Lovers and Friends: A Small Gesture

Published Feb 13, 2010, 10:47:33 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 18, 2011, 9:00:57 AM | Total Chapters 29

Story Summary

(COMPLETE) Fawks has been at Sesshomaru's beck and call for a comfortable companionship but when unwanted feelings begin to surface between the both of them, Fawks conjures an Idea that may help or destroy their already fragile friendship.

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Chapter NaN: A Small Gesture

 I do not own Inu-yasha, but I do molest the characters and make them have sex for my amusement.


“Where are they going?” Kagome asked as she observed Fawks following Sessho-maru through the skies with Yoko’s help.
“Must be some problem concerning Sessho-maru’s territory. He’s been coming by to get help from Fawks a lot recently” Inu-yasha shrugged.
“Can’t he handle it himself?” She asked.
“Yeah…but it’s always easier with help”
“But Sessho-maru’s not the type to ask for help, even when he really needs it…” Kagome gave a mischievous smile. “…You…think he likes her…?”
“Feh yeah right! Sessho-maru doesn’t ‘like’ anybody…”
“Oh yeah? What about Rin-chan?”
“…That’s different, she’s cute…”
“Yeah and Fawks-chan is beautiful and sexy and…”
“It’s scary hearing you talk about another woman like that” Inu-yasha sweatdropped.
“Anyway, what’s not to like?!” Kagome exclaimed setting her hands on her hips.
Meanwhile Across Town...
“GODDAMMIT!!!!!” Fawks screamed at the top of her lungs. Sessho-maru gazed at her impassively.
“Why is it that whenever you ask my help, I END UP COVERED IN SOME DEMONIC BODILY FLUID?!?!?!?!” She shouted, covered head to toe in demon blood.
“This was my best kimono…!”
“Be grateful you still have your life” Sessho-maru said sheathing the Bakusaiga.
“That’s easy for you to say, you’re not covered in demon soup! God, I don’t know why I put up with this crap!”
“You could merely refuse my invitations, but that would be denying your love of a good battle wouldn’t it?” he said coming over to her.
“…No…it’s just that…weather human or demon…if there’s someone in trouble I have to help…”
Sessho-maru looked at her. Yoko whimpered keeping his distance.
“C’mon I don’t smell that bad, do I?” she began.
“You reek” Sessho-maru said plainly.
“…Thanks…” Fawks sweatdropped.
“There is a hot spring not far from here…you should go there and bathe. Otherwise that stench will attract unwanted attention.”
“You’re really great with the people skills, y’know that?”
“Go bathe…I will bring you a fresh kimono…”
She looked up at him. “…Okay…”
“…I can’t have you walking about nude”
“Thanks…” Fawks sweatdropped, stomping off in the direction of the spring.
Meanwhile Across Town...
“I wonder what’s taking them so long…” Kagome began, standing outside her and Inu-yasha’s hut.
“Killing demons takes time, you know that…” Inu-yasha began, lounging on the roof.
“Not for Fawks…” Kagome said softly.
Meanwhile Across Town... 
As Sessho-maru neared the hot spring, he was greeted by the faint sound of singing. Fawks sang softly as she bathed, running her fingers through her long dark hair. Sessho-maru had never expected her to be so full figured. Though, by his standards, she was still just a girl, she had the body of a woman.
“…Do you mind?!” she growled, her eyes glaring at the spot where he remained hidden in the brush. Yoko stood from where he was lounging by a tree, growling.
“I know it’s you Sessho-maru! I can feel those gold eyes leering at me!!” she cried crossing her arms in front of her chest. Sessho-maru sighed tossing her the Kimono.
“Put that on and hurry back to my brother” he said coldly, turning his back on her. She stuck her tongue out at him.
“Hey look! Fawks is back!” Sango cried as Yoko landed with Fawks on his back.
“Hi everyone!” she chirped.
“Wow! That’s a pretty kimono!” Rin began.
“…Ya think so?” she blushed.
“Yeah, where’d you get that?” Kagome asked.
“…Um…well…Sessho-maru…gave it to me…” she blushed darker.
“Why would he do that?!” Inu-yasha asked flocking over.
“…Well…my old one got covered in demon blood…”She shrugged.
“Feh, I’m surprised he didn’t send you back in your old one…” Inu-yasha mumbled.
“I woulda had to walk, there was no way Yoko was going to carry me smelling like that!” Fawks replied scratching the large silvery kitsune behind the ears.
“…Maybe Sessho-maru likes you…” Kagome blushed. Both Inu-yasha and Fawks broke out in hysterical laughter.
“…Hah…That’s a good one, K-chan…” Fawks sighed going into Kaede’s hut, Rin at her side.
“…Don’t…even joke like that…” Inu-yasha struggled to catch his breath.
Later That Evening... 
Kagome glanced at Fawks while the girls ate supper.
“Jeez, Kaede! What have you been doing to Rin? She just clonked out!” Fawks said gazing down at the slumbering girl whose head lay in her lap.
“She is a very hyperactive child…I am surprised an old woman such as myself is able to keep up with her…” the elderly priestess chuckled. Kagome gazed at her thoughtfully.
“…Huh? What is it Kagome?” Sango began.
“…What’s so strange about Sessho-maru liking you?!” she blurted.
“…Well…what’s not strange about it…?” Fawks shrugged.
“You’re a good catch! You’re pretty and nice and…”
“Yeah, but I’m not a demon…”
“SO?!” Kagome shouted. Rin stirred slightly before sticking her thumb in her mouth.
“Shhh! Not so loud!” Fawks whispered, stroking the girl’s hair.
“See? You’d make a good mother!” Kagome continued her rant.
“Mother!? Whoa, whoa, whoa! How did this go from Sessho-maru ‘liking’ me to me baring his children?!”
“…Haven’t you thought about it…? …Sleeping with Sessho-maru…?” Kagome blushed.
“…Well…yeah. He’s always been the star of my best sexual fantasies…but what chick here hasn’t?”
Kagome blushed ashamedly and Sango cleared her throat, Keade soon became very interested in her tea.
“…Anyway…if I really wanted to fuck him, he probably wouldn’t refuse…”
“Nani!?” Sango and Kagome began leaning over to her.
“…Yeah…He was watchin’ me while I was bathing. When it comes down to it, Sessho-maru’s like every other guy I’ve ever met. He just wants to fuck me”
Kagome was about to say more but at that moment Rin opened her eyes.
“…Huh…? Fawks-sama?” she yawned rubbing her eyes.
“You fell asleep…”
“It’s okay, you must have been really sleepy” Fawks smiled.
‘…It’s a good think Inu-yasha and Miroku are watching Sango’s kids…’ Kagome sweatdropped.



Yes the chapters move kinda slow

And yes I made a "Sex in the City" Joke. But stay tuned kiddies!! More sexual innuendoes await!!!!!!!

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