Last Child: Aeris' Quest

Published Aug 3, 2007, 3:20:14 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 3, 2007, 3:23:22 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

Just when Aeris believed she was the last hope for the Planet, she learns there is another.

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Chapter 2: Aeris' Quest

Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy VII. Square Enix does. All other characters, places, etc. are of my own creation and, therefore, belong to me.

Sentences entirely in italics indicate the Planet speaking; italics within sentences indicate emphasis.

Chapter One: Aeris' Quest

Aeris' eyes snapped open, her breathing coming in rapid gasps, her body trembling. The heavy beat of her heart resounded in her ears. Her nightgown was damp with sweat and clinging uncomfortably to her body. She sat up too quickly and had to shut her eyes until the disorientation passed. Never has she experienced a dream so vivid. Over the past few months, she has been dreaming of this little girl. They didn't last but a few minutes, and would remain faint and elusive when she tried to remember them. None of them brought about such an intense physical reaction in her. Until tonight.

She swung her legs over the side of the bed, her hand pressed against her chest. The palpitations were easing, but they were taking their time. She opened her eyes, waiting for them to adjust to the dark. Dawn was still hours away. She rose to her feet, annoyed at the level of concentration needed for such a simple movement. Her legs were unsteady, threatening to give way, but Aeris forced them to move nonetheless. She made her way to the bathroom.

She closed the door so as not to disturb her mom, and clicked on the light. She grimaced at her reflection in the mirror. Her skin was pallid and clammy to the touch. Delicate pink lines colored her eyes. The hair around her scalp was wet with perspiration. She turned on the cold tap and repeatedly splashed water on her face. It did little to refresh her. Exasperated, she turned off the faucet, grabbed a hand towel, and pressed it to her face. She remained that way, her fingers massaging the rough fibers against her skin.

The dream would not leave her mind. It was as vivid and tangible as it had been in her sleep. She would swear by the Planet that she could smell the rocket fuel, feel the wind, hear the little girl's sobs, and see an entire planet blown to oblivion. She lowered the towel and sighed. Tossing it in the hamper, Aeris switched off the light, and quietly returned to her room. She turned on her bedside lamp and noticed her sheets were as soaked with sweat as her nightgown. She pulled the gown over her head and threw it near the door. She'd put it and the sheets in the wash in the morning, and pray no questions were asked. She removed another from her dresser drawer and slipped it on.

She fetched fresh linen from the hall closet and stripped her bed. While applying the clean sheets, she pondered over the reasons she would be having these dreams. Her mind sorted through and tossed aside speculation after speculation until she came to several realizations, one far more upsetting than the others. One she suspected, but couldn't bring herself to admit. These were not dreams.

They were someone's memories.

This insight quickly led her towards another realization, an answer really to a question she had been asking herself since the second dream; How? Aeris realized, in her case, she should have been asking whom. Who would have the means and power to send her someone's memories?

The Planet.

The only realization that didn't inspire confusion or dread in her was where the memories came from. Aeris assumed what she was observing were events that occurred on Gaia ages ago. There was nothing unusual in the dreams prior to tonight to suggest otherwise. But tonight. Tonight she experienced the exhilaration of take-off as spaceships rocketed into the cosmos and the horror of watching one's planet savagely destroyed. There was no other explanation. The evidence was plain.

The memories she shares are from off world.

Everything fell into place. The only puzzle piece to elude her was the why. The Planet did nothing without cause. Aeris was sure this case was no different. But when? When would the Planet contact her?

Sooner than you think. Aeris nearly jumped from her skin. She would have cursed if she was the type of individual disposed to use such language.

"You have excellent timing."

Now is an excellent time to speak with you.

"The last few months have been interesting to say the least. Thanks to you."

There was no other way.

"There is always more than one way."

This was the best way.

"For who?" Aeris realized her tone was bordering on impertinent. She knew being the last Cetra carried with it certain responsibilities, but that didn't make them any easier to bear. The welfare of the Planet always fell on her shoulders.

You. Aeris sighed. She knew the Planet was right. The dreams were the best means to convey the memories She wanted her to see.

"Were the others a prelude to tonight's?"


"What happened to those people? The little girl?"

Their planet was attacked by a malevolent being.


It was after their most precious treasure. Aeris knew what, or more appropriately who, the Planet was referring to.

"The little girl."


"What being in all the cosmos is capable of such destruction?" Aeris' lowered tone suggested she spoke to herself, but the Planet answered her nevertheless.

Jenova. Aeris' breath caught in her throat. Her eyes widened and all moisture drained from her mouth causing her lips to adhere together, her tongue to feel thick and heavy. She tried to speak, but could not push the words past her parched lips. Surely she had heard incorrectly.

I thought it best to speak plainly. Aeris sprang from her room, hurriedly making her way back to the bathroom. She fumbled for the light, twisted the handle to the cold water as far as it would go, and thrust her mouth under the tap. She gulped down mouthful after mouthful of water until her throat hurt. She lifted her head to face herself in the mirror. Her appearance had not improved. Water dripped down her chin and neck creating a dark v-shaped patch around the neckline of her nightgown. She'd have to change. Again. She turned off the tap and grabbed the dirty hand towel from the hamper. She briskly wiped off her mouth and neck, then dabbed at her gown.

"You heard wrong, Aeris," she spoke to no one in particular.

"Heard what, honey?" Aeris jerked her head to the side to see Elmyra standing in the doorway.

"Oh Mom, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to wake you." She returned the towel to the hamper. "I'm fine. Just thirsty. You go back to bed." Elmyra's eyes fell to the darkened fabric on Aeris' nightgown.

"Wouldn't it have been easier to get a glass from the kitchen?" Aeris' eyes followed her mom's line of sight. She blushed. Her answer rushed from her mouth, barely intelligible.

"No time. I was real thirsty. Must be sleeping with my mouth open." Aeris turned off the light, indicating she wished to exit the bathroom. Elmyra, however, did not move from the doorway. She gazed at Aeris suspiciously.

"Honest, Mom, I'm fine. Just need to change my nightgown and everything will be right as rain." Aeris could feel the seconds pass. She was thankful the light spilling from her bedroom door did not reach down the hall. Aeris wasn't sure how long she could feign her nonchalant expression. Should her face begin to reveal more than she wished, at least the shadows would keep her features non-descript. Finally, with a resigned sigh, Elmyra leaned in and gave Aeris a kiss on the cheek.

"Good night, honey."

"Good night, Mom." Aeris waited to hear the door to her mom's bedroom click shut before returning to her own. She fell back onto her bed and mulled over the implications of the Planet's words. No, not words. A name. One name. Her. Sephiroth's mother.

I'm sorry, my child.

"Don't be. You were only telling me the truth."

There is more you need to hear, information you must know and commit to memory.

"Tell me."

Sleep never returned to Aeris. She and the Planet conversed through the night and into the first rays of dawn. Long after the Planet went silent, Aeris remained seated on her bed, flabbergasted. Her mind had been inundated with knowledge, instructions, and counseling. Placed before her was a journey of such monumental significance, that the course of the Planet's future would change forever. She didn't know what emotion she felt to a greater degree: fear or pride. Regardless, she was going to have to get off her bed eventually. She had plans to make.

Her body felt like lead. Yet strangely, her nerves, her skin tingled with energy comparable to electricity. It was the same sensation that overtook her when she watched the ships lift off into space. It numbed her fear and fueled her excitement. It was what enabled her to rise from her bed and get dressed.

Aeris was faced with the first complication of her journey and she hadn't even left the house yet. Her mom. Elmyra knew all was not well last night, but chose to back off rather than pursue the matter. Now was as good a time as any to give her an explanation. Naturally, Aeris would have to omit certain details. The Planet reiterated the importance of discretion and secrecy throughout their discussion. That would have to begin with her mom.

Once dealt with, Aeris would need to contact Tifa. For her protection, Aeris was instructed to choose no more than two travel companions. The journey posed too many dangers for her to undergo it alone. She was to take only her most trusted friends into her confidence. Fortunately, Aeris was blessed with several trustworthy friends, but two stood apart from the others: Tifa and Cloud. They may not fully understand, or even agree, with what Aeris was about to do, but they would support her.

Then there was packing. Aeris would have to limit the provisions she brought on the journey, choosing only what was relevant and would fit neatly into a knapsack. She debated whether to bring her staff. Given the fighting prowess of her two friends, she doubted she would be much help in a scuffle, although her tenacity more than compensated for what she lacked in strength and skill. It was not uncommon these days to see travelers armed with protection. The world was increasingly becoming more dangerous. One had to be cautious. Aeris came to the conclusion that she would be more conspicuous if she did not bring a weapon. Besides, compared to the imposing sword strapped to Cloud's back, her staff would hardly merit a glance from others.

She would have to secure transportation. Tifa and Cloud could assist her with that. As it was, Aeris was confounded as to how to reach their destination with involving as few people as possible, for safety's sake. The less individuals included the less likely pertinent information would be leaked to undesirables. Though there was only the three of them, they each had their fair share of enemies. The greatest threat to them all was ShinRa. Well, perhaps they were not their greatest threat, but surely he would be unaware of their plans.

Aeris was sure there were details she was forgetting, but was confident that the particulars she has overlooked, Tifa and Cloud would not. As members of Avalanche, their assignments took them all over the world. The only planning Aeris was forced to do was decide which direction through the slums she should travel to sell her flowers. Her eyes lit up and a smile warmed her face as she thought of her upcoming adventure. The perils that undoubtedly awaited them momentarily faded into the background as Aeris imagined the new places she would visit, the people she would meet, the smells and tastes unique region to region. She knew this was not a vacation. She was inexperienced, not naΓ―ve, but this would be the first time she has left Midgar, and that kind of excitement cannot be easily quashed.

She heard her mother's bedroom door open, and footsteps as she descended the stairs. Running water and the clanking of pots and pans meant breakfast would be ready soon. Aeris felt it would be best if she broke the news to her after her mom's belly was full and she'd at least had two cups of coffee. She grabbed the dirty laundry off the floor and made her way downstairs.

End chapter

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