I woke up in your arms: Chapter 1

Published Feb 5, 2011, 8:53:35 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 4, 2011, 12:53:50 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

Zoro and Sanji managed to spend some time together.

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Chapter NaN: Chapter 1

This fic is completely based on a Finnish song called “Sylistäsi heräsin”, the title of this fic is a translation of that. And whaddya know, the song happens to be by a band called “Kolmas Nainen”, that is “Third Woman” for you who don’t understand Finnish. So when I heard it after quite a while, the song was simply asking to become a fic about Zoro and Sanji. And btw, this is Zoro’s POV. Moreover, this fic tells a lot more than that song...but unfortunately no actual smex, sorry. :(


I do not own One Piece or the characters mentioned in this fic. They all belong to Oda-sensei. 

Thumbnail by me, Zoro & Sanji by hana*Gallery



The way the birds concertized outside so gloriously and how the first sunrays infiltrated through the windows of the crow’s nest that morning must have been the reason why I woke up earlier than I normally would. And it was definitely worth it. When I opened my eyes, I realized I’d been pressing my face against his chest ever since I’d fallen asleep listening to his heart beating. Oftentimes it was the opposite because I’ve been possessive and even somewhat protective about him for a long time. But this time it was him doing the same thing for me. His arms were wrapped around my body, still sleeping soundly so close to me.

I smiled at the situation feeling really happy about it. It almost made me giggle although men like me weren’t supposed to do such a thing. To hide my idiotic expression, though there really wasn’t anyone else around, I pressed my face against that creamy and soft skin again, rubbing my nose against it. He smelled so good, especially at a time like this when he hadn’t smoked a single cigarette in hours. There was a subtle scent of the dinner he had cooked last night, but more than that he lingered in the scent of the wild sex that had continued throughout the night until we had collapsed on the floor. Even now that he was fast asleep, he was so beautiful, so intriguing. No way I could resist him, not even if he was going to be really pissed off with me later on.

Although I didn’t expect it to happen so soon, he awoke while I was covering his chest in soft kisses.

“Ummh... Zoro, what the hell are you doing?” The blue eye was hardly open when he looked at me. I didn’t say anything, just raised my head a little and smiled at him.

“Moreover, what’s with that dumb face?” Sanji’s voice was a bit raspy since he’d just woken up, but I did notice that he wasn’t angry with me this time. I felt how his other hand moved along my spine to the back of my neck and finally into my shaggy hair to stroke it gently with his long fingers.

“Can’t even fucking remember when you’ve smiled like that, you idiot,” he continued, slowly beginning to smile back at me.

I just kept on smiling and gave a quick kiss on his lips that he’d understand to stay silent for a while. Luckily he did - in fact he seemed to want a proper good morning kiss and I had absolutely nothing against it.

“For fuck’s sake, I should start making breakfast!” He realized abruptly after breaking our passionate kiss, getting up on his feet, nearly jumping off the makeshift bedding we had spread on the floor last night.

“No need to, if you’re not hungry,” I told him sitting up.

“Huh?” Sanji looked at me raising that curly eyebrow which made my smile grow into a grin.

“It’s still just the two of us,” I pointed out. “The others aren’t here. And I really don’t think there’s a single reason why any one of them would come back to the ship at this hour.”

That made the cook glance quickly at the alarm clock he’d brought with him to the crow’s nest that he definitely wouldn’t oversleep, and right, it wasn’t even 6 am. If someone else had been on the ship then... Only Robin might have come to the galley for a cup of coffee or Brook for a cup of tea, had they been awake so early. Or most likely an extremely hungry Luffy would have charged in shouting the cook’s name over and over again to demand a snack before breakfast. But none of that had happened, and besides I would have noticed someone else’s presence even in my sleep. And on the other hand, Sanji might have not let me have my way with him until the small hours if he really had had to make breakfast for the crew.

Only a cook like him would have been able to take such good care of us, erm, especially when our captain was the way that he was. Not long ago when I’d kept him company in the galley while he’d been washing the boundless mountain of dishes, he had told me that feeding us was certainly much more like feeding a whole army than just a few darn pirates. I’d agreed with him and mentioned that since it wasn’t an easy task to do, we needed someone like him to count on to get the job done. Normally I wouldn’t have blurted out something like that, but for some reason I’d thought I should at least try to say something comforting to him. The cute blush on his cheeks and the big bottle of sake that he’d offered me right after what I’d said really took me by surprise. There had been absolutely no reason for me to complain about such turn of events. Nor the outstanding sex we had had afterwards.

“Which means that we can do whatever we want to until someone decides to return to the ship,” I summed up shortly wondering if we could spend the whole day in the crow’s nest, just the two us together. Such a luxury wasn’t bound to happen but I still wanted to fantasize about it. Because it was only times like these that we could have each other’s undivided attention and personally I wanted to cherish those moments as much as I could. However, if the cook wanted to do something else, I wasn’t going to oppose. It would be impossible to keep him away from the galley for an entire day anyway.

“What’s that,” Sanji snorted as he crouched to fumble a crumbled pack of cigarettes from one of his pockets. “Are you saying that I have a day off or something?”

I watched how he put a cigarette between the lips that had been glued on to my own only a while ago and how he lit it with a match to get his first drag. No matter how many times he did it during a single day or how many times I’d actually seen him doing it, I still couldn’t help it how I always ended up thinking that it was god damn sexy.

“Perhaps you do,” I offered without giving it much thought. At least the pantry and the fridge were stuffed after we’d gone to the nearest town to restock a plenty of supplies just the other day. And since there had been no one to hog it all yet, perhaps there was no need to worry about such things for a while.

“When the hell has it been as peaceful as it is now,” he phrased his current thoughts, not really expecting me to reply. Although we were presently living on a lot bigger ship, it still didn’t mean that any one of us could have had more peace and quiet than while we’d lived on the Going Merry. Our crew was rowdy and carefree, a fact that was hardly going to change, and I don’t think that it bothered anyone too much. But I did appreciate it if I had the chance to have the cook for myself and right now I didn’t want anything as much as to monopolize him. Even if it was just for this one day.

I raised my hands up and tried to wrap them around his slender waist, gesturing that I still wanted to have him close to me. Perhaps he understood my wordless message as he sat down in my lap tamely and stared at me with that bright blue eye.

“But that’s not the only thing that’s so damn strange this morning,” he remarked puffing some smoke into the air. “What’s happened to you, shitty swordsman?” The tips of his fingers fiddled with my earrings that began to jingle quietly.

“Nothing really,” I replied not wanting to tell him why I was smiling like an idiot.

“Was last night so fucking mind-blowing that you can’t stop thinking about it, huh?” Sanji guessed with a sly smirk encircling his cigarette. “Though, I must admit that it was rather satisfying to quench my thirst like that...” Then the damn cook took the cigarette away from his lips that he could lick them with his mischievous tongue, purposely reminding me of how hard he’d sucked my cock, not to mention the previously unforeseen way that he’d pleaded me to bukkake on him several times. That had honestly made me wonder if I’d gone to heaven or dropped down to the pit of hell. However, without giving a shit about the consequences, I’d merely let myself enjoy the overwhelming sex with him for as long as we’d been able to last.

Therefore, what he had just said was true, but even so, it wasn’t the decisive reason for my unusual expression. I suppose that overall I was just so happy that I couldn’t stop smiling. And as soon as he finally finished smoking that cigarette, I robbed his lips for another fierce kiss. I thought it was better to express my feelings through my body than by plain words since I wasn’t very good with them. He accepted it and leaned into me as he opened his mouth enough that I could slide my tongue inside. He tasted like the cigarette that he’d smoked but I’d gotten pretty used to that by now.

“Gaah!” Sanji inhaled loudly after pulling away from the kiss that in my opinion could have lasted forever. “Darn marimo doesn’t know when to stop...” He placed a brief peck on my nose and got up on his feet again even though I wouldn’t have wanted to let him go at all.

“Dammit, I feel so icky and dirty,” he mumbled to himself picking up his scattered clothes from the floor. A delightful image floated through my mind about us enjoying a long, hot bath together in the big tub. Definitely not a bad idea! I was already getting excited but it didn’t seem to be what the cook had in mind.

“You know, there’s a beautiful bay near where we’re currently docked. With a sandy beach and all that shit,” he explained putting on his underwear. “It’s been such a fucking long time since I’ve had the chance to go swimming in a place like that... So Zoro, you wanna come with me?”

“Why not,” I replied mainly because I wanted to be close to the cook. And on the other hand, staying alone would have meant nothing else than either training or sleeping, and those I could easily do some other time.

“Then get dressed. I’ll go and grab us a couple of towels,” he said slipping his bare feet into his shoes and stuffing his socks into the pockets of his jacket. Just before he was about to descend the ladder from the crow’s nest, he turned back to me. “By the way, can you go and get us a change of clothes from the lockers? I really need a fresh pair of undies...” And soon he disappeared through the hole in the floor.

While I was lazily putting my clothes back on, I couldn’t help but wonder if he had these kinds of feelings for me that I had for him. I supposed he didn’t. The way he had always been, the way he acted with the rest of the crew, the way he just was. Even if he really told me that he loved me, it wouldn’t have been the same kind of love that I felt for him. Furthermore, I already knew very well that he wasn’t going to care for me like this for the rest of his life. He didn’t love me in earnest simply because he wouldn’t have been able to love any man the way he loved women. But it was okay with me nonetheless. For now I could have his closeness and his body for myself even if I could never capture his heart.

In fact there were only two things that fitted in his heart: women and his dream about All Blue, which naturally included his blazing passion for cooking. Thus there was no room for someone like me. But even so, we were somewhat alike, two men with big dreams, the kinds of dreams that we both wanted to come true and support each other on the way. His dream had been as dear to him as mine was to me and those dreams were what had kept us alive through the bad times of our lives. As a matter of fact, it must have been the genuine belief in our dreams that had brought us together. Therefore, after giving it quite a lot of thought, I had finally decided to accept and respect the fact that no matter what would happen along our journey, Sanji would always love All Blue more than me. And so be it.

Trying not to mull over the same thing again and again, because it easily made my head ache, I descended from the crow’s nest on to the grassy deck. Since it was so early in the morning, the grass was seemingly wet because of the dew that made the grass glisten in the sunlight. I shuffled over it to the door on my right and entered the men’s quarters. Choosing some clothes for myself wasn’t a problem but I had absolutely no idea what the cook would have wanted to wear. His collection was far too large, so many ties, not to mention the amount of socks. He had asked me to get him something to wear so it was up to me to choose whatever I pleased, right?

It wasn’t the first time that I had the chance to go through the cook’s selection of underwear, not to mention that I’d been able to take off a few of those myself, but I always seemed to find a pair I hadn’t seen before. I took the piece of clothing in my hand and unfolded it to get a better look at it. That sort of blue suited the cook perfectly but it wasn’t just that. The softness of the fabric, the feeling that ran through my fingertips meant that those briefs were definitely made of silk. It was hard to believe that the cook was hiding such a treasure from me but now that I’d found them, he would have to wear them for me. Yet another thing that made me smile happily. The rest of the clothes weren’t so important when I knew what was going to be under them, so I just grabbed a random shirt, a pair of trousers and socks from Sanji’s locker. And then I packed all of the clothes into my backpack. All ready to get going!

The cook was smoking another cigarette when I stepped out of the door back to the deck. Something was also smelling really good so I thought he must have made us a snack as well.

“A picnic?” I asked looking at the basket he was holding in his left hand.

“We’ll become hungry anyway,” he remarked as if it was the most obvious thing. “And wouldn’t it be fucking excellent to have a picnic on the beach when the weather is as fabulous as it is now?”

I couldn’t deny that. However, currently I could barely refrain myself from snatching the basket from him and pushing him on the wet grass to have some more wild sex with him again.

“You really are damn strange today, marimo,” he mentioned tilting his head a little to the side while he looked at me, as though trying to read my mind. “But it doesn’t seem to be a bad thing.” He gave me an unexpectedly loving smile before he started to walk towards the railing. “Let’s go!”

The cook leaped over the railing and landed smoothly on his feet as though he would have been imitating the movements of a cat. I jumped down after him and let him lead the way. Trailing behind him was giving me the kind of view that increasingly stirred the nether parts of my body. The way how his ass swayed from side to side as he walked right in front of me was without doubt giving me an unfathomably hard time to restrain myself. Presumably he wasn’t quite aware of what he was doing, but on the other hand, he might have been doing it on purpose. Nevertheless, the cook was gorgeous, very attractive in his own way. Paying any attention to our surroundings was impossible to me because I just couldn’t take my eyes off of him. Oddly enough, he didn’t seem to notice how my hot gaze was fixed on his ass and hips as well as those never-ending legs. Instead I realized that he had suddenly started to whistle a jolly tune that I couldn’t recognize. It was one of those little things that made my heart skip a beat, something really cute about him. Perhaps he was in an exceptionally good mood just like me.


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