Fairly Odd Life ep5 Return of: Part 5: The worth of a child

Published Feb 8, 2012, 8:08:46 AM UTC | Last updated Mar 9, 2012, 7:54:03 AM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

The Ismadee-Cosma Clan not only grows closer,but larger. As the new wands are found,new parts of the prophecy comes to light. On top of all that, The Turners come home.

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Chapter 5: Part 5: The worth of a child

I don't own Fairly Odd Parents Or any characters from the show. Or the song in this chapter.I write this story for pure fun. I am in no way receiving ANY Money for it.NOT NOW,NOT EVER

Part 5 The worth of a child, The value of a parent.

*Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

*Timmy’s room*

I sit, staring at my sleeping boys.  Spring break was nearly over.  It has been a few days since the Tuners have arrived back.  I don’t know what transpired that night.  But it had to be nothing good.  We were ushered out the room by Vicky so Timothy could speak to his parents alone.THEY wanted to be with Timothy alone.  What was said must have been awful, for the boy merely came into the room and clasped into a pool of tear.  Terry need only touch Timothy to know what was wrong.Sadly, he too was soon in tears.  Nether able to speak.  They just curled into the mothers arms and cried themselves to sleep.  Their beloved pixies could only stand by and watched helplessly.I could only watch helplessly.  I stand and pace the room as Cosmo poofs in.  “How are they?” He ask.  “Sleeping, finally.” I sigh.  Since that night, It’s been a struggle to get them to eat or even get out of bed.  They seemed so lost.

Cosmo sat on the bed.  I sit on the opposite side of him.Almost instinctively our boys make their way to the nearest parent.  I reach down and stroke a sleeping Timothy’s hair.  He seemed so small, as his tense body relax under my touch.  “What do you think happened?” Cosmo asks.  “Nothing good I fear.”I reply.  “I can’t be that bad.” Cosmo comments.  “They have family hour, every night for the last few days.” I let out a tired sigh.  “I not so sure those family hours are a good thing ether.” I tell him.  “They always look worse for wear when they come back up.”Cosmo nods.  Terry still retained the ability to go into Timmy, but for some reason he only did so for this family hour.  “I’m scared anti-me.” I look to him, shocked by his strange comment.  “Whatever for my love.” I ask.  “I..I don’t know why.” He replies.  “I just got a bad feeling, there doing something...bad.  To Timmy, and Terry’s feeling the affects of it.” I nod thoughtfully.  “I have the same feeling dear heart.” I admit.“But Anti-Me, their his parents.They wouldn’t hurt him...  would they?” I give him a solum look.  “Cosmo, Need I remind you of the way my father treated me.”

*End of Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

*Cosmo’s POV*

I shudder at his words, as a uneasy feeling snaked around in my tummy.  I hated the way his dad treated him.  I broke my heart ever time.

*Flash beck to Cosmo’s child hood*

I pace the floor of the club house.  I was worried.  Lizzy and anti Cosmo was late.  I hated when they were late.  “Coz, quite pacin like dat, yur makin meh nervous.” Anti-Wanda says pulling me to a stop.  “And Is nervous enough as it is.” I let out a sigh.  “I’m sorry AW.” I reply.  "But you know I get jittery when I’m nervous.” “I know Coz.”She says kissing my forehead.  We walk to the sofa.  “Maybe it ain’t what we think.” She offer.  “Maybe Lizzy was late, getting our treats ready.” Yeah, maybe.”I say trying to smile.The sound of Them approaching gave us our answer.  “Con found it Lizzy.Quite fussing over me.” Anti-Me shouted.  Me and AW rushed to the window.  Anti-me was coming up the road, Lizzy at her usual place by his side.  “But Anchan...” Lizzy began.  “Don’t but Anchan me.”Anti-me snapped.  “but Unii-Sama.”Lizzy Whined.  “Don’t uni-Sama me ether.”Anti-Me snaps again.  “Well how about baka?” Lizzy huffs.  “Is baka good for you?” Anti-Me pauses and glares at her.  It’s funny, most people wither with fear when Anti-me gave them that look.

I never understood why.  I never feared that gaze.  Nether did AW.  And nether did Lizzy.  “You can glare till your eyes fall back in your head and roll out the other end, you still acting like a big baka.” Lizzy says grinning, poking Anti-Me in the nose.  “And hold the tarts, My arms are getting tired.” She shoved the tray of sweet in his arms.  He took them then quickly dropped them.  “My word, Lizzy I’m so sorry.” He stammered bending to pick them up.  Lizzy bent over to help.  “It’s ok, I should have known you would still be too...tired.”Me and AW poofed over to help.  Luckily Lizzy wrapped the tray, none of the tarts hit the ground.  Anti-Me had a sad look in his eyes.  When the tart were restacked, we're  anti-poofed to the club house.  Ant-Me sat in his usual chair.  “Are you ok, Anti-Me?” I asked.  He just nodded.  I floated over and sat next to him.  It was an adult human sized chair so there was plenty of room.  “I couldn’t hold it up.” He says looking down.  “I didn’t mean to drop the tray, but simply could not hold them up.  My arms wouldn’t permit me.” As he spoke tears rolled down his cheeks.

“Don’t cry Cozzie.” AW said flying over.  “We know ya didn’t mean to.” she sat on the other side of him.  “Yeah, AC-kun.” Lizzy added floating into Anti-Me’s arms.  He hugged her like a dolly.  He always did when he’s upset.  He was only that upset, when his father was cruel to him.  After his father had..hurt him.  That’s why, she always let him do it.  She knew he needed the comfort.  On these days we usually gathered around him, in his chair.  Just to let him know he wasn’t alone.We sat silently as he wept softly.  “It’s ok Anti-me.  Your safe here.” I whispered to him.  “We except you. You can be yourself.” “Thank you, Fairy-Me” He replied.

*End Flash back.*

“Cosmo dear boy, are you alright?”Anti-Me called, pulling me from my thought.  I look up at him slowly.  “I really hate your dad.” I say mindlessly.  “And you know what?” “What?” He asks.  A  anger I never felt before filled me, to the point I almost shook with rage.  “I really HATE, Timmy’s parents.”

*End of Cosmo’s POV*

*In the castle in the fish bowl.*

*Gary’s POV*

I sat at the kitchen table, while Wanda and anti-Wanda made lunch.  My head was swimming and I tried to make sense of all that I learned in the last few days.  TimTim had a anti-Twin. A smokin little number at that. But also that whole darkness mess. now he seemed to mixed up in another prophecy. I mean honestly, has TimTim's life always been this hectic? seriously  when does he find time to sleep. “Gary?”Wanda called to me.  I jumped, Her and Cosmo still made me nervous.  I knew I was just a flick of a wand away from being sent back to that island.I honestly don't know if I can escape a second tine.  A bowl a spuds poofs in front of me with a knife.  “Peel those for me, Please?”She asks.  “Ok.” I say quickly.I just had mind my P's and Q's and I should  be fine. I hope.

“And after that cut them into fries.” She tells me.  “Ok.”I reply. And begin peeling. "That's it bary boy."I think to myself. "Don't question,or complain,just do."She pauses and adds”When you done that, mow the lawn in the fish bowl.” “Ok.” Agree.  “After that go clean the castle from top to bottom.” She says after another pause.  “Sure thing Wanda.” I reply “Anything else?” Wanda floats over and sits next to me.  I stiffen, as fear bubbles in the pit of my stomach. I try with all my might not to shake. it isn't easy booboos,let me tell you.“Yeah, you can tell my why your acting so oddly.”She says.  I don’t realize how much my hands had begun to shake till I cut my finger.  I wince at the pain, but say nothing.

“Gary, are you ok.”Wanda asks taking the knife from my hand.  “Yeah, I’m cool.” I tell her looking away.  She takes my hand, I feel her dress my cut.  “Gary.what’s wrong?” She asks, turning my gaze to her.  “Nothing.” I lie.  Me heart was beating rapidly.  It felt it was going to beat out my chest..  I feel a set of arms circle around me from behind.  I jump at the sudden touch.  “Boy your more jittery the a long tailed cat caught on a square dancin floor.” I hear Anti-Wanda say as she tighten her hold on me.“I’m just trying to be helpful.”I tell them.  “Liar, if that was all it was.  you wouldn’t me so nervous all the time.  Wanda says gently.  I close my eyes.  “I’m not plotting anything I swear.” I spit out.  “Please don’t send me back.Please.” I feel my body tremble, as fear rock through my entire being.  Almost stealing my breath.  “I’ll do want ever you want no question, just don’t send me back.” I plead.  I know, begging is so not cool.  But desperate men do desperate things.  And desperate boys are worse.

My poor baby.” The two shouted, sandwiching my in a tight hug.  I hate to admit it, but it felt nice.  I only ever been hugged by TimTim and TC.  But these hugs felt different somehow.  It was soothing.  The tension I was holding in melted away.  “We’re not going to send back Gary.” Wanda assures me. “Timmy told us what happened there.”“We’d never send you anywhere you’d feel unsafe.” Anti-Wanda chimed in.  “From now on if you cut up, we’ll handle it southern style.”Me and Wanda looked at her puzzled.  “Southern style?” We ask in unison.  she nods and grins.  “Yup, dat’s right.”She says grinning.  “We’ll pull down yur britches and give ya an old fashioned spankin.” Wanda smiled.  “Sounds good to me.” Wanda says.  She then turns to me.  “I’m sorry We left you there Gary.”She says.  “You were so angry, we thought you’d be happier there, then with us.  We really do care about you sweety.”

“You mean, you don’t hate me.” I ask.  “Of course I don’t.” She says.  “I love you.” I hug her, feeling pure joy.  “Does this mean I can call you ma?” I ask.  “I’d love that.”she says.  Hey, what about me?” Anti-Wanda asks.  “Your Anti-Ma.” I tell her.  “So Cosmo don't hate me ether right?” I ask ma.  “Oh please.”She laughs.  “I’m not even sure Cosmo can hate.”

*End of Gary’s POV*

*In Timmy’s room.*

*Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

I stare shocked at cosmo.  For the the first time in my life I saw hatred in his eyes.  “Cosmo, my love, please calm down.” I say, not really sure how to go on.  “No, Anti-Cosmo we both know what you went through with your father.  He says, I wince.“We both can see the signs plain a day.” A uneasiness passes though me when he calls me by name, rather then the usual Anti-Me.  His eyes had a deadly seriousness about them.  Not to mention a certain rage that turned his neon green eyes a deep forest green.I had no choice but to agree.  The signs were there, in all it’s vivid horrible glory.  I knew all to well what it was like to be on the receiving end as well.”

*Flash back to Anti-Cosmo’s Childhood.*

I land hard on the floor.  Panting I struggle to stand.  “Get up boy.” My father growled in disgust.  “How can you hope to rule, if you can’t fight.” Before I can answer a blast sends me flying.  A pillow cushions my landing this time.  I give Lizzy a grateful glance before dodging the next blast. She was pacing near bye,In her feral cat form.  He growls and sends the next few blasts towards her.  “You can’t always rely on your pet cat to bail you out boy.”He sneered.  “What if some one had a bigger pet.” He Anti-Poofs up a Large devil dog. I watched in horror as it pounces on lizzy.  Rushed to aid her but a magic blast cuts me off.  “Not so fast welp.” My father says chuckling menacingly “Let the pet’s play while we bound.” He came at full force.I barely had time to dodge let alone offer up an attack.  A sudden blow sends me flying into the wall.  I land hard on the floor.  My father anti-poof to me.  He looks down on me with a sneer.  “I can’t believe I sired you.” HE says kicking me.  “Nether can I.”I think to myself, As my vision blurred.  His scream was the last thing I heard before blacking out.

*End of Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

*Eliza’s POV*

I Dodge each blast. I blow the creep a raspberry.Then I hear something about a bigger pet. Suddenly a big dog is anti-poofed near me.  Before I can move it knocks me down.  I her AC call me.  But he’s cut off by a blast when he tries to rush to me.  it looks like I’m on my own.  I dodge it’s fireballs. Lucky for me it’s dumber than Cosmo. And had non off his instincts,or agility. I float up to it."Wow,your just a big ,clumsy drooling moron,huh?" It's eyes turn pitch black. And it tries even harder to tear me to pieces. "O guess it's at lest smart enough to know it's been insulted."I thing to myself. "would it is help to say sorry." I meow. "No you smart ass little runt."It barks back."Out the corner of my eyes I see Ac hit the wall.  His daddy doesn’t look like he’s going to help him up.  I thought those parent thingies are supposed to be nice.  I'll ask a big brother about that later.I almost lose my temper when his daddy kicks him.  I start to attack him, but then I get a better idea."It's all good." I call back to the mutt. "You probably wouldn't understand if I did."I bait the mutts attack .

I fly over an tap mister Ismadee on the shoulder.  He looks at me with a sneer.  Why is this guy always sneering at people.  I point behind myself and luner-poof away.  Before he can react he’s hit with the dogs fire ball.  I rush over to AC.  He was unconscious.  I licked he nose, he doesn’t stir.  A load howl causes me to look up.AC’s daddy had killed the doggie.HEad ripped something out of it. it's body falls limp to the floor. He comes over to us. He looks at me before turning to AC “Little cat, I don’t know where the boy acquired you.  Or how he gained the obedience of a creature of such power.” He turns back to me and add“But one day I will make your power MINE.  That I Vow.” He turns and leaves the room.  “Over my...dead body..Father.” AC says, struggling to stand.  I luner-poof out of my feral form and help him up.  “Are you ok Lizzy?” He asks.  I nod.  “Yeah, I’m ok.” I reply.  He pulls me into a hug.  “Thank evilness.I was so worried.” “My poor baby.” A voice calls from across the room.  Momma Issmade rushes over and hugs AC.

He pushes her off.  “Mother, please.  I’m fine.” He huffs.  “My, you sure took your sweet time getting here.” I remark darkly.  “Lizzy, don’t talk to your mummy like that.” She tells me.  My temper spikes again.  “Your not my damn mommy.” I snap.

*End of Eliza’s POV*

*Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

I cast a stunned gaze at my dear Lizzy.  I have never before, heard a swear word cross her lips.  Till know I didn’t even think she knew any.  By the look on Mother’s face she was equally surprised, and hurt.  Lizzy, on the other hand just glared at her.  “L...Lizzy?  Mother stammered.  “Lizzy nothing.Where were you when Oniichan Needed you?” Lizzy snapped.  “Oniichan’s hurt and it’s all your fault.” Tears streamed down her sweet face.“Lizzy, calm your self.” I tell her, anti-poofing up a handkerchief to dry her tears.  Mother just stared at her silently.  “His father is only trying to teach him to be strong.” Mother says finally.  “He only wants what best for him.” Lizzy’s eyes darkened.  I felt a dark power vibrate from her.  “All that man cares about is power.” She says, her voice could ice over flames.  “MY big brother is stronger then that bastard will ever be.  And he know it, That why he fears him.”

We both stare at her speechless.  “And one day he’ll be a far better daddy then him too.” She adds She then raises her wand a luner-poofs us from the room.  I take my usual stoll at the kitchen counter.  Lizzy already begun busying herself making treats for today’s club meeting.  “Don’t you think you were a bit hard on her?” I ask, leaning on the counter.  “No.” was her only reply.  she pauses and looks at me.  Are you ok anchan?” she asks.  I nod.  “I’ll be fine by the meeting.” I assure her.She gives me a worried look.  “Where did you learn to use swear words?” I ask her hoping to change the subject.  She pause in place.  “Hmm.” She sighs then looks at me.  “Which ones were the swear words?” She asks.  My head hits the counter.  “You don’t know which word was a curse word?” I ask.  I should have known.  “I thought you said, I said a swear word.” She comments puzzled.  “It’s the same thing.” I tell her.

“Oh, I get it.” She says “So, what’s a curse word then?” I let out a sigh. I begin to wonder if she was really Anti-Wanda’s long lost sister.  or at least her daughter from the future.  Those two simply were to much alike.  “I thought you said you got it.”I say trying to maintain my temper.  After what I went through with father it was in sort supply.  But I refuse to give into my anger.  After all if I did, then he’d win.“I got the part about the two word meaning the same thing.” She tells me “but I still don’t know what they mean.” I let out a sigh.  “Let’s start over.”I tell her, she nods.  “What do you call bad words, in your language?” I ask her.  She give me a puzzled look.  “I didn’t know word could be bad.” She replies.  “Do they go bad like grow mold and get all slimy and icky kinda bad, Or knocking over liquor stores and mugging old ladies kinda bad?” “Let start again.” I tell her, She nods again.  I would tell her,I meant bad as in wrong, but somehow I feel as though It’d just complicate things.

She get’s back to making the treats.  “ok, what do you call word...your not allowed to say?” I ask finally.  She put’s her tarts in the oven.  So that’s what she was making.  “She turns to me puzzled “Why wouldn’t I be allowed to say a word.” She ask.  “Because there not proper.” I tell her.  “Wah..I didn’t know words could have bad manners.” She replies."Tell me more about these holagin words."  My face make contact with the palm of my hand.  “Never mind.”I moan “Just never mind.” My head was starting to hurt more then the rest of me.“Are you ok anchan?” She asks.  “Yes yes, I’m fine.” I tell her.  “So what’s a swear word?” She asks.  “I’ll tell you later.”I reply.


“Well?” Lizzy says as we walk to the club house.  We could have anti poofed there, but I wanted some fresh are before we got there .  “Well what?” I ask.  “What’s a swear word?” she asks.  “Lizzy, not now, let me enjoy my walk.  If your don’t mind.” I tell her.  She looks me over.  “Anchan?”she calls.  Yes Lizzy, what is it?” I reply.  “Don’t you feet have to touch the ground to walk?” She asks.  I give her an annoyed look.“Not if you a anti-fairy.” I tell her.  “oh, should you be walking then?” she asks.  “I don’t see why I shouldn’t .” I reply.  “But, you just got you butt kicked not to long ago.” She remarks.  “I did not.” I snap.  “Oh no, Anchan you go abesneeza.” She gasps.  “I do not have amnesia.” I Huff annoyed.  “Is it because you hit de waaaall?” “No, be cause I don’t have amnesia.” I growl.

We continue on our way.  “Are you sure your ok?” She asks for the umpteenth time.  “I fine.” I assure her again.  “We can rest if you wan.” She says.  “I don’t need a rest.” I tell her.  You sure?  Ain’t no shame in it.” She asks.  “I’m positive.” I tell her.  “Wanna tart?” She asks “Helps with low blood sugar.” I look at her.  “Firstly, no.  I can wait till the meeting.” I tell her.  “Secondly, do you even know what being low on blood sugar mean, or even what blood sugar is?”“No, but being low on sugar has to be a bad thing, right?” She says.  I roll my eyes.  “Figures.” I sigh.  We near the club house.  “Do you want some Water?” She asks “I can luner-poof you up some water.” I’ve had my fill.  “Con found it Lizzy.  Quite fussing over me.” I Shout.  “But Anchan..”“She begins.  I hold up my hand.  “Don’t but anchan me.” “But Unii-Sama.” she whines, in annoying, yet oddly cute way.  “Don’t Unii-sama me ether.” I tell her firmly.

She stops and regards me angrily.  “How about Baka?”She snaps .”Is baka good for you?  I stop as well as my temper spikes.  I can’t help but glare at the small girl.  Usually when I glared at people, they coward.  Even adults withered under me gaze.  My mother included.  My father though he encouraged such behavior, still shifted uncomfortably.  Discomfort that was immediately followed by a threat.  Only those I was close to stood strong under such gaze.They knew I’d die before I’d harm them.  They trusted me.  It was that trust that helped to to feel close to them.“You can glare till your eyes fall back in your head and roll out the other end, you still acting like a big baka.” Lizzy spouted suddenly.  I looked down stunned at the small grinning kitten.  Her little finger poking my nose.  “And hold the tart, My arms are getting tired.” She adds shoving the tray in my arms.  I kindly took them off her hand.  After all, it’s what big bothers do, even though their little siblings being a pain.  As soon as she lets go, The tray becomes unbearably heavy.  I can only watch in disgrace as the tray fall to the ground.  I’m thankful, she had the foresight to bundle them up.  “My word, I..I’m so sorry Lizzy.” I spout hoping she didn’t think I did it on purpose.  I bend to pick them up.  Though the cloth wrapping came undone, no tarts were soiled.

I’m relieved.  I know how hard she works to bake us such lovely treats.  “It’s ok.”She assures me.  “I should have know you’d still be too...Tired.” She meant Weak.  She should have known I’d be to weak.  She was just to polite to say it outright.  No, She cared to much about hurting my feeling to say it out right.  Cosmo and Anti-Wanda poof over to help.  When the tart are all stacked I anti-poof us to the clubhouse.  I let Anti-Wanda take the tarts to the snack table.  I go to my throne.It was a human chair we..Borrowed on one of our outings to earth.I love how it toward over the other furniture.  Settling into my seat, I let out a sad sigh.  Cosmo notices.  “Are you ok Anti-me?” He asks.  I just nods.  He floats over and Sit’s by me.  That’s another good thing about my throne.  there were plenty of room for friends.  Right now a friends was just what I needed.  “I couldn’t hold it up.  I admit to him.  Tears began to burn my eye.  My gaze turned downward.

“I didn’t mean to drop the tray, but simply could not hold them up.  My arms wouldn’t permit me.” I felt so ashamed saying so.  I felt so small.I hated that feeling. " Don’t cry Cozzie.” I hear Anti-Wanda’s say sweetly.  “We know ya didn’t mean ta.” She floats over and sits next to me.  Lizzy is close behind.  She flies into my arms and hugs me.  “Yeah, AC-kun.” She says agreeing.  I hold her like a doll.  It’s so funny how one person can be many things to you.  In these moments, where I felt horrible small, There wasn’t a teddy bear made that could bring me more comfort then holding my sweet Lizzy. I think she knows.  That’s why she lets me hold her in such a manner.  That, and I suspect she enjoys it as well.  IT also helps that on days like this.  Day’s where father sees fit, to try and break me.I know My friends, My true friends will rally around me, And remind me I’m not alone.  We sat in silence as I clung to Lizzy.  I wept onto her soft snowy hair.  My friends were the only ones I let see me cry.  My father would have chastised me for displaying such a weak emotion.

My mother would have coddled me to death.  Calling her weepy little baby.  How I hated when she called me that.  My brother would have mad fun of me, Then call father so he could yell at me.  Then when they have left, mother would come in and try to coddle me.  She only show me such affection when no one else was around.  For that fact, Lizzy have begun to resent her.  By some small measure, I have too.My friends, however, just let me cry.  They just let me be.  Lizzy just settles on my lap, while I hold her.  Cosmo and Anti-Wanda put a arm around me, and they just let me cry, until I was ready to speak again.  I knew, what ever i had to say, they would listen.  “It’s ok Anti-Me.  Your safe here.”I hear Cosmo whisper.  I shift my gaze to him.  He was smiling warmly at me.  “We except you.  You can be your self here.”

*End Flash back.*

“I can be myself, hmm.” I think to my self as I gaze at a very angry Cosmo.  “Stop it you dolt.”I tell him.  He gives me a blank stare.  “Huh?Stop what.” He asks.  I stroke Timothy’s hair.  “The hateful look in you eyes.”I reply.  “Forgive me for saying so, but hate in your eye is as unnatural as me talking with a French accent.” My dim poppet is silent.  “Wow, that’s a really creepy thought.” He says.  I can’t help but chuckle a little.His eyes have softened.  “I meant what I said though.”He tell me.  I nod.  “I agree.”I reply “On both counts.” “AAAAHHHGGGG!” Our boys scream.  “Please!  No!  Stop!  I’m Sorry.” They cry in unison.  Me and Cosmo exchange panicked glances.  “What do we do?” I ask.  “Wake them I think.” He replies.  Our wives poof into the room, As we try to shake the boys awake.  “What’s going on?” Wanda asks.“We don’t know, they just started panicking.” Cosmo replies.  Our son’s jump awake.  They retreat to the back of the bed.  “Leave me alone.”Timothy shout.  “Get away from me.” Please stop.” Terence whimpers out.  “Don’t hurt him any more.” The four of us exchange worried glances as we wait for the lads to return to their senses.  “Timothy, Terence.  It’s okay.”I tell then softly “Your safe, Your with family.Your real family.” Cosmo chimes in.  Timothy blinks and looks around at us.Terence does the same.

“Where..  Am I?” Timothy asks, still a bit dazed.  “Your in your room sport.” Wanda says poofing over to the frightened child.  “Yur both safe.” Anti-Wanda adds fooping over to Terence.  The two boys curl into their mothers arms.  Both sobbing.  It kills me to see them this way.  “Timothy” I call gaining the boys attention.  “What happened the night the turners came home?” I ask.  Timothy turns away.  “I don’t want to take about it.” He says.  “Yes you do.” I reply softly.  “Somewhere inside you, you need to.”“Please don’t make me.” He sobs.  “Timmy, anti-me’s right.” Cosmo says.  “You’ll feel better if you do.” “I want to tell you, but I can’t.”Timothy explains.  “It hurts too much.” “Can I tell them Timmy?” Terence asks.  “If you can.” Timothy replies.  We wait patiently while Terence gather himself.  “They told Timmy..” “Terry wait.” Timmy sayd suddenly, cutting Terence off..  “I want to tell them.” “Are you sure?”Terence asks.  Timothy nods.  “Dad and Anti-dad is right.  I need to say it.” Timothy replies.  I’m a bit shocked he called me anti-dad.

“Is it ok I call you that?”Timothy asks me.  “Anti-dad I mean.” “It’s perfectly fine, my boy.” I tell him.  I quite liked the way it sounded.  I had to admit, though I liked Timothy calling me father.  It didn’t seem natural for him to say it.  It didn’t match his personality somehow.  But anti-dad, now that was something I’d expect to hear from my Timothy.Timothy drew in a shaky breath.  “That night.  when you guy left the room.”He began.  “They told me...They didn’t want me.” I have neve been as so deeply saddened, absolutely horrified, and completely enraged, as I was in this moment.  I needn’t look at Cosmo to know he shared my sentiment.

*End of Cosmo’s POV*

*Timmy’s POV*

*Day’s earlier*
I watch ever one leave the room.  I turned to my parents.  They seemed happy.  “So what do you guys..” I start but I’m quickly cut off by a sudden slap by my "mom".  I look at her wide eyed shocked.  “You lying little bastard.” She sneered.  “I knew you were lying, when you said Vicky wasn’t here.” “She wasn’t.  She just came back tonight.” I snap back.  “Don’t Lie to use Tommy.” My human dad shouted.  “I’ve had enough Of your lies.” “Yeah, well I’m sick Of you getting my name wrong.” I shout.  “I’m your son, why can’t you remember my name?”“Because I don’t want a son.” he says quietly.  “Huh?” I gasp not believing my ears.  “I don’t want a son timmy.I don’t want you.” He tells me.  His voice seemed so cold.  I felt my heart freeze.  Mindlessly, I sat on the couch.  “What do you mean You don’t want me?” I ask , still not believing he said what he said.  “We’re sick of being parents.” He says sitting in the arm chair.  “We’re not good at it, and frankly it’s like a noose around our necks.”

“Too bad.”I shout angrily.  “You got a kid.  You just got to deal with it.” No, we don’t actually.”My mom says.  I turn to my mom stunned.  “What do you mean you don’t?” I ask, fearing the answer.  “We can give you away.  We ARE giving you way.” She tells me.  “We giving you up for adoption Timmy.” Dad chimes in .  I suddenly feel like I can’t breath.were they realy going to just toss me away,just like that?“You can’t do that, can you?” I ask, hoping it was some stupid scared straight parenting trick.  “We can, and we already started.” Mom tell me.  “We already petitioned the courts to have our right taken.” “Mom..Dad.” I stammer. “Please,don’t do this.I can be better.” My mom roll her eye. “ You can’t even make the uncool kids group.” She tells me. “Do you know how embarrassing it is to have the creepy kid for your son.” “Not only that.”Dad chimes in.”Your obviously going to grow up to be the creepy cat guy of Dimsdale.” “Your putting me up for adoption because I’m not popular?” I ask getting pissed."Do you have any Idea how fucked up that sounds."

“Of course not.” Mom tells me. “I just don’t want kids. I hate kids.”I can't believe it. She's even smiling about it.  “Dad,why?” I ask looking at him. He was looking at the floor. “I can’t stand to be around you.” He admits. “I can’t take looking at you.”  “Dad.” I breath out. “Don’t Fucking call me that!” He shouts jumping to his feet. “Don’t ever call me that again.” His sudden anger catches me off guard and I stumble back in my seat.  “You nothing to me but a burden.” He growls.I back away. Trembling I look to my mom. “Mommy.” I squeak out. Her eyes are cold as well. “ I’m not you mommy.” She says darkly. “Call me ma’am from now on.” I watch a she walks over to the chair dad was sitting in and take a seat.

She had all the seemings a a cruel ice queen,that kind I thought only existed in fairy tails. Then again if the faires are real,why not the evil queens?Dad walks over to me. I look up at him,he felt like a stranger,leering down at me.Who were these people. Is this what my parents were really like.The dark queen and her evil knight? Was this how they really felt about me.Was I nothing moore to them,the a obligation? I look back up as my dad stops in front of me. “From now on you are to call me sir.” He says glaring down at me. “Is that clear.” I star at him. Unable to speak. “Say it.” He says. "Say,yes sir.” Why? why are human adults so cruel?  I shake my head no. Still unable to speak.  He picks me up by the collar of my shirt. I feel myself shake with fear.  “ Damn it say it! He shouts.”Say it or else.”  “NO!” I shout back. “I won’t say it!”  

He shakes me and I fall back onto the couch. I quickly realized he had shaken me out my shirt. I look up at him puzzled. He backs away. “Stand up and turn.” He orders. I do as I’m told. As soon as I do so I feel a lash across my back. I muffle a scream. I didn’t want the others to hear me. It’s quickly followed another then another. I fall forward in the couch. The beating continues.Tears stream from me. I cover my mouth to keep from screaming."I knew it's kill my mothers to see this,and not be able to stop it. “You will learn I’m not your father.” He growls “We are not you parents. You have no family now.”His words hurt  more then what ever it is he was whipping me with. “Turn around.”He commands. I do as I’m told. He leans close to me. “I HATE you. Your nothing more then a parasite draining the life from me.” He sneers. I quake under his gaze. He reaches down grabs me by the throat.  “The only thing keeping me from fucking killing you,Is the fact I don’t want to go to jail.”He growls in my ear. “Now put your shirt on and  get you ass to bed.” He shove me down on the floor.

I gasp for breath. I feel a lash across my back.I jump and do as I’m told. I take a quick glance at his hand. I see a belt hanging from it. “So that what it was.” I think to myself. “Get moving urchin.” My Mrs.Turner Calls to me. “Or else I just might take my turn.” I look at her. A sadistic smile was across her face. I scramble out the room wordlessly. I stop at the stair case. I try to steel my nerves. It was useless. I make my way to my room. I thousand thought run through my mind. “I’m...I’m a orphan. I don’t have a family any more.” I think to myself. “I have no one. Nothing.” I stop at my door and dry my tears. They can’t know what just happened.

*End Flashback*

I sob in my mom’s arms. Just remembering that night,was more then I could bare. Mom just held me. The room was silent. I shifted weakly to get a look at my dads. They both seemed angry. Anti-dad’s eye’s were no longer green,but red like Terry’s. dad’s eye had gone from  bright green to dark green. Why were they mad? What did I do? Why can’t I stop messing up. I feel  myself shake with panic. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry.” I stammer out. “ Please don't be mad at me.” Oh gods, can’t I do anything right.

*End Timmy’s POV*

*Anti-Cosmo POV*

I look at my trembling child. His fear filled words like shards of glass in my already wounded heart.  “No one is mad at you Timothy.” I assure him. “Ether of you.” “Then why are your eyes different.” Timothy  asks. “Because we’re angry at The turners.” I tell him. “Timmy? “ I hear cosmo begin. His voice was shaking. Both with anger and fear. I understood the anger,but why fear. “What have they been doing to you during family hour?” He asks. I suddenly feel overwhelmingly sick. “They teach us,we’re not worth loving.” Terence replies..Though his and timmy now had separate bodies. They sill seemed to share emotions and thoughts. They felt each other pain. So those bastards weren’t just harming one of my sons but two of them. I’ve never been a violent man. But at this moment, I understood what Edward meant when he tells me about his desire to kill.  I jump to my feet, I was to angry to remain seated. My sudden movement causes poor Timothy to panic. Crying he clutches his mother, and beg for mercy.

It’s painful to watch. I walk over to him and gently pry him from Wanda’s arms. Tearfully, she try’s to soothe him. I hug my trembling boy. I struggle to keep my own tear at bay. “it’s ok Timothy.” I tell him. Wrapping him into a gentle embrace. “Now harm will come to you. Not from me. Not ever.” Thoughtlessly I sink to the bed, as I feel Timothy’s arms wrap around my neck. Out the corner of my eye’s I see Cosmo was now holding Terence.  I turn my attention back to Timothy.“He wrong you know.” I tell him. “Who?” He asks. “Mr.Turner. “I say calmly. “He is? “Timothy asks looking up with pleading eye. I nod. “It’s a honor to be your father.” I tell him. “He obviously doesn’t know you. You are a strong and amazing boy Timothy.” “But..I’m a loser,aren’t I?” He asks. I shake my head. “No,Timothy. Your simply misunderstood.” I reply. “You know what else?”  “What?” He asks. “ I kiss his cheek. “Your both wrong on another matter.. He gives me a puzzled look. “ I smile at him. “Your no orphan TImothy.”

“I’m not?” He says. “Of course not,silly boy.” I reply. You have two father who love you very dearly.” He looks at Cosmo than back at me. “And ya got two momma’s who love ya bunches too.”Anti-wanda chimes in. “Me too?” Terence asks. “ of Course ,we love you Terry.” Cosmo replies hugging our child. I feel Timothy relax in my arms. “You won’t leave us,right?” He asks. “Never sport.” Wanda replies. “That’s a promise.”

Suddenly there’s a poof in the room. “What’s going on?” Gary asks worried. I give him a warm smile. “Just a little family chat. I tell him”. Poof fly over to Terence and snuggle into his arms. Foop does the same with Timothy. I’m pleased to see to two brother are growing closer. “Oh, sorry to interrupt.” Gary says  looking down. “Just pop me back in the castle and I’ll get out you hair.” “Nonsense.”I reply Anti poofing him to the bed. “Your apart of this family as well.”He looks at me then Cosmo.  Cosmo smiles at him. “So I can call you pop?” He asks Cosmo. “Of course you can Gary.” Cosmo Replies. He looks At me. “Can I call you Anti-pop?” He asks. “Of course.” I reply. “Cozzi, Go fetch our other bebeh.” Anti-Wanda says,looking at me with a expectant grin. I look around. “I think we have them all here.” I tell her. I narrowly dodge a pillow to the head. “ I meant Remy,Smart ass.” anti-Wanda huffs. “I don’t think Juandissimo, will kindly to me just anti poofing out of nowhere and Snatching his godchild."I remark. The next Pillow hits it mark.”Less thinky,More fetchy.” She demanded. “Very well.” I sigh

I could here the other muffle giggles. “I think you’ll need this.” Giggles Timothy,ash he holds up my fallen monocle. “Thank you,dear boy.” I sigh out. “Would you like to come with me?” “Sure.” He agrees. “Sounds fun.” “Can I come?” Foop asks. “Very well.” I tell him “The more the easier.” “Anti-me,don’t you mean the  more the merrier?” Cosmo asks. “ No,I meant easier.” I reply “Someone must lead the boy out while His godfather leaps for my throat.” I sit Timothy on the bed and finish straightening my monocle. I clip the clasp in it’s usual place. I realize I hadn’t done it before, Not wonder it fell off so easily.  I Anti-Poof Timmy into his street clothes. “Ready?” I ask. The two boy nod. “Would anyone else like to come along?” I ask the room. “Me and AW, have to get back to making lunch.” Wanda tell me, Then poofs off taking Anti-Wanda and Gary with her.

“We’ll stay here and set the game up.” Cosmo says. “Very well.” I agree and anti-poof the three of us to Remington's manor.  I look at the large home. “Which room is his.” I ask. “It’s that one right there.” Timothy says pointing to the room. I anti-poof us inside. I’m relived I’m not knocked to the ground by an enraged god parent. However my heart leap to my throat when I here Timothy scream.Me and Foop trade stunned glances before rushing to him. He was by Remington's bed.  I’m shocked at the sight before me. Remington Was leaning weakly against Timothy trying to push him away. Timothy kept a tight hold on his wrist. Blood seeped from his fingers.I anti-poof us to Timothy’s bed room. “Foop,get Doctor Anti-Rip.” I tell my son. “At ounce father.” He replies anti-poof from the room.

“Anti-Me,What’s going on?” Asks Cosmo rushing over. “I don’t know.” I confess. “Let .. Me go.” Remington says weakly. “No way.”Timothy replies. “I’m not letting you die.” "Why not,one less stuck up bastard in the world.." Timothy pull remy close,being sure not to ease up on his wrist."No it's one more reason ,for my heart to stay broken."Timothy says. He gentle kisses his friends forehead."Please don't leave me again Remy."he adds. A stunned Remington,just stares back,wordlessly.Anti-Rip appear in the room. He takes remington’s wrist from Timothy. I sit by the weak child. Cosmo sits next to me. With a wave of his wand He sends the children to their mothers. As I watch the Doctor work I could think of only one thing.. “Where the hell is this boys god father.”

*End of Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

*At Vicky’s house.*

*Vicky’s POV*

I paced my room. I wonder if I should go over and check up on the twerp. “Relax Red, I’m sure they’ll call if they need you.” I look at norm. “Your right.” I tell him,but continue to pace by the phone. “It’s a family matter any way.” I tell him. “I’m sure I’m not needed.” “Hey vicky,why don’t you sit before you ware a hole in the floor.” Norm suggest. I glance over at the genie,once again. Fist the twerp gives me a magic medallion, then a genie. Is he trying to dive me mad. How the hell did he come to trust me so much.Last time I checked I was pretty damn evil. Then again,isn't that what he was told about his anti-parents?“I’m to nervous to sit.” I tell him. I tell him letting out a sigh.“Well at least stop walking in circles.” He says. “your making me dizzy. “ “Sorry.” I reply and sit on my bed. “The bucktoothed wonder must really trust you to give you a all powerful genie.” He comments. “Yeah,I think he lost his twrepy little mind.” I reply.

I let out a sigh. “To tell you the truth norm. I’ve been horrible to him in the past.” I admit. “ I’m the reason he got godparents. I have no Idea why he has so much faith in me.” “ I haven’t exactly been chummy with him ether.” Norm says with a sigh.I look at him puzzled. “Then why is he protecting you?” I ask “Your guess is as good as mine Red.” he replies sitting next to me. “ Because that’s the kind of person turner is.” A voice says from behind us. We turn and see HP standing in the door way. He floats over to us. “Lunch is ready.” He says. I glance at the phone. “There’s a phone in the kitchen.” He says pinging us there. “Besides,if they call it will be to one of our cell wands.” I nod and we head downstairs. Eddie was setting the table. Anti-Eddie was fluttering around Muttering something to himself. Eugene was putting the food on the table. “What’s with the blue pixie?” Norm asks. “The voices in his head has him worked up into a tizzy.” HP replies. “He hears voices?” I ask. “Yeah,both him and Eddie. “HP confirms. But Eddie seems to have a better handle on his. Anti-Eddie’s voices seem to get to him more..” There was concern in his voice. He float over and taps the anti pixie on the shoulder. The poor guy freaks out and flies into a wall.  Eddie let’s out a sigh and catches him as he falls. HP let’s out a sigh and floats down. “Skittish thing ain’t he.” Norm remarks. “Only when he mistakes me for HAP” HP replies.

Anti-Eddie let’s out a yelp when he comes to, But quickly calms down when he realizes where he is. We take a seat at the table when the phone rings. I get up to answer it. I can’t help but chuckle when Eugene lets out a moan. I Pick up the phone,it’s Mrs.Turner. “Vicky are you busy?” She asks. “No,not at all.” I tell her. I hold back a laugh when Eugene points to his food,then himself mouth,then rubs his belly. “ Can you watch Timmy for the weekend.” I hear her ask as I watch HP slap Eugene’s hand when he reaches for his plate. “Of course I can watch him.” I tell her. “Her tone turns serious. “I know how you been treating Timmy.” She says. “I don’t know what you mean.” I tell her nervously. “Don’t act coy. That’s the reason I keep hiring you.” She says with a laugh. “My smile fades as a sick feeling gather in my stomach. “Is that so.”I say flatly.I suddenly truly hate this woman.

“I want you to give it to him real good this weekend.” She says darkly. “I want you to really make him suffer.”My legs buckle and I collapse to the floor.  I can’t believe what I was hearing.  “I’ll even pay you extra.” “Are..Are you sure?” I ask. “Yes,I positive.” She says sounding eerily happy. “Oh and make sure you keep bringing up the fact we’re putting him up for adoption, And really rub in the fact we don’t love him.” She continues. I fight to keep from crying. Instead I let my voice go cold. Erasing all trace of emotion from it. “I don’t think he’s believe me if I said that.” I tell her. “Of he will.” She responds “We told him all this already.” “I see.OK.” I tell her.My head was spinning. My whole body begin to shake with a wild mixture a sadness, anger and panic. What have those bastards been doing to my Timmy?"I think to myself,silently panicking.“Oh, how soon can you get here?” She asks. “I’ll be there In a half.” I reply.  “Good.He’ll let you in.” She says. “If he doesn't just call.” Ok.” I reply flatly. She hangs up.

I sit there listening to the dail tone. I couldn’t believe it. She knew,all the time she knew. She knew how horrible I was to timmy. How I treated him, and yet she still hired me. Worse,that WHY she kept hiring me. But why? Why would she want to hurt her own son. Especially one as sweet as Timmy.  I couldn't fathom why people had kids they didn’t want. Timmy’s parent didn’t want him like mine didn’t want me. Like mine didn’t want my brother. I feel warm arms pull me close. I lean into HP’s embrace and sob. The world never seemed so dark and scary. Was there any room in it for freaks like me and Timmy.

*End Of Vicky’s POV*


I hold the weeping girl in my arms.  I didn’t now what else to do. I never had to handle a girl. Hell I couldn't believe I found another human kid who wanted to be near me. “What’s wrong Angel.” Eugene asks taking her hand. “We got to head over to Timmy’s house.” She sobs trying to gather herself. “Timmy needs us. Most likely Terry does too.” We exchange worried glances. “What’s  happened to Timmy.” Eddie asks worried. “I’m not clear on the details.  But from what Mrs.Tuner just told me. They told Timmy they were putting him up for adoption.” She tell us. “Not only that but they told him they didn’t love him.”I sense Eddies eyes turn black. “She told you this.” He asks. “The bitch was proud of it.” Angel replies darkly.Rage now replacing sorrow in her voice. “She even said she’d pay me extra if I Made him suffer more while I watch him over the weekend.” She added standing up. “Those fuckers are dead.” Eddie Growled. Black energy swirled around him.  “Cool.” Eugene breathed out. I slap him on the head. “Please allow be the honor of helping you.” Vicky says. A red light swirled around her. She held a battle axe in her hand. Wait,Where the hell she get that. “ I wonder to myself. She lifts her hand and a scythe appears in it. She hands it to Eddie. “Here,I think this suites you well.”   She tell him. He takes the weapon with a smile. “

“Nice craftsmanship.” He say swinging the blade. “Wait.” Anti-Eddie shouts. I sigh with relief.  “I haven’t forgotten you.” Vicky says and hands him a halbert. “Ok,we can go know.” I roll my eye and ping us to Cosmo and Wanda’s castle before any one else joins the lynch mob. Hopeful Ti can calm his man down. I poof us to the kitchen, hoping their there. Wanda float over to us. “What’s with them. “ She ask looking at a white glowing Anti-Eddie. “They heard what the tuners did to ti.”I tell her. Shit,did she even know. Her saddened eyes tells me she did. Ti walks over to Eddie. Eddie swoops him up in his arms. Anti-Eddie does the same to Tyler. Anti-Wanda floats over to Angel.  “Nice axe.” She says. “I got’s one jus like it.” “Really,Wanna come with me and hunt down the Turners.” Angel ask. “Why sure.” Anti-Wanda says with a grin. “ Can we beat dem before you start slicin dem? The sight of blood gives me da shakes.” “ Sure,we can do that.” Angel agrees. “Yeehaah,Come on Foop we’s going lynchin.”  She yell to her son. “Great,I don’t know what they done to my big brothers.But they shall pay dearly for it.” Foop shouts. "Damn wight."Poof agrees. "One minute.” Wanda shouts. “I sigh with relief. My hope dies when She pulls out a katana and poofs Poof into a ninja outfit. “Ok,Let’s go.”

“Wait! You can’t kill them!” I shout. Though I have to admit I wasn’t easy to hold my own anger at bay. The truth of the matter was,I wanted to join them. “I know your angry, I am too. Believe me.” I tell them “But they we have to do what’s best for Ti.” “Those bastards beat my baby.” Wanda shouts. “Mom!” TI shout to her. My temper nears it’s breaking point. “Be as it may.” I begin. Trying to push down my rage. “ If they turn up dead,Ti will be placed in foster care. And last time I checked He won’t have any privacy to speak with us. Further more,those places can be dangerous."They look at each other. I can tell my word are getting through to them. “We find a safe place to stash him,then we’ll simply take him. Till then all we can do is try our best to protect him.”  “Your right.”They agree. “Besides,You can’t leave with Remy in the condition he’s in.” Timmy says. I look at him puzzled. “What’s wrong with James?” I ask. Man,I’m getting to old for all this drama.

*End of HP’s POV*

*In Timmy’s Room*

*Cosmo’s POV*

I watch as the doctor bandages Remy’s wrist. “That should do it.” Anti-Rip tell us. “I’ll leave you three alone.” He takes his bag and anti-poofs out the room.  Remy sit’s quietly on Timmy’s bed. “Where’s your god father?”  Anti-Me shouts. Remy remain silent. He just looks at his bandaged wrist. "Anti-Me calm down.” I tell Anti-Me.” Yelling won’t get us anywhere.” “I shouldn’t be here.”  Remy says out the blue. “Juandissimo will get made at me and tell father.” “Tell your father what?” Anti-Me asks sitting next to remy. I sit on the other side of him. We both but a arm around the now shaking boy. “I can’t tell  you.” Remy says. “You’ll hate me. You’ll send me way. I..I don’t want t go back there. I rather die then go back there.”Me and Anti-me exchange Worried glances. “You mean,your house?” I ask. He nods. “Please don’t make me go back there. It’s so cold.” Remy sobs. “So unbearable lonely. “ “Remington,where is Juandissimo?” Anti-Me asks again,this time softly. “He left on another date.” Remy tells us. “He’s going to be mad. He’s probably going to hit me again.” Anti-Me looks at me shocked. “Can he do that?” He asks. “No,he’s not allowed to hit him.” I reply equally shocked. Then again,he used to beat Wanda,that’s why she left him.  I just didn’t think he’s strike his own godchild. “I got to get home.” Remy stammers. “I thought you didn’t want to go back there.” I say, pushing remy back down on the bed.

“I don’t,but I have too.” Remy says struggling to get up. “He’ll tell father.” “Tell your dad what.” I ask. Remy falls silent. “Remington,I know it’s hard to trust others. Especially when everyone seems to push you away.” Anti-Me tells him. “Take it from someone who’s been hated all their life. But You have to trust someone. It’s the only thing that makes this wretched thing called life bearable. It’s only when we open our hearts and let those who love us in, we can know joy,and more importantly find peace. “ “He’ll tell father I’m...Gay.”  Remy voice shook as he spoke. I put my arm around him. “See,that wasn’t so hard.” I tell him “You..You don’t hate me for it?” Remy asks.“For being gay? Of course not.”Anti-me says. “We’re hardly in a position to talk.Isn’t that right,Fairy-Me?”  “that’s so true, Anti-Me.” I reply blushing. Remy looks at the to of us. “Does Wanda and Anti-Wanda know?” He asks. Before I can answer Anti-Wanda poof into the room. “Mah poor bebeh.” She shouts. Anti-Me barely has time to dive out the  way. I do a power dive of my own when Wanda poofs into the room. “”I knew I should have check in on you.” Wanda says as the two women give Remy a bone crushing hug. “I’m ok,Really.”He squeaks out.  “we just told Remy Me and Anti-me was together.”I tell them. “How did that come up?” Wand asks. “I came up when I told them I was gay.” Remy says softly. They look at him. “Wow, I never would have guessed.” Wanda Says with a grin.

“What’s that supposed to mean.”Remy huffs. “Don’t worry about it. It’s a mother’s thing.” Wanda says kissing his forehead. “We’ll I’m surprised.” Timmy says climbing onto the bed. “Remy look at him shocked. “Relax Remy.” Timmy tell him. “I’m bi.” “Oh really.”Remy replies.He eyes lighting up. Wow remy got a crush on Timmy too. I wonder if Timmy knew what a dude magnet his was. “Yeah,And he’s spoken for.” Eddie says pulling Timmy into his arms. “Aren't you a little old for him?” Remy asks. Glaring at Eddie. “Age doesn’t matter if you going to spend eternity with someone.” Eddie Replies glaring back.  “Tommy chill.” Timmy says moving from Eddies arms. “Remy’s a friend of mine. Beside,he’s not even interested in me.” “I could really use a friend now.”Remy says holding out his arms. Timmy pulls Remy into a hug. Remy gives Eddie a smirk. Eddie glares at him. “It’s ok,I’m here for you buddy.” Timmy says. Eddie face palms. I can hear Anti-Me laughing ,I laugh too.. “Let to the kitchen before the vitals get cold.” Anti Wanda says and foops us to the kitchen. I can’t help but wonder when she started fooping instead of anti-poofing.

*That night.*

I sit at the kitchen table. Me and Anti-ME was sipping tea. HP and Norm were sipping Coffee. The kids were all put to bed. Eddie and Anti-Eddie decided to turn in early. Though we all knew what that they just wanted to be near Timmy and Terry. Wanda and Anti-Wanda both sit down with a mug of hot chocolate. We sit in silence as we sip our drinks.  “Hey,I want to thank you guy’s for hiding me out.”Norm says out the blue. “I  appreciate it.”  “Your welcome norm.” Wanda says. “We wayward magic folk have to stick together.” Norm smiles at her. Wanda smiles back. “Speaking of wayward,we have to find a new base.” Anti-me says. “If the Turner go through with this adoption threat,we’ll need to get Timothy out of here.”Anti-Rip comes over with his tea.”Does this mean I need to pack my thing?”He asks. Sitting down  “I think that’d be for the best.” I tell him. “Ok,I’ll start in the morning.”He replies. “We have another problem. “ HP says sipping his coffee. “My office has been bugged and so has Eddies. Most likely my Son’s doing.” Was anyplace else bugged?” Anti-ME asks. “And could he have gained any sensitive information?’ “HP sighed. I don’t know.” I’m scanning Eddies penthouse as we speak.I’ll get the results in a few days.  He tell us. “If he bugged Eddies office then he knows that Eddies’s gay and in love with ti.” “How?” Wanda asks,

“Eddie first told me in his office.” HP replies.  “Wait a sec,Turner’s dating a pixie?” Norm stammers. “A male pixie?”  “Yeah,Timmy’s Bi.”Wanda tells him. “Your ok with that,right?” I ask. Norm just shrugs. “I’m fine with it.I’m the same way.”he says calmly. “Let me guess.Your with Binky.” Anti Me says.” Norm nods. “Fascinating.” HP says with a grin. “I’ll say,I think I’m the only straight guy in our group.” Anti-Rip says. “Embrace the Yaoi side.” Anti-Wanda whisper to him. “They have cookies.”  Anti-Rip only laughs.  “Back to the topic at hand.” HP says bringing everyone's attention back to him."Thing might get worse.” He inform us. “If  he bugged Eddies penthouse,then he heard not only Eugene admit he’s gay,but me as well.” We all gasp. “If your outed.” I stammer. “Then I can be stripped of my position and imprisoned. “ HP finishes . “Even worse we all can have our wings clipped.”  The room falls silent.  “We need to find that base fast.” I say finally. “ I have a bad feeling things are going to get really bad real fast.” Anti me let out a sigh. “I have a bad feeling you right.”

The end (for now)          

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