Behind the Veil: Chapter 1

Published Dec 31, 2006, 9:28:57 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 31, 2006, 9:28:57 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

What happens when the city's calm camouflage disintegrates. please read. i am new here, and in desperate need of some critique.

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

When the sun goes down, the city's camouflage disintegrates-

When the sun goes down, the city's camouflage disintegrates-
Safe blue skies losing luster, fading fast,
Familiar jingles of sideway jazz
Slipping back to muted police car screeches.
Vibrant paint peeling to expose dirty streets.

The city shifts back to its original countenance-
Of fog and cigarette smoke thick enough to cut.
Blurring back into an indistinct ghost town
Of echoing sirens and swirling mist.

Clinks on the pavement, their footsteps now resound-
Silhouettes vague behind veils of mist.
They do not fear the darkness-
They do not fear the night.

Shadowy clothes and black hair fluttering,
They walk as the city sleeps.
Drinking in the silence and letting it linger
They bask in the glow of their possession.

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Nothing but crickets. Please be a good citizen and post a comment for spin-me-dizzy