justice on you. The power of the land here is now keyed to my hands since my bonding to the source of the power. Abuse the gifts my Wellspring bestows on the land and I will seal your powers Old Man. Reach for him again and I shall not hesitate to kill you outright. Is that clear?” Goh said standing and grabbing a second peach from the bowl and turning back to the stairs.


“Excuse me. My Beloved is waking and he will feel distraught if I am not there with him. Good Day Gentlemen.” Goh said turning and heading up the stairs again.


“That is not Lord Goh!” Pandar spat and Andorn shook his head.


“He is very much who he claims to be Wielder Pandar. Nephew to the King, Lord of Pernath Province, Wielder of the Highest Order and indeed now the sole owner of the Wellspring under this temple’s protection. I have seen myself the power that man is capable of without being bonded. I can without a doubt state now that he is paired with a Wellspring he is perhaps the most powerful Wielder I have ever seen.” Andorn said and Pandar snorted.


“Wielder Pandar, you should be overjoyed. You can now claim your son! Are you not joyful he will now live a longer life and have freedom from the temple now that he is paired? And such a remarkable pairing indeed, Lord Goh himself!” The youngest of the Wielder’s asked and Pandar turned angry eyes at him.


“I have no son!” Pandar growled and stormed out.


“Leave it Wielder Jujain. Pandar is a foul tempered beast and having a son born a wellspring has always shamed him. It is why the lad suffered so much and why the mother is no longer with us. Pandar is brutal handed when angry and he never forgave his wellspring for giving birth to a male without Wielder powers and he never forgave the son for being born a Wellspring. He was their only child and Pandar turned quite violent after his birth. Poor Obetta was drained of power by her own mate’s hands and Pandar would drain his son given the chance. Goh will more than likely have to live up to his threat and dispense justice. I pray he does actually. Pandar is mad.” Wielder Rendrick said with a sigh. He’d lived in Garth the longest and had seen Pandar spiral out of control following the birth of his only son and male Wellspring.


Goh wasn’t the only Wielder who detested the Law where male wellsprings were concerned. It destroyed Obetta to have her only child, one she’d wanted for years and almost killed herself to bear be ripped from her arms by her own mate and thrust into the temple. She became a shell of her former bright self and she suffered as much abuse from her Wielder after Obie’s birth as Obie had after her Death. Pandar had destroyed his own mate and was destroying his son. Goh was a blessing to Garth and Rendrick prayed he stayed long enough to punish Pandar as he should be. Knowing the rumors of the Fair handed Lord Goh, Rendrick assumed from reputation Goh would not leave their village until it was purified of hatred and justice was served. The Title of King’s Own was only bestowed on the most truthful, powerful and lawful of Wielder’s. Lord Goh was the only Wielder in history ever to receive the title so young and unpaired. His name was known the world over as peacekeeper and guardian of the people.


Knowing Obie was now safe and under Goh’s protection brought relief to everyone save Pandar.


“Wielder Rendrick is Right Wielder Jujain. We must leave these matters to our Lord Goh to handle. He not only outranks us, it is his wellspring at the heart of matters here. Fair the Day father Andorn and please pass on our congratulations over the bonding.” Wielder Furain said turning on his heals and heading out of the temple followed by his peers.


Andorn smiled, he knew those three were fine men and it was only Pandar Obie needed to fear. His own father was the cause of all his pain and Andorn thanked the gods again for bringing him across Goh’s path and allowing him to guide Goh to Obie. He had heard them mate the night before and it did his old heart good to know that Obie at last had someone to love him as he deserved. Someone who would touch Obie’s heart as well as his body. Goh was a miracle and Andorn prayed they would live a long life together and enjoy the love that had come into being the night before.




Obie was awake and was resting his chin on his knees sadly when Goh returned to the room. “My father was here.” He said quietly as Goh crossed the room and sat beside him running concerned fingers through long blond hair.


“Your father? Which one dearest?” Goh asked softly wrapping around Obie and tucking his head under his chin.


“Wielder Pandar is my sire. I am his shame.” Obie sighed and Goh frowned.


“Now his animosity makes much sense. Tell me more Obie please.” Goh said handing the peach to Obie who just rolled it in his hands as he talked.


“I only know what Andorn has told me and what I felt from within these walls. I could not even tell you what my father looks like, only what he feels like on my senses. Andorn tells me my mother did not want to cast me into the temple and that she loved me much. I like to believe that, it made life here easier to bear. Andorn named me after her and from what I felt of her while she was still living I believe she did love me. During battles I can also feel other Wellsprings in the area, even before I came into my full growth. My Mother was very gentle and very warm on my senses when I felt her giving power to my father. Whenever her power touched mine I felt her phantom kiss. I love my mother very much and I wish everyday I had been able to save her. I felt my father kill her.”


“What?” Goh gasped and Obie only nodded.


“My father is cruel Goh. He was angry with my mother for giving birth to an abomination and he used her ill for many years. I tried to feed her more power when I felt him ripping it out of her but he blocked me then. He used her until she was drained beyond healing. She died seven years ago during a spore tempest. He blasted her well wide open and the power consumed her and then he tried to do it to me and thankfully I survived but it took many weeks of care for Andorn to heal me. Since then I have been very powerful, my channels to the land are wide open and it is why I leak so much residual energy into node pools. I cannot contain it all, I have no containers within me anymore. My father destroyed them all and I am an open conduit to all power now.”


“That explains why I began feeling you within miles of here and why the land is so rich in power deposits, you continually feed power into them. You are a beacon of strength to Wielders. You must get horrible headaches dearest.”


“Occasionally, but if I purge the power into nodes I can alleviate the worst of aches. My heart aches more or it did until you came my Goh. I feel safe from him for the first time in my life. Having all this power within me and no means to wield it makes me feel very vulnerable. My Father exploited that for years and every battle I’d be left feeling charred to ashes. He has ever sought to punish me for being born a wellspring. He was very angry at you last night for blocking him from using me.” Obie said playing with the fuzz on his peach skin absently and Goh wrapped his larger hand around Obie’s and the fruit and smiled.


“He will never use you again beloved. No Wielder will ever use you directly. Even I don’t foresee even myself having to use you directly. You emit enough power indirectly to sustain ten wielders. Being near you is like sitting directly in sunshine you make my skin tingle just being in the same room and when I touch you like this I am charged and full and so very warm. It could be sub-zero in this room and I would never freeze or feel cold beside you beloved. If normal men could feel what Wielder’s feel there would never be cold in this world with you in it to light and warm the darkness.” Goh said kissing Obie’s temple.


“You make my heart ache Goh.” Obie sighed and Goh smiled.


“As you do mine beloved. I ache with need to protect you and give you comfort and return to you the warmth of soul you give me. And I shall start sunshine by telling you to stop fiddling with your breakfast and eat it.” Goh said lifting Obie’s hand that held the peach. Obie chuckled.


“Aye.” Obey said and obeyed and ate the fruit while Goh stood to dress and then opened Obie’s trunk at the foot of his cot.


“Rags they give you. Shameful indeed.” Goh muttered pulling out the least threadbare of garments. “Dress and then we are going out sunshine. I am getting you decent clothes and we must find temporarily lodgings. I wish not to spend another night on the floor with you and somehow it just feels wrong to be carnally active in a temple.” Goh grinned and Obie sputtered.


“Leave the temple?” Obie asked and Goh nodded.


“Aye sunshine. You are free and are my husband. My home is in Pernath and I am on a Journey to dispense the King’s Justice currently. Call it a tour of duty I guess. I am going village to village and sorting out injustices for my Uncle in addition to my Wielding duties to the Gods. I am a King’s Own Wielder and thankfully also nephew to our King which helps.”


“You’re nobility?” Obie asked and Goh laughed.


“Aye dearest. As are you now being bonded to me. You’ve gained more than a husband and Wielder dearest, you’ve sadly also gained a title. It can be troublesome but also a boon when needed to make things right again. I am Lord Goh, my Father is Duke Grantham of Pernath Province. My Uncle is King Gerdar. All of us Wielders and all of us hate the Male Wellspring laws and my Uncle wants evidence and proof so he can rewrite the laws. We all were heartbroken my brother Gandes had to live in the temple alone. We all tried to protect him and all failed. I will not fail with you and my love you are all the proof we need. The people will demand change when they see you love. However, one thing at a time. First we need to get you proper clothes, and a roof over our heads for the time being. Then I sort out the foul business brewing here and from here you and I will have a grand adventure I suspect. Ready to spread your wings and fly sunshine?” Goh asked and Obie smiled and dressed.


“With you as my wings Goh, I fear not falling only going too high and getting burned by the sun.”


“You are the sun dearest. Come then, let me spoil you today first. Our first bonding day should be filled with joy and not overshadowed by trifles and sorrows.” Goh said taking Obie’s hand tightly in his and leading Obie out of the temple gates for the first time in his life.


The square in front of the temple ground to a halt as people watched in awe as a Handsome young Wielder led a timid and beautiful Wellspring out of the temple.


Everyone knew there was a male wellspring living in the temple but no one had ever seen him. There were gasps and hushed mutterings and Obie shrank into Goh.


“Stand proud love.” Goh said as Wielder Rendrick came over with his Wellspring Fandie and they both bowed.


“Welcome to Garth Lord Goh. I am Rendrick and I beg forgiveness for Pandar. My Mate Fandie and I wish to offer our sincere congratulations on the bonding.” Rendrick said and Fandie smiled.


“Goodness me, you look like your mother you do. Obetta’s beauty was not lost in her only son. It does my heart joy to see her face again on you child and even greater joy to know her wish to see you paired and free has come to fruition. None of us wished you chained to such a cruel fate. Your mother loved you so very much.” Fandie said and Obie reached up to touch his face.


“I look like my mother?” He asked and Fandie smiled.


“Oh aye. You even have her beauty spot.” Fandie grinned and winked and Obie blushed but smiled. His heart soared knowing he looked like his beloved mother. Obie smiled and felt tears stinging his eyes again and Goh wrapped an arm around his shoulders and squeezed.


“My Obie is very beautiful, his mother must have been a vision truly. Pray can you show me where I might find a tailor in this market. I wish to spoil my Wellspring today on our first bonding day.” Goh said and Rendrick smiled and nodded.


“We would be honored to be your guides today Lord Goh. I know just the place follow me sir.” Rendrick said leading Goh and Obie through the marketplace. Fandie attached to Obie’s arm like a dear auntie bursting with joy and pointing out fanciful places Obie had only ever glimpsed out the temple windows.


“What smells so good?” Goh asked sniffing the air.


“I don’t know but it is making me drool.” Obie replied also smelling the air.


“It’s the baker’s booth. We had breakfast there this morning, he’s making cinnamon cakes. So very tasty.” Fandie said and Goh paused.


“Then lead there first please. My pallet is screaming for a taste and I am sure my Obie will delight in the treat. We had a meager breakfast and I am hungry as a were-beast at the moment.” Goh said changing direction with a purpose and practically dragging Obie along in his wake.


Obie eyed the baker’s stall with unfettered wonder at the confections on display. He’d never eaten anything sweet beyond fruit in his life and everything looked and smelled heavenly to his virgin senses.


“See anything you want sunshine?” Goh asked and Obie smiled.


“Everything looks sinful. I know not what any of it tastes like. Choose for me?” Obie asked and Goh smiled and nodded and ordered two of the cinnamon cakes that had drawn them to the booth in the first place.


Goh watched Obie’s face contort in almost orgasmic bliss as he savored every morsel of his small cake. Simple joys found in simple pleasures. Fandie was almost in tears beside Rendrick as they watched Obie much as Goh was, seeing him come alive with wonder over a simple cake. Hearts broke with pity knowing he’d been denied so long but also soared with joy knowing Obie would never be without again under Goh’s love and care.


“I’d ask if you liked it, but I can plainly see you did dearest.” Goh chuckled wiping crumbs off his own hands.


“Oh Aye! If you ever wish to make me feel spoiled my Goh. Give me that cake again. My word it was wonderful indeed.” Obie almost sang throwing his arms around Goh’s middle and squeezing in a joyful embrace.


Goh chuckled. “My sunshine is easy to please and it is still morning. We have more to see and do dearest. Let’s first find a place to stay. Much easier to tote back shopping to a location than dragging it around with us trying to find a room.” Goh said and Rendrick smiled.


“Have no fear on that matter Lord Goh. Fandie’s Cousin owns the local boarding house and there is an apartment vacant that I’m sure can be all yours to use during your stay my Lord.” Rendrick said and Goh smiled.


“My Thanks indeed. So now that the lodgings are sorted, let’s get my fine mate clothes that do not show daylight through them.” Goh said as the group once again set off through the marketplace.


Obie felt lighter than air as he walked the market square toward the clothier stalls and booths. He was blissfully unaware of anything other than his immediate surroundings full of dazzling cloth patterns and the chattering of Fandie as she held up color swatches to his face and Goh and Rendrick laughing over mundane conversation. He never noticed the stares and gawking faces or the hushed whispers being wrapped up in the attentions of Goh and Fandie.


His attention didn’t return to the present until a harsh silence fell over the square and Goh’s demeanor changed and Obie felt power wrap around him in a protective shell and Goh loomed in front of him, blocking him from the street. Rendrick joining Goh at his side and Fandie’s arm linked through Obie’s her own wellspring of power alive with activity too and feeding it to her mate.


“Don’t you worry honey. Your Wielder won’t let him hurt you any more dear.” Fandie whispered as Obie peered passed Goh’s shoulder to see who was standing there.


“He should not be out here! The abomination belongs in the temple!” Pandar hissed and Goh fairly crackled with anger.


“Silence your tongue or I will silence it for you! My Wellspring has every freedom and right to be here as you do. I will hear no more filth from you sir. I told you this morning not to anger me. I will not give another warning. Your time is already short sir, the accusations against you far outweigh any perceived abnormality in my mate. From more than once source I hear you intentionally killed your own Wellspring and sought to kill mine. Those are weighty charges sir and if my investigations prove sound, your life is forfeit to the crown. I suggest you leave my presence for the time being or justice shall be served here and now.” Goh said and Pandar laughed.


“Obetta was weak and spineless and died a pitiful excuse for a wellspring. It was that THING that brought her down not I! Defective as woman, could never carry a babe to term and when she did, it was that unholy creature! He consumed her soul like a beast, made her weak in bearing and shamed us all. It is my right to punish my wellspring for being a disobedient woman!”




“Silence Beast!”


“Nay I will not! The day you killed my mother you almost killed me. You were LAUGHING I heard you! You enjoyed it, you hated her as you hated me! She loved you, she loved me and you tortured her! Say all you wish against me, but do not ever accuse my mother of being anything but a saint of a woman! I won’t stand for it! You never deserved her!” Obie was weeping and facing his father and bracing for a blow. He felt Goh take his hand and squeeze, a silent support.


“HOLD YOUR TONGUE BOY!” Pandar growled glowing white hot with rage.


“NO! No more! I will not be silent anymore! I am no longer cast aside to be used and hurt. I am free and I belong only to Goh. I will speak and be heard! I accuse you of the murder of Obetta and the attempted murder of myself. I was witness to you blasting her well conduits open and making her bleed to death in soul with the rush of power that consumed her! I tried to heal her and you forced me away and ripped open my well too! It took weeks for the Monks and Father Andorn to heal me and when I did heal I was left a wide open wellspring! You only succeeded in making me more powerful, which you knew and used and abused for years!”


“SILENCE ANIMAL!” Pandar’s hand drew back and Fandie shrieked. It was Rendrick who threw the first blast that sent Pandar falling backward into a stall.


“TOUCH MY WELLSPRING AGAIN PANDAR AND I WILL KILL YOU!” Rendrick was furious and Obie was clinging to Fandie where she had crumpled in shock and feeding her his power.


“ENOUGH!” Goh shouted and he stalked over and grabbed Pandar by the front of his tunic. “You are under arrest for the crime of stealing another Wielder’s wellspring power by force. Witnessed by I, Lord Goh, King’s Own. You are also under arrest for the accusation of Murder of Wellspring Obetta and the  attempted murder of Wellspring Obie. I have sealed you in a Wielding containment barrier, if you attempt to manipulate power you will feel excruciating pain. Someone get me the local constable!” Goh shouted and Jujain showed up looking wide eyed.


“Lord Goh. How may I be of service?” Jujain asked bowing.


“Lock him up until I decide what to do with him Constable Wielder. His crimes need due consideration.” Goh said looking stern and every inch a noble lord as he thrust Pandar into Jujain’s hands.


Pandar was shouting obscenities as Jujain physically dragged him toward his small jail.


“Fandie are you alright?” Goh asked and she nodded.


“Aye. Just more shocked than anything. It was like he reached in and grabbed my heart and squeezed. My Dear Obie, you put up with that for far too long dear.” She said as Rendrick held her close still looking furious and concerned.


“Aye. He always hurts when he takes. I am glad he just touched you a moment, the longer he hold the worse it feels.” Obie said taking her hand and kissing the back of it. Fandie couldn’t help but smile at gentle Obie.


“You’re deceptively delicate Obie. You may be as fey as your mother, but you have the spirit of a were-beast in you to stand up and face him like that. You are a formidable wellspring Obie. I’ve felt you for years, touching you I am in awe of your strength. You protected Fandie by feeding her your excess. I’ve never known a Wellspring able to do that.” Rendrick said taking Obie’s hand in his in gratitude.


“You make me most proud to be your mate and Wielder beloved.” Goh said squatting beside the trio on the ground.


“I have learned that my Father cannot distinguish power from power. I often replaced my mother when she was growing too weak and he never noticed. I replaced what he tried taking from Fandie is all. Many times he tried robbing the others of power. I have protected Fandie many times before, I do it without thinking anymore.” Obie said simply and Three eyes looked at him in shock.


“What?” Rendrick was livid and Obie just nodded.


“Aye. During battles my Father often went after the nearest source. Fandie is the strongest of the women here and in battles where you and my Father were side by side he’d try to take from Fandie through you.”


“I bloody knew it! And could never prove it! That son of a were-beast I’ll kill him!” Rendrick spat and Obie reached out and took his hand.


“I never let him have her or the others. I was the strongest Wellspring, I just sent power into a node under you and my Father would always react to the strongest source, once he tasted my power he’d remember it was me he hated and used me instead. I would not let him do to another what he did to my mother.” Obie said and Rendrick reached out and hugged him tightly.


“How I wish you were my son! Thank you Obie, from the bottom of my heart thank you!” Rendrick said and Goh looked ready to burst with pride.


Fandie was in tears and replaced her husband as she crushed Obie against her chest. “I don’t care if you are not from my body. I don’t care if our blood is not the same. In my heart you will ever be my son Obie. I will love you as Obetta always wanted you to be loved and I will not take no for an answer you precious boy!” Fandie said weeping and kissing his fair cheeks.


The crowd in the market began clapping and cheering and Obie looked up stunned. Everyone was crying and smiling and looking at him not as a freak or a monster but finally as a man. He turned to see Goh’s tender smile.


“Beloved, you are a treasure. I am the luckiest Wielder alive to have such a gift given to me as my Wellspring. You humble me and make me most proud.” Goh said tenderly leaning forward to kiss Obie which only made the crowd cheer louder.


Obie was chuckling through tears at the ruckus and Goh let Obie use his sleeve to wipe his tears.


“I feel ten feet tall.” Obie laughed and Goh grinned.


“At least you feel it, my short one.” Goh teased mussing Obie’s hair.


“You are just overly tall.” Obie teased right back and Goh wrinkled his nose.


“What a comical sight we make then. Too short and too Tall. Come love, I want you out of rags and enough sorrow for one mid-day. He can do no more harm to anyone currently and he can wait until I’m in a better disposition to deal with him.” Goh said offering everyone a hand up off the ground.


Suddenly clothing vendors were calling and squawking trying to get Lord Goh’s attention. Each wanting to be the one to dress Obie in finery.


Fandie laughed hooking her arm through Obie’s again as before. “Green Goh! You must buy him something green to match his eyes. He will look so handsome in that color.” Fandie said and Goh grinned.


“Shall I let you shop for him Fandie? I am rather hopeless when it comes to fashion. My mother still dresses me actually.” Goh chuckled and Fandie laughed.


“Men! You’d all walk around looking like something the cat puked on if we let you! Aye. Let mother’s do the shopping!” Fandie grinned leading the way with Obie firmly in her grip. Rendrick and Goh following in her wake.


“He’s utterly amazing Goh. I’m getting power buzz high just being near him, as his bonded you must be positively drunk on power. He’s like standing in the fire he’s white hot.”


“He is rich on the senses Aye. I am most fortunate and grateful I am such a strong Wielder. We are matched well. Any one with lesser talents could not bond to him, he’d roast them alive with power. He is like tapping directly into the sun.”


“I have no doubt of that Goh. Mind you don’t get singed.” Rendrick grinned and Goh laughed.


“My good man, I hope very much to be singed. He’s perfect.” Goh winked and Rendrick laughed.


“If it’s not too personal, I’ve always been Curious how non-breeders went about meshing power. Fandie and I always end up with another babe to feed after.” Rendrick laughed and Goh chuckled.


“Just the same as you Rendrick. Sans the babe making consequences afterward naturally.” Goh said and Rendrick looked confused.


“But how? I mean HOW do two men mate together?”


“Really man, you’re well old enough to be my father, it should be obvious how. He’s got only one place I can mate him that way.”


“Oh… OH! Oh dear, doesn’t that hurt him?” Rendrick shivered as the coin dropped and his eyes widened.


“Obie wasn’t complaining last night. No, it’s quite nice actually. Ask your Fandie sometime. She’s equipped that way too you realize.” Goh winked and Rendrick shook his head.


“By the Gods, Nay! She’d skin me alive I think. I’ve learned more than I wanted to know now, I’m sorry I asked.” Rendrick said and Goh chuckled. Breeders, especially provincially sequestered breeders without many non-breeders nearby always had a difficult time wrapping their minds around sex that did not involve a man and a woman. It gave Goh a sick thrill and amused him to see Rendrick ponder his new knowledge while they watched Fandie hold shirts up under Obie’s chin.


Goh’s purse was decidedly lighter and he felt good spending a small fortune on his now even handsomer Wellspring. Fandie was correct, green brought out all of Obie’s best features. The jade green vest over a cream colored shirt and matching jade trousers and soft dark brown boots made Goh hot under the collar.


Obie’s hair had been tied back with a jade green ribbon exposing his slender swan like neck and his cheeks were rosy from the sun. He was sinfully beautiful and making Goh anxious to be lost in a feather mattress with him.


They were sitting at an outdoor café, eating a wonderful lunch of a summer green salad in berry dressing, cucumber and cheese sandwiches, and cream tea to drink when Obie noticed Goh wasn’t eating and just staring at him.


“Goh love, are you not hungry?” Obie asked innocently and Goh grinned.


“Hungry? Aye. For Sandwiches, nay. You beloved are looking most edible.” Goh said and Obie blushed but smiled.


“Just eat you silly man. I am not going anywhere.” Obie replied tossing his napkin at Goh. Fandie chuckled, their new love and Goh’s obvious attraction to his wellspring and Obie’s natural shyness but equal attraction to his Wielder was amusing to watch. It reminded her of how Rendrick was when they were younger. She had been barely fifteen when the handsome seventeen year old had come to her village. Come dawn she was his Wellspring-Wife and already plowed with their first child by the time he was finished mating her.


Rendrick had always been a passionate lover, she was blessed as his Wellspring. He always provided for her and their children and he always loved them with evident affection. They had seven daughters, all of them grown and mated to Wielder’s. Their youngest Rendra had become Jujain’s Wellspring-Wife two summers earlier.


Rendrick and Fandie also had two sons but sadly neither of them still living. Both had been Wielders and both sadly lost in battles far away from home. News hadn’t reached them of the deaths until months later.


It was a joy that Jujain chose to stay in the village of Garth after he had come, a fresh faced boy of eighteen. He vowed not to take their last child away from Rendrick and Fandie like the other Wielder’s had done with their other daughters.


He was like a son to them both and knowing they’d get to see their grandchildren grow up was a joy. Rendra was pregnant with her and Jujain’s first child and the whole family was eagerly awaiting the arrival which would be soon, Rendra was due any day and Jujain looked a nervous wreck with anticipation.


Fandie and Rendrick lead Goh and Obie to the boarding house and bid them good afternoon after they were established in their apartments. Obie was fascinated by the bathing room and large featherbed. Neither of which he’d ever seen let alone used.


“Care to play with me Obie dearest?” Goh grinned as he shed his shirt and Obie cocked an eyebrow.




Goh laughed. “Ah mercy my Obie you are so delightfully naïve! Bed-sport my lovely. Or is one night of me loving you enough to put you off for life?”


“Oh! OH!” Obie grinned and walked over to wrap his arms around Goh’s neck. “I am sorry. Aye, I ever want to ‘play’ with you. Last night will never be enough dear Goh. I have been wanting to ‘play’ with you most of today if truth be told. You are most handsome.” Obie replied as Goh’s hands began undoing his vest buttons.


“Really now. Has my little virgin developed an appetite already?”


“Oh Aye and no longer a virgin dearest. You already saw to that.” Obie chuckled dancing away from Goh, his shirt half unbuttoned and slipping off his shoulder. Goh groaned, Obie was gorgeous and tempting him on purpose as he slowly unbuttoned his own shirt.


“You are testing my patience beloved. Do not tease me I’ll devour you.” Goh said undoing his breeches and letting them drop to the floor. Obie smiled almost feline feral.


“I am hoping so. You put this fire in my belly only you can put it out again love.” Obie replied letting his own garments fall to the floor making Goh shiver with the sight of him standing there naked and erect.


“By the gods you are breathtaking! Nothing so perfect is real, yet here you are.” Goh said waking over to pull the ribbon free and letting Obie’s hair cascade over his shoulders.


“I could say the same my Goh. Your eyes are like stormy skies and I could lose myself in them if you let me.”


“Then I shall always dearest.” Goh said picking up Obie and laying him in their bed. They loved each other most of the afternoon and only paused while Goh pulled on a robe to collect them food for supper. They ate in their room and loved again until sleep came once more and they held each other entwined in soft sheets and blankets in an even softer feather mattress.


Their little apartment was full of love and comfort as they slept peacefully in each other’s arms.




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