Lovers and Friends: Hot Blooded

Published Feb 13, 2010, 10:47:33 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 18, 2011, 9:00:57 AM | Total Chapters 29

Story Summary

(COMPLETE) Fawks has been at Sesshomaru's beck and call for a comfortable companionship but when unwanted feelings begin to surface between the both of them, Fawks conjures an Idea that may help or destroy their already fragile friendship.

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Chapter 11: Hot Blooded


“Hey did you hear? Lord Sessho-maru’s brought home another stray”
“…yes but this one is a little bit…older if you catch my drift…”
Itnasha looked up from where he was lounging in a sakura tree.
“A lover of his?”
“Could be, she is very beautiful. A fire demon if I’m not mistaken…”
A grin crossed his face and he swung down from the tree, frightening the two maids. They fell to their knees in a bow.
“Is there something you need, Itnasha-sama?”
“Not at the moment but you should watch what you say, if your master were to catch wind of such gossip it could be detrimental to your health” he said with a smirk.
The maid blushed, bowing her head.
“…this girl Sessho-maru brought back with him…is she truly that good looking?”
Fawks woke with a start, bolting up straight in bed. Glancing around desperately, she suddenly remembered where she was.
‘…damn…so it wasn’t a dream…’
“My lady” Yukine called from the other side of the screen. “Are you alright in there?”
“…yeah…I’m fine…” she called.
“…I only ask because…I thought I smelled something burning…”
Fawks glanced down at the bedding to find it was singed and still smoking.
“…Umm…It’s nothing!” she called, throwing the blanket down over the roasted futon. Yukine came in with a fresh kimono, she sniffed again.
“…did someone have an accident?”
“What can I say, I’m hot blooded…” Fawks smiled sheepishly.
“Can’t be helped…I’ll escort you to the baths”
“So Sessho-maru why haven’t you introduced us yet?”
Sessho-maru glanced up at the tall male leaning against the door. He was the mirror image of Sessho-maru with midnight black hair, blue eyes and sun darkened skin. Jagged purple stripes ran along each cheekbone, accenting his devilish smile.
He wore a sleeveless kimono under his armor showing off his strong arms.
“I assure you, Itnasha, I have no idea what you mean…”
“Right, I heard your maids gossiping about that sexy little vixen you brought back with you. But I have yet to meet her, I thought we shared everything with me Sho-kun” he grinned.
“She isn’t that type of woman. I suggest you stay away from her” he said going back to the scroll he was looking over.
“Touchy, is she really that good?”
Sessho-maru shot him a glare.
“Um…Sessho-maru…? Yukine said you wanted to see me?” Fawks began, stepping cautiously into the room.
“Oh my…” Itnasha began. “You’re even more beautiful then I imagined”
He was at her side in an instant.
“Uh…and…you are…?”
“Please forgive me, I am Lord Itnasha, cousin to that half-wit over there” He said taking her hand. Sessho-maru glared and Fawks sweatdropped.
“Enough about me, I would like to know more about you…” he went on, wrapping an arm around her waist.
“…take it off or I break it off…” she ground out.
“Come now, don’t be so cruel…I’m ten times better then Sessho-maru…” he whispered, his hand drifting lower. Fawks grabbed his wrist, twisting his arm behind his back.
Itnasha groaned as she forced him to his knees. Fawks growled, her eyes turning red.
“Fawks-chan!” Sessho-maru bellowed, she glanced at him. “Let him go”
Her eyes cleared and she released her hold. Itnasha growled rubbing the burn on his wrist.
“…Sorry…”Fawks grumbled, flouncing from the room. “…Come get me when you’re done with him”
“What the hell…?” Itnasha panted licking at the wound.
“I warned you, did I not?” Sessho-maru raised an eyebrow.
“She’s dangerous, Sho-kun, what are you doing with a girl like her?” Itnasha asked seriously.
“…Because I made her this way…”
Fawks stood out in the hallway, gazing down into her palm as it sizzled away the remnants of Itnasha’s skin caught in her claws.
‘…what am I becoming?’

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