ASoL Specials: Tasting Another World 1

Published Feb 26, 2011, 11:36:41 PM UTC | Last updated Mar 30, 2011, 11:00:31 PM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

Various one shots that run around my mind that aren't cannon to A Shifting of Life.

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Chapter 2: Tasting Another World 1


Title: Tasting Another World

Chapter: 1 out of 6

Fandom: Bleach and Naruto

Characters: Tsunade, Ichigo, Jiraya, Snake (known) and Sparrow (known character)

Pairings: Neji/Ichigo/Shino, Ichigo/Naruto

Word Count: 1,432

AN: Well, this has been in the works for the last 3, 4 weeks. :3 I'm finally done and I hope you enjoy this little crossover that decided to molest my brain. >>


Staring at the sky that filtered through the trees above her, Ichgo waiting for the dizziness and dull throb of his back to stop. She knew she should have run in the other direction when she had seen Mayuri come near her after a training session that had included her in heeled boots, a tank top and jeans; she had been working on her fighting in civilian clothing while a female again.

Slowly sitting up, Ichigo groaned lowly and rubbed at her lower back, not pausing whens he heard the sound of leaves rustling. Standing up, she fixed her bra, chest bouncing, and smirked at hte dull thud of body meeting wood. Something she head learned as a female was that no matter how controlled someone was, if they liked the female body, they all became distracted by a chest, especially when they were dealing with hormones.

“Now, where did the freaky clown send me?” she asked herself out loud, turning around to see if she could see a path. Tensing when she felt a presence behind her, she looked over her shoulders and glared. “Soi-Fons rookies can hid better then you,” Ichigo snorted at the man wearing a sparrow mask. “Either you wanted me to feel you or you're the one that knocked yourself into a tree. Which is it, mask-san?”

“I wanted to be felt. I was sent to figure out what it was my leader felt earlier. I'm Sparrow, ANBU of The Village Hidden in the Leaves,” the man said, introducing himself. Ichigo hummed and crossed her arms just under her breasts before cocking a hip to the side.

“I'm Kurosaki, Ichigo. Hidden in the leaves...” she drawled, eyebrows furrowing. “Oh man, am I gonna gut that damn clown,” she growled, walking away from the ANBU and kicking at a tree, muttering curses under her breath.

“Why are you cursing?” Sparrow asked, curious as to what had set off the lean female.

“I'm in a frickin' side dimension! You guys are a branch that connects to my dimension, which means a rip was opened by the idiot who sent me here,” Ichigo growled, still kicking the tree.

“If you can stop abusing the tree, I can take you to the Hokage to figure out how to get you home,” Sparrow said, watching Ichigo sigh and lean against the tree before standing straight again.

“I don't have enough energy to tree hop,” she warned the man, turning to him and looking around, glad that she was at least in her female form.

“Then you'll have to catch a ride on my back,” the ANBU said, kneeling down with his back to the female. Feeling her hop on, he tucked his arms under her legs as he stood and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. Hopping into a tree, he smirked at his partner who was still rubbing his skull cap where he had hit the branch when she had bounced the way she had. Ichigo watched him before snickering and winking at the snake mask wearing ANBU.

“First rule of being part of the world that I am, and female, use everything in your arsenal to figure out your enemy. That includes your boobs if you're well endowed,” she teased, laughing at the glare she could feel coming from under the mask. “I've learned that you are at the least, a straight male who likes a good sized chest. You're own is to flat for a female, so no denying it.”

“You're very observant,” Snake drawled, voice smooth but fairly gurmpy. Ichigo just smiled at the manman as she rested her head onto Sparrows shoulder, her back starting to throb once more, mkaing her grip onto the mans armor. “What's wrong?”

“I landed on my back when I fell through the rip,” Ichigo hummed, watching Snake shift through the hidden pockets on his being.

“Here. This is a basic pain killer. Tell us if you start to feel worse or dizzy,” Sanke said, handing her a couple of pills as they landed on the ground near a lake. Taking them as Sparrow let her down, Ichigo eyed the little white pills before deciding to trust Snake and walked over to the lake, kneeling down to take the pills. Swallowing them down with some of the cool water, rubbing her hands through her hair, she stood up. Climbing back onto Sparrows back, she settled in as the two ANBU took to the trees again. It wasn't long before the throbbing of her back tapered ff into an annoying itch in the back of her mind. Sighing lowly, Ichigo fell into a light meditative state, ignoring the way the scenery changed from forest to city, not really caring about that for the moment.

“We're here.” Sparrows voice drew Ichigo out of her meditative state, making her blink and lift her head, finding them standing in an office, a blond haired woman and a silver haired man looking at her with curious looks on their faces.

“Hokage-sama, we went to the sight of the energy flux and found Ichigo-san here. She said it was a rip of some sort,” Snake reported as his partner sat Ichigo down on her feet.

“Dimensional pocket rift. My master, teacher, Urahara was babbling about them before Maryui ripped one open around me,” Ichigo said, stretching very slowly before moving around Sparrow, ignoring the silver haired mans leer. She was used to being leered at by then.

“Wanna tell us what that all means?” the Hokage asked, eyes sparkling in curiosity.

“Can I get names before I create some?” Ichigo asked in return.

“I'm Tsunade, the 5th Hokage and the leering pervert is my old teammate, Jiraya,” Tsunade hummed, the silver haired nin nodding his head to Ichigo who just smiled and sat down, crossing her legs.

“Now that's been done, as I told Sparrow-san and I suppose, Snake-san, this is a sub-dimension of the one I'm from, a branch I suppose you can say,” Ichigo hummed, tapping his fingers on the arm of her chair, not surprised at the serious looks on the two faces before her. “From what Geta-boshi told me, the dimension we live in is attached to the main world, where Gods and Deities live and watch over us. From us, there are smaller worlds of various sizes and styles.They can be compared to smaller branches, twigs and leaves on a large one. From my own research, this world is a smaller branch that grows near the main trunk.”

“So our worlds are connected?” Jiraya asked, blinking at the sudden ringing that came from Ichigos pocket. The four watched as she pulled out a silver item and flipped it open, looking up at them with a bored expression on her face.

“Cell phone that's made to go anywhere I need it to,” she said, shrugging with a smile.

“Ah, but my dear, Ichi-chan, it's also a hollow alarm and way to pinpoint you,” a happy voice chirped from the cell, drawing their attention to it. Snorting, Ichigo turned the phone around so that they all saw the blond man with a green and white stripped hat shadowing his eyes on the screen.

“Urahara, Kisuke, meet Tsundae, Jiraya and two shinobi special warriors of Village Hidden in the Leaves, Sparrow and Sanke,” Ichigo introduced before turning the phone back to herself.

“So, that's where Mayuris little device sent you. Well, that's good since it means we'll be able to get to you rather quickly,” Urahara hummed, making Ichigo roll her eyes.

“How quickly is rather quickly?” she asked, lips twitching as Urahara pulled out a pad of paper.

“About two days, pushing three,” the blond finally said, getting blinked at.

“Fine. Tell them about what happened when the clown used the device on me,” Ichigo huffed, leaning back and setting the phone down on the arm as she tried to relax. “And tell them about my unique talent to, would you?”

“Not a problem,” Urahara said, starting to tell the four about how the rift had happened and how Ichigo had gained the ability to shift back and forth between genders, having to also tell them about the war that had quiet suddenly ground to a halt and bout what they were. By the end of it, Ichigo was dozing in her chair, the pain killers making her drowsy. She awoke long enough to meet who Sparrow and Snake were under the masks and to learn that she would be staying with them, only to fall asleep as Sanke carried her to their home.

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