A Ruby Surrounded By Sapphires: A Fiend Revealed

Published Feb 7, 2009, 7:24:33 AM UTC | Last updated Feb 7, 2009, 7:24:33 AM | Total Chapters 17

Story Summary

There is a stirring in Hyrule. Old fears are back and new ones forming. Zelda has seen the black clouds and has summoned Link once more...but also another. Sheik comes to her aid. Sheik POV, Slash, First in the Ruby Arc

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Chapter 12: A Fiend Revealed

I stood in nothingness that was without color as well as brighter than the sun. There was no ground, but it felt solid under my feet. It was achingly quiet, yet so very loud that I couldn't hear my own thoughts. I was so cold that I could not feel my limbs, but my skin burned as if in an inferno. Pleasure coursed through my body, and pained me just as greatly.

"It's not time."

Their voices were a purr over my skin, like arms reaching to caress my flesh. I let my eyes close and floated upon their love and understanding. Slowly, they lowered my body down, their voices whispering nonsense I could not understand.

When I opened my eyes, I met pain streaking from my chest. Hands on me, shoving down at my chest. A face above me, mouth open in a scream as soaked locks of hair hung around it. My body convulsed, jerking as air rushed into my lungs, the pain of simply breathing excruciating. Darkness quickly overtook me once more.

I awoke sometime later. At first, I didn't move, simply noting the feel of droplets of liquid hitting my skin and clothing. I listened to voices around me. I could not yet understand what they said, but I knew them. Their voices were like a soothing blanket around my soul. At last, I opened my eyes.

It was dark, but not night. After a moment, I realized I was laying below a high ceiling. It looked like the Water Temple, though I could not tell how I'd gotten there. Droplets of water fell upon me from the ceiling, my skin soaked through with its warm wetness. I felt stone under most of my body and cloth behind my head

Slowly, I turned my head and gazed upon them. My beautiful lover... no. Not my lover. I could never call him my lover. I knew. I knew he did not love me. He did what he did to bring life back to me. He did not understand. I did not wish for his body! I wished for his soul! I felt my eyes burn and water pour across my face. He was the most beautiful sight I had ever beheld.

Beyond him, my childhood mentor. Her beauty was of the dark mystery, challenging and strong within adversity. She was alike to a single flame within a dark cavern, her will burning bright enough to show the way. She wanted so much to stand by me and protect my values, but she did not understand that I could no sooner let her than surrender myself to the Eye Sheikah.

The boy was there as well, his worried green eyes almost completely covered by those violet locks. The darkness of his energy would have surprised me if I had been in the right mind. I could almost see it surrounding him, caressing his body almost like a parent. I idly wondered when it would take him over completely and make him the spitting image of his father.

I must have moved, for three pairs of eyes settled on me. They said nothing, simply watching to see what I did. My chest ached, but I still sat up, letting my head drop in front of me and hair save me from their burning gazes. The wrapping over my face was gone. I glanced about and found it laying on the ground. Grabbing it, I slowly returned it to it's place. I always felt more secure with my face hidden. After this, I turned to them.

"Where are they?"

Link sighed. "They disappeared after I jumped in after you. We figured this place was safe so..."

"I see," I said, cutting him off. Slowly, I got to my feet. Nabooru looked at me with worry.

"How do you feel?" she asked quietly. I glanced at her, eyes raking over her form a moment before they returned to her face.

"Like I almost drowned," I said in a flat tone. It was suppose to have been a joke, but no smiles were cracked. They had been more worried than I thought. I mentally gave myself a shake and turned my back on them, arms folded. "The spirit of Ganondorf has taken a host, a child. Her name is Star. She lived in Kakariko with me."

I heard one of them getting up before soft arms wrapped around me. My head dropped, body unconsciously leaning back into the embrace. She set her head on my shoulder, her long hair brushing over me as lightly as air.

"Wake up, Sheik," she whispered. I glanced at her without moving my head. Her face was full of emotions: worry, fear, love. I reached up and clasped her arm to return the comfort.

We decided to stay there a few hours, a decision I suspected was because of me. We had enough food and water, so it wasn't an issue.

The others stayed rather close to each other. I could hear them talking sometimes, but was too far to know what was said. I kept to my own, obviously. My deadened state made it difficult to interact with them on the level they desired. Sitting off by myself, I thought about things.

Star. Possessed? Then none of this was her fault. That relieved me to no end. Still, it brought new worries along. Ganondorf had been a powerful enemy. It only made sense that his spirit was the same. How could I possibly defeat Ganondorf without killing my Star?


I almost jumped, having been so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't hear him come up. Opening my eyes, I looked upon the young man standing before me, noting his anxious stance.

"What is it, Slade?" I asked quietly.

"What are you thinking about?" he replied in a childish voice. I sighed softly.

"Questions with no answers I can see."

He searched my face before speaking again. "You should rest. You still look tired."

His eyes locked with mine and a cold chill went down my spine. The emerald pools were deep and dark, a spiraling vortex that threatened to drag me in. Then, I noticed it. Within the green.


I leaped back, drawing one blade with the smooth motion. The sound reverberated through the space, catching the attentions of my other two companions. Slade's face looked confused a moment before the emotions suddenly changed, an amused smirk coming to his features.

"You're the one! The man Zelda and I have dreamed of!" I cried angrily. How could I not have known?! He felt of the villain so! Slade only smirked wider.

"It took you long enough," he taunted. "For the Nexus, I would have thought you'd be more intelligent."

I drew back into an aggressive stance. The others, who had been watching from a distance, noticed this and ran for us. They hadn't heard it; they didn't know. They believed I had just lost my mind.

Slade grinned at me. "Sorry, I can't let you kill the boy just yet. I have plans to put in motion."

He took a step back, slowly reaching behind him. I recognized the spell and ran forward with a yell, my blade at the ready. He threw his hand down a moment before I reached him. However, it was fast enough to leave me to stop, my opponent gone. I growled and threw the sword down, glaring at the blackened spot on the ground.


I whipped about and glared at them, my emotions unlocked and more raw than ever before. There was shock in their eyes.

"He's possessed, the same as Star!" I cried in frustration. "And I didn't know it! That bastard was with us for weeks and I never noticed the energy!"

I grabbed my head, fingers wrapping tightly in my hair as I crumpled on myself. I felt so much at once and it overwhelmed me. Sorrow, anger, shame, longing. More came, but those overran them. I felt my knees buckle. How did my walls fall so suddenly?!

Arms came around me as I fell to the ground. They were comforting, two warm bodies pressed against mine as they enclosed me within their love. I began sifting my way through the raging river of emotions. It was a slow process, pushing feelings back into place after the vicious way I had locked them before. They held me until I could function again.

"Slade has influence," I murmured suddenly as I lifted my head and leaned against Link. Nabooru pulled away gently, but stayed close, her hands upon my arm and back. "Ganondorf will use that influence, I'm sure of it."

"What do you wish to do?" Link asked, his voice rumbling through me from the contact.

"We must return to the Castle and warn them. He will go there and try to take control. With Zelda in his possession, I doubt it will be difficult." I moved away from their embrace, rising. My blade was still laying where I'd thrown it. I grabbed it up and put it back in the scabbard. Turning to them, I set my face, determined to end it all before Ganondorf could relive his seven year reign of terror.

"Let’s go," I growled. "We must get to the castle before he does."

We left as quickly as we could, back out the submerged pathway. Once we reached the Field, Evalus, Epona, and a third horse I knew not were waiting for us. It was a days ride to the castle and I had little doubt that Slade would beat us there. What his plan was, I couldn't guess.

We arrived at nightfall, just before the gates were closed. The guards almost didn't let us in. Within the walls, celebration was running rampant through the town. With a sudden thought, I grabbed Link and Nabooru and dragged them into a back street.

"What is it?" Nabooru asked, glancing back into the party.

"Why do you think the citizens are celebrating, Nabooru?" I asked quietly, looking on myself. Link gave a small gasp.

"Zelda is here!"

"Exactly," I replied. "That means Star and Slade beat us here."

"Something doesn't add up," Link said with a frown. He pursed his lips, brows tightly knit. "The people would have rioted to hear her speak. Why would they be so happy, without that happening? That means it did, and she didn't raise the alarm."

I scowled. "You're right."

"I think I have another piece to fit with your puzzle," murmured Nabooru softly. I looked at her, then followed her gaze out to a banner being put up across on of the buildings. The words stunned me.

"What's going on?" was my whispered disbelief. With that, I was gone, dashing into the crowd. I heard my name called, but it faded away, as did all sound. Anger and confusion was taking over.

I never did do confusion well.

My hands grabbed one man and whipped him around before I knew what I was doing. He looked surprised, then panicked as he caught sight of my frenzied expression.

"What is the meaning of that?!" I hissed, pointing an accusing finger towards the banner.

"Th-the announcement was m-made this a-afternoon!" he blubbered, eyes wide with fear. I felt my lip curl upwards. "When the Qu-Queen came back."

I shoved him back and went off towards the castle. There was no way this was right. It couldn't be. Zelda would never-Not even to unite peoples.

Zelda would never consent to marrying Slade.

Getting past the guards was ridiculously easy. Security was beefed up more than usual, but still simple to evade. I made my way silently into the castle, the shadows of night aiding in my stealth as I neared Zelda's rooms. What I saw outside the entrance only fueled my anger. Sheikah. Eye Sheikah. My blood boiled in my veins. Ever so slowly, I pulled my blades out of their homes. Neither noticed, too caught up in their own conversation. I made a sudden tap into the ethereal river, weaving a cloak about myself. They stopped and gripped their weapons, eyes searching. I smirked as I stepped into the open, knowing full well that they could not see me. Without a sound, I raced forward and my blades sang as they few through the air and hit their marks. It was messier than it needed to be, evidence staining my clothes as my cloak dissipated. I took in the bodies, letting their wide eyed, dead faces sink into my memories. The idiotic fools.

A moment later, I shoved open the doors and set my sights on the lone figure before me, sitting upon her bed. She looked at me quizzically, her blue eyes surprised. She was dressed in her formal, her hair done up and every strand perfect on her head. The gold jewelry glittered in the light.

"Hello Sheik," said Zelda. Her eyes looked me up and down. "Why are you covered in blood?"

"I killed your captors," I replied. She got up in her dainty way and walked to my side, looking past me at the bodies with an unwavering expression.

"That wasn't necessary," she said. I blinked my eyes, brows knitting together as I tried to figure out what was going on. "They weren't keeping me here."

"But Zelda, you were kidnapped and-" She hushed me by placing her hand over my mouth, the other resting on my chest.

"It's all right now," she murmured gently, smiling softly. I pulled away from her, uncertain. My senses were screaming at me to realize something, some oddity. Sudden shouts erupted in the halls before a dozen guards raced in. They saw the blood on me, my blades unsheathed, and were immediately on me, taking the weapons away and grabbing a tight hold.

"Zelda!" I cried, knocked from my stupor. She looked at me... and then she smiled. I felt my heart stop. Her eyes glittered unnaturally.

"I'm sorry, Sheik, but I have a wedding to plan and you aren't invited." Her smile widened. "Guards, take him to the dungeon."

They pulled me out kicking and yelling. My Queen, my Zelda, stood there and watched, her face full of devilish glee.

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