Love & Betrayal: Chapter 3

Published Jan 15, 2008, 10:30:03 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 15, 2008, 10:30:03 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

[COMPLETE] Kagome sees Inuyasha with Kikyo again. Kagome decides to leave the feuda era forever, but will Inuyasha be there in time to stop her? Plz R&R! threeshot. Lemon now posted! It is called Never Better.

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3

A/N: Wow! I updated in one day! Amazing!! --pats self on back--

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha. I do own the last sentence of the fanfic though!

--Recap of Ch2--

“Your not going anywhere without me!” yelled a voice.

--End of recap--


Chapter 3

A lean, strong arm slid around her waist. Kagome looked up into a man’s golden eyes. His eyes were filled with sadness, regret, a bit of anger, and one more thing that she couldn’t place her finger on.

“Inuyasha,” whispered Kagome. She went limp, not struggling to escape his grasp, not having the energy to fight or argue with him.

Inuyasha lifted her out of the well. He took of his fire rat robe and put it over the drenched, sobbing miko. Kagome sobbed against his chest, soaking his already rain-soaked shirt with her tears. Just seeing her like this broke his heart. And for the first time since his mother died, he allowed himself to cry.

“Kagome,” Inuyasha choked out, “I am such a fool. Your right, I’m an idiot and a jerk. I deserved every one of those sits. I have tried to hide these feelings for you, but I can’t. I thought that if I continued to love Kikyo, everything would go back to normal. But they won’t. No I don’t want my normal life back.” Inuyasha gently caressed his miko’s cheek, wiping away her tears. “I want my normal life to be abnormal, unpredictable… like yours.”

He smiled as she gave him a momentary scowl. “Let me finish love.” Kagome nodded and set her head back onto his shoulder, inhaling his scent. “I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I don’t know what Kikyo did to me the past few weeks, but I do know that I DO NOT love her. I may have loved her when she was alive, but now she is dead… actually she’s undead right now, living off other people’s souls. When she died 50 years ago, my love for her died as well. I love you, and only you. Now and forever.”

Inuyasha breathed in Kagome’s heavenly scent. “So will you forgive me?”

Tears welled up in Kagome’s eyes. “I forgive you Inuyasha.”

She gently kissed him, happy that she was finally with him.

And they lived happily ever after… that is until Kouga found out.

The last sentence that I posted is an inside joke between animejunkie828 and me. When we were writing a Kyou/Tohru drabble, at the end I wrote this: And they lived happily ever after… until Yuki found out. So yah, that’s

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