my little hime (princess): lets talk about kids.....

Published Jun 28, 2006, 3:17:28 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 12, 2006, 7:53:05 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

naraku is dead.........we have a new born.....what could go wrong? Inuyasha and kagome are about to find out........

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Chapter 2: lets talk about kids.....

When me and sango got back we didnt expect a long ass talk

When me and sango got back we didnt expect a long ass talk.

inuyasha and miroku(really never would of guessed miroku would do this too!) grabed us and sat us down, EACH on the other side of the hut like we were 6. Thats when it started to get werid.

"WHY DID YOU TAKE SO LONG? DID SOMETHING HAPPEN?" "inuyasha were fine an.." he didnt even give her time to finish. "ARE YOU HURT?WERE YOU TWO ATACKED? WH...." 
"I had heard as much of it as I could, but I couldnt take it anymore! "INUYASHA SIT!!"

Right after she said that inuyasha hit the floor face first...really hard too. 
when he finaly got up miroku had stopped talking(or should I say yelling)to sango with a red hand print on his face. 
"" inuyasha was mad now "why in the hell did you do that!!?"
kagome looked at him just as angry "well, you wouldnt even let me explain why we were taking so long!!, and you were yelling like I had been gone for days!!! 

Inuyasha looked calm (which was very werid after being slamed into the ground) and grabed kagome's hand as he huged her close.

"I sorry kagome..I was just so worried about you. I dont want anything to happen to you, and im sorry if I over reacted."

"its ok inuyasha..I was just having a talk with sango, and that reminds me...I have to talk to you." 
inuyasha looked confused "about what?" kagome looked at sango who gave a weak smile, and then at miroku who looked just as confused as inuyasha. "maybe we should talk out side.." before they left sango mouthed the words "can I tell him?" after kagome noded sango turned to miroku and began to tell the story..... 

"What is it kagome?" inuyasha said as he lifted her up (bridal style) onto a boulder that was near the lake. 
"well...its just that...I was wondering..when we decide to have kids..umm
but inuyasha interrupted "you wanted to know if we would ever come back here right?" kagome looked suprised as she thought since when can inuyasha read my mind? 
"inuyasha how did you know?" 
"let just say I was thinking about it to." he said a little sadly.
"well..are we?....."kagome said kind of being impatient. 
"..........Im not so sure, if we do come back you need to bring the shikon jewel to come and many demons still want it." he said looking really concerned. 

" yeah.....I guess your right..." with that said she turned to look at the lake lot in thought.

"...but, we can only come sometimes,and..."

before he could finish kagome had lept into his arms and gave him the biggest hug she could give him.

"and , (he continued)we have to be with him or her at all times untill we know they can defend themselfs pretty well. can you agree with thoughs terms?"

"of course inuyasha!!" then she leaned into him and kissed him for a long,long,long.......time as she thought 
about how happy she was and thought "everything was going to be perfect!"
when the finaly released he gave her a loving smile and thought to himself"everything is going to be perfect!"

"inuyasha.....I love you" he huged her as he said.."I love you too kagome..."

"inuyasha when we have our child, what do you want a boy or girl?" 
inuyasha was puzzled over this untill he gave his answer "a girl....I want a girl.."
"yeah me to....I already thought of a name for her.." inuyasha just smiled. "well..lets hear it.." "its not great or anything,but.." inuyasha just smerked at her "kagome just say the name..please!" "ok ok its...hime.." "princess? hmmm I like it!" kagome looked at him and smiled "you really do?!" "yeah its great she'll be our little princess"

(inuyasha talking and thinking)
when the had returned to the hut shippo was asleep and so was kaede in her hut next to them. miroku and sango were kissing when we had walked in.
they jumped apart so fast when kagome walked in she only saw them blushing.

"hey! what the hell were you to doing!?"

sango would not meet inuyasha's gaze she mearly said"nothing...we..uh..did nothing!"
with that she walked past inuyasha and went sat outside the hut. "inuyasha..Im going to check on her.." and with that kagome left too. then inuyasha glared at miroku. 

"was that me imagination monk or did I see you and sango kissing?"
miroku was still red in the face, but truthfully answered "yes..."
inuyasha mearly laughed "its about time monk! I thought that you two would never get together!" "and thats funny?....." he said annoyed "hey hey no need to get so touchy. "miroku smerked at him and said.."what about you and kagome hmmm?"
inuyasha blushed, but just a little. 
" do you know?" "he smiled and said "sango told me because she asked kagome if she could." inuyasha was angry again "why that......little!" then he thougth to himself "that slezy monk is the last person i'd want to know!!"

then mikoru changed the subject. 
"she also told me you two thought about leaving...." he look a little sad. 
inuyasha calmed down and said "yeah....we want childern soon and we dont want to raze them in a dangrous" 
"I see....well, if its for the best... them you have my best wishes.." inuyasha smiled "you can be ok sometimes you perverted monk!" and they both started laughing.

(end of chapter 2)
this one may have seemed kind of boring, but it will get better. review if you like.

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