I woke up in your arms: Chapter 2

Published Feb 5, 2011, 8:53:35 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 4, 2011, 12:53:50 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

Zoro and Sanji managed to spend some time together.

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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

The second part of the fic that I meant to write for Zoro’s birthday last year. Why is it so mawkish all of a sudden!? Anyway, try to enjoy or something. smiley


I do not own One Piece or the characters mentioned in this fic. They all belong to Oda-sensei. 

Thumbnail by me, Zoro & Sanji by hana*Gallery



“Just like I thought, no one’s here.” His words sort of woke me up from my daydreams back to the reality. Yes, right before our eyes was a long sandy beach and the calm turquoise sea that extended as far as we could see. The scenery itself was worth the stroll from the ship.

After putting out his latest cigarette with the sole of his shoe, Sanji took his shoes off and took them in his right hand. I wasn’t certain why but I decided to follow suit. When we stepped on the warm sand, I noticed how good it felt under my bare feet. Staying so long at sea must have made me forget what it was like to stand on solid ground. And it just might have been even more special for the cook who had lived at sea nearly all his life. Together we plodded closer to the shore, a few grains of sand sticking to the skin of our sweaty feet.

Eventually the cook stopped walking, and put his shoes and the basket on the shimmering sand. Then, without the slightest warning, he began to undress himself. The jacket was nicely folded and put on the ground, the slacks dropped down to his ankles with the undies he had worn since yesterday, and in a trice there he was, buck naked right in front of me.

“What the hell are you ogling at, shitty swordsman? It’s not the first time you’ve seen me nude, idiot,” he said without showing a single glimpse of bashfulness. Obviously he had totally forgotten that I’d hardly ever had the chance to see him like that in broad daylight.

“Skinny dipping?” was everything I managed to say raising my other brow as I yanked the backpack off my shoulders to put it on the ground next to the basket, as well as my boots. Then I gently pulled my dear three swords from the fastenings of my haramaki placing them to lean against the bag, and eventually I tugged that green piece of clothing over my torso and head to start undressing myself.

“Ha ha ha, I bet marimo’s never done it before!” Sanji sneered at me grinning like a fool.

Before he’d even finished his sentence, I’d already gotten rid of the rest my clothes. My arms rested on my bare, scarred chest as I stared intently at him.

“What’s wrong with doing it for the first time here with you, stupid cook?” My words seemed to have a greater impact on him than I had assumed. Instantly his face turned bright red and I knew he was going to start hurling coarse insults at me. But he wouldn’t be Sanji if he didn’t do such a thing.

“You dickhead! Goddamn son of a bitch! Jerk! Frigging bastard! You’re just a stupid piece of shit!”

I let him vent for a while before I wrapped my arms around him and forced him to stop by kissing him on the lips. Of course he tried to push me away and get me off of him, but he could have never had enough power in him to do that to me. And on the other hand, I knew it was what he wanted to do as well anyway. As soon as he began to relax and kiss me back, his flailing arms dropped down and his hands grabbed my butt rather zealously. What a delightful reason to grind my freed arousal against his bare crotch while my tongue was sliding along his tongue.

“You’re so fucking simple-minded,” he snorted after backing away from the kiss, gasping a little. “When you can’t use your single brain cell, your cock does all the intellectual work for you.”

Although his words didn’t please me much, I decided to hand them over back to him. “Doesn’t bother me in the slightest. ‘Cause isn’t it you who happens to want my big cock so bad? Either in that hot, wet mouth of yours, or that sweet, tight asshole, huh, ero cook?” I whispered to him next to his right ear. Of course he knew it was the truth, we both did, but without fail he had to start denying it in every possible way there was. I wasn’t even listening to what he was screaming at me, and although he was punching my back with his fists I didn’t let go of him, but with one swift movement I lifted him over my shoulder to take him to the splashing waves with me.

“No you don’t! Stop it, goddamn marimo!” he howled trying his best to kick me off my feet or at least to unbalance me enough that he could escape. But he should have known that a stubborn guy like me would never give in that easily. “Whatever you’re going to do is definitely not proper skinny dipping! You’re fucking retarded, dumbass!”

“We’re nude and we’re going into the water, isn’t that enough?” I pointed out deliberately provoking him a little bit more.

“For fuck’s sake, let go of me, shitty swordsman!” Sanji was getting more desperate and I couldn’t blame him because the soothing waves were already licking my toes. That was the moment when I came to a halt and moved the cook from my shoulder to my arms, as though he would’ve been my newlywed bride that I was about to carry over the doorstep.

“What the hell are you doing?!” He was furious, but I still couldn’t help but smile at him.

“Let me skinny dip with you, cook,” I said putting all of my charm into every word while looking into his intense blue eye. And it seemed to work. In a matter of seconds the angry expression turned into a lovable smile and there was a little nod of approval. Sometimes, but not very often, the cook was easy to please.

“Fine, but put me down,” he sighed. Although I was rather reluctant to obey him, I helped him to get his feet back on to the wet sand. “You really are fucking impossible...” I noticed he was shamelessly eyeing my crotch. And why not? If he wanted to check out what my family jewels were truly like, I had absolutely nothing against that. Only that his burning gaze was making me even hornier, not to mention the very fact that we were completely nude, just standing there really close to each other.

“I got us this far, what are we supposed to do now?” I asked trying not to get too carried away by the sizzling tension that was building up between us.

“Knowing you, the way you’d do it is that you’d just run into the waves like a mad man as your genitals jiggle between your legs,” Sanji said now grinning widely, obviously imagining what he’d just said. “Yeah, that’d be a heck of a sight but...”

“Well, I’d love to see you doing that,” I remarked grinning back at him.

“Like hell I’d do something retarded like that!” was what he said but in fact he burst out laughing. This time he must have seen himself running stark naked into the sea.

“But you’d like to try anyway?” I offered considerately.

“Perhaps later... But since it’s your first time...”

“We should do it properly, yeah. So show me, love cook, go ahead and lead the way.” I tried to give him my hand, but instead of taking it in his, he came closer to me and wrapped my arm around his waist.

“Now listen, you crappy marimo,” he started speaking in a surprisingly solemn way. “What we’re about to do is pretty damn irrelevant to the mankind, but it will be a huge step forward for a certain muscleheaded swordsman. Thus, from now on, hold tightly on to my body as I lead you to the healing waves of the perpetually astounding sea that goes by the name of Grand Line.”

When he finished, I had no idea where the hell such a speech had come from, but it had sounded kind of cool since the cook had said it all. Next he gestured me to lift my right foot and start walking further into the water. A little by little we got deeper, the waves reaching up to our knees, then thighs, covering our groin, rising up to our hips. All that time I held on to Sanji’s waist. Eventually we had come to a spot where our feet still touched the sandy bottom while the surface had reached our chests. That was when the cook turned to face me. I didn’t even have to guess what he was about to ask me to do. In the middle of the lapping waves that surrounded us, we embraced and kissed each other. That very moment nothing else mattered to me but having him so close to me, feeling his lips against mine, feeling how that silly stubble of his tickled my chin. He certainly was precious to me, in an entirely different way than our other crewmates, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to deny it if the moment of truth was to arrive some day.

“Are you ready, Zoro?” he asked me. My hand was in his when we finally started to swim. For a few meters we just floated on top of the waves together, then he let go of my hand. Silently I watched how he dove into the water and glided farther away from me. Through the clear, constantly sparkling seawater I could see how smoothly he moved in the waves. His golden hair fluttered around his head creating an illusion of a halo, and his long, strong limbs moved so gracefully as he swam forward, almost like a fish or maybe more like a fabled merman. I had to admit to myself that I hadn’t expected to see anything like that, and truthfully I had no idea why the morning had turned out the way it had, but it wasn’t a bad thing at all.


After Sanji had swum to his heart’s content and gotten rid of the feeling of dirtiness he’d grumbled about, we walked back to where we’d left our stuff. He took two towels from the basket, handing the other one to me. For a while I just admired his slender features before I put my towel on my face to get rid of the saltiness that was stinging my skin. Sanji seemed to take his sweet time to wipe himself thoroughly with his towel as though putting some sort of a private show for me. Not that I was going to complain. If he wanted to give me something nice to think about for my next wank session, then so be it. At last I helped him to dry his hair with his towel that he wrapped around his waist to sit down on the sand next to our belongings.

“Feels so much better,” he said and started to rummage the contents of the basket.

“Yeah, it was nice,” I admitted cracking a few joints as I stretched my arms above my head.

“So now it’s time for a picnic, but for fuck’s sake, cover yourself at least a little before we start,” the cook suggested irascibly after lighting a cigarette.

The salty droplets of seawater that still ran along my chest and back were quickly dried. Going swimming had certainly been really good for me as well, but I was so hungry that suddenly we both could hear how my stomach growled as I was wrapping the towel around my waist.

That made the cook laugh wholeheartedly and as soon as I sat next to him, he already offered me an onigiri that he must have made of the leftover rice from the other night. They were one of the best snacks that the cook made, and naturally he knew I was crazy about them. For him it would have been a disgrace not to know what kind of food we liked. Excluding our captain who could eat anything any time anywhere.

Thinking shortly about Luffy made me remember something. “By the way, do you think it’s okay that we’re here? If no one’s returned to the ship yet, then there’s no one to guard it,” I said after I’d finished munching that delicious onigiri.  

“The swordsman should pay more attention to his surroundings...” Sanji sighed lifting his other hand, pointing at something in the distance with his forefinger. “What do you see over there?”

And what do you know, it was easy to see our ship from that spot as well. For some peculiar reason - which could have easily been staring at the cook’s ass - I hadn’t realized that we actually hadn’t gone that far from the Sunny. As long as there was nothing to worry about, we could still spend some more time together and that made me feel even happier than just a moment ago. The cook was mine and I wasn’t going to let go of him until I had no other choice.

“Sometimes you’re a hopeless klutz, marimo,” he remarked puffing languidly some smoke into the air. “Which is why you need me, right?” He took me by surprise as he personally fed me another onigiri and put a small bottle of sake in my hand.

There were so many reasons why I needed him but I wasn’t going to tell him about them. If I did, he might have changed too much or become afraid, either of me or my feelings for him. It was probably better for the both of us that we stayed the way we were. And not just for us, but the whole crew who were depending on Sanji several times per day. I had no right to take him away from them although it was true that I would have wanted to engross him. After all, he was the first person who had made me feel that way. Nevertheless, it was out of the question, and that was exactly why I took in as much of him as I could to remember him even after we would have to go separate ways some day.

“God dammit, you’re a bit too creepy today, shithead.” I suddenly heard him groaning. “It’s like... What should I call it?” He sucked his cigarette fiercely and took it from his lips between his fingers. “Without that frigging beastly expression plastered on your face, the one that would definitely freak out the meeker ones... Makes me think that perhaps you’re drugged although it couldn’t have been me... At least I don’t think I would’ve added anything unknown to the dinner we ate last night. And Chopper wasn’t around, either.”    

Some things were better to stay secrets, and on the other hand, I still couldn’t have given him a satisfactory reply. “What’s Chopper got to do with anything?” I decided to ask him gulping down a good swig of the liquor.

“He uses herbs as well, but for different reasons. I spice up the meals, he makes us the kind of medicine we need. But we’re both experimental, you see, musclehead,” he explained while fumbling something from the basket. The container he took from it was filled with slices of fruit. “Here you go, say ‘aanh’, marimo.”

I opened my mouth but didn’t bother to say anything. The slice of melon he’d stuck into my mouth had a richer taste than I had thought.

“That’s more like you, that kind of a face,” he kept on talking as he took the last drag of his fag before he put it out by sticking it into the sand. “You weren’t expecting it to have the kind of flavour that you happen to like.”

Right then I was happy that it was just the two of us. It would have been too embarrassing to do the following thing publicly. Before Sanji could even realize what had happened, I’d snagged the container from him to stuff at least a random slice of pineapple and a piece of kiwi into my mouth which I forced right onto his. If it was beastly that he wanted, then beastly he would get.

The bits of fruit were shortly squashed into a juicy mush that I transferred from my mouth to his. All he had to do was to keep his mouth open and let the mush go down his throat. We might have done something quite alike a long time ago - with chocolate or it could have been just whipped cream, however, it had been something intolerably sweet - but this time it was undoubtedly more erotic. His tongue was swirling in my mouth as though wanting to taste more of that special flavour that he had created for my sake in the first place. At the same time I could feel his hot breath coming from his nose and shortly his hands were more or less inadvertently going into my wet hair.

Secretly I wished I could have had him thoroughly, simply hump him on the beach, make him feel as good as I felt just to be with him, but something in the back of my mind admonished myself. With the kind of power that I possessed, physically as well as mentally, I might have crushed him or ended up hurting him in an insuperable way. Sanji didn’t deserve to be treated like that - wasn’t it enough that each and every woman that came along just walked over him? Albeit he asked for it himself by the way he acted whenever there were women around. In any case, a little by little I’d started to treat him better even though he might have not realized it. Just a moment ago he’d called me a klutz although he was usually a complete airhead himself. But it was still one of the reasons why I was so attracted to him. Simply because he could do that and not lose face - one moment he could be acting like a total fool and the next he could be the coolest man on the planet.

“Dartbrow,” I hummed into his ear after we’d finished relishing a few more bits and slices of fruit through deep and long kisses.

“What the hell has happened to my marimo?” he wondered cupping my face with his hands. “Can you really afford to be so fucking cute all of a sudden?”

I considered what to say before I replied. “Do you think we have time to make out after we’ve finished the picnic?”

“Ha ha ha!” The love cook laughed at me. “Isn’t that what you’re doing right now?”

I knitted my brows as I stared at him. “But we’re almost naked and...”

“Oh, don’t go there,” he interrupted. “Let’s just eat the rest of the food and get going back to the ship. I can’t let the ladies starve because of a piece of scum like you.” The tone of his voice was surprisingly kind regardless of what he’d just said.

“In that case, my love cook,” I started and pulled him into my arms. “You’ll sit here, right between my legs, and I’ll feed you even more of that yummy fruit.”

“Fine,” Sanji agreed leaning his back on to my chest and turned his head to look at me. “Just this once.”

Maybe he had also realized that we certainly wouldn’t be able to do something like this very often. Especially not while we were on the ship, and moreover, it was impossible to for us to predict when we’d reach the next island that we could slip off and spend some time together without the others just like right now. But at the moment I was determined to make sure the cook would forget about all the women in the world because he had me, and that I was the person that he would come to every time he wanted to satisfy his primary needs. And I would be there for him, always.



TBC which means that there will be at least an epilogue to this, sooner or later...

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