Street Demons: Chapter 4

Published Sep 28, 2008, 6:20:25 PM UTC | Last updated Sep 28, 2008, 6:20:25 PM | Total Chapters 8

Story Summary

During an attempt to run from Naraku, Kagura rams her car into a Mercedes Benz. Unbeknown to her, this one accident sparks events with the very man whose car she wrecked. KaguXSessh very IC as much as i can get so the lovey stuff will come slowly

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Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Author's Notes:

            Konichiwa!  Another chapter new stuff happening!! What's gonna happen….iuuno. XD I'm winging it so its gonna go where it wants to!! Well anyways thanks to the supporters, reviewers and everything!! Tell your friends! Make your family read it!! AND MOST IMPORTANTLY REVIEW!!




            Kagura awoke a feeling quite sore from sleeping on the lumpy and uncomfortable couch, growling a bit as she swung her legs over the edge of the couch. The woman growled as she knocked the can of pop over, causing the flat liquids to spill over her socked feet. "God damn it!!" she snarled as she kicked the can across the garage spraying some of its contents into the air. Kagura huffed again and looked around for a few moments before she found a shower and stormed over to it muttering a few curses under her breath.


            The young woman threw her clothes out of the shower as she turned the water on and felt its heat spread all over her body. "I know there's something that I should be doing today but what is it?" Kagura questioned as she began to wash herself. The young woman spent a good half an hour letting the hot water run over her body before she turned the water off and stepped out of the shower. "Damn it," she growled looking around for a towel. She stormed over to the couch shivering as she walked across the cement floor, planning on using a blanket to dry off her nude form. To her horrid disdain the couch had no blankets or coverings of any kind on it. "FUCKING USELESS COUCH!!" the woman exclaimed as she kicked the furniture, causing her to fall on her ass.


            Kagura lay on the ground for a while trying to make sure she hadn’t broken any of her bones when she landed on the hard floor. After she made sure all her bones were intact the ebony haired woman got up and headed to the upper section of the garage hoping to find a towel there. Upon reaching the top of the stair case that lead to the upper level the woman located a single bath towel sitting on the back of a chair. As she snatched the towel up Kagura noticed the note she had wrote for her self the night before. "Well at least I'm not going to forget what I was supposed to do today."




            And old withered man sat in the back of a dark, dusty garage mumbling to his self as he scratched his head. "Curse that Sesshoumaru," the balding man said as he sat cross-legged on the floor of the old building, "Ordering me to install a GPS com system for his new lackey, like I'm some cheep every day mechanic! I ought to give that pompous…" The man's ranting was interrupted as a side door that lead into the garage opened, spilling light inside. "Ehh, who's there?" the white haired man said as he looked towards the door.

            "I was told by Sesshoumaru to come here to get some parts for my car," Kagura said as she stepped into the darkness, squinting to make out anyone inside. The young woman was wearing form fitting blue jeans along with a red tank top. "But I'm not sure I'm in the right place."


            "Oh I assure you my dear this is indeed the correct place," the old man said as he ran out of the small office he had been sitting in and stood before the young woman eyeing her up. "My, my, you're a pretty one."

            Kagura leered at the old man not trusting the dirty look in his eye. "Where the hell should I pull my car in?" she questioned as she restrained herself from pummeling the man who was looking her over.


            "Oh I'll open the door up just give me a few moments," the aging man said as he scratched his head a bit pretending not to be interested in the young woman's body.


Kagura leered at the old man again before speaking up a bit. "By the way what the hell's your name?"

            "Totosai my dear, and yours?" Totosai asked as he shambled over to a large locker and looked into it.

            "Kagura," the young woman spat as she walked outside and around to the side of her car. She mumbled something incoherent as she slid inside her car and glanced at her backseat which was full of groceries. As she saw the garage door start to raise Kagura turned the car on and pulled inside the dark garage.

            "JEEZUS!" the old man yelled as Kagura parked her car onto the rack that rested above a pit in the floor. "What in gods name did you end up doing with this poor car?" he questioned looking at the vehicle almost in tears.

            "Ask the mighty Sesshoumaru," Kagura growled as she stepped out of the car holding her brief case which held all her money. "So what did Sesshomaru ask you to do to this junk heap?"

            "Sesshomaru asked me to put in a comm system that all the racers in the city use. It includes a gps of the city along with a highlighted race path system," the old man stated as he examined the shape of the car.

            "A highlighted race path system?" Kagura repeated a bit confused at what it was.

            "It highlights the path that the race will be on," Totosai stated as he popped the hood. "Not total crap. Want anything else to be done?"

            "How about a new paint job, some new tires, suspension upgrade, transmission package, some better breaks?" Kagura half asked as she listed off the things she thought the car needed. "Oh and it kinda tries to crash when you go at high speeds so can you fix that too?"

            "Well just how much money do you have missy?" Totosai said as he sat cross legged on the floor staring at her chest. "Cuz I'm not here working a charity case you know."

            "I've got about fourteen grand here," the red eyed woman stated holding up the brief case. "Would that be enough for what I want?" she asked trying to ignore his stare.


            "Wont be top of the line but I can fix you up for that much," he stated as he stood up and snatched the case from her. "Now would you be a dear and fetch me a crescent wrench?"

            Kagura snarled some incoherent curses under her breath as she walked over to the wall full of tools and grabbed a wrench. As she was walking back over to the old man she noticed that his back was turned to her and got a deliciously wicked idea. She stalked up behind the man wrench raised in the air. Just as the ebony haired woman was about to strike the man on the head she felt someone grab her wrist.

            "That wouldn’t be a wise move on your part Kagura," Sesshomaru scolded as he held the woman's wrist tightly.

            "Then tell him to stop eyeing me up," she ground out as she pried her wrist away from the white haired man and slammed the tool down on the table. "And as far as my paint job goes you old fart, I want it to be a redish purple with white steaks or stripes or something." As the young woman spoke she glared into the old mans eyes daring him to argue with her.

            "Kagura, if you're done tormenting the help I've come to get you for a reason," the white haired man spoke with indifference in his voice. "We're going to a race so hurry up."

            "I'm done here anyways," the red eyed woman spat as she stormed out of the building followed by Sesshomaru.


            "Crazy woman, forgot her groceries in the back seat of her car," the old man spoke to himself as he looked at the car. "Well I should probably get to work then shouldn’t I?"



            "Is this your car?" Kagura asked as she ran up to the side of a BMW M3 GTR. The car had a custom body kit, custom rims, aluminum spoiler, and a metallic white paint job with burgundy and red stripes running along the sides of the car. "I'm guessing all this out here isn’t just for show now is it?"

            "Its one of the fastest cars in this city," Sesshoumaru stated in a matter-of-factly way. "Get in."

            Kagura let out a small sigh as she slipped into the passenger seat of the car and buckled herself in. She then felt Sesshomaru shift the car into reverse and spin it around before he flew down the road. "So who's going to be racing tonight? I doubt you're letting me use your car and I don’t think you'd be driving me to it for nothing so what's gonna happen?"

            "I'm racing tonight against the other three leaders in the city. We're the best drivers here and also the most wanted," he stated as he took a turn going somewhere around 80 miles per hour. "It’s a high stake race and the winner gets over one hundred thousand dollars."

            "If you're in these high stakes races then why do you want me to race for you!?"  Kagura screamed, enraged at the fact that he could probably easily make the money for his car with out her.

            "That's simple you're the one who wrecked my car," he stated as he took another turn and pulled up into a large group of street racers lining the street. 


I had planned to have another race in this chapter but hey I figure that its been far too long for you to have waited for another chapter! So just wait and  soon enough in the next chapter I'll intro Inuyasha Bankotsu and Kouga

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