A Shifting of Life: Chapter 4

Published Feb 12, 2011, 10:10:05 AM UTC | Last updated Feb 11, 2016, 8:05:56 AM | Total Chapters 15

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When Ichigo is on the wrong side of one of Szayels experiments, he ends up a she...and trying to learn how to deal with it while he waits for the cure.

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Chapter 5: Chapter 4

Title: A Shifting of Life
Fandom: Bleach
Part: 4
Series: Shifting
Characters: Rangiku, Ichigo
Warnings: Girl on Girl Sex
Word count: 1,900
AN: I am seriously getting through these chapters, really I am. *nods* I have something like 16 chapters fully rewritten. I'm just taking my sweet time reposting where I can and when I can. So be patient with me.

I hope you like though. :D


Sliding down into the hot water with a soft sigh, Ichigo pushed a bit of hair from her face as she clung to her towel, not really wanting to have it slip and flash Rangiku. At the moment, despite everything going on, she was feeling a bit shy about her new body, especially with her friend nearly bursting out of her own towel.

Settling down into the water, the readhead trailed her fingers through the water as her companion took a seat near her, her long hair pulled up and out of the way. Brown eyes turned to Rangiku and took in her looks, finding herself comparing their looks. Her friend was undeniably beautiful, a balanced combination of looks, attitude, and power. She felt like a swan chick that was next to an actual swan, but without the added benefit that came with growing into a swan herself.

Then again, she had often felt like that next to her male friends when she had been a he. She had found herself surrounded by gorgeous people and Ichigo often wondered just why Orihime had a crush on her with so many other wonderful options offered.

“Rangiku, can you tell me why Orihime would want to crush on me when there are so many people around her that would give their left kidney to date her?” Ichigo blurted out. Rangiku stared at her with wide eyes, tilting her head to the side, drawing a blush from her. “What? It’s not like I’m blind to things. Orihime can’t hide her feelings or lie her way out of a paper bag and we all know it.”

“I never thought that you could see how badly she’s crushing on you. everyone told me that you were blind to it,” Rangiku said, fixing her towel as she eyed the swell of Ichigo’s chest. She was idly wondering just how her breasts would feel in her hands. It was always so hard for her to find a good female lover who had a chest just the right size for her tastes. Pushing aside those thoughts for the time being, Rangiku watched as Ichigo scowled, making her wonder if she could just kiss it away.

Sighing to herself, she forceably cleared her thoughts and turned her attention to her companion.

“Just like I told Ulquiorra, I am naive, but I am not completely innocent. Or blind,” Ichigo huffed, shaking her head and pulling her towel up again.

“And just where is your bodyguard anyways?” Rangiku asked. She looked around them, trying to find the Arrancar.

“He’s fussing around with my room. He said something about wards and perverts,” Ichigo replied, splashing her friend with a bit of water. “And you haven’t answered my question yet.”

“Right, about Orihime and her crush on you.” Tapping at her bottom lip, Rangiku wondered just how to tell the other woman that she had been gorgeous as a male, her scowl included. But now as a woman she was a bombshell with curves and muscles. And the power that she wielded so easily made her just that much more appealing.

“Well?” Ichigo prompted. She blushed softly as Rangiku moved closer to her and tugged her towel up again.

“Ichigo-chan, sweety, you are really probably, hands down, the most delectable person out there. Male or female. And it’s not just lust that a lot of us feel for you. We want you because you’re you. I bet that if you walked up to someone who knows you and asked them to go out with you, they’d jump at the chance. Ask anyone if they want to fuck you six ways to Sunday, and they would drop everything to show you the time of your life,” Rangiku stated. “Hell, I bet that if they have lovers, they’ll drag them in for the date or for the sex.” She watched as Ichigo’s eyes went wide and a blush steal over her sweet cheeks. Reaching out, the older woman gently brushed her fingers over the redness and smiled softly at her friend, moving closer to her. “You should know by now that Shinigami don’t judge others by gender or looks. We’ll lay and date whoever ends up appealing to us. Orihime is a human and was raised as such. She’s expected to marry a strong young man and have a bunch of bouncy babies, even in the day and age you live in.”

“But the shinigami doesn’t have those constraints do they?” Ichigo breathed out as she stared at her friend. Rangiku was rather pleased to note that the young woman hadn’t pushed her away yet, but was breathing heavily, her pupils blown wide.

Ichigo shifted in place and wondered at the fact that she was feeling the heavy curl of lust that worked its way through her body and settled low in her groin. Most forgot, but she was a teen, and not an asexual one at that. She had fun on her own, had experimented to learn her body and what turned her on, had felt attraction to others, and so on like any normal teen. But Aizen kidnapping her for nearly six months had put the kibosh on any arousal or need to explore.

On top of that, she had been a male and arousal hadn’t felt so...rich.

“Nope. As you know, we can die any day at any time. So why constrain ourselves? Hell, even those who have steady lovers tend to draw others into their bedroom lives to change things up. We don’t really have to worry about getting knocked up right off the bat since it takes a lot of power,” Rangiku hummed as she stroked her hand down over the younger woman’s neck, her eyes watching as Ichigo dropped her head back and gasped. “Though for you, since you’re still technically alive, it might be easier.”

“Unohana-san made sure that she gave me something to stop that. Just in case I can get pregnant,” Ichigo sighed, getting a smirk from her friend.

“Well, that’s good then,” Rangiku purred. She shifted closer and slid her hand lower, brushing her fingers along the edge of her towel, giving Ichigo every chance to pull away from her.”Ichigo, will you let me touch you?”

Looking to the other woman, Ichigo smiled and nodded, blushing an even deeper read as her towel was tugged open, leaving her nude before the busty woman. Rangiku smiled soothingly and coaxed her to sit on the edge of the spring, her eyes taking in the smoothed, wet body before her. Looking down,s he blinked in surprise as her fellow redhead pulled her legs together and up.
“Who shaved you? I hope it wasn’t the freak was it?” the other woman asked, Ichigo shaking her head.

“Nah. I was already shaved actually. Most of my pants make it really hard to have hair down there,” Ichigo admitted.

“I really don’t mind in the least bit,” Rangiku drawled as she danced her fingers over the swell of her new lover’s breast. The smaller female gasped, her chest pressing up into the touch. Smiling at the rather innocent response, the older woman continued to tease the other’s chest, tracing the curve of one full breast, down to brush them over the ribs just beneath it, watching as her flesh broke out in goosepimples. A light blush started to work its way over the creamy skin, nearly following the path that Rangiku’s hands were taking.

Moving forward, she brushed their noses together before pressing her lips to soft, sweet ones, licking at them gently, drawing a soft sound out of Ichigo. Dipping her tongue into the sweet mouth, Rangiku taught her companion the joys of kissing another person.

Mewling as long fingered hands pulled her own towel away, Rangiku pulled back from the kiss, licking her lips. Letting her towel slide into the water, she moved to nibble at her lover’s neck, finding any spots that got sounds as Ichigo’s hand slowly moved over soft skin. She smirked as one of her hands brushed over a perky breast, cupping it with a knowing hand and watching as Ichigo pressed into the touch as she stroked and tugged at the dusky nipple with her fingers.

“Such a perfect, wonderful breast, Ichigo,” the redhead moaned as she used her other hand to tease the lean body before her. “Can you lay back and get comfortable for me?” she asked. Nodding, Ichigo pulled her towel from the pool and laid it out so that she could lay back.

Looking down her body, she blushed against as Rangiku crawled up to stand on the seating of the hot spring and spread her legs with a toned thigh, barely brushing up against against Ichigo’s center. Jerking at the barely there touch, the redhead rocked a bit, her own legs squeezing around the thigh between them. The wet sensation there along with the tingling that spread through her was so much stronger than what she had felt as a male learning on his own.

Rangiku purred in delight as she captured Ichigo’s other nipple between her teeth, gently nibbling at the peaked bud. Making sure that she had her footing, the busty woman worked her hands down over the body that was responding oh so wonderfully for her.

She quickly found a spot that sat just below heaving ribs that drew out a shiver, and another spot just above the back of her knee that made the wetness against her thigh that much wetter. Rangiku followed the path that her hands had taken, always teasing a spot to distract her when Ichigo went to reciprocate. She could feel her own arousal become heightened just by the sounds and feeling of having the beautiful shinigami under her. She had a feeling that if Ichigo was able to touch her, she wouldn’t be able to last very long, and at the moment it was all about Ichigo.

Dragging her tongue down over one hip, Rangiku decided to wait to do anything that concerned oral, especially as she took in her lover, she noted that Ichigo was on that edge already. Feeling smug about that fact, the older woman slid a hand over Ichigo’s inner thigh before sliding against wet skin, purring quietly as the smaller woman arched up with a shudder, yelping in surprise. Parting the wet folds, Rangiku found Ichigo’s slick entrance, stroking over it for long moments before she pressed it inwards, thumb brushing against the other woman’s clit.

The scream and shuddering body that came apart under her own finally got to Rangiku, her own body shuddering as she came, eyes fluttering closed. She was surprised through the fog of pleasure in her mind at feeling Ichigo’s leg between her own and rubbing at her own core.

Gently removing her finger, Rangiku stood and pulled Ichigo back down into the water, holding the shivering woman close as she stroked down over her back. Moving Ichigo so that she could rest her hand on her breast, she smoothed back damp hair, smiling softly.

“Wow,” Ichigo finally chuckled, curling close to her older friend, feeling her laugh softly.

“Oh yes, indeed wow. You should try it with a guy sometime,” Rangiku teased gently.

“Maybe I will later,” came the hummed reply.

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