The Phoenix Follies: HSL: Do You Believe In Love


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Chapter 29: HSL: Do You Believe In Love

That first kiss seemed to spark something. At once, the snogfest began. It took little under two days for the entirety of Gryffindor to find out. Neville walked in on them and screamed loud enough to bring up the other boys, who promptly clapped for both finding someone. The news spred like wildfire through the Gryffindors before filtering out into the general populous. By the next week, the Daily Prophet's headline read "BOY-WHO-LIVED COMES OUT!"

Harry groaned and dropped his head into is arms when Hermione read that aloud. Ron smiled, blushing, and pet his hair happily. The redhead almost liked the attention he was getting from being Harry Potter's boyfriend. Almost. Finding a quiet place to enjoy themselves was rather difficult, what with the many girls who wanted a picture of them together. They'd resorted to sneaking off in the night to places unknown, since the daytime was always full of the threat of fangirls.

Still, they were quietly affectionate with one another. Ron always found reasons to touch Harry's hand or ruffle his hair, and Harry rewarded him with goofy smiles and little kisses. They ended up being one of the fluffiest couples Hogwarts had. Most people were surprised by the change that came over Harry after they got together. He seemed so light, more at ease with himself, and he smiled almost all the time. Ron tended towards blushing with every little thing the other boy said to him. He looked almost sunburned most of the time.

Most of Hogwarts took the couple in strides, though many a teary girl begged Harry to reconsider while their more protective cousins gave Ron a strict warning about hurting their hero. There were a few here and there that showed open contempt for the relationship, but even they could see the vast improvement within Harry Potter.

Draco watched Harry and Ron from his table, eyes narrow and almost angry. His fist tightened as the black haired boy leaned over and whispered in his boyfriend's ear, causing the redhead to turn as crimson as his hair. The other Gryffindors only laughed. Draco didn't laugh. If anything, his gaze grew more angry. A hand slipped up his thigh. He recognized it before he moved to slap it away. Blaise pouted beside him. At first, the blue eyed Slytherin had been quite happy about Harry and Ron getting together. It seemed his competition had been taken out of the picture. But Draco's affections hadn't changed in the slightest. If anything, it had served to make the blonde more determined to get Potter. Blaise dropped his hands into his lap and grit his teeth.

'I'll get you, Potter,' he hissed silently, fiery eyes burning into the back of his rival's head. 'Just wait…'

Ron was away at Quidditch practice. With a little sigh, Harry found himself lacking in anything to do. His homework was already finished, amazingly, and the others were all out enjoying the warm weather while it lasted. To soothe his boredom, Harry went on a walk. A few of the portraits gave greeting and he to them, but for the most part he remained without company.

Of course, being alone made it easier to hear himself think. And to hear Tom.

'Well, finally!' said the ghost with a growl. 'Get yourself a boyfriend and think you can ignore me, hmmm? Doesn't work that way, Harry.'

Harry scowled, resolved to pay no attention to him for as long as possible.

'Maybe I should pop into HIS head for a while! It is one of your most delectable dreams, after all…'

'Don't rise to it,' Harry told himself. 'Don't let him bait you!'

'Oh, but you ARE letting me, Harry-love,' smirked the other. 'Just think… We could be lovers that way…Maybe then Slytherin's curse wouldn't want your blood.'

"Shut up," Harry whispered.

'I could play out all of our little dream sessions…What do you think Mr. Weasley would think of that? I bet he'd enjoy it…'

"Stop it.."

'I do wonder, though…What will he think when he finds out about me?'

The boy said nothing.

'He'll abandon you, Harry-boy… You'll be all alone, except for me…Your friends will hate you, your teachers fear you, and you… You will feel the ultimate grief of knowing my revenge…'


The ground disappeared from under him and Harry fell. Tom's haunting laughter faded away. It was with a smile that Harry realized where he was drifting. The soft landing in the unnaturally lit cavern was enough to cement his guess.

"Harry Potter," rumbled the deep, sexless voice of Larundo Adonis. Harry sat up and looked towards the dragon, smiling until he noticed the small form Larundo was wrapped about, that of a little girl. Harry got up and approached them, noting the protective gleam in those amber eyes. The girl was young, barely seven or eight it seemed. Her long, brown hair was dirty and hung in forgotten clumps down her back. Her skin had the tint of a tan lost and rosy cheeks paled. She was dressed in clothing far too large for her that hung over one shoulder and covered her feet. At once, two large, deadened blue eyes opened and stared at him from under heavy lids.

"Hello," Harry greeted. The little girl stared at him for a long moment before closing her eyes and turning back to lay against the dragon.

"She does not speak," said Larundo quietly. Harry sad down next to one of his forelegs, which were nearly as long as his own legs.

"Who is she?" Harry asks.

"I call her 'Bahvi'. It means 'brother' in the old tongue."

"But she's a girl, isn't she?"

"We didn't care much about gender, obviously," replied the dragon in a snide tone. Harry smiled humorlessly.

"What is she doing here?"

Larundo seemed to sigh a little as he turned his gaze onto the little girl's form.

"Her family was attacked by the dark ones a few weeks before the death of Voldemort." Harry was a little startled at hearing anyone mention the Dark Lord's name, but then realized that something as old as Larundo seemed probably didn't care about a wizard's supposed power. The dragon went on in quiet tones. "Her parents were killed, tortured until insane before put to death. The mother was a muggle while the father half, so they weren't given much kindness when it came to their ends. She had to watch it all before the dark ones began on her."

Harry couldn't quell the sudden guilt he felt after hearing the little girl's story. He shifted onto his knees and crawled closer to the girl until he was in arms length. Then, he lifted a hand and smoothed her hair from her face. She was a beautiful child, tragically so. When she cracked her eyes open to watch him, he felt the need to hold her, protect her, and soothe her every fear. Her big blue eyes slowly opened in full until she seemed every bit as young as she looked. She gave a sudden cry and launched forward, her small, thin arms thrown around his waist as she rested against his belly. Harry sighed softly and stroked her hair, wondering why she trusted him so swiftly.

"It is because she is a seer, child…"

Harry looked up at the dragon's words. "A seer?"

"Her mind and heart are open and vulnerable to those around her," Larundo replied quietly. The green eyed boy looked back down at the child in his arms. "Much like you, yourself."

"But I…"

"You are not as powerful as she," said the dragon. "While her magic is rather weak, her mind could tap into even mine. It is a relief that the dark ones did not realize this, as she would have suffered a much worse fate."

Harry sighed softly. He noted Bahvi's changed breathing and the limpness of her form against him. He continued to pet her hair for a long while until she woke and he returned to the school.

"My fellows!" boomed a voice over the gathered crowd of black cloaks. The vast sea of murmuring voices calmed as hundreds of eyes gathered on one solitary figure. He stood on a high platform with a few people behind him. The hood of his cloak was down and his face took in all around him.

"Today is a glorious day! Today marks our rise to power! Today shows the muggles that their extermination is at hand!"

Cheers and roars came upon them as other threw up hats and waved their arms. The man waited for them to calm again.

"No more shall we live in hiding from those unworthy of our lands!"

They cheered again, growing more blood thirsty with every moment.

"This is our world, and we shall TAKE IT!"

From behind, one watched with amusement. The face was completely shrouded and swaths of cloth hid the body. A loathsome aura seemed to emanate from it.

In hand was a small sliver of glass.

There was a dark feeling residing in Harry's bones. Tom had gone very silent and that was never a good thing. Harry didn't realize the feeling was affecting his mood until he caught himself snapping at two harmless first years trying to find one of the classrooms. He decided it would be better to stay away from other people for a while.

It was just as he was stepping into the Gryffindor Common Room that Harry noticed the stillness of the tower. His brows knit tightly as he felt his body go on full alert. His hand went to his wand. Harry slowly made his silent way up the stairs. The hair on the back of his neck rose once he reached the door to his dorm. He could almost taste the magic that surrounded his passage. Carefully feeling it, he didn't sense particularly damaging malevolence nor the caster of whatever spell it was, but he could feel the danger. However…the danger wasn't his. There was someone inside the dorm that was in danger!

Harry threw open the door before it occurred to him that such an action could spring a curse. Therefore, he only watched in horror as two ebony eyes locked onto his own from a small green head. Her body was held up by multiple wires, pulled in odd directions. Her small voice reached his hears.


And then the wires pulled taunt and ripped Macabre to pieces. Harry stared over his gore-spattered bed. He didn't realize he was screaming until someone dragged him away

A sight that had never been seen in Hogwarts before was Severus Snape running so quickly through the halls, that each turn left him skidding. Behind him was Remus Lupin. Both had left their classrooms when word reached them of a certain hero's shock. Since she had been expecting them, Professor MaGonagall only jumped a little when the door to her office slammed open and the two hurried teachers ran inside.

"Where is he?" the Potions Master hissed. MaGonagall sighed softly and gestured behind him. Snape turned, panting to regain his breath. Harry sat very still in a chair by the door. His face was pale and eyes half lidded while his hand shook in his lap. Remus knelt beside him immediately and pulled the boy into his arms, rubbing his back and petting his hair. Harry didn't fight him.

"What happened?" Snape growled at MaGonagall, though his eyes never left the boy.

"Someone set up a trap in his dormitory. I'm afraid Harry was the one to trip it and his pet snake was… obliterated." The last word was hushed. MaGonagall had almost retched at the sight when the little second year brought her.

Snape turned an ice cold gaze onto the other teacher. "Who did it?"

"We don't know," she replied calmly. "The tracking spells we've cast were inconclusive."

"This isn't over," growled Snape. She nodded and he went to Harry's side. As Remus pulled away from the boy to allow Snape closer, the Potions Master reached up to take his ward's face in his hands. Harry stared at him dully.

"I killed her," the boy whispered brokenly. Snape sighed gently and hugged him tight.

"No," he responded. "This was not your fault."

"I felt the magic and-"

"No, Harry."

He fell silent against Snape's black robes. Remus looked up at MaGonagall.

"Has the body been…recovered?" She nodded and he turned back to the boy. "We'll have a funeral for her, Harry."

The green eyed boy slowly nodded. "I…I'd like that…"

Snape got up, pulling Harry along with him as he left. Remus gave MaGonagall a goodbye glance before hurrying after them. Macabre's funeral wasn't big or flashy or even very pretty. She was laid to rest in a coffin of Never-Rot cardboard with flowers thrown all around her. The plot they unanimously chose was near the forest where pure white moonflowers grew. There were no words said for her. Harry could think of none, except…

"Thank you."

And then, the three were gone.

Harry ended up sleeping in Ron's bed that night, curled up within the comforting arms of his redhead boyfriend.

News of the death of Harry's snake spread like wildfire, as most anything about him did. A few came to console him or offer their theories on who did it. Most left him alone. The Gryffindors, however, grew even more protective of him after the attack. If he wasn't with Ron, and most times he was, then either Hermione, Ginny, or Neville kept close tabs. His other year mates checked up on him often. Even Mandy was concerned and walked him from Runes to Lunch on Mondays and Advanced Charms to the Library on his free hour every Thursday, though that made her late for Divination (she was studying to be a "scientific seer", something Harry didn't quite understand.)

The initial ruckus died down rather quickly though. Snow came as Halloween closed in. A week before the 31st, the first Hogsmeade weekend was announced. Hermione and Ron practically dragged Harry out with them, claiming that he needed the air. It was very cold, but that only gave Ron an excuse to keep an arm around Harry's waist, something that wasn't completely unpleasant. They shopped around for a few hours before grabbing lunch at a local restaurant. Harry was glad to find they sold hamburgers…though his kept talking to him about manners.

The three found themselves at a crossroads soon enough. Ron wanted to check out the joke shop while Hermione had some books she wanted. Neither wanted to leave Harry's side. Finally, he told them he'd stay in the Three Broomsticks until they were finished. It took a little work, but they finally agreed when they realized how many of their schoolmates currently sat within the bar. Harry bid them goodbye and slipped inside. The warmth hit him in the face and was too hot at first, but be got used to it. He sat down at a table and ordered some butterbeer from Rosemarta. She'd only gotten more beautiful since last time, and Harry was sure that her bosom would pop if it got any bigger.

Time flew quickly within the jovial pub. There was a band playing fast music and couples filtered through the dance floor. One in particular was very good at swing and showing off to the customers, who loved the show. Harry got up after he finished his drink to visit the loo. The music was too loud and drowned out most sound. Harry blamed this for what happened when he pulled open the door.

Two sets of big brown eyes locked onto his form in horror. Harry's own green were just as wide. He let go of the door and went back to his table. He barely blinked, as the sight seemed burned onto his eyelids. Two broad, handsome bodies wrapped about each other, lust-reddened faces locked as fingers clutched to bright red hair. Identical boys within each others' arms.

They found him quickly and hurriedly tried to explain. Fred seemed near tears and was paler than Harry had ever seen. George was more in control, though he was also shaken. They took Harry's silence negatively and spent a good while begging him to not tell and wondering if he was disgusted with them. Harry didn't really listen to them. His mind was churning over things at his own pace.

'All right. It's time to think.'

His eyes shut and brows furrowed. The twins glanced at one another worriedly.

'They're boys. That's fine. They like each other. That's fine, too. They're brothers. That's…'

Harry's green eyes slid open as he lifted his gaze to look over them. He scrutinized them well before returning to thought.

'If they're happy, who am I to judge them?'

That's right. He almost smiled. If they were happy, why should it matter? The smile escaped and the twins looked at him cautiously. Harry reached out and set one hand on Fred's and one on George's.

"It's okay," he said gently. "I won't tell. I'm happy for you."

Their faces brightened immediately. Harry quickly found himself enveloped in their embrace, their large frames dwarfing him. They talked for a while longer until Ron and Hermione came back. Fred had fun teasing Ron about 'bagging the big one' while his younger brother blushed brilliantly and Harry laughed. George and Hermione spoke briefly on a potions thing, as he was having trouble with a project for the shop.

Harry felt quite a bit better when they return to the castle.

With Halloween came a gay holiday. The Great Hall was turned into a ballroom with refreshments along the sides and so many pumpkins that many wondered if they'd bought out all of England. Dumbledore had managed to get some good bands to play the night And the dance floor, once filled, didn't empty until the end of the night.

Harry laughed with his friends, drank pumpkin juice, ate too much, and danced until he was numb. He and Ron had fun joking about everyone's costumes. The school had unanimously decided to do Halloween the muggle way. Hermione had been caught by Lavender and dolled up to be a princess, complete with ringlets and tiara. Ron ended up going as a Chudley Cannon player while Harry dressed up in a way no one really got until it was explained. His right eye was surrounded by a big splotch of black face paint and he wore black jeans and a white t-shirt. On the shirtfront was a big letter P.

"Oi, what are you?" Dean asked when they came in. Harry only grinned.

"A Black-Eyed Pea," he replied happily. Most people got a good laugh out of the deal. A few sneered at the original costume. Filtered through out the crowd were angels, demons, quidditch players, and every other assortment of things. Neville had decided to be a prince and followed Ginny around, who had dressed as a dragon. They put on a little show with Hermione. Ginny the Dragon pretended to be hoarding the beautiful princess away while Prince Neville tried to save her. He accidentally tripped over his long cape and tossed the sword, which Ginny caught and pretended to be stabbed by. The crowd clapped and cheered while Neville blushed cheerfully. He and Hermione hugged before pulling Ginny off the ground.

When the loud crowd finally became too much, Harry slipped away while his boyfriend was preoccupied. He went into the dark halls, rubbing his arms to keep the chill from his skin. He was quite surprised when a white coat was suddenly draped over his shoulders. Harry whipped around and found himself uncomfortably close to one Draco Malfoy.

Draco didn't seem like himself that night. His hair was left down, flowing around his face and shoulders. Wisps fluttered and kissed his cheeks. His gray eyes looked stormy and almost glowed in the light. There were small, white stones under his eyes that shined brightly in the moonlight. His entire outfit was white from his paten shoes to the coat around his shoulders. His pants were perfectly pressed and showed off the slimness of his waist. His shirt was loose and most of the buttons left undone to show his pale, well built chest. There was an ethereal look about him, as if he had stepped out of a whole other world and for one night was a being that made such a place whole. Harry could barely breathe.

"What are you doing out here on a cold night like this, Mr. Potter?" Draco purred, stepping closer. Harry took a step back for each of Draco's until he found himself against the wall. Draco laid a hand beside his head in an unhurried fashion and leaned close.

"I-I have a b-boyfriend…"

"I know." Harry could feel the other's warm breath upon his face.

"Then you c-can't…"

"Probably." They were so close that the pale boy's scent was invading him, a soft blend of rain and forest.

"Don't m-make me a liar…"

Draco paused before shifting to set a chaste kiss upon his cheek. He slowly pulled away enough to stare into the flustered green eyes and red face. Harry couldn't take his eyes away.

"Does he treat you well?" murmured Draco softly.

"Yes, very," Harry replied. His voice sounded a little breathy. Draco smiled grimly before drawing back completely.

"Good," he said. He turned and walked back to the party. Harry's knees buckled before he fell to the ground. He was confused, embarrassed, and most of all… quite very aroused. Why Draco had this effect on him, he didn't know. It made him feel guilty and horrible inside.

As soon as he could walk, Harry went up to the dormitory. A frantic Ron, who had noticed his absence and panicked, soon joined him. Harry put him, and his ailing conscience, to rest with a nice bout of snogging before the other boys arrived.

When Draco got back to the party, he quickly found Blaise and dragged the other boy off. The blue-eyed Slytherin was only happy to comply when Draco jumped him, burning off his hurt feelings into the other's body.

"Do you ever think about what happens when we graduate?" asked Blaise as he lay with the other in his arms and pet his long hair. Draco was oddly touchy-feely that day.

"I'll take over my father's enterprises," replied the blonde. Blaise sighed softly.

"Not that," he said. "I meant…what happens to us?"

Draco was quiet a while before he pulled himself up to sit. He gave Blaise the most quizzical look, one that hurt the blue-eyed boy much more than he let on.


"This. Our relationship. Boffing like rabbits."

Draco frowned. "You think this is a permanent thing?"

"Can't it be?" His eyes grew wide and he slapped his hands over his mouth. He hadn't meant to say it aloud. Draco watched him very carefully. He saw the guilty eyes, protectively curled body, and pale skin.

"Are you in love with me?"

It was very quiet between them. Neither moved a muscle. Then Draco got up and dressed. Blaise shut his eyes and cursed at himself for being so stupid. He knew it would be over as soon as Draco realized. That's why they'd started this in the first place. They were both horny teenagers and Draco didn't want a lover. Blaise hadn't in the beginning either. That changed over the last year. He could do nothing to stop his feelings for the blonde boy. Clutching his heart, Blaise watched as Draco silently headed for the door. He knew that if the other left, that would be it. Finished.


Draco paused and glanced back. Blaise had thrown himself up and had a hand stretched towards him, his blue eyes pleading.

"Don't go," Blaise whispered fervently. Slowly, Draco stepped back towards him. The other boy's shoulders shook as he set his hands upon them.

"I apologize," he said softly, though his face was unreadable. Blaise looked at him with hope. "I should have never let this go on so long and for that I am sorry. You're my friend, Blaise, so I regret hurting you. Nothing more."

His head dropped and eyes closed. "I…I understand, Draco…"

The blonde hesitated only a moment before leaving. Blaise stood very still for a long time. Then his fist clinched. The grip tightened until his entire hand was shaking. It hurt, but not nearly as much as the ripping feeling in his chest. That hurt and anguish shifted then, turning into something much easier to bear. The murderous rage filled him completely, etched into every cell of his being. Eyes snapping open, the rage decided on its victim. The one that caused everything.

Blaise Zabini growled into the darkness, "I'll fucking destroy you, Potter."

Harry sighed. It was a quiet Saturday morning, just after dawn. The other boys were still asleep. The black haired boy was sitting with parchment and pen, writing a difficult letter.

He was confused about a few things in life and needed someone to talk to. Remus was almost a parent, so that took off. Plus, he was one of his teachers and Harry didn't much want to have the guy worried over nothing. Though he was getting along better with Snape, he couldn't imagine telling him anything like this. He couldn't tell Ron, as that would upset him. Hermione was, again, too close to the problem. Harry needed someone who would be far away yet still able to help.

He chose Tonks.

Thus, he was writing a letter that would likely make the woman laugh, but she would probably help. Women were good at these kinds of things.


I have a problem and I need some advice. Since you're a girl, I figured you'd be the most help. Well, I hope so anyway. Girls usually do better in this stuff. And you're the only one far enough from the problem so… Hopefully you can help.

Since the Daily Prophet made my love life common knowledge, I don't need to tell you about Ron and me. However, Ron isn't the problem. It's another boy. He keeps coming onto me and almost kissed me on Halloween. The bizarre thing is that he makes me feel confused and… aroused. Ron does too, but it's not the same…Ron makes me feel safe, while the other has this dangerous aura to him…I can't explain it any better.

Can you help me?


Reading over the short note again, Harry was satisfied that he couldn't do any better to explain himself. He stiffed the letter into his pocket and got ready for the day, planning to mail it after the school day.

Later that afternoon, Harry started for the owlery. It was the first time in about a month that he'd been alone. Ron was practicing Quidditch, Hermione had Prefect duties, and Ginny and Neville had disappeared somewhere. He didn't want to bother anyone else so he made sure to not be seen.

Heading to the owlery, Harry suddenly noticed now quiet it was. He frowned and slowed his steps. The stillness was eerie. None of the familiar wing flaps came to his ears. A strange scent hung in the air. Harry shuttered. It was a familiar smell but he didn't recognize it. The coppery scent, like well rusted metal. Slowly, Harry pushed open the wooden door to the owlery. The letter fluttered out of his hand and to the floor, the edge sitting in a puddle of red.

There were feathers everywhere, blood splattered over every wall, perch, and window. The bodies of hundreds of owls lay in pieces on the blood soaked floor. There was one bird in the middle of the room that his eyes riveted on. Her body was sticking at strange angles and her beautiful eyes carefully gouged out. Hedwig.

Harry didn't scream or cry. Turning around, he left the owlery and calmly walked to the Headmaster's office. The few who spotted him in the halls didn't dare approach him. His skin was pale, eyes dead, and the aura around him was one of brokenness. The statue moved as soon as he approached it and Albus Dumbledore stepped out. He looked a little surprised at Harry's sudden appearance but didn't lose his control.

"Harry, my boy, is there something you need?"

"They're dead."

Dumbledore frowned at the numb voice.

"Who are?"

"The owls. They're all dead."

"Go back to your common room. I'll send someone to you," said the headmaster quickly. Harry merely nodded and turned to go. The tears began when he reached the sanctuary of his room, falling limply onto the comforter of his bed. Ron arrived quickly after and soothed his boyfriend's aching heart as the black haired boy sobbed into his robes.

Ron held him long after Harry fell asleep. He kept stroking his hair and back, reeling over the news that had swept the castle. Neville had come in tears to tell him about the owls. Every last one of them had been killed. No one knew that Harry had been the one to find them. Neville simply assumed he'd heard about Hedwig and was mourning her.

Hermione came to join Ron and Harry soon enough. She laid herself next to Harry, Ron offering her half his lap as a pillow, since Harry was already using the rest. When the green eyes fluttered open, Hermione gently stroked his tear stained cheeks. He took her hands in his and held them close to his chest.

Harry didn't bounce back from Hedwig's death among the other owls. She had been his companion for too long for that. Ron and Hermione tried their best to help him, but he still went through the next week in a daze.

Hermione couldn't stand it anymore. Her dreams were becoming more and more vivid as reality played them out. Before her eyes, Harry was breaking more each day. Helga's poem rang in her mind. She had to find those Maidens for Harry! She had to!

As she sat in the library, pouring through aging volumes, Hermione suddenly stopped. She glanced over the poem, noting the strange names in the second stanza. Perhaps she had been looking at that wrong. Perhaps they weren't names of people at all. Of course! Hermione jerked up and ran to the Religious Texts section, grabbing up a few different kinds.

During her summer, once she was recovered from the death eaters, her parents had tried to help her by taking her to their local church. She couldn't tell the priests what had happened to her, but they did help her to feel better with their kind words.

The afternoon wore on and the sky crew dark before she found the tomb she was looking for. A religion from Hawaii held her answers. She was a surprised to note what it was called. Any muggle knew that word. It was a disgraced thing that was both feared and ridiculed.

It was Vodou.

Hermione was overjoyed when she found the answers. All five names were there, gods of the Vodou pantheon; Danbala, the snake spirit, ruler of the gods; Ogou, the warrior spirits; Simbi, patron of all magicians; the Marasa, the twin protectors of family; and Gede, guardian spirits of the dead.

She frowned at her notes. Knowing the identities of those names was helping very little in the full scheme of the poem. There was something else she was still missing. Some key that wasn't clear. For the first time in her life, Hermione threw a book in her frustration. It bounced once before Madam Pince swooped in and grabbed it up, giving Hermione a quick reprimand before throwing the poor girl out.

Hermione stood very still outside the library door. She was not thinking about the first rejection from her haven or the disappointed look on Madam Pince's face. Her eyes were riveted on the floor before her. There was a book there.

"You've been visiting more often," noted Larundo quietly as it stretched it's long wings. Harry sat a few feet away with Bahvi before him. In his hand was a small brush that he was using to comb out her long, brown hair. As the brush went through the strands, they almost seemed to come back to life, soft waves forming down her back. Bahvi's little face, revealed from behind the fall of hair, looked so achingly beautiful in it's fall from grace.

Larundo observed him in silence for a good while before moving to stand beside the two. It shifted its great head to brush against the boy's. Harry reached up and pet its snout, sighing softly.

"I want to stay here," he said softly. "It's peaceful here. It doesn't… hurt."

The dragon withdrew. Harry glanced up and watched as its form glowed brightly, shifting within the blinding light. When it faded, a woman stand in the reptile's place. Her face was round with health, skin beautifully tanned. Soft looking, sky blue hair draped around her head and shoulders, whisking across her skin with the gentlest touch. Her forehead was adorned with a shiny red stone held by a silver circlet and ears were strangely shaped, long and wavy at the rim. Long, almond shaped eyes were a deep shade of amber and sparkled unnaturally. Her body was long and perfectly shaped, round breasts barely concealed by a wrap of cloth held at the middle by a silver ring. The ring was held in turn by a length of cord wrapped around her slim neck. Below her bosom, a flat stomach tapered down to a small waist then voluptuous hips and long, long legs. She stood on the balls of her feet, her toes clawed. About her hips and falling low was another wrap, held at her left side with a few silver clasps.

She glanced down at her hands, shifting the delicate limbs for a moment. Then, her gaze rose.

"You may call me Lara," she said, "when I am in this form."

The woman sat knelt beside him and brought her arms about him, sheltering him against her bosom. Harry clung to her, though he did not fully understand why.

"You cannot stay," murmured the dragon turned human. "Visit, yes… But you are too important to your people."

"He's dead," Harry whispered. "He's already dead. I did my part. I killed him. It's over. Why does it still hurt?"

Sorrow entered the yellow-brown eyes as she hugged him tightly to her, but it was not Lara that answered.

"The hurt never stops."

Emerald and amber shifted to look upon the child. Her dull gaze rested on them in turn. Then, Bahvi got up and walked away from them. They were the first words Harry had heard her utter, but they did not comfort him. He turned back into the warmth of Lara's body.

"Bahvi does not understand," said the dragon. "She is so young that that one event has shaped her complete being."

She gently stroked his hair. "It will end, child. Your pain is not eternal."

"I just want it to be over soon…"

"It may be as you wish," replied Lara with quiet sorrow.

Guards… Those who protected the precious five and hid their energy and identity. Before the Maidens could be found, the Guards had to be eliminated. There was a stone, made to reveal all ten and awaken the Guards' spirits.

Hermione poured over the little book as she sat in the common room. No one had disturbed her, as she had a look on her face that could kill. Her eyes flew over the pages as she flipped through them, the skin between her eyes bunched in concentration. Her free hand wrote furiously on her notes.

The Seeking Stone was what they needed. The book gave only a hint to it's location. It would be in a mountain, within deeply cut caves. This frustrated her even more. There were far too many mountains in the world for such a vague description to work. The Seeking Stone was necessary in finding the Maidens for Harry. She would just have to try harder.

The Guards worried her as well. She doubted they knew their fate, as she doubted the Maidens knew theirs. The book hinted that they would all be around the same age as the current Gryffindor heir. Would the Guards and Maidens be scattered throughout the world? She hoped not, but couldn't take the chance.

Hermione scowled at her notes. In them, she'd condensed the already small book. It told of each Maiden's innate power and their connection to the Gryffindor heir. They were ingrained with five aspects that would hint at their identity: Wisdom, Courage, Power, Strength, and Loyalty. The Vodou representations also hinted the same. Hermione ran a hand through her hair and sighed a little, gathering up her things. It was late and she was quiet tired. The common room had been empty for a while now.

As she made her way up, she heard a sound. Frowning, Hermione set her things down and went to the sixth year boy's dorm, slowly opening the door. All of the boys were in their beds, but one was no sleeping well. He tossed and turned, a quiet groan flittering from him. The sheets were tied up in knots around him and the moonlight glinted off a layer of sweat on his fevered brow. The light of her eyes went out completely. There was no time to lose. She had to find the Maidens and help Harry. Nothing else mattered.

That morning, Hermione was found face down in a pile of books with papers scattered all around, deeply asleep.

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