The Shadows of Time: Chapter 1

Published Apr 16, 2008, 11:33:20 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 16, 2008, 11:33:20 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

Inuyasha/Trinity Blood xover. The past is fated to repeat itself, never ending, rarely changing and always leading to heartbreak. However when the chance comes to right the wrongs of the past, embrace the opportunity, and never look back. Abel Nightroad/Kagome/Tres Iqus

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1


Title: The Shadows of Time

Author: Ryukotsusei

Fandom: Inuyasha and Trinity Blood

Rating: NC 17


Warnings: Violence, torture, major character deaths, language, lemons, spoilers for the entirety of both series just to be safe, and the possibility of out of character characterizations. Read at your own risk.

Pairings: Tres Iqus x Kagome Higurashi x Abel Nightroad

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha or Trinity Blood. The series belong to Rumiko Takahashi, and the late Sunao Yoshido. I make no money off of this fan fiction.


Summary: The past is fated to repeat itself, never ending, rarely changing and always leading to heartbreak. However when the chance comes to right the wrongs of the past, embrace the opportunity, and never look back. Abel Nightroad/Kagome/Tres Iqus.


Long Author's Note:

Before I begin with this story, I'd like to announce that it is complete already. I began this back in October/November and there are now twenty three chapters in total, as well as an epilogue. I intend to put a new chapter up every two weeks, provided that each chapter is back from the betas on schedule. Now that this is finished, my next project to tackle is finishing Journey Into Submission. Hopefully with luck, it won't take me near as long to complete that one.


Assume that there's spoilers for the entire Trinity Blood series and well as Inuyasha. This fic deals heavily with the humanization of Tres and as such, he will progressively go out of character as the situations further develop his personality. If this is a particular pet peeve of anyone, I'd advise finding something else to read because it's an integral part of the story.

There are a couple of people who deserve special thanks, because without them, this story would never have gotten finished. First and foremost, I would like to thank Madmiko. Without her help and encouragement, this story would have never gotten beyond the first chapter. She's been instrumental in helping to look over for errors as well as allowing me to bounce ideas off of her as I wrote the story, including when I had to toss out the entire second half of the outline and write blindly. Special thanks also goes to Takhisiss as well for taking the time to read this as I was writing, and pointing out any errors that I happened to miss.


Both of these wonderful ladies have my heartfelt gratitude, I only hope that this story exceeds their expectations, and yours.


Chapter One

An eerie quiet had enveloped the campsite ever since night had fallen and no one wanted to be the one to break it. But it couldn't be mistaken for a peaceful silence that was meant to comfort the six surrounding the fire, instead the tension seemed to grow until it was nearly unbearable. Something had to give, but what it would be, no one could say for certain. Taking a shaky breath, Kagome stared over the firelight and into Inuyasha's face and studied him carefully. Although he hadn't said anything as of yet, it was obvious to her that he was troubled, and she suddenly felt the need to reach out to him. Whether it was to reassure herself that everything would be okay or just to bridge the gap stretching out between them remained to be seen.

"Inuyasha," she called out to him softly, her expression turning to one of concern when he showed no sign of having heard her at all. Not even the soft, white puppy ears sitting on top of his head twitched in response.


Finally though, he did look at her, his piercing amber eyes searching hers, showing just how ill at ease he was feeling. “Somethings here, I'm just not sure what,” he said calmly, even though he had long ago grown irritated with the situation.

Somehow Inuyasha wasn't surprised when none of the others immediately bombarded him with questions as to what he was feeling. They had felt it as well, even if they hadn't put the feelings into words. Something had been watching them all day, and had managed to elude them despite his best efforts to find out just who or what it was.

"It's Naraku, isn't it?” Kagome asked in a near whisper, while casting surreptitious glances into the darkness surrounding the camp. Even though the half demon hadn't come right out and made himself known, there were very few beings that would bother trailing them with such stealth, yet at the same time blatantly advertise the fact that they were lurking in the shadows.

For a moment, Inuyasha said nothing, instead choosing to train his senses onto their surrounding area. The slightest of noises reached his sensitive ears, causing them to twitch in response. Even the way Kagome shifted uneasily against the ground seemed louder than normal, and he almost snapped at her to stop fidgeting long enough for him to pinpoint the source of their unease. But in the end, he knew it wouldn't do any good. She was as nervous as the rest of them were, and waiting for the other shoe to drop.

“Probably,” he replied at last, frustrated by the fact that their enemy was so close yet could remain hidden so easily. There was no point in sugarcoating the truth of the matter, not when it seemed likely that an attack was close at hand.


The reaction that followed was nearly instantaneous, although Kagome had to wonder if it was a conscious act on all their parts. Out of the corner of her eye she could see the slightest movements of the others edging closer to their weapons, readying themselves for the fight they knew was coming. A chill swept through her own body when her fingers closed around the strap of her quiver. The jewel shards around her neck pulsed faintly in response to the nearing presence, causing her brow to furrow, “Inuyasha, get ready! It's coming closer.”


“Where is he?” Sango asked while getting to her feet. In one hand she gripped the hiraikotsu, ready to hurl the large boomerang at the first sign of danger. The firelight was doing little to illuminate the surrounding area, but there was nothing they could do to correct the situation, there just wasn't enough time. 'The bastard would think of something like that to use to his advantage.'

“You think the bastard is going to tell us where he plans to attack from?” Inuyasha asked, snorting in disbelief while his hand went to the hilt of his sword and jerked the blade free of its scabbard. Within moments, it had transformed and the wind began swirling almost delicately along its surface.

The sarcastic comment had the exterminator scowling, but the scathing retort she had readied died on her tongue. The ground shifted abruptly beneath her feet and then gave way, changing in consistency. Seconds later, Sango found herself waist deep in quicksand and sinking deeper by the moment. Only Inuyasha seemed to have leaped free from the mire, avoiding becoming trapped like the rest of them. “Kirara,” she called out, and reached towards the fire cat only a few inches away.

With great effort, the fire cat stretched out towards her mistress and was rewarded with a sharp tug on the fur which dragged her even closer. The movement was enough though, and moments later, she found herself in Sango's arms. The embrace, if it could be called that, only lasted for a moment though, before she was thrown high into the air. The upward motion was enough to give her the clearance that she needed, and in a burst of flames she changed to her larger form. Before she could do anything more, however, Naraku began his attack, lashing out at her with a hardened tentacle. The blow glanced off of her shoulder, but it was enough to stain her fur with blood. Snarling loudly, she avoided the next attack while concentrating on freeing the others who were still trapped on the ground.


“Grab onto me, Shippo,“ Kagome said, stretching out her arms in an attempt to reach the kitsune. Now she was thanking the instructor who had briefly mentioned how to keep yourself from sinking when trapped in quicksand by distributing your weight evenly along the surface. There was the stinging sensation of claws scraping along her exposed flesh when Shippo grasped her arm and then clambered onto her body which had Kagome wincing, but she bore it without complaint. Now all they needed to do was pray for a miracle and hope that somehow either Kirara or Inuyasha would manage to get them to safety before Naraku killed them all.

“Kirara!” Inuyasha called to the fire cat, hoping to gain her attention. From his vantage point in the tree, he could see that Sango and Miroku were managing to inch their way towards solid ground, but Kagome was having a harder time of it. She was going to need some help otherwise she was nothing more than a sitting duck. “Get Kagome and Shippo! I'll keep Naraku busy.”

Hearing the order, Kirara began moving swiftly towards the pair, trusting in the hanyou to do as he'd said he would. A volley of tentacles rushed her, but she evaded them quickly, her feet just barely skimming the surface of the quicksand. Timing was going to be crucial and one wrong move would leave her trapped in the muck a second time. When another thick appendage blocked her path, she leaped over it and used the momentum as a springboard to propel herself towards the miko.


“Get ready, Shippo,” Kagome gritted out, giving the kitsune all the warning she could before the feline was upon them. Although she'd been caught in a similar fashion before, it didn't stop the miko from grunting at the sharp jerk that tugged at her body when Kirara snatched her up by the clothing. Had they not been in the middle of a battle, Kagome might have seriously contemplated kissing the ground once her feet were firmly on it, but now all she could do was watch the events unfold. There had been no time to grab her bow, and the quiver full of arrows would do little good without it. Looking over towards Sango and Miroku, she could see that her weapon wasn't the only casualty of the attack. The Taijiya's immense boomerang was missing, although she wasn't exactly surprised. Had Sango not abandoned the weapon, she would have been pulled beneath the surface and perished.

But that didn't mean that she was without a weapon. Not by a long shot. Growling ferally, Sango unsheathed her blade and leaped towards the demon responsible. She wasn't so foolish as to believe that Naraku had the true advantage over them, but to hesitate would mean certain death. It was an all or nothing battle, and she wasn't about to let him succeed in his plans for world domination. The bastard had already killed her brother, and her taste for revenge would only be sated with Naraku's death.

“It's about time you stopped hiding and faced us, you coward,” she sneered when the man turned towards her with a malicious smile.

“My dear, Sango, who said I was hiding?” Naraku's grin only widened when she charged towards him. “Brash and impetuous as always. Perhaps you should learn some patience and choose your battles a little more wisely.” The first tentacle he directed towards her was sliced through cleanly, but the second followed too quickly for her to avoid. The appendage hit her square in the chest, and sent her flying backwards, although with how she managed to twist at the last moment it turned into little more than a glancing blow.

Before the exterminator could hit the ground however, Miroku caught her, winding himself in the process. Worry lines etched his face while he watched Inuyasha hacking at Naraku with the Tetsusaiga to little effect. The sword was greatly limited in what it could do in such enclosed situations. With the little maneuvering room that they had, unleashing any of the large attacks could be disastrous and they all knew it. With a muttered prayer, he reached inside his robes and pulled forth a sutra, hoping that it would be enough for Inuyasha to do some damage to the enemy before the spell was broken.

Ever watchful of impending attacks, Naraku moved confidently and with determination, each movement carefully planned to give him even more of an advantage. The group before him had been a thorn in his side for far too long, and it was time to take his rightful place as ruler of Japan. The rest of the world would fall soon after, but he was going to take the time to savor his victory, once he disposed of those who would attempt to stand in his way.

“What's the matter, Inuyasha?” You don't seem to be too eager to engage me now. Are you afraid you might hurt one of your friends? You shouldn't let your concern for these foolish mortals dictate your actions. Strike now, take your revenge,” Naraku said, taunting the hanyou, who was struggling to reach him through the mass of tentacles holding him back. Inuyasha would be a formidable opponent indeed, under most circumstances, which was why he had orchestrated the evening's events to occur as they had. If the half demon could be provoked into using the Tetsusaiga, then he might just take out his own allies in the process.

“Are you that eager to die?“ Inuyasha sneered, before bring his sword down to hack through another tentacle. The action was getting to be rather irritating in its repetitiveness, but what more could he do? The sheer amount of ground that had been rendered unusable had put them at a distinct disadvantage, and it didn't help that the bastard had the ability to levitate. 'If only we had a way to immobilize him!'


Suddenly, his opponent moved to the left, which allowed him to get a glimpse of Miroku moving towards the fight with a sutra in his hand. That was all he needed in order to formulate his next attack and prepare to spring. Narrowing his eyes, Inuyasha locked gazes with his teammate and hoped to hell that the man could figure out just what he intended to do. 'Alright, monk, you'd better make this attack a good one and then get the hell out of the way.'


However, Naraku wasn't the fool that Inuyasha was hoping him to be, and he was well aware of the man sneaking up behind him. Gut instinct told him when to move, and it was more than enough to help him evade the slip of paper that sailed past him. A cruel smile crossed his face, knowing what was about to come next the moment that the monk had thrown the sutra, Inuyasha had leaped towards him, thinking to strike the moment he was immobilized.

“Foolish half breed,” Naraku sneered at the silver haired male and watched the ward plaster itself to the hanyou's chest, “did you really think I would die that easily?”


Pain ripped through Inuyasha's chest, but he found that he couldn't even open his mouth to scream. The Tetsusaiga fell from his unfeeling fingers and landed in the mire beneath them only moments before he plunged towards the ground after it. From a distance, he could hear Kagome screaming his name, but it was abruptly cut off when the quagmire closed in over his head.


“Inuyasha!” Kagome screamed, tossing her quiver to the ground and then rushing towards the spot where her friend had gone down. The bog pulled at her limbs, trying to suck her beneath the surface, but she couldn't give up. Inch by inch she crept towards him, trying to swim through the muck. It was obvious that the sutra had rendered him completely immobile, and it would only be a matter of moments before he drowned. Suddenly, a low growl sounded in her ear and sent chills down her spine. Kagome couldn't help but wonder if her life was about to end, but when she chanced a look over her shoulder, she was relieved to see that Kirara had come to her aid a second time. “Please, Kirara,” she panted, “help Inuyasha! I'll be fine.”


There was no need for the impassioned plea. Kirara was already passing over the struggling miko, in favor of trying to free the hanyou from the pit. While Kagome would be needed at the end of the battle, they had to live that long first, and for that to happen Inuyasha's survival was crucial. Taking care not to become entrapped herself, Kirara plunged her muzzle beneath the rippling surface and grabbed a mouthful of silver hair. It was an awkward hold at best, but it was better than nothing, and she began dragging him free of the muck. Although by the sounds coming from over the pool, it could easily be too late for them all. Sango and Miroku were trying desperately to keep Naraku occupied, but they were quickly losing ground. Even though the Taijiya had managed to inflict a wound, it was superficial and had done little more than fill the air with miasma.

At the edge of the pool, Shippo watched the conflict uneasily, but he wasn't sure just how much help he could be. Neither he nor Kirara would be able to remove the ward from Inuyasha, and there was no way that he was strong enough to take Miroku's place in the fight long enough for the monk to free him. A feeling of helplessness began to overwhelm him before he shoved it away with a growl. 'There's got to be something that I can do!' His gaze settled on Kagome, who didn't seem to be trying to escape the pit any longer. Instead she seemed to be groping at something beneath the surface, but the longer she remained in the bog, the more likely she'd be trapped forever. Moving quickly, the kitsune grabbed a branch that would easily reach to the center of the pool. “Hold on, Kagome,” he called out to her while dragging the heavy branch to the edge.

Kagome barely paid any attention to the tree limb that was creeping closer to her. Instead, her concentration was completely focused on finding the Tetsusaiga before Inuyasha lost control of his demon blood. In her mind, there was no telling just how he was going to react once the sutra was removed, and if he turned, it could spell disaster for them all. Finally, her fingertips brushed against something smooth and she nearly breathed a sigh of relief when her hand closed around the hilt of the sword. Only once she was sure she had a good grip on it did she reach out with her other hand and grab a hold of the branch that Shippo had extended to her. But there was no way the kitsune would be able to pull her free, and she knew that if she was to escape the quicksand a second time, it would be of her own accord. With painstaking slowness she began to pull herself to firmer ground, making sure to keep a firm hold on the sword she'd risked so much to find.

Seeing the miko rushing towards the inu hanyou with the sword in hand had Naraku snarling in irritation. There was no way in hell he was about to allow her to free the half demon without lifting a finger in an attempt to stop her. Not when victory was within his grasp. An explosion of power radiated off of his body, tossing the slayer and the monk clear of the immediate area, leaving a path clear for a shot at the miko. “Time for you to die,” Naraku whispered, while forming a staff in his hand that would easily rip through her body and end her pathetic life.

The weapon had just left his hand when out of nowhere a seventh combatant appeared, knocking it off of its intended path. “I don't think so,” Kouga growled, coming to rest only a few feet from Naraku. The stench of the bastard's miasma had drawn him to the battle, and he'd arrived on the scene, stunned to see that Inuyasha was incapacitated. Even worse was that they'd all left Kagome open to an attack that would have killed her instantly. Now he stood between the miko and the man who was ultimately responsible for the death of his pack, and he wasn't about to step aside. Without taking his eyes off of his opponent, he spoke to the woman behind him, “Kagome, do what you have to in order to get dog shit there up and fighting again. I'll take care of Naraku.”

Kagome nodded towards the wolf demon and scrambled to her feet. There were no calls telling the man to be careful. She knew better than to waste her breath. Instead she hurried to Inuyasha's side and pressed the battered sword into his hand before ripping the sutra off of his chest. There was the slightest spark of energy that erupted from the slip of paper before it died away completely, and the hanyou began gasping for air. “Inuyasha, are you okay?” she asked worriedly when he rolled over and began heaving silt onto the ground.

At that point in time, Inuyasha really wanted to ask if he looked like he was alright, but that was likely to send the girl into fits of fussing over him. Meanwhile, Kouga was fighting with Naraku in his stead, and he was positive he'd be hearing about it from the wolf demon later about how he'd had to be saved. Not to mention the fact that Kagome had nearly become a corpse due to his mistake. It wasn't something that was going to happen again. Roughly he pushed himself to his feet, ignoring the way Kagome attempted to steady him. “I'm fine. Stand back, Kagome, I can't let that mangy wolf take all the credit of this fight.”

“Like it's my fault that you were napping,” Kouga yelled across the clearing towards his rival. “Tell me how the hell you manage to get taken out by a piece of paper! Did you forget you were in the middle of a fight or something?” Hell even Ginta and Hakkaku wouldn't do something so stupid and he'd come to expect anything from those two.

“Go to hell! It's not my fault that Miroku missed,” Inuyasha retorted angrily. Hell was more likely to freeze over before he'd forget what the fuck was going on. It was a lucky break that had given Naraku the advantage, but he wasn't about to give him a second shot.

“The indignant look that Miroku gave the hanyou showed just what he thought about that little observation. “Perhaps, Inuyasha, you'd be so kind as to show us just how you intend to end this fight then,” he stated calmly, before taking up a defensive position near Sango. While the hanyou had been feeling the effects of the sutra, the two of them had taken quite a beating and now they were grateful for the breather that their demon friends were so graciously providing.

“I'm beginning to wonder if it's your intention to bore me to death with your pointless banter,” Naraku drawled almost lazily, clearly not impressed with the display of power the two rival males were exhibiting. It was almost as if they'd forgotten what they were supposed to be doing, in favor of impressing the foolish woman staring after the two of them like she was nothing more than a simple minded villager. Narrowing his eyes at the two of them, he prepared for one final attack that would end this farce of a battle. “Allowing you all to live this long was clearly a mistake. One that I'll go ahead and rectify now.”


It wasn't the words themselves that prompted Kagome into moving, but the motion of his hand. The moment Naraku went to grasp the jewel, she knew that she needed to do something. Regardless of how powerful Inuyasha and Kouga were, he had almost the entire Shikon at his disposal and they wouldn't stand a chance. Time seemed to stand still, and the only thing she heard was the sound of her own heavy breathing as she snatched up an arrow and ran towards the enemy.

Inuyasha had been waiting for the opportunity to unleash the power of the Tetsusaiga and the chance was close at hand. Just behind Naraku, he could see both Sango and Miroku moving quickly to the sides, leaving the path clear for the wind scar. Yet as he raised his sword and prepared to cut through the fissure, movement out of the corner of his eye alerted him to the miko's actions. “Kagome, no!” he shouted, just as she threw herself towards Naraku and landed on his back, clutching at his armor in a desperate attempt not to slip into the mire. Frantically, she attempted to plunge the arrow through he heavy plating and into his flesh, but the wooden shaft shattered under the force of the first blow.

Naraku snarled and reached over his shoulder, grabbing the girl by the hair. It was too easy to destroy the grip she had on his body, and he had no fear of anything she could do to him. Without her bow, the wench was nearly powerless, and now the others wouldn't dare attack, with the miko as his hostage. “You're an even bigger fool than I thought,” he sneered down at her. The way she thrashed made him laugh maliciously, amused with her pathetic attempts to take the jewel from around his neck.

“I might be a fool, but you're still going to die, Naraku,” Kagome said, ignoring the pain from the hold that he had on her. It was only her determination that kept her fighting, lashing out with her feet in an attempt to stun him just enough to bring her within reach of the jewel. 'Only a couple more... inches and then I can purify it.'

Seeing as neither Inuyasha nor Kouga could figure out what to do with this new development, Miroku took the initiative. While he understood that taking action might well get Kagome killed, doing nothing was guaranteeing her death. Naraku wouldn't allow her to remain alive for long, not when she was the only one that had a hope of purifying the jewel and ultimately destroying him. Knowing it was a now or never situation, he muttered a quick prayer and hurled his staff through the air. Holy energy enveloped the weapon, lending it the power to pierce through Naraku's armor and into his flesh. The force was enough to make the demon stumble forward and bring the jewel within the miko's reach. “Now, Kagome,” he shouted, hoping that the brief distraction would be enough for the girl to act.

And it was. Kagome's hand closed around the Shikon and she released a burst of energy that enveloped her hand in a soft glow. But it didn't end there, for the force of the blow continued to propel Naraku forward, his chest slamming into her fist and allowing it to sink into his flesh. The scream that was torn from his lips caused her to wince, but she continued to press the attack by sending more purification energy into the jewel. Abruptly, she was thrown away from his body and hurtling through the air, only to collide with a firm chest. She didn't need to look over her shoulder to see that it was Inuyasha who had saved her from a nasty impact with the ground. In truth, the sight of Naraku's torment held her mesmerized, it was all that she could do to stare at the scene unfolding before her.


“Get back!” Miroku shouted to the others, realizing what had happened. Those with demon energy needed to move quickly, lest they be taken by the purification energy that Kagome had unleashed upon the enemy. Even now, Naraku's body writhed against the power, attempting to fight it off in a desperate bid to survive, but it was too strong. Somehow, she'd amplified her own abilities through the jewel and immersing it into the hanyou's body had concentrated it in his core.

Quickly Kouga leaped out of the way, followed by Inuyasha. The others would have to rely on their own abilities to get to safety, there was no time to snatch the kit up or usher the fire cat to relative safety. “What the hell did you do?” Kouga called over to Kagome, staring at Naraku in disbelief. Sure, he'd seen the miko purify demons before, but she'd never done anything like this. Pink energy was bleeding through the hanyou's body, slowly tearing him apart, and without the jewel, there was no way for him to prevent it from consuming him.


“How should I know?” Kagome replied, unable to tear her eyes away from the scene. Really, she couldn't explain what she'd done, since it had all been done instinctively. It had felt like a dam had burst within her and she'd gone with it, somehow knowing that to fight it would be contrary to what she was hoping to accomplish. Whatever it was, though, it was working beautifully. A final pulse of energy wracked Naraku's body, and then it shattered, bits and pieces scattering to the ground before turning to dust. Even the quicksand that he'd used to trap them was hardening again, turning once more into solid ground.

After several long moments of silence, Shippo peered out from behind the tree that he'd taken temporary shelter in. “Is it over?” His small voice was hopeful, but he'd seen Naraku escape far too many times to really give in to the desire to believe just yet. Nor was he the only one waiting for the demon to mysteriously emerge from the shadows. Inuyasha had set Kagome on the ground and was now standing in front of her with the Tetsusaiga ready to resume battle.

“Everyone stay alert,” Inuyasha ordered harshly, while keeping his gaze trained on the spot where Naraku had vanished. Somehow it seemed entirely too easy, despite the fact that he'd nearly drowned in the process. Even more suspicious was the fact that no one was seriously injured. How many times had they encountered a detachment and at least one member come away with wounds so serious they were unable to fight for weeks?

Breathing deeply, Kouga took the opportunity to scent the air and realized that Naraku's scent was rapidly dissipating. Of course, Inuyasha's nose was far stronger than his own,even if the mutt was a half breed. The fact that he hadn't moved from his spot proved just how distrusting he was of the situation they'd found themselves in. “You smelling something?” Kouga asked after a moment of silence.


“I dunno. It was just too damned easy. If this was all there was to it, we should have been rid of him a long time ago,” Inuyasha finally replied and then looked over towards Miroku. “What do you think? Is he dead?”

Miroku pursed his lips and gazed at Kagome for several seconds, trying to gage just what they'd witnessed. Clutched in her hand was Naraku's collection of the Shikon jewel, and it was highly unlikely that the man would retreat without making a serious attempt to retrieve it. Then again, he could be too injured to do so, since that had been the largest demonstration of power he'd ever seen out of the woman. “Perhaps,” he replied to the unanswered question and cautiously began removing the beads from around his right hand.

Everyone watched in tense silence when the glove was finally removed, trusting in Miroku to be able to seal the wind tunnel off if it was still present. It had been said that it would only vanish with its creator's death, but Naraku had proven that he could remove it at whim if he thought it to be in his best interest. When no sign of the devastating weapon presented itself however, the monk couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. With a death sentence hanging over his head his entire life, the feeling of freedom that overwhelmed him was nearly enough to drive him to his knees. “It's gone,” he whispered, staring into the palm which had tormented him for so many years.

“It's finally over then?” Sango asked, coming up behind him to touch his shoulder lightly. For the past three years, Naraku had dominated all of their lives and it was difficult to imagine what the future held for them now. Promises had been made during their journey, and she couldn't begin to guess whether or not they would be honored. First and foremost in her mind was whether or not Miroku had truly meant to take her for his wife once the war was over. But lurking in the back of her mind was Kagome, and her promise to remain by Inuyasha's side. Would she keep that promise or would she return to her own time? Uncertainly, she turned her attention to the miko in question and sighed when she saw the lost look in the girl's eyes. It was all too apparent that the realization had come to her as well, and somehow, Sango knew what her choice would be.

Shippo, however, was the one to voice the Slayer's innermost thoughts, “So what do we do now?” Patiently, he waited for an answer out of any of them. Although this wasn't a new question by any means, he wasn't sure who would be the one to answer first. Many times in the past he'd asked the same thing, but he'd always been put off. No one wanted to contemplate what would happen afterwards, not when there was a good chance that someone would die.

“Simple,” Inuyasha replied, and sheathed the Tetsusaiga, “we head back to the village.” Although he didn't want to bring it up, he and Kagome had discussed what would happen after Naraku was defeated, and they'd seen no need to trouble the others. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, Kagome belonged in her own time, and subconsciously, even she had known it. Why else would she have fought so hard to return home and ensure her future with her family. School meant nothing to him and the people who lived in this era, but to the miko, she was looking at a life of poverty without it. All he could do was support Kagome's decision and try not to make things any more difficult on her than they already were.


Without saying a word, Kagome began to follow Inuyasha back in the direction they'd come from, picking up her backpack as she walked past it. Although the night was far from over, none of them wanted to sleep in the area they'd just fought in. Just how far they'd travel before bedding down again was hard to say. But the last thing she expected to find as she slowly headed away from the scene was Kouga falling in step beside her. Cautiously she looked him over, wondering if perhaps he was injured or needed to talk, “Did you need something, Kouga?”


“Just because Naraku is dead, doesn't mean I'm just going to run off. You've still got to put the jewel together right?” Kouga asked the miko quietly. For now, he didn't take his eyes off of Inuyasha and the tense set of the hanyou's shoulders. Sighing heavily, he continued on, addressing his long time rival, “You'd better not be thinking I'm just after the jewel, you know. I want to make sure you all get back in one piece so Kagome can do what she needs to do.”


“I've got a newsflash for you, we don't need your help! I can take care of Kagome and the jewel just fine,” Inuyasha snapped at the other male, irritated that he was attempting to tag along. It was bad enough that Kouga had to step in and protect Kagome while he had been incapacitated, but for him to be playing bodyguard now was grating on his badly stretched nerves.

Kouga's snort in response was almost immediate, “Yeah, you did a bang up job back there didn't you? Just the same, I'll make sure she gets back safe and sound while you do... whatever it is that you normally do.”


“I don't have to take this shit from you, and I damned sure didn't say you could tag along!“ Inuyasha shouted over his shoulder, gritting his teeth in annoyance. 'Just once... All I want is just one time of Kagome telling that fleabag to piss off. Is that too much to ask?' Yet since she wouldn't do that, it left him only two options: tolerate Kouga's presence, or forcibly evict him from the group. Seeing that the wolf prince had no intentions of leaving on his own, there was only one course of action open to him, and reluctantly he accepted it.

Seeing Inuyasha gripping the hilt of his sword had Kagome's patience snapping, “That's enough! If you two want to have a pissing contest, do it on your own time. Is it too much to ask for my last night together with you guys to be free of your pointless posturing and trash talking? You both are worse than two year olds bickering over a toy!” Angrily, she stared up at the two of them, one wearing an expression of surprise and the other of anger.

“Don't you dare bitch at me! He started it,” Inuyasha snapped at her, the last of his patience at an end. Once again, he was not surprised that she was pissed off at the way they interacted, but doing nothing to resolve the cause behind it. Angrily he crossed his arms and glared at her, “You want peace and quiet? Tell him to get lost.”


"Why the hell should I be the one to go? In case you've forgotten, I'm the one who made it possible for the cat to even save your ass. You wouldn't be here if it wasn't for me," Kouga replied, his tone laced with arrogance. Whether the hanyou liked it or not, the fact still remained that he would have perished in the fight if it hadn't been for him, and Kouga wasn't about to let the opportunity pass to remind him of that little fact. "Hell, the way I see it, you can be the one to leave, mutt face."

"How about you both do us the favor of shutting up," Sango shouted, voicing her opinion on the subject. How in the hell Kagome managed to put up with the attentions of those two idiots she still wasn't certain, but they were giving her a headache. It didn't help that she was tired and her chest was sore from the hit she'd taken earlier. Although she hadn't had the chance to examine the injury yet, she wouldn't be surprised if Naraku had cracked part of her ribs with that blow.


When Inuyasha looked as if he were about to carry on with his tirade, Kagome held up a hand to silence him, "She's right, that's enough out of the both of you. I know you may not like Kouga being here, but it's only for a little while. Once I'm gone, you two can go your separate ways and never see each other again for all I care. Until then, just cool it." All she wanted now was to get back to the village and maybe get some sleep, but if they continued with their bickering, she'd borrow Kirara and go on ahead of everyone else. Nothing said she couldn't spend the night in her own bed and return after a good nights sleep. With Naraku dead, she could always deal with the issue of the jewel later, when her head didn't hurt and she wasn't so blasted tired.

That seemed to end the arguing for the moment and Kouga was left watching Kagome walking away from them, contemplating what she had said. While he'd always known that there was something different about her, he'd never really concerned himself about where she'd come from. But now there was talk about her leaving and by the sounds of it, she might not be coming back. Quickly he caught up to her and ignored the nasty look that Inuyasha threw at him, "Kagome, you aren't really leaving us are you?"


Whatever mutterings had been taking place quickly fell silent in anticipation of her answer. Biting her lip, she nodded. "I have to. I've got a life and a family back home that's been put on hold for so long. Now that Naraku is dead, it's time I started taking care of the other responsibilities I've been neglecting," Kagome replied, hoping that the others wouldn't question her decision. The truth was, the small gift shop that her grandfather operated wasn't nearly enough to support the family, and her mother's meager earnings weren't much better. Had she not been here in the feudal era, she would have had a part time job at the very least and been contributing to the support of her family.

"Family huh?" Kouga mused, trying to imagine what they would be like or for that matter, where they were. He wasn't concerned about there being another male waiting on her, had that been the case then she wouldn't have gotten as close to Inuyasha as she had. Not that it would have been something Kouga worried about in the first place, even if there had been. Obviously any man worth his salt would have been on the front line to protect his woman, and since it had been left to him and Inuyasha, they had more of a claim to her than any other male would. But would the miko just leave and never return? Somehow Kouga doubted it. Kagome was too attached to her friends here to abandon them for good. No, she'd come back, he was sure of it. "So how long do you plan be gone?"

"A while probably," Kagome said after a moment's hesitation, "I have to get things settled back home before I can think about coming back." She didn't want to come out and say never, but she couldn't be sure how long it would be either. If Kikyo was to be believed, the jewel would vanish with a wish, and that would most likely end her trips to the past. However if by some chance the well continued to allow her passage then there was no reason to deny the possibility entirely.

"You know," Kouga drawled, a plan quickly forming in his head, "you could always bring your family here." Seeing her look of disbelief he hurried on, "Think about it for a minute, you've been to the caves and seen how much room we have. It's not like at that village Inuyasha drags you to. You'd have as much room for you and your family as you want. I'd be happy to provide for you and them." There was no way he'd expect her to abandon her family and it was a sincere offer to care for them. Pack was everything to a wolf demon and since Kagome was the female he'd set his sights on, her family would automatically fall under his care.

"Oh no, I couldn't ask you to do that," Kagome hurried to decline the offer, although she took care not to offend him in the process. She could just imagine her family's reaction to the idea of giving up their home for living in a cave, assuming she could even bring them through the well which was by no means certain. Souta's first question would be where he could plug the Playstation in, and grandpa would be complaining about the lack of bathroom facilities. Even after all this time, they really hadn't seemed to grasp the idea that she was out here roughing it.

The sound of muffled laughter came suspiciously from Inuyasha's direction, but Kouga resolutely ignored it. 'The idiots probably gloating over the idea that she'd turn me down, but I know better. She just doesn't like to impose upon people.' But to continue pushing the idea would only make her uncomfortable. All he could do now was let her know the offer was open and that it was genuine, then she could draw her own conclusions and come to him when she was ready. "Just think about it, Kagome," he said quietly, "I know the way you think and why you're saying no. Just think about it, and when you're ready to come back, I'll be waiting for you."

The sappy declaration had Inuyasha rolling his eyes, but he didn't comment because he knew the futility of the wolf's offer. There was no way in hell her family would give up the comforts of their own home in the future to live in some dark, damp cave. As much as he liked them, they were typical for humans of their time, pampered and unsuited to living like he had all his life. To bring them to this era to live would be pointless and undoubtedly make them all unhappy. No, it was for the best if Kagome returned home like she wanted. Having an occasional visit from the miko would have to suffice, there really wasn't any other way around it. "Enough of the sappy shit already, you're making me sick," he said before Kagome could respond to Kouga's heartfelt plea.

Silence descended upon the group shortly after that, and Sango was grateful for the reprieve. Just breathing was a chore now, although she wasn't going to complain about it. Yet she knew that a suitable camping site was a lengthy distance away, and there was a good chance that she'd need to rest before then. As much as she hated to put upon her friend, something needed to be done. "Kirara," she spoke softly to the cat clinging to Miroku's shoulder, "can you fly?" While she didn't want to come right out and say it was getting too hard to walk she had to do something before it became obvious.

Kirara gazed upon her mistress with a critical eye, taking in her appearance. What she saw there had her leaping away from Miroku and taking on her larger form. While she was injured, it wouldn't be a problem carrying one or even two people. Wasting no time, she moved to Sango's side and waited for her to mount before returning to Miroku so that he could do the same. The sooner they returned to the village the happier they'd all be.

"Let's hurry, Inuyasha, if we don't stop we can make it to the village before daybreak," Sango said to the hanyou, trying to make it sound like a request and hoping that for once he wasn't going to be obstinate about taking orders from someone else.

If nothing else, Inuyasha wasn't a fool. He'd seen just how battered the two of them had gotten, even if he'd come away relatively unscathed. Sleep would do them all some good, although it was likely that Kouga would scoff at the idea entirely. Taking a look over at Kagome, he noticed that she was looking tired as well. "Get on. You need to sleep if you're going to deal with that jewel tomorrow," he said, before allowing her to climb on his back. The smallest of triumphant looks crossed his face when he saw Kouga's expression, but he was careful not to allow Kagome to see it. Instead, he made sure he had a firm grip on her and then took off at a run, leaving the wolf to follow or not as he so chose.

~The next morning~

It was only the sharp glare of the sunlight hitting her face that brought Kagome out of her slumber, and even then she tried to bury her face in her pillow. Unfortunately, it was a futile attempt, and she was forced to realize that there was no point in delaying the inevitable. What surprised her was realizing that she was back in the village to begin with. The last thing she remembered was closing her eyes and listening to Inuyasha's heartbeat while he ran. "Ugh it's far too early to be up," she muttered, wanting nothing more than to go back to sleep. The idea of what she had to do once she got up wasn't encouraging her to move any faster either.


"I'd be inclined to agree with you, but you've been asleep most of the day, Kagome," Miroku said with amusement and laughed when she opened one eye to halfheartedly glare at him. None of them had been inclined to wake her before now either, because they now knew what she intended to be doing. In fact, if she were to roll over and go back to sleep, he'd take his leave without informing any of the others that she'd woken up at all.

"Most of the day?" Kagome asked, and then sat up to stare at him tiredly, "Why didn't anyone wake me up?" It wasn't like Inuyasha to allow her to sleep in at all, even when she'd desperately needed the sleep in the past. Usually he wanted everyone up at the break of dawn, and while they hadn't gotten in until late, she'd figured he would have gotten her up around noon at the latest.

Miroku merely quirked a brow at her before sighing, "Considering that we only just heard of your decision last night, no one wanted to hurry your departure. I'm assuming you've thought it over thoroughly and it's what you wish to do?" Even though she'd seemed determined in the way she'd spoken of her plans to Kouga, he couldn't help but ask her now that they were alone. They'd always just assumed that she'd remain wherever Inuyasha was, and to find out that wasn't the case had come as an unhappy surprise.

"I wouldn't have made the announcement last night if I hadn't, Miroku," Kagome replied quietly, and then pushed the blanket off of her body. Somehow she wasn't surprised to be having this conversation with the monk. She'd been expecting it, although she'd thought that Sango would be present for it. Speaking of which, "Where is Sango anyway?"

"Asking Inuyasha if he took one too many blows to the head while we were fighting I imagine. She was rather surprised at how easily he accepted your announcement last night," Miroku replied, watching the girl prepare for the day's events. This was why he'd been chosen to be the one to speak to her. The others were likely to become too emotional. He, alone, could look at the situation rationally and not allow his emotions to sway her decision.


Hearing this Kagome couldn't help but giggle. They'd probably been expecting a war from Inuyasha over the fact that she was leaving, possibly for good. "Oh, Miroku, there's nothing wrong with him. We'd talked about this a while ago and he understands why I need to go home. He might not like it, but he accepts it," she said quietly, knowing that he was only concerned with her welfare and making sure that she wasn't making a rash decision.

“Alright then, as long as you're certain about what you want to do,” Miroku conceded after a moment of contemplation. As long as she was going to be happy, that was what mattered and if it wasn't with Inuyasha then he couldn't fault her for that. Over the past couple of years they'd all watched the ups and downs of their relationship, wondering at times if either one of them could see the person in front of the other for who they really were. 'Perhaps that's why nothing more came of it, he cannot see her without the shadow of Kikyo clouding his vision and Kagome could never completely see how difficult things had been for Inuyasha before she came through the well.' Reaching out he took the blanket from her hands, “Let me deal with this. I'm sure that you've got other things that you need to be attending to.”

“I... thank you, Miroku,” she said quietly before exiting the hut. There really wasn't much in the way of packing to do, since it had nearly been time to return home for supplies anyway. All of her clothing was already in the pack, waiting to be washed, and since she hadn't changed from the night before, she didn't have to worry about pajamas and such. 'All that's left now is to make the wish and say goodbye.'

Hearing the door hanging moved aside, Inuyasha looked towards the hut's entrance and saw Kagome stepping out into the sunlight. "It's time huh?" he asked quietly, searching her eyes to make sure that she was ready to do this.

"It looks that way," Kagome replied, watching Sango, Shippo and Kouga walking towards them. Fortunately, it wouldn't be hard to fuse the jewel pieces together, and she'd already thought long and hard about the wish that was to be made. Long ago, she'd heard about how Kikyo believed a wish would destroy the jewel and end the suffering that it had caused. While Kagome wasn't sure if that was true or not, it was the best they had to go on. But she wasn't going to delude herself into believing that there was such a thing as a pure wish. After all, hadn't they all come to that conclusion months ago? If neither Kaede nor Miroku could come up with one then it would be foolish to hold onto the faint hope that such a thing could be thought of. Besides, if that was what was required then why would Kikyo be willing to make such a selfish wish and turn Inuyasha human just to suit her needs? 'I suppose she might have been thinking of the intent behind the wish when it was made... Kikyo might have believed her wish to be pure, not because it was giving her something that she desired, but because it would be saving the soul of a creature that according to the Gods would be irredeemable. But wouldn't that be for them to decide and not her? I fail to see how the Gods would make it possible for demon or hanyou to be created if their souls would be damned from the beginning. In the end it still came down to Inuyasha not being good enough as he was, which was wrong for Kikyo to decide.'


No, there was no such thing as a pure wish, and it was foolish to try thinking of one. That would be doomed to failure, for there was a certain amount of selfishness in any request that she could possibly make. So instead, she'd embrace the wish fully, and take whatever consequences that came with it, so long as the Shikon vanished like it was supposed to. Slowly she gave the others the slightest of smiles and took a deep breath, "Is everyone ready for this part?"


"Take as much time as you need, Kagome,” Miroku advised, coming to a stop next to her. He'd heard the uncertainty in her voice and he certainly wasn't going to rush her into taking this step.

Nodding slightly, Kagome closed her eyes and took several deep breaths to calm herself before removing the piece of the jewel from her neck with one hand, and the second half from her pocket with the other. The two pieces felt comforting in her hands, as if the spirits within were supporting the action she was about to take. 'It's been in pieces for far too long, even the souls trapped within cry out for reunification.'

Together, they watched the miko bring her hands together and slide the pieces of the Shikon in place. The brief flash of light momentarily blinded them, but by the time that it had receded, the jewel was whole once again. Inuyasha watched her carefully for any sign of the jewel reacting unfavorably to what she'd done, and finally breathed a sigh of relief once it was finished. Now all that remained was the wish, and while it had once been a right that he had claimed, now he was giving it willingly to Kagome to do with as she wanted.

"I'm not sure how to do this really," Kagome muttered, while staring down at the pink jewel. Unfortunately the Shikon hadn't come with any sort of instruction manual, so she was going to have to take her chances and hope that it worked. Closing her hands around the artifact, she stared at Sango and gave her the slightest of smiles. If nothing else, she could make the woman she looked on as a sister happy. "I wish for Sango to have her brother back, never to be controlled by anyone, ever again."


The words that left Kagome's mouth stunned Sango, and for the longest moment she found herself unable to move. The wave of power that came from the jewel slammed into her body, driving her to her knees and rendering her blind for several moments. However, when the light cleared she found herself kneeling next to her only brother, whom she'd lost only a few months before. "Kohaku!" she cried, and threw herself over the boy's body, delighting in the fact that it was warm. The steady rise and fall of his chest reassured her that he was indeed alive, and it was all thanks to Kagome. With tears filling her eyes, she stared up at her friend, unable to express just how grateful she was for the gift that she'd been given.


Kneeling down next to her friend, Kagome smiled gently. She understood what the woman wanted to say even if she didn't have the words. "It's okay, Sango, I just want you to be happy," she said quietly. A quick glance towards Inuyasha revealed the faintest look of approval, which just reinforced her belief that she'd done the right thing. 'It worked.' She thought happily, pleased with the fact that not only had the wish come true, but the fact that she no longer even had the jewel in her hands. "It's really gone," she whispered, unable to believe that this chapter of her life was truly over.

"So I guess this is goodbye then," Kouga stated uncomfortably. While he'd been preparing himself for this eventuality all night, it didn't mean he had to be happy with the idea.

Never having been one for long, drawn out goodbyes, Kagome nodded, "It is, but don't worry, I'll be back one day." Quickly, before she had a chance to change her mind, she approached Inuyasha and hugged him, knowing that this would have to last her for a while. The blush that stained his face made her smile despite the tears that threatened to spill, and shortly after she felt his arms tighten around her.

"Hey now, don't hog her," Shippo complained, and insinuated his body between theirs. While the hanyou might have been closer to her than anyone else, he wasn't going to let the miko disappear without saying goodbye to him as well. "I'll miss you, Kagome," he cried out, hoping that she'd change her mind at the last minute.

"I'll miss you, too, Shippo, but I'll be back before you know it," Kagome whispered softly into his hair. The sound was so soft she was sure only he would hear it, and she desperately hoped that it was the truth. After several long moments, she released the kitsune and approached Kouga, but before she could hug him, she found herself swept up into his arms. To her relief, he didn't try to kiss her, and she returned the embrace almost awkwardly while waiting for Inuyasha to blow up over the display of affection. She was thankful that it never came, but when she was able to look at the hanyou again, she could see how the demonstration had bothered him. Uneasily, she faced Kouga again and smiled, "You take care of yourself alright?"


"Of course, and you remember what I said as well, I'll be waiting for the time when you come back," Kouga said confidently. He took it as a good sign when Inuyasha hadn't objected to the way he'd swept the miko into his arms. It meant there was one less obstacle in his way to claiming the woman he'd set his sights on, now he just had to wait for her to return to him.


"Alright then," Kagome waved the comment off with a smile. 'Hopefully he'll figure it out one of these days that I'm just not interested.' Finally, she turned to Miroku and was enveloped in a comforting hug, which fortunately had no attempts at groping to deal with. "Miroku, be sure to take care of Sango alright? I don't want to come back to hear continued tales of your cursed hand assaulting the women of random villages," she teased, trying to lighten the mood.

"You wound me, Kagome, to insinuate that I would do such a thing now that my curse has been lifted," Miroku said, playing the part of the innocent monk to the fullest. The disbelieving snort that the miko gave him had him chuckling in amusement. Out of all of their group, she had always been the most fun to tease.


"Of course, each time your hand has found it's way onto my butt your intentions have always been noble. How could I have ever been so careless as to have forgotten that?" Kagome asked, casting her eyes skyward in a prayer for patience. "Just remember to mind your manners or Sango won't be the only one you have to worry about." Her eyes gleamed with mischievousness and with one final hug, she released him.

It was time for her to go, and Inuyasha knew that there wasn't putting it off any longer, so he picked up the backpack she'd been carrying with her since the beginning of their travels together. "I'll walk you back," he said, knowing that she wouldn't turn down the offer of an escort. It would also keep Kouga from trailing her to the well and then forcing an explanation of how it led to her family.

"Thanks, Inuyasha," Kagome smiled at him once again, grateful for the offer.

Giving the rest of the group one final look, she began walking towards the well with the hanyou at her side. There really wasn't anything more to say that hadn't been stated over the many times they'd talked about this before. In fact, Kagome was positive that before the week was out, that Inuyasha would be coming through the well to visit after she had gotten settled into a normal routine again.

For his part, Inuyasha wasn't sure what to say at all. He knew that she wanted some time to herself to readjust to living life in her own time, and as hard as it would be, he would try to give her just that. Far too quickly for his tastes, he found they were at their destination. Carefully he set the pack on the edge of the well and turned to face Kagome, "You know if you need anything you can come back right? I mean, even if it just to take a break from your school or something like that."

"I know," Kagome said with a smile. It was touching the way he was trying to reach out to her, to show that he cared enough to want her to come back whenever she felt the need. If she knew him at all, she knew that when things started to stress her out, he'd be perched outside her bedroom window and would be ready to drag her through the well. Whether she was wanting to go back at that point might be another story though. "I should be going. Take care of yourself and try not to fight with Kouga too much alright?" she said with a forced grin. Somehow she could just see him heading back to the village and thumping on Kouga just for the hell of it.


"I ain't making no promises if he's still there when I get back," Inuyasha replied with a roll of his eyes. Once Kagome was on the other side of the well, there was nothing to say that he couldn't beat the hell out of that mangy wolf for acting all high and mighty. 'Let him save the day one fucking time and he thinks he's top shit. We'll see how long that lasts when I shove my foot up his ass.'

"You two are impossible," Kagome muttered and shook her head. There was just no getting around it, those two would never be able to get along more then ten minutes around each other. Carefully she sat on the edge of the well and gripped the straps to her backpack. "I guess this is goodbye. I'll see you later, Inuyasha," she said, and after a moment, slipped into the darkness of the well. Seconds later the familiar glow surrounded her and she found herself falling through time.


Closing her eyes, Kagome savored the feeling of being weightless until her feet found solid ground. Looking upwards, she was greeted by the roof of the well house and began the task of climbing up the rope ladder that her grandfather had so thoughtfully installed for her. The faintest sound of voices could be heard just outside the closed door and she hurried, anxious to see her family again. Sliding the door open, sunlight flooded the tiny building. With a smile on her face, she greeted her mother who was sweeping the courtyard, "Momma, I'm home."


~Two Days Later~

The afternoon found Kagome walking back to the shrine, her arms laden with groceries for the evening dinner. The past two days had done wonders for her with catching up on sleep and now she finally felt ready to tackle the world. The one thing that had been taken out of her hands though was the celebratory dinner that was planned for the evening. While she might have been happy with something simple, her grandfather had been determined in his thinking that Naraku's death was a historical event and therefore should be celebrated. 'Thankfully Momma drew the line at inviting everyone in the family and patrons of the shrine. I don't want to think about how he would have explained just what the festival was supposed to mean.'

Finally she'd been forced to flee the shrine in favor of going to the store just to avoid the schemes the old man was trying to talk them all into. Gathering her high school friends to re-enact the battle was something that she drew the line at. Not only was there not enough time, but they'd swear she was insane in the process of trying to convince them. No, Grandpa would have to settle for dinner and her retelling the tale for what had to be the 20th time since she'd returned home.


“Finally,” she whispered as she reached the top of the stairs and began to cross the courtyard. It was empty of course, leaving her to wonder just what sort of activity the inside of the house was being subjected to. 'So help me, if he's hung streamers from the ceiling, I might just have to jump back through the well to save my sanity.' Carefully she set one of the bags down on the ground when she reached the doorway, pausing just long enough to open the front door.


"I'm home,” she called out before picking up the bag and stepping through the doorway. It was difficult to kick off her shoes without dropping anything, but somehow she managed with a minimum of trouble. “Souta?” Kagome called for her brother, “can you come and help me with these bags?”


When he didn't answer, Kagome frowned in consternation. Most likely he'd fled the scene too and she was beginning to wish that she could do the same. Heaving a sigh she carried the bags into the kitchen and set them on the counter before setting off to find her wayward brother. “Souta,” she called again while hoping he was still in the house. If she was going to be forced to endure a day of preparations he would too. But all thoughts of the party died when she stepped into the living room. “No... you're supposed to be dead! We killed you,” she gasped, horrified by the sight laid out before her.


"Ah, so you were led to believe,” Naraku replied from his spot in a nearby chair, “but as you can see, I'm very much alive.” His eyes roamed over her body lazily, almost with disinterest. It should have been fascinating that she didn't look any different from the last time he'd spoken with her, but he knew all about her secret. For him, it had been five hundred years, but for her it had merely been a couple of days.

Uneasily, Kagome stared at the demon lounging in her living room. The temptation to run was immense, nearly overwhelming with the need to get help from the only one who had a hope of defeating Naraku. But when she stared into the terrified eyes of her family, bound and gagged on the living room floor it held her immobile and uncertain as to what she should do. Angrily she stared at the demon, wishing that she had a bow nearby. At least then she might have a chance of fighting him off. As it stood now, she was virtually helpless. Still, she couldn't just stand there and do nothing. “Let them go,” she said coldly, hoping beyond hope that her words would be forceful enough to bluff him into believing she was stronger than the last time they had fought.


"I think not. Instead, we're going to play a little game,” Naraku said, his lips twisting into a malicious smirk. “I'll make this easy enough for even you to understand though. Give me the jewel and I'll allow your family to live.” It went unsaid that the miko wouldn't be surviving the encounter, but that was a given. He had to repay her for his “death” all those years ago. Without the jewel he'd been forced to go into hiding, avoiding detection from the half breed and the rest of the group who thought to dispose of him. Now though, there was no one here to stop him from taking the jewel from the miko and he intended on using that to his advantage.

"I can't do that, and since you've survived all this time you should know that,” Kagome responded flatly. That he'd demanded the jewel right off the bat didn't come as a surprise, but that didn't mean she could just conjure it out of thin air.She'd have a better chance of blowing sunshine out her ass then producing the Shikon for him. The question was, what would he do to her family once he realized he wasn't getting his hands on it?

Naraku narrowed his eyes in warning, “Can't do it or won't, my dear miko? Do not think for a moment I won't hesitate to use force to get what I want.” Just what game was she playing at? He'd heard rumors that they'd wished upon the jewel and it had been destroyed, but he didn't buy that for an instant. A wish would not destroy the souls housed within the Shikon so it had to be somewhere and this little bitch was his key to retrieving it.

"I can't, the jewel is gone. I destroyed it, so you came here for nothing,” Kagome replied icily. While she longed to give into the desire to run and scream for Inuyasha's help, she knew that would only provoke Naraku into taking greater liberties with either her or her family. The bastard got off on fear, pain and suffering, there was no need to give him even more of what he craved.

Quietly Naraku contemplated the girl in front of him. He had to admit she was a crafty one. That innocent look was good enough to fool most people, but not him. He'd seen how easily she'd duped the people in the Feudal era into believing she was just from a neighboring village, leaving them none the wiser to her time traveling abilities. “Unfortunately I don't believe you Kagome so here's what we're going to do. You're either going to give me the jewel or you can watch your family die. Consider it the price of your continued silence and unwillingness to give me what I want.”

"I can't give you something I don't have,” Kagome shouted, fear beginning to lace her voice. She had no doubts that Naraku would do exactly as he'd said and time was running out. Should she make a break for it and pray that she reached Inuyasha in time? Most likely Naraku would kill her family long before she could return with help, but was remaining any better? There was no way that she could hope to fight him off on her own and live. They'd all die and it would have been for nothing. Gritting her teeth she cast a sorrowful look towards her family, praying they would understand and then turned to run.

Cruel laughter spilled from Naraku's lips then, seeing the choice that she'd made. Within moments a mass of tentacles had wrapped around the girl, preventing her escape while he stood from the chair he'd been seated in. “My, my, I'm surprised at you, Kagome. Leaving your family to die while you run, hoping that their deaths will buy you enough time to escape. I'm impressed, I didn't think you had it in you,” Naraku taunted the girl, enjoying the horrified look that spread upon her face as she twisted desperately, trying to escape.

"Screw you,” Kagome shouted and sent a pulse of energy through her hand, disintegrating the tentacle that wrapped around her waist, but there were more that followed. They were coming far too fast for her to deal with and within moments they had her completely immobilized and unable to act.

"Tempting, but that's not what I came for,” Naraku replied coldly, before turning to look at the three staring up at him from the floor, “Tell me, Kagome, who should be the first to die? The old man who gave much of his life to ensuring you grew up to be the woman you are today? Or perhaps the child who has so much to live for, yet as of now is virtually useless to society. Or maybe even your mother, the nurturing woman who supported your journeys and explorations to the past where you destroyed the goals I had set.”

"I'm not choosing your first victim, you bastard! I can't give you what you want, kill me if you have to, but let them go,” Kagome shouted angrily, tears of frustration spilling down her cheeks. Perhaps it would have been better if she'd have never come home, at least then Naraku would have continued to wait, biding his time to corner her. Maybe she would have had Inuyasha at her side then and they wouldn't be in this position.

Naraku sighed, as if the miko's answer disappointed him, when he was nothing of the sort. So she wanted to make this even more enjoyable for him, he had no problem with that. “Very well, I'll just have to make the choice for you then,” he said at length and walked towards the girl's grandfather. Tucked away in the corner was an old, rusty sword. Most people believed the blade to be lost to time, vanished when the owner was slaughtered, but Naraku knew the truth and soon, Kagome would as well.

The sight of Naraku holding that particular sword had Kagome's blood running cold, “Where did you get that?” The thought that their enemy could ever manage to defeat Inuyasha was inconceivable, but Kagome couldn't imagine another way that Naraku would manage to get the Tetsusaiga away from the hanyou. 'But... he can't be dead, he just can't!'

“Don't be dense, miko, you know very well where I got it from,” Naraku said with amusement and unsheathed the blade, “I know what you're thinking and you would be correct. The only way to obtain this sword was to pry it from Inuyasha's cold, dead fingers. You should have seen the look on his face just before I tore his heart out. He never expected to see me alive and that was his downfall.” Slowly, he walked over towards the old man and examined the blade, “You know it's nearly impossible for this thing to cut through flesh in this form, but if one is persistent enough it can be done. This is your last chance before he dies, where is the jewel or would you prefer a demonstration of just how dull this blade is?”

"I,” Kagome whispered as her mind raced, trying to figure out some way to stall him. An excuse, any excuse that might buy her some time in order to try and work something out, but nothing came to mind. She knew that her time had run out when Naraku pulled his arm back, readying the sword for the first blow. “Grandpa no!”

The dull blade cut through the air and connected solidly with the old man's neck although it was as Naraku had expected. The old blade just barely broke the skin. The moan of pain however, was quite satisfying, as were the futile struggles the human was giving in his attempt to get away. Over and over Naraku swung, hacking away at the man's neck, and soon blood began to splatter with each subsequent blow. The agonized screams that filled the air only grew in intensity until one particularly hard blow caved in his windpipe, rendering the miko's grandfather unable to breathe, much less speak.

"Stop!” Kagome screamed and twisted, praying to any God which might be listening in hopes that she could free herself long enough to put an end to this madness. The horrified expressions on her mother and brother's faces were just too much, but she couldn't look away. Her bonds wouldn't allow her that luxury.

"Indeed, that is the entire point to this exercise my dear but, very well,” Naraku conceded, agreeing to that particular request with an enthusiasm did not suit the occasion. In the end it really didn't matter to him, waiting just prolonged the man's suffering even further and who was he to argue with that? Another cut or two would have severed the old man's jugular and he would have bled out quickly. But now he would slowly suffocate, courtesy of his granddaughter's unwillingness to do what was needed to spare his life, and Naraku delighted in the fact that these final moments would plague them all into the afterlife. With great interest, he watched the way the human's skin turned colors, deepening to an interesting shade of blue before giving a final gasp. And then it was done, the old Priest lived no longer. “One down, miko, shall you decide who's next or should I?”

"No,” Kagome whispered miserably, unable to take anymore. “I'll give you the jewel, just don't hurt anyone else.” It was a last ditch attempt at stopping the brutality, but even as she spoke the words, she knew there was little hope. But still, she had to try something, anything to buy them some time. There was no way she could produce the jewel, but maybe, just maybe it would give her mother a some kind of chance to work her bonds free and then get Souta to safety. Taking a deep breath, she prepared to attempt to give the performance of a lifetime, one that their lives depended on. “I might not have it with me, but I can take you to where the jewel is.”

Naraku regarded her with interest for a moment. “Really now? Are you trying to tell me you willingly allowed your grandfather to suffer and die when you could have prevented it by giving me what I desired?” Truly this girl was becoming more interesting with each passing moment. He didn't believe her words for a second, but seeing the look of horror crossing her mother's face as he spoke just amused him even further.

"That's not what,” Kagome started before shutting her mouth. There was no way she would agree with what he had said, but she couldn't exactly deny it either, not if she wanted her plan to have a chance of working. The way her mother was staring at her now made her long to trade places with her grandfather on the floor. 'Inuyasha where are you? I know you're out there somewhere. Please, help us!'

Shaking his head, Naraku set the Tetsusaiga aside and proceeded to move next to the older woman. “You know, I don't believe you have any intention of giving me what I desire. Instead, you're stalling for time, praying that the half breed will come through the well and save you. Put aside your foolish dreams now little girl, there will be no one to stop me this time. Not you and certainly not Inuyasha, ” he said and then knelt next to the miko's mother, “You know, if I'd have managed to find your daughter before she'd fallen through the well, all of this would have been unnecessary. I could have removed the Shikon from her possession and none of you would have been troubled with this foolishness. But now because your daughter takes me for a fool, you will have to die so I can prove to her that I intend to have what is rightfully mine. Nothing will stop me.”

Kagome watched in terror as Naraku manipulated the tentacles holding her mother in place until she was suspended in mid air, dangling like a puppet on a string. The sheer terror in her mother's eyes left no doubt that the woman knew she was about to die. All the stories she'd told her family about Naraku's cruelty had suddenly come to life, it was no longer some strange fairy tale in their minds.

"Please! Don't do this,” she cried, but it was too late to reason with him. With horror she watched as the thick appendages swirled around the woman's legs, nearly caressing the bared skin and inching further beneath her skirt, slowly creeping higher and disappearing from view. Suddenly they pulsed and surged forward with a violence that tore a scream of pain from her mother's throat.

"Momma!” Kagome screamed in terror as the woman's body convulsed violently, pinned in place by her bonds. Blood gushed in torrents, splattering against the floor wetly and filling the air with its coppery aroma. The horrified wails of her brother combined with her own as they witnessed the final moments of their mother's life.

"Delicious,” Naraku purred in satisfaction, listening to the reaction of his captive audience. The children's terror was sweet, but the agonized cries of the older woman were like music to his ears. Eagerly he watched the way her skin rippled and pulsed with each passing moment, caused by the vines tearing through her body like it was nothing more than paper. Abruptly the screams ended with a gush of blood erupting from her mouth, followed quickly by the writhing appendages working their way out of her mouth. Yet still they continued to grow, feeding on the energy that Naraku was supplying until the sounds of tearing flesh filled the room. Soon the corpse was in pieces, the tentacles crawling wetly through the remains as if they were snakes on the prowl and looking for their next meal.

"So,” Naraku began after a moment's silence to savor his latest kill, “do you care to be more convincing this time or are you going to attempt to placate me with yet another lie, miko? You can't possibly believe I would accept that a wish would destroy the jewel. Kikyo was willing to believe it because of how greatly she desired to be an ordinary human, but you are smarter than that, and so am I. You might not have it in your direct possession, but you can easily lead me to where it is. I will not be put off with lies in some foolish attempt to stall me until help can arrive.” While Inuyasha was dead in this time, there were others of their old group still among the living. It would not do for them to seek the miko out and find him here. Until he had the jewel in his possession, it was best to avoid a confrontation with the more powerful demons she'd allied herself with.


"Dammit!,” Kagome screamed at the demon, unsure of what to do or say anymore, “I tell you that I can't get it and you don't believe me. I tell you that I'll try and get it for you and you call me a liar. Make up your mind, which is it that you want?” Deep down though she knew that neither answer was the correct one, but what more could she do? 'Nothing. There's nothing more that I can do.' Once Naraku was finished, he'd kill them both and take his leave and she was powerless to stop the demon. Perhaps if Inuyasha were here they would stand a chance, but not as things stood now.

For now, Naraku ignored her questions as if they'd never been spoken. It was clear that she wasn't going to give him what he wanted, she was refusing to cooperate and for that he would show her no mercy. Besides, he had a death to avenge and what better time to take it than now? A slow smile spread across his face when another way to torture them both came to mind. “Tell me, boy,” he said, his tone laced with genuine curiosity and turned his attentions towards Souta, “I'm going to give you a choice and your decision will determine the destiny of what is left of your family. I can let you go now and you can leave, never to look back. But the cost of your life will be that you leave your sister to die by my hands. Or, I can kill you and allow her to go free in an attempt to find the Shikon like she claims to be able to do. If she produces the jewel I'll allow her to live and never trouble her again. Tell me, which option do you choose?”


With wide eyes Souta stared up at the demon who had singlehandedly managed to slaughter his family, and render the only person he knew that had the power to save them completely defenseless. His life was forfeit, he knew that much already despite the show of generosity that was being extended his way. Even if he were to choose to live, Naraku would kill him before he managed to cross the threshold, after slaughtering Kagome like he had the others. 'So what choice does that leave me?' Regardless, he couldn't condemn his sister to die, he loved her too much. She was the one who had to live and somehow escape. Slowly he drew a shuddering breath, knowing that he was about to seal his fate. Once the words were spoken, there was no way to take them back, not even to spare himself the pain of what was to come. “Take me and let her go,” he said at last, keeping his gaze trained on the floor. He couldn't bear to see the pain in Kagome's eyes now after hearing him condemn himself to death.


"How touching,” Naraku mused and stared down at the boy, “very well. I'll take your life in lieu of your sister's for the time being. Just know this in your final moments, should she fail to produce the Shikon, she will join you in the afterlife.” Then he looked over his shoulder and his gaze took in the miko's appearance. It was clear that those final words had finally broken her spirit. Had he known that all it would take was hearing her brother willingly giving his life for her own he would have taken that step earlier. Yet in spite of that revelation, Naraku wasn't feeling particularly merciful and as such had no intentions of making Souta's death a quick one. Closing his eyes, he allowed a pulse of power to wrack his body and the demons that made up his body began to rearrange themselves. Moments later one broke free, slowly peeling away from his body and taking the shape of a large flesh-eating lizard.

Cold, amber eyes stared down at the frail human and a forked tongue slithered out of its mouth to taste the air, scenting the food that it was being offered. The smell of fear was predominant, quickly followed by the pungent aroma of urine when its prey realized it was truly trapped. Exhaling heavily, its breath came out as a low hiss, mingling with the whimpers of terror coming from the human boy. Patiently it waited, biding its time until the hunt was on and it came even more quickly than it anticipated. The tentacles holding the boy in place vanished and within moments the prey was running in terror, blinded by the fear that came from knowing he was about to die. Yet the human had no chance, none at all in outrunning the hunter. In the space of one heartbeat and the next, it was upon the small form and its claws were digging deeply into his flesh. The scent of blood filling the room had a drugging effect and for a moment the lizard didn't move. Instead it stared down at the struggling human, contemplating which delicacy it wanted to try first.


Flexing its claws, the lizard gripped its prey by the shoulders and lunged, sinking its razor sharp teeth in the tender flesh of a shoulder before giving a violent tug. The sickening crunch of bones filled the air just before the body was torn in half, silencing the human's screams. The lizard lifted its head with Souta's severed torso dangling from it's mouth, giving the miko a spectacular view of her brother's demise. Soon after, bits of flesh and internal organs fell to the floor while the demon feasted on its prize and soon nothing remained of the tidbit it had been gifted with. Inhaling deeply it began looking for its next victim, but an order from Naraku had it pausing in its tracks.


"That's enough, I have another destiny in mind for the miko,” Naraku said quietly. The words garnered no reaction from the girl whatsoever, but that stony silence wouldn't last long as all. Slowly he paced towards her, stopping only when he was close enough to touch her. “All this pain and suffering for a trinket that by all rights you should be eager to rid yourself of. Will you not give me the jewel, even to save yourself?”

Kagome wordlessly shook her head, unable to even speak after the brutality that she'd witnessed. Death would be a blessed relief compared to the overwhelming pain that she was in from watching her family being slaughtered before her eyes. Whatever purpose she had was gone now, along with the Shikon, wherever it was. The only thing she could take comfort in was that it would be over soon and Naraku would never get his hands on the jewel.


Naraku had been expecting that sort of reaction from her, so he wasn't surprised. In the end he supposed that it didn't matter, Kagome was the quickest method for finding the jewel, but by no means was she the only one. After all, he'd found many of the shards in the past on his own and he would do so again. “So be it then, miko,” he replied coldly and manipulated the tentacles into releasing her. Yet he had no fears of her attempting to run from him, he could see the acceptance of death in her eyes. Still, when she made the slightest of movements he bound her hands so that she couldn't make an attempt to purify him.


Once she was sufficiently restrained, Naraku yanked her to her feet and began dragging her out of the house. There was no fear of being discovered by the people who frequented the shrine for he had no qualms about killing anyone who got in his way. But it wasn't something he needed to be concerned about to begin with, the courtyard was deserted leaving a clear path to their destination, the Goshinboku. The tree where Inuyasha had been sealed away for fifty years was to be the execution ground for the miko who had caused him so much trouble.


Only once they reached the tree did Kagome seem to snap out of the trance she'd been held in and begin to struggle. Violently she strained against her bonds, her will to survive overriding any death wish she had at that particular moment. Pure instinct dominated her movements, but it was all in vain, it had come too little too late and within moments she was bound to the ancient tree.


"And here I thought you'd accepted your fate, miko,” Naraku said with amusement and surveyed his handiwork. The irony of the location was just too good for the demon to pass up and when he began to pile up small bits of wood and tinder around the woman's legs, a positively sadistic expression overtook his features. Briefly he wondered how long it would take for word of Kagome's death to reach the others before he decided that it didn't matter. They hadn't realized that he'd managed to survive, even after he'd taken the half breed out. Assuming they were able to deduce that he was behind this, it was unlikely they'd manage to find him. The inept way they handled themselves both in the past and the present assured his relative safety. Finally he stepped away from his handiwork and withdrew a lighter from his pants pocket. Giving her one final look, he flipped it open and lit it, tossing the flame at her feet and watching as the fire sparked, slowly at first and then growing in intensity.

"Somebody help me!” Kagome screamed as loudly as she could, praying someone would come to her aid. While the fire was still small, she had no doubts that it would quickly gain in strength and soon envelope her body. The heat was already unbearable, easily penetrating her shoes and melting the plastic to the soles of her feet. Yet for all of her thrashing freedom remained just beyond her reach, while Naraku stood nearby, mocking her pain.


It wasn't long before her screams lost any coherency and the miko was reduced to shrieking in agony. The flames licked higher up her legs and enveloped her clothing in its fiery embrace, tainting the air with the acrid stench of burning flesh. Within moments it had surrounded her entire body, greedily consuming one of the most powerful Priestesses in Japan's history. However, it was strange that the Goshinboku remained untouched by the fire, defiantly withstanding the touch of the flames.


Breathing was now impossible and the only thing that Kagome could feel was pain. Through the red haze she could see her tormentor, taking delight in her torment, but soon even that visage was taken from her. The agony of her eyes exploding under the intense heat was excruciating, but by now her body had been pushed beyond the limits of her endurance. The comfort of slipping into unconsciousness was like a blessing, and soon after, her life was extinguished leaving only the fire Naraku had set to consume what was left of her body.


With the miko's death, there was no reason for Naraku to remain at the shrine. Instead, he had a future to look forward to, even if it came with the headache of retrieving the Shikon from parts unknown. One of the few people that could hope to kill him was now dead and there was little for him to fear. Let lord Sesshoumaru or Kouga seek him out now. Without the miko, their powers would not be enough to subdue him. Smiling to himself, he proceeded to vanish from sight, intent on beginning this newest quest for power. Before he was finished, Japan would fall beneath his rule and then he would move on to conquering the world.

~In another part of Tokyo~

The vaguest feeling of unease had been plaguing Shippo throughout the day, but he hadn't been able to pinpoint exactly what was causing the problem. Sighing in irritation, he tugged at his tie while wondering just how in the hell he'd been roped into going into this meeting in the first place. 'Oh yeah, Sesshoumaru wanted me to oversee the meeting to insure that our investors are reassured that our company is on schedule. If these lack wits had been paying attention they would have noticed that the 'person' serving them is actually one of the A.I. prototypes they're so worried about.'

When he actually thought about it, Shippo was struck with the irony that it was a company of demons who were heading the advancement of artificial intelligence with the hopes of eventually developing cybernetic organisms. The sound of his fingers drumming against the polished surface of the conference table drew everyone's attention towards him and he had to repress a sigh. Pointing out how ridiculous this little conversation was wouldn't do any good and it would likely piss Sesshoumaru off since it would invariably bring the dog demon a headache dealing with them later. “Mr. Takanaka, I assure you that we have everything under control. If you'd look at the folder that Yuki has provided, you would see that we're actually two months ahead of schedule. Your worries while understandable, are groundless,” Shippo said, filling the silence and then waited for the predictable response that was sure to follow.

"I've already looked at the paperwork, Mr. Hakashi and my concerns remain. What we see on paperwork means nothing if we have nothing to observe for ourselves. You say the prototype is up and running, but we've yet to see proof,” Mr. Takanaka replied stuffily, adjusting his glasses to peer at the red head at the end of the table. He still couldn't understand why they'd been sent this young upstart to deal with their concerns instead of the CEO of the company.


“With all due respect, Mr. Takanaka, proof has been standing before you for the last two hours yet you've failed to notice it. Yuki here is the proof that's been staring you in the face this entire time. While he hasn't been programmed for the combat training that we've discussed, his appearance is exactly what you've requested. Even you were unable to tell that he's a machine and that is more than any of the other companies you've contracted can say,” Shippo replied smugly and leaned across the desk, daring the man to contradict him. This was why it was so rare that he involved himself in these sort of meetings, he just didn't have the patience to deal with these business types. 'Now if only I could get out of here. Sesshoumaru told me she was due to return any day now and I'll be damned if I'm putting off seeing her for any longer than necessary.'

Mr. Takanaka stared at their host with wide eyes, “You mean?” Abruptly his gaze swung over to the person in question. What he'd assumed to be a well trained assistant was actually one of the weapons they'd contracted? It hardly seemed possible, there was nothing about the young man that even appeared to be remotely animatronic.


"Yes, Yuki is the first fully functional example of the ITbeta line. We're coming close to perfecting the technology, all that's left is software development. Once you gain the government grants necessary to begin integrating human genetics into the system we can work on advancement, but until then, your system specifics have been met,” Shippo stated matter of factly and slid the closed folder containing the necessary documents across the table to the man. He couldn't begin to predict just how long it would take until they were actually able to utilize living tissue with their development, but he wasn't going to worry about it too much. Knowing the way the government worked it would be years before they accepted such a practice so until then, these fools had to be happy with what they were able to achieve.

Seeing how quickly the business men began pouring over the documents, Shippo stood away from the table, “Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me I've got other business I must attend to. If you have any further questions please direct them to Mr. Hotori.” Now that he was no longer needed he could look into just what it was that was setting him ill at ease. Giving a pointed look to his assistant, Shippo knew that the man would take care getting Yuki back to the office. Without giving the room a backwards glance he made his way out of the building, occasionally nodding to the people he passed. Fortunately no one attempted to detain him, he just wasn't in the mood to deal with anyone else for the rest of the afternoon.

It was only once he was within the relative privacy of the car that Shippo allowed the illusion he'd cast to fall and his demonic characteristics reappeared. The tie was also quickly yanked off and tossed onto the leather seat, earning him a raised eyebrow from the driver. “Don't look at me like that, Jaken. You can't tell me you wouldn't peel that noose from around your neck if you had half the chance,” he stated blandly, daring the other demon to contradict him.

"What There were times he envied the kitsune and his ability to get away with things he wouldn't dream of attempting. If it were up to him he wouldn't be driving Shippo around while wearing an illusion that made him appear human. Looking up in the rear view mirror he regarded the kitsune, “So what are you doing out of the meeting so early? If you're shirking your duties again Lord Sesshoumaru's fury will be uncontrollable.”


"Spare me the lecture, Jaken,” Shippo said with a sigh, “those idiots shut up soon enough after hearing that Yuki was actually a robot instead of a human.” He fell silent as the feeling of unease washed over him again and he regarded Jaken uneasily, “Have you felt anything... out of the ordinary lately?” While it was a long shot, there was a chance that the toad might be sensitive enough to pick up on what was wrong and corroborate his own gut feeling.


"Of course not, if there was something amiss Lord Sesshoumaru would have already known and dealt with the problem,” Jaken replied instantly, confident in his lord's abilities. The dubious look that the kitsune was giving him was ignored, while the red head had survived centuries fraught with terrible battles he was still considered quite young compared to a demon such as himself. Eventually Shippo would learn not to question his judgment.

"All the same,” Shippo said, frowning when he couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that something was terribly wrong, “take me to the Higurashi shrine.” Something told him that it centered around Kagome although he couldn't explain just what it was. Fortunately he was only a couple of miles away from the place and could see for himself soon enough whether she was back or not. One one hand he couldn't wait to see her, but on the other, he wasn't looking forward to explaining to her everything that had happened in the past five hundred years.

The scenery passed by the window of the car quickly, but Shippo stared out without seeing any of it. His mind was firmly entrenched in the past, thinking about the friends that he'd lost throughout the years. Inuyasha's death had been a particularly hard one to deal with since no one knew exactly who it had been that had killed him. All they knew was that his body had been brutally torn apart and the Tetsusaiga taken. The area hadn't even shown signs of a struggle which meant whoever the killer was had been quick and taken the hanyou by surprise. His death was likely to be a harsh blow to the miko he hoped to see, but there was no way he would lie to her. That was likely to be the first question she presented him with and he wasn't looking forward to it.


The moment the shrine came into view his attention was immediately riveted to the slight plume of smoke that was lazily rising into the air. “Stop the car,” he snapped and reached for the door handle. In all his time of watching over the shrine there was never a fire there unless is was time for a festival and there certainly wasn't one meant to occur anytime in the near future. Throwing the door open he leapt out of the car and was racing up the stairs. The horrible stench of burning flesh hit his nose, causing his heart to race in fear. Yet when he reached the top of the stairs his heart froze in his chest. “Kagome no,” he whispered, stunned by what he was seeing.


Behind him he could hear Jaken's approach, but he ignored the smaller demon and began walking towards the woman he'd known since childhood. 'Oh god, who would do this?' The sight was horrific and if he hadn't seen such atrocities in his life he might have completely broken down, but he couldn't afford to, not right now. Exercising his power, Shippo took a firm grip on the fire still dancing around her body and extinguished it. It was only then that he saw the charred remains of the tentacles that had bound her to the Goshinboku, rendering her helpless against an attack.


“Naraku,” he growled out loud, giving name to the only demon who could possibly want to do such a thing to her. How he'd survived was unknown, but Shippo was determined to find out.


“Call Sesshoumaru,” he snapped at the demon standing behind him, “we're going hunting. I'm going to make that bastard pay for touching her.”

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