Brothers In Heart: The secret revealed!

Published May 28, 2006, 7:45:22 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 5, 2006, 4:10:40 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

What if the Kyuubi destrode all of the Uchihas but Sasuke and Sasuke's last name is changed from Uchiha to Uzumaki and is Naruto's brother? Holy moly this is going to get interseting. This was first posted on by me so I'm not stelling this story.

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Chapter 6: The secret revealed!

Naruto4051 (That is my user on Fanfiction): Hello everyone! Sorry about the wait! I was at my Aunt's in Louisville and I've been so busy with other stuff.

Naruto: Start the story Naruto4051!

Naruto4051: Naruto, I just got back from Louisville and today is my birthday so just be patisunt!

Naruto: Today is your birthday! Today as in July 4!

Sasuke: Oh course baka! Didn't you read her profile?

Naruto: No but I...

Naruto4051: Ok back to bienuness. And July 4 is my birthday just to tell everyone since my birthday is on a speical hoilday. And I did just get back from Louisville and I have been busy lately from reading other people's stories.

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto. Even wishing to own Naruto while blowing out the candles didn't work.

"Well well well, look who I found," said a fimilar voice in the trees. All three looked up to see Mizuki standing on a branch with an evil smile on his face. "Naruto Give me the scroll now!" yelled Mizuki to Naruto. Naruto and Sasuke slowly got up to their feet and were even more confused. "Wha-what's going on here?" asked Naruto looking at Iruka and Mizuki back and forth. Iruka breathed deep for a while and pulled out the kunai in his leg. "Naruto, Sasuke! Get out of here with the scroll! It contains forbiden justu that can bring this village in grave danger! Mizuki tricked you two into getting it for his own power!" yelled Iruka as he keep an eye on Mizuki. Naruto and Sasuke than looked at Mizuki and starred at him angerly. "Now now you two really believe what he is saying?" asked Mizuki. The boys were confused again by what Mizuki said. "Stop lying Mizuki! Naruto, Sasuke don't lissen to him!" yelled Iruka. "Ha ha ha! I'll tell you who is really lying boys!" said Mizuki coldy with an evil smile. "No Mizuki!" yelled Iruka to Mizuki. "They've been lying to you both your entire lives. Esplashly you Naruto since the degree 12 years ago," said Mizuki. "What degree?" asked Naruto very confused. "What are you talking about I would never keep something a secert from my brother," said Sasuke still starring at Mizuki. Mizuki smirked and said, "Everyone knows about it but you Naruto and your generation." Naruto asked again, "Why wasn't me and the other kids told about it? What was the degree about?" "Don't tell them Mizuki! It's forbidden!" yelled Iruka louder than before. Mizuki smirked again and said, "The degree was that no one could tell you or the younger generation that the nine tail fox, Kyuubi, is inside of you Naruto!" All of a sudden Naruto and Sasuke fell into misbelief and shock. "What! There is no way that there is a demon inside of my brother!" yelled Sasuke as he cried in disbelief.

Mizuki laughed for a bit and said, "Oh Sasuke, you are so confused because you will not believe that your brother is Kyuubi? You wonder why the villagers hate you and Naruto? It's because he holds the nine tail fox that destrode the village and you stick up for him! That's why both of you are hated by the villagers! Everyone hates you two! Even your own sensei hates you two!" Naruto and Sasuke began to cry and both of their chalkra could be seen as they both said, "No, no, no!" "Naruto! Sasuke!" gasped Iruka as he saw his two students getting really upset. Iruka tried to move but the wound in his leg stopped him in his tracks.


"Iruka, Naruto and Sasuke did not grew up with a mother or father. They felt the pain of being alone from birth and no one seems to care about them. All of the villagers look at them with cold glares for Naruto's secert. Some of them think that Naruto is Kyuubi and Sasuke is Naruto's servant. Many of them won't even look at them. So they get into trouble just so then everyone could see them as something different. It may not show but they are both hurting inside from loneliness but they still have each other. They are like you when you lost your parents to Kyuubi. I hope you will look at the boys in a different light than everyone else." said the third back at their little talk earlier that day.

End Flashback

"Now die Kyuubi and his minon!" said Mizuki as he took one of the huge shuriken from his back and began to spin it. Mizuki than through threw the shuriken at Naruto and Sasuke. Both boys dropped to the ground and crawled to get away from the shuriken fast. "Naruto! Sasuke! Get down!" yelled Iruka and both ducked lower and put their hands over their heads. Iruka ran to the boys fast and hunched over Naruto and Sasuke trying to protect them from the shuriken. The shuriken landed right were the red spiral on the back of Iruka's vest was cutting through the cloth and into his spine.

Naruto and Sasuke looked up to see what Iruka did to save them. "Why?" asked Naruto with a sad look on his face. Iruka than started to cry in front of the boys and said, "Because us three are the same. I never did grew up with my parents. Both of them were killed by Kyuubi and when things got back to normal nobody cared about me. They forgot about me so I got into a lot of trouble just to get their attention. My grades dropped and I became the class clown but, they still not reconised me. I did crazy things and I had to pay for them. It was hard. I know how it is to have no mother or father to love you. I could have been there for you but I didn't. No one should suffer that much, no body."

Mizuki paused and laughed at what Iruka just said. "Don't make me laugh! Iruka lost his parents to Kyuubi and is trying to convinse you two so that he could scroll from you. He would do anything to get that scroll back," said Mizuki making Naruto and Sasuke lose their trust to Iruka again. Naruto and Sasuke looked at Iruka and Mizuki than ran off away from the two chunins in the forest. "Naruto! Sasuke!" yelled Iruka. Mizuki jumped out of the tree and chuckled a bit. "You know once they make up their mind there is now way of stopping it. Did you see the look in their eyes? That was look of a demon and his servant. They are going to use the scroll to put revenge on the village for what the village has done," said Mizuki walking over to Iruka. Iruka than got up to his feet and pulled out the huge shuriken from his back and said, "No, they are not like that!" Iruka turned around and threw the shuriken at Mizuki but Mizuki dodged it with ease. "Look at yourself I can't believe you are even helping those two out!" said Mizuki to Iruka and jumped into the trees following the boys.

Meanwhile at the Hokage's office, the third is looking through his crystal ball watching the boys running in the forest. "Mizuki was foolish to tell those two about Kyuubi being sealed inside of Naruto. They are now full of rage and anger that it might make the seal to break on Naruto and release Kyuubi. If the seal is broken it would destroy the village and kill everyone in its path," said the third smoking his pipe while watching. "I hope that that would not happen yet."

Back in the forest, the boys are running through the trees at fast speeds on the branches. Iruka is just behind them with no Mizuki after them. 'There they are!' thought Iruka when he saw the boys just ahead of him. He ran faster to get up to the boys and said, "Naruto! Sasuke! Mizuki is on my tail! Give me the scroll so he can not get it!" Soon Naruto jumped and hit Iruka in the stomach making Iruka fly in the air and landing on the ground hard. When Iruka hit the ground Naruto takes the scroll off of his back and leans aganist and tree and sits down breathing hard. "Naruto how did you know?" asked Iruka. "How did you know-," A puff of smoke appeared and revealed Mizuki after the smoke cleared "it was me and not Iruka!" Naruto smirked and a puff of smoke appeared again and revealed Iruka after the smoke cleared. "Because I'm Iruka you traitor!" said Iruka sitting next to a log that was digise as the scroll and the Sasuke that ran with him disappear in a puff of smoke because it was a bunshin.

"Why are you even helping them? Naruto holds the one that killed your parents and Sasuke is just an other servant of Kyuubi! They are nothing but demons wanting to get back at the village for what it has done for them in their childhood. That's what demons do, they kill everyone in their path," said Mizuki to the ingured chunin. While Iruka and Mizuki talk, Sasuke and Naruto are behind a tree nearby hearing what the two chunins are saying about them. "Your right Mizuki demons are like that," said Iruka to Mizuki. Naruto and Sasuke got angery and Naruto said, "So Iruka does not believe us. He thinks of us like freaks." "You're right he does think of us as monsters!" said Sasuke angerly. "But however Naruto and Sasuke are not demons. They are boys who are misunderstode and never give up. Sure they may get on people's nerves sometimes but I believe those two are going to forfill their dreams some day. They are Naruto and Sasuke Uzumaki of the village hidden in the leaves!" said Iruka making Naruto and Sasuke cry teires of joy but making Mizuki very mad.

"Why you little rasscal! I'm going to kill you for saying that!" said Mizuki angerly at Iruka and getting the last huge shuriken off his back. Mizuki started to spin the shuriken in his hand and charged at Iruka. 'So this is it,' thought Iruka. All of a sudden the Uzumaki brothers jumped out of no were and kicked Mizuki in the stomach making him throw the shuriken off course into the tree above Iruka. 'Naruto! Sasuke!' thought Iruka as he saw Mizuki landed hard the ground. Mizuki got up from the attack and said, "What are you two still doing here?" The boys just stared at Mizuki angerly and both said together, "If you want to harm our sensei again. We'll kill you!" Mizuki smirked and said, "That's something big from the two of you! I could destory you two in a single move!"

Naruto put down the scroll and nodded to Sasuke. They both made the famous cross hand seal that we all know and love and said, "Take your best shot fool!" "Bring it on Naruto and Sasuke!" yelled Mizuki. "KAGE BUNSHIN!" yelled the boys and all of a sudden hundereds of copies of Naruto and Sasuke appeared out of nowere and surrounded Mizuki. 'Naruto. Sasuke. Those are not just illusions, they're soild bunshins! The boys mastered a very high level justu in just one day!' thought Iruka as he saw his two favorite students fight Mizuki. Mizuki was scarred of how many bunshins the two boys could make. "Over here!" "What's the matter scarred?" said many of the clones. "Well since you are not going to make the first move," said one of the Naruto bushins grinning. "We'll just come after you!" said one of the Sasuke bushins grinning also. Mizuki gave in and screamed (Naruto4051: not in a girl way. more like a man yelling because something jumpped at him.) as the bunshins of the boys started to attack him.

A few minutes later, (Naruto4051: They really did not say what Naruto did to Mizuki at his fight but the kage bunshin) Mizuki is on the ground beaten up and a bloody pulp. Naruto and Sasuke are standing next to were Mizuki was grinning like they always did. "Oops, looks like we did it too much," said Naruto scratching the back of his head. "Yea a bit too much," said Sasuke scratching the back of his head too. Iruka smiled at the boys and thought, 'Those boys, they are incredable. I'm now starting to think that their dreams of becoming the Hokage or a great ninja might come true.' "Naruto, Sasuke," said Iruka," come over here. I have something for the both of you."

At the Hokage tower the Jounin and chunins are there telling each other that none of them could find Sasuke or Naruto. "You mean to tell me that no one can find Naruto or Sasuke?" asked one of the chunins there. The others nodded and a Jounin said,"This is bad, we have to sniff them out or something." The third came out from his office and said to the Jounin and Chunin, "Nothing to worrying about everyone." The shinobi turned around with confused faces. "What do you mean Lord Hokage?" asked one of them. The third took out the pipe out of his mouth and said, "The scroll is safe now. Naruto and Sasuke will bring back the scroll soon."

Back were Naruto, Sasuke, and Iruka are at, Naruto and Sasuke have their eyes shut. "Sensei can we open them now?" asked Naruto wondering what Iruka was doing. "Okay you both can open your eyes now," replied Iruka and both boys opened their eyes to see Iruka smiling. Iruka had their goggles and his headband was missing from his head. Both relised that something else is on their heads and were confused what Iruka did. Than Iruka finaly said to them,"Congradulations, you both graduate!" Both boys were shocked what Iruka just said and Iruka finshed up and said, "As for a celebration, we're going out for ramen tonigt." Soon both boys were just full of exictment and jump on Iruka yelling, "Iruka-sensei!"

"Ow that hurts! Ha ha ha!" said Iruka as he began to laugh with Naruto and Sasuke. 'Naruto, Sasuke, you have a big adventure ahead of you two.' Thought Iruka. 'The road to Hokage is not going to be easy but I don't to spoil the surpraise. So lets talk about it over ramen.'

Wow and that was only epsoide one in the anime and chapter one in the manga. I'm slow. Well I just need to write more but everyone keeps on telling me to write another chapter soon that I can't write them long. Oh and I would like it if there is five reviews for each chapter now and don't be afraid that you didn't like a part in the story, I accept flames. But everyone please give me ideas. They don't grow on trees you know or on just me. See you next time and Happy 4th Of July!

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