want: the storm

Published Jan 29, 2006, 3:40:14 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 29, 2006, 3:52:11 AM | Total Chapters 7

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goten finally confeeses his love to trunks

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Chapter 5: the storm

The next morning I got up before Trunks and watched him sleep. He looked so peaceful and innocent (which he was). I decided that since I was up I should fix breakfast, on my way to the kitchen I ran into Vegeta. He shot me a look of utter disgust, I tried to avoid his glare but he grabbed me and pulled me into his gravity training room.

            â€śWhat do you two think you’re doing?” he asked angrily.
            I pretended like I didn’t know what he was talking about. “Umm, what do you mean Vegeta?” I asked sheepishly. I looked down at his face to see if he bought the innocent act, he didn’t.
            â€śYou know exactly what I’m talking about baka!” he shouted. “You and Trunks are fucking each other, I can smell it all over you, and it’s sickening!”
            â€śWhy?” I demanded. “Because you and father are too afraid to do what we’ve done?”
            He shot me an angry look, I realized instantly I shouldn’t have said that. He pushed me against the wall hard and asked, “What?!”
            â€śYou. . .You heard me!” I shouted, trying to sound brave, even though I was scared. I pushed him off of me. “You can’t intimidate me Vegeta!” I shouted again. “I know how you and dad stare at each other, and I know that more goes on between you two than your occasional sparring match.”
            Vegeta’s face had become blood-red, he drew back his fist to punch me. I braced myself for the hit, but it never came. I opened my eyes, and there was Trunks struggling to hold his father’s fist from my face. Luckily, Vegeta decided to call his attack off, he’s much stronger than me or Trunks, so if he really wanted to, he could have easily hurt me.
            Vegeta left the room, but not before saying, “Just make sure that next time you do it, that it’s somewhere not around me.” I saw a slight smile on his face as he left the room, it made me wonder why he started the confrontation in the first place.
            I looked at Trunks, he was just as puzzled as me. We decided to eat out for breakfast and avoid any more run ins with Vegeta. We flew to an open cafeteria, we payed and stacked our plates with everything on the buffet line. We made up for missing dinner last night. People were staring, but we didn’t care. We sat down and started gorging, I looked up and Trunks had syrup and powdered sugar all over him from the waffles. It gave me ideas, but I had to remain focused. We couldn’t do it everyday, or else the lust would go out of the relationship way to quickly. After we finished eating we decided toout out to my house to get me some clothes. Dad was at home, apparently getting ready to go somewhere (judging by his outfit).
            â€śHey dad, whyou you going?” I asked.
            â€śSparring with Vegeta.” he said rather quickly.
            â€śWith that outfit?” I asked slyly.
            â€śUmmm...” said Goku. He was wearing a suit! Goku was wearing a suit! Trunks and I both looked at him with grins. “Oh, okay!” shouted Goku. “Vegeta and I are going out, you two don’t mind do you?” Goku sniffed the air and said with a grin, “Well, I guess you don’t.” Goku left the room laughing. Was sex really that noticeable as a smell (maybe it was only with us sayains)?
             I left Trunks in the kitchen and went into my room and got some clothes, I packed some for the rest of the week (since I would be staying with him for about that long). I put on one of my best outfits, a black Chinese suit that had black Chinese symbols over its body. I was wearing a thin white t-shirt under it. I topped it off with a new pair of black Chinese slippers. I made sure the suit’s jacket was unbuttoned so Trunks could see my chest. I walked back into the kitchen, Trunks was eating a sandwich, but he dropped it when he saw me, he was practically drooling.
            â€śEh-hem!” I said. Trunks woke out of hize. ze. “You ready?” I asked.
     &;      â€śUmmm yeah, sure.” he replied, still shaking off his gaze. We both flew out of the house and to the mall as fast as we could. When we got there, we walked in together, hand-in-hand. We noticed that a lot of people were staring, but we didn’t care. We walked into a cafĂ© together and went up to the counter.
            â€śWe’ll take two cappuccinos, please.” said Trunks.
            The clerk looked at us holding hands. “Sorry, but we don’t service faggots.” he said coldly.
            â€śI’ve got my friend here to service me.” said Trunks in a passive voice. I shot him a glare. “I just want you to get me some coffee, like your supposed too.” He glared at the clerk as if he was going to punch him.
            â€śAlright!” said the clerk cooly. “Give me a sec.” He got two cups and filled them with cappuccinos, then he turned his back to us for a second. He turned around and gave us our coffee. “Here you go.” He shoved the coffee into our hands and we almost spilled it.
            I put the cup up to my mouth to sip the cappuccino, but Trunks stopped me. “Don’t drink it.” he said. I was going to ask why, but I got my answer soon enough. Trunks grabbed the clerk, pulled him over the counter and said, “You bastard! You spit in our coffee!” Trunks lifted him up and pushed him against a wall. 
            â€śHow did you know I spit in your coffee?” he asked while struggling to get free of Trunks’ grip.
            â€śI didn’t, but thanks for confirming my suspicions.” said Trunks with a grin. He pulled back his fist and got ready to floor the clerk.
            â€śNo Trunks!” I shouted. “If you hit him hard enough then you’ll kill him, you know better!” My pleading wasn’t stopping him. “Trunks, please!!!” I begged. He stopped himself, but he still slammed the clerk against the wall for good measure.
            He sighed and said, “Let’s go Goten!” He led me out by my hand into the main shopping center. I wanted to try going to other shops, but Trunks didn’t. I understood why, we would get the same response wherever we went. So we just decided to leave. We went into the woods behind my house. I went over to Trunks and I couldn’t believe what I was seeing, Trunks was crying!
            â€śWhat’s the matter Trunks-kun?” I asked. I put my hand on his shoulder.
            He looked up at me with tears running down his face and asked, “Why?” It was a question I didn’t think I had an answer for.
            â€śThere’s no real answer Trunks.” I said. “Some, well most people don’t accept our way. Simply because they don’t believe that its natural. Which it isn’t.” He looked up at me again still looking for an answer. “They are just scared of change.” I said.
            â€śBut they act like we have some sort of disease, like we want to hurt them or something. It doesn’t make sense. How can someone be so ignorant and cold, why can’t they understand what we have?” he asked.
            â€śI don’t know Trunks, and I’m sorry I can’t answer everything, but what everyone thinks is irrelevant.” I said cooly. He looked up at me with a puzzled look. I took him in my arms and lifted him up and said, “The only thing that does matter, is what you and I think. That’s all that we have to consider, no one can stop our feeling the way we do for each other but us.” Trunks looked up at me again, but this time with a smile that let me know that his confidence had been reassured. I grabbed him and kissed him, then I pulled away and said, “Our love for each other is just like any other. It will have its trials and tribulations. We will suffer consequences, positive and negative ones, for having each other, that’s how this world is, but as long as we do have each other we’ll be able to make it.”  
            Trunks looked at me tenderly and said, “Oh Goten! If it weren’t for you I couldn’t make it through this, thank you, I love you so much!” he said with tears still in his eyes. He bent his head down to mine and kissed my forehead, I felt his lavender hair against my face, it was cool and soft. I inhaled Trunks’ scent. I loved him just as much, more even than he did me. We loved each other and as long as we had that then the negative consequences of our relationship had no meaning, no effect on us in any way. When we held one another like this we were invulnerable to anything but our love. We would always be this way. I looked up at the sky again and saw that the cluster of stars from two nights ago had come to be one heart instead of two intertwined. This was a sign, an omen that Trunks and I were meant to be together for the rest of our lives, and I would take full advantage of this omen. For no matter how hard it gets, how cold the world might become, how many obstacles we have to overcome, Trunks and I will always be together. Our love will be, no! Our love is eternal.

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