A Madness Most Descreet: Death Hime

Published Sep 22, 2011, 6:01:09 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 28, 2012, 6:09:07 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

(COMPLETE) Just a little something I came up with while watching the end of Soul Eater. Hope u like it <3

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Chapter 2: Death Hime


Blanche gazed up in shock at the boy leaning over her. His hand held her wrists secure above her head, his eyes gazed into hers with detached interest.

“…Frank…?” she asked.

His eyes travelled down her prone form and back up, as if he were inspecting a test subject.

“…You’ve developed pretty fast for a 13 year old…” Stein remarked.

“Stop picking on me! You know I hate it when you make fun of my boobs!” she flushed looking away. “You’ve had your fun so let me go already…”

Stein said nothing, stealthily undoing the buttons of her blouse with ease.

“…F…Frank…?! What are you doing?!” Blanche cried out in alarm. His eyes drifted up to hers and held them. He leaned in close, their lips almost touching, “…I’m performing…an experiment…”

He crushed his lips to hers in a demanding kiss, his tongue forcing its way into her mouth. Stein’s other hand roughly fondled her right breast through the cool lace of her bra. Blanche moaned pitifully into his mouth, their tongues twining and battling for dominance.

Stein pulled away to press fevered kisses to her the tops of her flawless breasts. She whimpered, shuddering underneath him.

“…Your skin is so pale and perfect…It’s surprising I’ve never thought of touching you before this…” he sighed, sliding his tongue between her breasts.

“…Ah! Frank!”

He licked his lips sitting up to look at her, his free hand drifting down to fiddle with the fastenings of his pants.

“What would happen, I wonder…if I were to defile Lord Death’s one and only daughter? Do you think he’d kill me for it…?”

“…No…because I won’t let him…”

He blinked down at her, Blanche blushed, her golden eyes brimmed with tears.

“…If you want to do this…I won’t stop you….I love you, Frank…”

…End Flashback

“Professor Stein!”

Stein fell back and out of his chair, “Ah?! What the hell…?”

“Our lesson was supposed to start five minutes ago! How can you sleep at a time like this?!” Maka scolded.

“…Can’t be helped. Lord Death specifically requested that we wait until the assistant teacher arrives…” Stein sighed, standing up and dusting the dirt from his lab coat.

“Well he’s obviously late, whoever he is…” Soul began.

“Honestly! How could father employ such faith in a person who doesn’t even bother to show up on time…” Death the Kid scoffed.

“Now, now is that any way to talk about your new sensei?”

The group looked up as the couple strode into the room. The woman’s long black hair was streaked with white and held back in a high pony tail, her cool golden eyes scanned the room idly. A reaper’s cloak draped her shoulders and black leather pants hugged her full hips. Her steel toed boots squeaked on the floor as she took the center stage.

Stein’s eyes went as wide as dinner plates and he adjusted his glasses, “…Blanche?!”

“Hey there, Frank, long time no see” She blew him a kiss.

“Eh?” Maka began.

“Who the hell’s she?” Soul raised an eyebrow. Death the Kid fell out of his seat and was in the process of scooting away.



“Oi! That’s Death Hime to you!” the bare chested youth at her side barked at Stein.

“Knock it off, Raiden! You’re such a wet blanket…” Blanche shook her head.

“…Uh…professor…who exactly is she…?” Maka began.

“Blanche, but most people know me as Death Hime. I’m Lord Death’s daughter and sister to that asymmetrical half-wit back there” she replied gesturing to Kid.

“Sister that isn’t fair! You’re not the least bit symmetrical…!” he began.

“Oi! Is that anyway to talk to your big sister?! I know I raised you better then that!” she began warningly.

“…Yes you’re right…I’m sorry…” he muttered shrinking into his seat.

“Wow…” Liz and Patty said simultaneously.

“Wait a minute, you raised him?” Soul began.

“Feh, if I didn’t who would? Dad was busy all the time and I’ll be damned if I let my little brother be brought up by strangers. Though I probably spoiled him, I move out and the next thing I know he’s obsessed with all this symmetry crap…no idea where the hell that came from…” Blanche shook her head.

“If you don’t mind me asking, just what are you doing here?” Stein began.

“Hm? I’ll be helping you teach these kids how to defeat a Keishin” she grinned.

“You?!” he all but shouted.

“Is that a problem? I thought you’d be happy to see me” she purred wrapping an arm around his neck and pressing her large breasts against him.

“…you know what I mean…I thought you were busy…” he sighed giving her a look.

“Daddy called me off Reaper duty. Said this was more important, of course he didn’t say a thing about seeing you again…”

“…Um…I don’t mean to sound rude but, have you ever even fought a Keishin?” Maka began skeptically.

“Hmm, business before pleasure, eh, Frank?” Blanche smirked pulling away. “And as a matter of fact I have faced a Keishin, Miss Albarn. I’ve even killed one”

The room went silent with shock. Blanche sat up on the desk in the front of the room, crossing her legs.

“Father has told you about Asura and that he became a Keishin. But I know for a fact he didn’t tell you why”


“What’s that supposed to mean?” Black Star began.

“Asura was a very disturbed person as you already know. He thought everyone was out to get him but what Lord Death did not tell you was that he was at fault for Asura ultimately becoming a Keishin” Blanche replied.

“Sister, what are you talking about?” Death the Kid began.

“You see Asura had a twin sister, a sister so beautiful that even Lord Death himself lost his heart to her. Her name was Marika and she took care of her unstable brother while desperately trying to keep the affair she was having with his boss a secret…”

“…That…that can’t be true…father would never…!” Kid began.

“It is true” Stein sighed, “Very few people are aware of it though. Not even the Death Scythes know this…”

“…But of course Asura found out, he felt betrayed by both his sister and Lord Death and it was just the push he needed to spiral completely into madness…” Blanche went on. “Father felt responsible for Asura’s Madness so, instead of doing the smart thing and just killing him, he imprisoned him instead. But even that wasn’t enough for his selfish lover…”

Her expression became hard.

 â€śMarika was furious at father for even raising a hand against Asura…she’d rather that crazy brother of hers destroy the whole damn city…” she spat in contempt. “So she ran from him, making it her goal in life to somehow get back at Lord Death…and she decided to start…with tormenting the child she later gave birth to…”

“Child?” Soul began.

“Then…that means…” Maka gasped.

“…she named that child Blanche and showed it no love from the day it was born.” Blanche finished shutting her eyes. “…it was that hate that turned her into a Keishin…and she was later killed by that same child. A little girl with half the blood of a Grim Reaper…”

Blanche’s eyes shot open and she leapt down from the desk throwing out her hand, “Raiden!”

The red headed youth grinned transforming into a gigantic broad axe and flying into her hand. Blanche swung the weapon twice before leaning it onto her shoulder.

“And that’s what I’m here to teach you all to do. So, shall we get started?”

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