Bits and Pieces of Various Wrolds: Some Needed Truths (Inuyasha)

Published Jan 28, 2011, 1:44:21 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 15, 2013, 1:52:27 AM | Total Chapters 52

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Chapter 49: Some Needed Truths (Inuyasha)

Title: Some Needed Truths
Fandom: Inuyasha
Pairing: Inuyasha/Sesshomaru
Word count: 652
Requested by: Ardents
AN: So this one took a left turn when I wanted to go right, but it turned out cute.




“Will you stop pouting, Inuyasha?” Sesshomaru sighed quietly as Inuyasha just gave him a glare in return before returning to his scroll, rolling up what he had just read, going back to also ignoring his older brother. The elder inu rubbed the side of his nose and eyed the younger male who was trying very hard to ignore him. He had to wonder if he had pushed his brother a bit too far. “Will you talk with me?”


“Why should I? You seem to not want to hear what I have to actually say,” Inuyasha snorted, making Sesshomaru groan lowly and sit back in his seat.


“Inuyasha...” he tried, surprised by the soft growl as the younger inu stood up and put his hands on his hips, looking very much like their grandmother at that moment.


“No. You know what, if you want to talk, I'll talk. But this time, you damn well will listen to me this time and you won't say a damn thing while I talk. Do you understand?” Inuyasha asked, getting a nod. “First of all, I'm not the reason why our father died, so put a damn leash on your mother before I show her just what I inherited from father. I'm getting tired of her trying to poison me, of my friends being degraded every chance she can and her insistent need to send whores to my room in an attempt of making it seem that I would dare sully our family name.”


Sesshoumaru felt his eyebrows raise up far enough to hid under his bangs about the information that came from Inuyasha about his mothers activities against him. He had not known that she would do such things, especially since he was courting the younger inu. It would seem he would need to make it clear to her and any others against his brother that they took second place to Inuyasha, if that.


“You know what else? The only fucking servant in this place that likes me is Jaken. He's taken to doling out punishments for those who don't do their damn jobs properly. You know that new kimono that you got me? Ruined, shredded. And not by me,” Inuyasha snorted, watching his older brother twitch.


“Who?” Sesshomaru asked, getting a smug smirk.


“She's mucking out the stables and will be doing so for the next 15 years. But what has really pissed me off is that you punished me for something that I hadn't started! No, you take the damn wolfs side over mine, and I'm the one you're courting, not him,” the younger inu snorted, eyes hurt and ears flat. “Sesshomaru, Kouga called me a pet, nothing more then a whore. He said once you were done with me, you would leave me and mate with a real demon.” With those soft spoken words, hurt dripping from them, Sesshomaru could feel the shame and anger mix and rise in his chest. He had punished Inuyasha for attacking one he had seen as a guest, not as an idiot who would push his brother into attacking him. Sighing, he stood and gathered the stiff Inuyasha into his arms, nuzzling between the tiny ears that he loved to tease.


“I'm sorry, my sweet puppy. I suppose there is more of my mother then our father in my blood sometimes and it makes me a complete fool sometimes,” Sesshomaru sighed, feeling Inuyasha melt against him. “I will deal with Kougas idiocy and if he ever says such things again, tell me. He, nor any others, shall be allowed to hurt you.”


“Fine. But next time I get in trouble, you can't punish me for it. I'm going to be lucky to sit easily from the damn spanking you gave me this time,” Inuyasha snorted, feeling the elder male chuckle and draw his fingers through his thick silver hair, loosening the tie that held it back.



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