Bairn of the Moon: A Feline And Her Prey

Published Jul 18, 2006, 8:12:20 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 20, 2006, 2:46:33 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

What started as an idea for a short story has now evolved into an epic tale of horror, mystery, and romance.... Cato, captain of the airship Yun, is struggling to find a replacement pilot before the continuing his journey to find the "Garden of Elements" when he's assaulted by an unknown force. His crew is missing, his ship has been infiltrated, and the only one with a plan is the ship's mascot.... Could anything else possibly go wrong?

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Chapter 2: A Feline And Her Prey

The two men and the feline burst out of the back room with such determination that the door was knocked completely out of its frame. The people in the dining hall turned in their direction with blank stares on their faces. Baldwin was the first to react to their sudden reappearance.
  “What the devil is going on here?”
  “Tell me, where is my crew?” Cato demanded through gritted teeth.
  “But this is your crew…” answered Étaín sweetly. She smiled outwardly but in her eyes, Cato could see her fury. After a moment, her face seemed to come to a boil- literally. Her face began to melt. When it finally fell to the floor, a man stood in her place. He pulled off the rest of his disguise and stood before them in an olive green trench coat. Every person in the room besides Cato and Fungai followed the spy’s example by removing their disguises as well. They were outnumbered: at least five to one if you included Bastet. How did so many of them manage to get in without my knowing? Cato faced the fifteen intruders and prepared to attack.
  “Wait,” the Étaín imposter said, “We have not come to fight. All we want is the map to the Aspiration of the Bairn. If you give that to us we will not have to kill you. In fact, we may even disclose the location of your crew… of course if you don’t give us what we want, we will destroy all of you and take it anyway. It’s your choice.”
  “The aspiration of WHAT!?” Cato asked incredulously.
  “I will not ask again. Just hand it over or prepare to die.”
  She had fought well. That much could be said of her in the end. Two of the four men had been knocked unconscious before she passed out from losing to much blood. Even now, locked in an unfamiliar room, she tried her hardest to escape their grasp. It was futile now but she wasn’t one to give up easily. Standing up had been an exhausting chore, but she had finally made her way to the window of the small room. There was no way she’d give them the information they were seeking. She was a loyal subject and no amount of interrogation or torture would ever change that. She had thought that she was special when the Bairn had chosen her to deliver the book. Now she realized that she was no better than the lowliest delivery boy. She had failed in her mission to transport the book to safety. It was her duty to make sure someone else would be able to finish the job.
  She pulled the window open and looked down at the ground. I’m only two stories up. I might have a bruise or two from the landing, but I could make it if I jumped. She prepared herself both mentally and physically for the maneuver she was about to perform. Then she slid out the window and dropped to the ground some thirty feet below her.



  Bastet charged towards her next opponent and with a swipe of her massive paw, tore out all of his innards. She had already disemboweled many of the intruders and was well aware of the brawl around her that signified that Cato and Fungai were also succeeding in wiping out their targets. Bastet leapt upon a table and pounced onto a passing man effectively crushing his skull with her immense weight.. Suddenly she felt a sharp pain in her right haunch. She whirled around in search of her assailant only to see that he had been be decapitated seconds before by Fungai. She growled a quick thanks and began to stalk another vulnerable man.

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