two because one ,one become 2?: part 2

Published Jan 29, 2006, 4:10:45 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 29, 2006, 4:13:58 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

A training session suddenly takes a turn for the worst and Gogeta ends up impregnating Gotenks. But then he splits back into Trunks and Goten. Now what's happening?

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Chapter 2: part 2

Only half of him really paid attention to the soft glow surrounding the bodies of Goten and Trunks as Dende used his healing powers to seal the wounds that the two boys had received. But the physical wounds disappearing would only be a small constellation compared to the mental damage that both boys might receive after what had happened.

Goku himself was still in shock. Inside he knew that he himself wasn't to blame, he had suddenly found himself helpless and unable to stop Vegeta as he took over the fusion. But still, it had still been him who had done it. He was as much of Gogeta as Vegeta was, he had raped his own son!

The bile in his stomach had risen but seemed to be lodged in his throat and burning tears stung the backs of his eyes as they too refused to fall. His hands were still shaking slightly along with his legs so he had sat down to wait for the boys' recovery. His mind was so fogged with confusion, fear, worry and probably a whole mixture of other things that it was a wonder that he had even made it to the Lookout at all.

In fact, if it hadn't been for his Instant Translocation technique then Goku doubted that he would have been able to fly all the way there. It had been hard enough to concentrate long enough for a quick teleportation.

"There you go, good as new," Goku lifted his head slightly as Dende spoke. "That must have been a really intense training session Goku, they'll both still be unconscious for a little bit but they'll be fine. What were you doing anyway?"

"What? Oh, nothing really," Goku's voice trailed off as he lied. "Like you said, it was just an intense training session."

The Saiyan slowly stood up on slightly shaking legs and went to pick up the two unconscious teenagers. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Piccolo in meditation on the edge of the Lookout. Or it would have been meditation if one eye wasn't open and staring right at him coldly, trying to look past the lie that he had just told and seek out the truth. Did Piccolo know what had really happened? Or did he suspect something?

Swallowing hard, Goku looked away and stood with the two younger warriors. "Well, thanks for the help Dende. I'll drop in to say hi sometime ok."

Without waiting for a reply, Goku raised two fingers to his forehead and disappeared.

The room had been lifeless until there was a flicker and Goku appeared in the middle of Trunks' bedroom a second after he had left the Lookout. Shifting Goten slightly, he set the older demi-Saiyan down onto his bed before pulling off his shoes and drawing the covers over him slightly.

"I'm so sorry Trunks," he whispered, stroking some strands of the purple hair out of his face. "I just - I don't know. Please forgive me. And try not to hate your father. There has to be a reason, I'll find out."

Biting his bottom lip hard to stop the tears that were forming again from falling, Goku left Capsule Corporation for his own home to see to his youngest son.

He appeared again in Goten's room and did the same thing as before, removing his shoes, placing him down onto the bed and drawing the covers over him.

The warrior knelt down beside the bed and stayed there just stroking the black hair and watching the still face for any signs of him coming round. The sun set and night started to draw in but still there was nothing, the only signs of life in Goten was the steady rising and falling of his chest.

Goku stayed with him as the stars started to form in the night air outside, his mind still racing with the memories of what had happened. He had tried to stop Vegeta, he had done everything that he could to save his child but nothing had been of any use. There had been something different about Vegeta, something that made him afraid. There had been some sort of madness around the prince then, a sort of endless dark rage that couldn't be controlled.

But he couldn't figure out what it had been. Whatever it was had driven Vegeta into something like temporary insanity and had resulted in - in - this.

The tears that had been held back all day were finally unleashed as Goku broke down and buried his head into the pillow beside Goten's head, sobbing violently as the thought of how he had violated his own son circled his mind again and again, refusing to go away and leave him alone.

"D - dad?" Goku looked up, unable to care about his wet eyes or the trails of tears that were painted down his cheeks. Blinking until his vision was clear, he could see that Goten had woken up and was now staring at him with wide, yet confused, eyes. "What - what happened?"

He could see Goten's body start to shake as the memory of how the training session had gone horribly wrong pushed its way back into his mind and he too looked like he was about to cry.

"Goten," Goku rose to sit on the edge of the bed and pulled the boy against him in a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry."

"Why did it happen dad?" Goten's voice was shaky as he clung to his father. "Why?"

"I - I don't know."

Those were the last words exchanged between the two that night. Neither of them slept, they just stayed in each others arms. Crying.

A week past since the incident and a warm day found Goku lying on his back by the river near their home watching as the clouds past. It was a perfect day with the sun shining, the birds in song and a soft breeze blowing that was just enough to keep cool.

But for Goku the songs of the birds fell on death ears and the suns rays fell coldly onto his chest.

Through the past week things had been hard for both him and his son. Goten had spent most of his time shut in his bedroom, refusing to go out or let others in. He had barely eaten a thing and would spend most of his time just lying in bed staring out of the window with fear plastered over his pale face.

Goku had spent a few times with his son over the past week, talking with him. He had tried to steer clear of the subject of the events of last week but somehow the conversation always lead back to it. Yesterday they had gone through a long and painful talk about it, which had resulted in a lot of tears from both and a few angry shouts from Goten.

But, as a result, the father and son had been able to work things out between them and Goten felt no resent towards his father for what had happened. Yesterday had been long and painful for the both of them but at the end of it they had come through.

Neither of them had even hinted what had happened to ChiChi, although the woman did keep trying to pressure Goku into telling him what had happened to their son. As much as he knew about the long lectures that he would receive when he got back, Goku would often walk away from the questioning, finding the whole subject far too painful to talk about with others.

He was worried about Trunks as well and had decided to go and see him that afternoon to see how he was coping. He guessed that Vegeta hadn't done anything about his son and had probably not gone near Capsule Corporation at all during the past week.

That was a thought, as soon as Goku saw to Trunks he definitely had to go and see Vegeta. He wanted to know why he would do that to his own son. What on Earth would have possessed him and made him do a thing like that? Vegeta was hiding something, he knew it. And Goku was determined to find out what exactly that was and work this whole situation out.

"Dad," a soft nervous voice made Goku sit up and turn to see his youngest son standing a few paces behind him.

"Goten," a large smile stretched across Goku's face, patting a spot of soft grass beside him motioning for the boy to sit down. "This must be the first time you've been outside all week. Are you feeling ok?"

"That's what I wanted to talk to you about." As Goten sat down beside his father his shoulders slouched and his head hung to stare at the ground. It was then when Goku noticed how pale his face was and the sparkle of fear that shone dimly in his eyes.

"What is it?" the smile on the Saiyans face dropped as he draped an arm around Goten's shoulder. "You can tell me."

"That's the thing, I don't know," Goten could barely look at him as he spoke. "I just woke up this morning and felt really sick. I only just got to the bathroom in time."

"It's probably just because you haven't eaten much during the past week," Goku rubbed his shoulder to try and cheer him up a little bit. "You know that a Saiyan needs a lot of food to stay really healthy. Just try to eat a little more and you'll be fine in no time."

"I guess," a small smile flickered onto Goten's face but then died. "But it just feels really strange. I've been sick before but I've never felt this way."

"Oh really? What way would that be?"

"I don't know," the younger shrugged slightly. "It's really strange, it's sort of like - I don't know how to describe it. It's really weird. I guess it feels like my energy has split a little bit. Only a little but still."

Goku's eyes narrowed in confusion before something inside clicked and they widened in shock and horror. 'No! No! What have I done to him?' were the words that screamed inside his head as the colour drained from his face.

"Dad?" Goten had noticed the sudden change in his fathers face. He had only known the man for a few years but could recognise when something wasn't right. "Dad? What is it?"

"Goten, Vegeta told me something once about the Saiyans. About Saiyan males," Goku's voice was barely heard as he struggled to find the right words. "I think - I think that I'd better tell you what he told me."

Vegeta watched the boy from his place in the shadows, stretched out in the back garden below the suns rays as they beat down onto the planet. Both him and Trunks had avoided each other all week; in fact he had hardly been near the city at all. He had needed some time to go through things with himself.

He had only returned simply because he had been able to sense something different about Trunks today, something that wasn't right. And if it was what he suspected then it had to be got rid of as soon as possible.

Stalking quietly up to the boy he kept his power level suppressed so that he wouldn't be sensed and when he was near enough he knelt down and placed a hand near Trunks' stomach.

"This is for your own good boy," he said quietly. "You'll thank me someday."

A small ki blast started to form in the middle of his palm as he began to concentrate his energy. There was no way that an attack this small would kill Trunks, it wouldn't even scratch him.

But it would get rid of the child that was beginning to develop inside him.

Feeling a sudden uncomfortable heat, Trunks started to wake up from his light sleep and opened his tired eyes to see his father kneeling over him. With a ki blast against his stomach.

"What are you doing?" Trunks' eyes went as wide as they would go as he scrambled to his feet and backed away, horror etched onto every single little part of his face. "Were you - were you going to - "

"Kill you? No," Vegeta rose to his feet and approached his son, who kept on backing away from him. "What I was doing was getting rid of that brat of yours."

"My what? What do you mean?" Trunks was only just able to keep a steady voice as he backed into a tree and pressed his back up against it. "I - I don't have any children."

"Fool! Don't you sense it?" Vegeta came right up to Trunks to corner him, frowning at the way the boy coward before him. "Your energy, there's something else there."

Trunks gave a small cry of fear as Vegeta leant in and sniffed the air.

"It's even in your scent," the prince continued. "Don't you realise what's happening Trunks? You're pregnant!"

"I - I - wha - "

Trunks was unable to speak properly anymore as tears began to leak from the corners of his eyes, memories of what had happened last week invading his mind. Before he knew what was happening, Vegeta had grabbed him by the throat and held him up in the air. He screamed in terror and thrashed around to try and struggle free but there was no getting away from Vegeta's tight grip.

"Trust me boy, this is for your own good," Vegeta snarled as he put one hand to Trunks' stomach again. "Another mistake like you is not what my family needs!"

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