Beautiful Beasts: Hunter and Prey

Published Jul 4, 2011, 3:21:17 AM UTC | Last updated May 15, 2014, 5:56:39 AM | Total Chapters 13

Story Summary

FINALLY OFF HIATUS!! Sequel to New Breed. Several years after the Antarctica mission, Alexa Woods is approached by an old woman claiming to be the servant of the Predator that showed mercy on her all those years ago. She also claims that the human infant she has with her is the bastard that her master had with another servant. After agreeing to rear the child, Alexa must now deal with the girl's ever growing violence and bloodlust. Things become much more diffcult the girl is reunited with the one person who knows her better then all others. Cover Art courtesy of Kate-chan

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Chapter 3: Hunter and Prey

“Who the hell does she think she is anyway?” Angela snapped.

            “…It’s nothing personal…she’s like that to everyone…” Nicole shrugged.

            “Still! What the hell makes her think she’s so much better then everyone else?! Her family’s poor, she doesn’t have a dad and she’s not even as pretty as me!”

“Just forget about her, Angela” Jessica began.

“Yeah, you know how dangerous she is…” Brigitte warned.

“How do you know?! No one’s ever actually seen her get into those fights!” Angela began.

“My brother was one of the guys who tried to take her on yesterday and he will swear on the cross she isn’t human. The rest of ‘em are still in the hospital, the doctors thought an animal did it. My brother was so out of it with fear he actually let slip that the only reason she didn’t fuck him up as badly was because he pissed his pants and begged for mercy. It disgusted her so much she spat on him…” Melanie said quietly.

“Just look at her! She can’t weigh more then 90 pounds…”

“I wouldn’t have believed it either! But my brother is the last person to admit he had his ass handed to him by a girl…”

The cafeteria went silent as Cayla passed through the double doors. Everyone did their best not to make eye contact which was just fine since Cayla had her nose buried in a book, The Art of War by Sun Tzu. She got her lunch, barely taking note of the world around her, this worked well until a foot shot out tripping her on the way to a vacant table.

All the other girls at the table glared at Angela in horror.

“Well, it seems like the little princess falls just like everybody else…” she smirked confidently. Cayla was on her feet again in seconds, she grabbed Angela by her pretty blonde curls, wrenching her head back painfully. Her other hand came around to grasp her throat, Angela froze in fear.

“…You…are…nothing…” Cayla whispered in her ear. “…remember that, you are lower then the dirt that sticks to the bottom of my shoes. And you are far beyond my notice…”

She gave Angela’s hair a warning tug and the girl shivered.

“…still…even filthy animals must be punished…” Cayla slammed Angela’s face into the table until she saw blood. A wild smirk caught her lips as the other girl began to sob, Cayla grabbed her wrist, twisting her entire arm around her back until she heard the pop of the bone leaving the socket.

The girl screamed out in agony, Cayla closed her eyes, “…What sweet music…”

Someone grabbed her around the waist, lifting her effortlessly and pulling her from the girl and out of the cafeteria. Security guards burst in a split second later.


“Let go of me!!” Cayla struggled as she was carried into the girl’s bathroom. The stranger put her down, turned to see the concerned face of Blake staring back at her.

“You!” she roared, grasping him by the throat and slamming him against the wall.

“…Whoa…calm down…!” he began, clutching her wrist as she began to cut off his airflow.

“…Why did you interfere?!” Cayla growled.

“…I just…wanted to help you…If I hadn’t taken you away…you would’ve gotten caught…and expelled or…worse…” he gasped. She glared at Blake for several more minutes before finally letting him go. He coughed, gasping for breath.

“…Helluva…grip you got there…”

Cayla said nothing, hopping up onto the radiator then up to the sill below the window, she gave him a backwards glance.

“If you ever interfere in my affairs again, I won’t hesitate…” she growled. Blake swallowed thickly, nodding as she kicked open the window and disappeared.


“How is Miss Marcus?” Principle Schroder asked.

“She’s got a broken nose, busted lip, the bone around her left eye socket’s cracked and her arm is fractured in three places…” the security guard sighed.

“Did she give a statement?”

“Yes, she ‘slipped and fell’. And as usual no one else saw anything and Cayla Woods is nowhere to be found…”

“Damn…” Schroder mutter folding his hands on his desk. “…You know this was one of the safest schools in the county until that little psychopath showed up…”

“Don’t I know, this job was a hellava lot easier too…”

“That’s it! I swear to god! I’ll get that girl expelled from this school if it’s the last thing I do!”


“Cayla? Is that you dear? What are you doing home so early?” Grandma Martha asked as the girl came through the door.

“What do you mean, Grandma? It’s 3 o’clock…” Cayla began.

“Now don’t you try to play games on me, child! I may be old but I’m not senile yet!”

Cayla chuckled softly, coming to kneel on the floor beside her grandmother’s rocking chair. She rested her head in the old woman’s lap as Martha stroked her hair.

“…You smell of blood, child…” she began.

“I had to punish a lowly speck of dirt today…”

Martha paused, “…Such a troublesome child…”

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