The Forever Land: Like Peas

Published Apr 28, 2008, 4:40:51 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 28, 2008, 4:40:51 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

An A/U in which Zarbon, no longer able to live under Frieza's fearful shadow, conspires with the Ginyu Force to escape the tyrant's grip. However, can he bolster enough courage to take the reins of his own freedom?

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Chapter 4: Like Peas


"The Forever Land"

Route 3: Like Peas

A space pod.

He’d be riding in a space pod.

He couldn’t even remember the last time he rode in a space pod…

When Frieza had told everyone that they would head out upon the completion of his ship’s maintenance, he had assumed that he would be riding in said ship. He always did, so why should things be any different? Perhaps that was master’s original intent, but an incoming transmission from King Kold the night before, one that requested his presence at an impromptu meeting of the Icejin clans (probably in regards to a territory dispute, he figured), his assumptions were shattered. Somehow, he felt Frieza was secretly laughing behind his back about the whole thing. The Ginyu Force as the sole exception, pods were for grunts of lesser importance, including but not limited to, those Saiyan sub-animals. And besides that, he was claustrophobic.

To make matters worse, the insufferable Ginyu clods were accompanying them as escorts. Escorts! To Frieza’s handmen! As the final blow, Ginyu would be Frieza’s acting retainer for the duration of the summit, in his and Dodoria’s stead. Those cocky bastards were probably eating it up with a slice of pie on the side. Those same bastards were still determining who would come along on the Ttasiformes expedition through the bedrock of their politics, rock-paper-scissors. “What kind of world do those buffoons live in?” Zarbon muttered to himself, scowling all the while.

After best two out of three, Recoom and Jeice had won the right to annoy Zarbon. Guldo seemed genuinely relieved not to have to go, and Berter just crossed his arms, more disappointed about being stuck behind with the uncharismatic toady than losing the game.

“Well, gents,” Ginyu addressed his men. “You know what is expected of you. Remember, this is a reconnaissance mission. REE-KON-UH-SENSE. So don’t go blastin’ the place to hell and back just yet. And whether you like it or not, the lapdogs are in charge, so don’t give them too much trouble.” The blue one’s eyebrow twitched at the lapdog comment. The pink one growled, not helping their case any.

“Eh, no worries, Cap’n,” said Jeice, itching to launch. “We’ll blast on over, scope out the place, and be back in time for dinner before ya know it.”

“Puh! If you think your dinner’ll keep for the next sixteen days,” Recoom began, adjusting his scouter. “Then you can have it. Be my guest. Take my portion while you’re at it.” A beep triplet informed him that his scouter had finished downloading their flight path. “It’ll take six days to get there, four days to scout the place, and another six to get back, so hang on to your rations well, buddy.” He ended in a chuckle.

“In any case, let’s get going,” Dodoria hissed, still a little sore about Ginyu’s comment.

“Well, team, this is where we split. Go out with style!” The good captain gave them both a thumbs-up, the universal positive indicator.

The four stepped onto their individual carriers, slowly ascending to the launch pad above. “See ya, Cap! Bert! Guldo! We’ll bring back souvenirs!” Jeice, carefree as ever.

“You guys!” Bellowed the behemoth. “Don’t touch my chocolate stash! I know how many I have, an’ I’ll be countin’ when I get back!”

Guldo gaped. That was actually next on his agenda. He kicked the tarmac, dejected. “You can have your chocolates!” Blue laughed, raising a hand in good will as the platforms carried them out of sight.

The platforms clunked a bit, then hissed as they reached their maximum height, perfectly level with the launch pad. The two Ginyus practically leapt into their pods, Dodoria clambering in after. Zarbon just stared at his, hesitant. “Hey, you coming or aren’t you?” Asked the ogre, wonder what the hold up was. The Azureman looked to his partner, then to his pod, and back again, before surrendering himself to the situation and plopping into his vessel, a little downhearted. Shaking his head, spikes tapped his scouter to transmit. “Dodoria to control tower. Begin the launch sequence.”

“T-minus one minute to launch.”

Zarbon closed his eyes and tried to relax. Soon the sleep induction would begin. He just had to hold on until then.

“T-minus 30 seconds to launch.”

Goldeneye did not remember the last time he’d entered one of these hell contraptions, but the memories of how it felt to be inside one were coming back on him and fast. The turbulence… The turbulence was not something he dealt with very well, and he found himself sincerely regretting having eating before blast-off.

“Launch sequence complete! Lift off!”

He probably could have held on, if the initial take off hadn’t been so violent. Gagging, Zarbon quickly covered his mouth with his hands. He’d be damned if he was going to be covered in his own vomit for the next six days. With a hard swallow and a whimper, the Azureman reclined as best he could and awaited the deep sleep.

The remaining three looked on until their pods became twinkles in the sky. “Well, there they go…” The blue giant muttered to the sky.

“Well, men,” Ginyu began. “I’m off to report to Frieza. Hold down the fort and work on your poses while I’m gone.”

“Sir!” They barked, saluting proper. The minotaurus turned on his heel and made his way to meet his master. Berter looked after him a bit, but soon raised a quizzical eye ridge, aware of Guldo’s gaze. “What?”

“Can I ride on your shoul--”

“Nothin’ doin’.”

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