Me and Her: Chapter 1

Published Aug 13, 2009, 3:34:20 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 16, 2009, 11:26:33 AM | Total Chapters 8

Story Summary

The story of how two Saiyans, Bonen and Valece, meet. How they go from opponents, to friends and in the end - lovers.

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

“How all happened is still amazing me as I look back to it. I guess that I should start from the very beginning. From the day I met Valece.” I say to my un-existing audience, while I sit, leaning against a tree with my arms behind my spiky haired head.

The day was a few months ago. I barely turned twenty and I was just coming home from a party. Ha, imagine me, the straightedge little soldier that I am going to a party where more than 70% of the people that were there left it drunk to hell. I wasn’t feeling negatively towards the ones that drank beer or smoked… or secretly sneaked in some of their private stash of mind numbing creations. I was feeling the opposite – I felt happy for them. Why you may ask? Well, because they were themselves and weren’t afraid to show it. That’s what’s most important in life – be yourself.

I kept walking, hands in the almost bottomless pockets of my black pants. I was looking often at the sky, at the stars, since it was late at night. My tail, my fuzzy eternal companion was wagging behind me joyfully. I had a great time that evening and wasn’t going to let anyone ruin it for me. Call me selfish if you will from that last bit I said, but hey – in my place wouldn’t you feel the same? You would, wouldn’t you? I shake my head in two different directions, remembering all the funny girls that kept giggling around me and looked at me like I was something tasty to eat. Ha, it was fun. I love being an young adult.

I walk, passing by some flashy buildings, humming little songs I heard during my stay at my friends’ place, where the fest was held. I pat my tummy proudly, because I was able to snatch enough food to satisfy my Saiyan hunger. Nothing can make me think about anything else, I think and believe… but then again, I often make mistakes and believing that was a mistake, because the crack of something breaking takes me out of my happy place and I as if awake from a happy dream.

I look to the left, the direction from where the sound came and kept quiet. Waiting to hear if there was going to be another sound similar to it. And there it was again. The sound of something breaking. My ears twitch and my tail flinches. I can remember that sound very well. The sound of bones getting broken. I shake all over, worried about the poor person that is being attacked. My sense of justice orders me and I follow. I charge towards the shadows of the alley and disappear in there. What I find amazes me and changes my life forever.

A battle cry comes forth from 15ft away from where I stand. I see three men getting tossed around like rag dolls. Normally, I’d just go and help them, but I notice that every one of them has a mask on and a gun in their back pockets. These are supposed to be the attackers?! Well, now they just looked around like the attacked. What amazes me is the person that is beating the three senseless. I see a woman. Her frail frame doesn’t show that she is strong, but the outside usually lies about people. I shake with my head again and I run off. I might as well save those guys and put them behind bars, neh?

I reach her and grab her by the wrists. She stops fighting the three, who are unconscious now, by the way. She glares at me, at first her eyes showing that she wishes my death. She calms down a bit afterwords, seeing that I do not wish to attack her. I examine her closely from head to toe, she does the same. Dark eyes, eyebrows, spiky raven black hair. I look in amazement when I see a tail wagging behind her. “You’re a Saiyan!” I make the discovery.

“You’re one too!” she responds verbally to me. It is clear a bit to me that she said that with fake amazement, just copying mine. I don’t speak much after that, neither does she. I simply let go of one of her wrists, then I fly into the sky, pulling her up after myself. I believe she trusts me, though just a little bit. I feel anger and frustration coming out of her. Apparently I have ruined her fun in beating up those attackers. Silly compassionate me, huh? Oh well, I just don’t like seeing people hurt and besides – those guys were already knocked out.

I have no idea what she will do to me later. I just fly off with her to the top of a building and look at her. I wait for her to do something. Anything.

“So here we are.” I say to the invisible and apparently lacking of appearance audience. “Me and her on one roof.” I explain.

I could feel a pair of dark eyes staring at me, as if trying to puncture through my eyes and my soul. I had to admit – that was a bit scary. I just kept a light smile on my face, while looking back at the Saiyaness in front of me. Heh, hard to believe that I can smile in the face of danger, huh? Yeah, well, I guess I always was like this… but anyways, back on topic. I looked at her, waiting her to do anything. She did something.

“Why did you ruin my fun?” she asked, giving moi one of the coldest looks there ever existed. Honestly, that kind of made me shudder on the inside, though I kept looking at her calmly. Heh, would you believe that this was the first time a female looked at me like that? Ticked off? I bet you could, but those who knew me wouldn’t. In any way, she continued talking. “It’s bad enough that it’s hardly fun to fight them when even when they’re serious they’re weaklings.”

I shook my head. She definitely was a Saiyan, enjoying the thrill of the fight, the thrill that apparently she didn’t get during her fight with those three humans. “I “ruined” your fun because I didn’t want to see the humans die. They aren’t strong warriors like Saiyans.” I paused, looking at her from head to toe again just to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. Hey, it happens to me some times. “Why haven’t you tried finding a Saiyan to spar with?” I asked.

She was quiet for some time, just staring holes through me. Later on she spoke. She said: “Because other Saiyans ignore me. Think I’m fragile and weak.” she pouted and kicked a random little rock off to far away. “That’s why. What? You want to spar with me?” she then asked. That question got my Saiyan blood to boil. I felt excited.

“I’d like that.” I replied, smiling happily, grinning from ear to ear. However, I had to make sure that later she wasn’t going to harm anyone. “But under one condition!” he said, raising a finger.

Apparently, she felt thrilled of fighting another Saiyan. Finally she could show her full power and not have to worry about killing someone. She replied: “Name it, male.” She said. I don’t know why, but when she said “male” I felt a bit strange inside. You know, like one of those butterfly thingies in your tummy. Yeah, I have a childish vocabulary. Deal with it.

I just smiled and replied: “Promise not to hurt any human afterwords.” I said, with a serious look on my face for a second. Hey, I had to make sure she knew I meant business. I don’t like being a serious person, but I was raised on this planet and was fond of humans. Didn’t want to see them hurt. I waited for her answer.

Surprisingly, her answer came quick. She nodded in agreement, saying “I promise.” She then shifted into a combat position. “Now fight me.” She ordered.

I just nodded. “Okies.” I replied and got into a combat position of my own, my tail wagging in excitement behind me. It was weeks since I had a spar and this was just coming nicely to me. My organism was going to feel so much better afterwords… eheh… though my body was gonna be sore, I was sure of it.

What happened next was she basically making her aura, as bright as a star, go around her. “YAAAAAAAAAAH!” She charged at me, swinging a punch towards my smiling face and yes, it collided. And yes – it hurt allot. I was sent flying a few blocks away, a hand on the hit spot.

I stopped myself soon enough and rubbed the hit spot of my face. I could sense her charging at me again and this time I was able to evade another right fist, my retaliation being an elbow to her gut, from which she yelped in pain. It wasn’t that I hit her that hard, she just wasn’t used to fighting other Saiyans.

She got an angry look on her face and looked me dead in the eyes. Both of her hands clenched into fists and she began a series of punches and kicks towards me, hitting me in the face, the side of the neck, the chest and stomach. Thank Kami I was able to evade a punch to my crotch. She fought dirty.

I backed away a bit and thought of some way to retaliate. In a micro second I charged at her and went upside down, beginning to kick her in different variations. She blocked many of my kicks with her forearms and actually tossed me away from her. I just grinned and flipped back so I was right-side up and turned on one side, starting a series of kicks that were directed at her face. She’d again block them with her forearms, but that was what I wanted her to do. In a quick motion one of my feet made it’s way towards her stomach and I kicked her with half the strength I have in my normal state. “YA!”

She writhed in pain from the kick and backed away. She gave me another angered look, while secretly forming an white orb of ki. I sensed it and was able to dodge the move, but when I charged at her, she punched me hard in the face again. Though, she did look surprised when I dodged her move. Maybe she couldn’t sense ki yet?

That gave me an advantage over her. I teleported behind her and watched her as she shook her head from side to side, trying to find me. I patted her shoulder, from which her tail flinched and she turned around, trying to punch me. I caught her fist and pushed it back at her face, smashing it in her forehead, making her lower down to the pavement ground. I followed her there, landing in a defensive position.

She ran at me and before I could dodge, she smashed her head in my stomach. I groaned in pain, while hitting a post and breaking it in half. If I was a human, my body would be broken, but it was a good thing I was a Saiyan, still am by the way. My body could take it, though I did ache somewhat in pain.

I rubbed the back of my head, since that was the first part of me that hit the post. “Owie…” I said with a moan, then my eyes went wide when I saw her jump at me, hand clenched into a fist and all. I “eep”ed and moved out of the way, letting her smash the ground, making it crack. I nipped to my fit and sent my feet towards the side of her head, making her go flying off many ft away.

She flipped a few times and put a hand on the side of her head. She growled angrily at me and charged at me then. I stood still, astonished by her fighting spirit. I was so into looking at her that at first I didn’t feel her fist hitting my stomach, then I felt it and the pain was allot.

I backed away and retaliated with a violent spinning backhand which made her face get a red tone and she flew up in the air from the power. I followed her.

We fought for the next few hours, with neither of us getting an lasting advantage. This was so fun for me, I was sure she thought it was fun too.

I decided to put an end to this little exhibition match. I powered up to the Super Saiyan level and I was about to charge at her… when she backed away, looking at me with fear and astonishment. “You’re golden warrior?!” she said in a shaky voice, which made me stop.

“A what?!” I asked, tilting my head to the side. I awaited her reply.

To be Continued

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