And No Other: Answerable

Published Jul 7, 2012, 1:53:54 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 9, 2012, 5:06:10 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

Because of what I am, I can never give in. Because of who you are, you will never give up. And I wonder if there will be a day when I stop hurting you.

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Chapter 3: Answerable


I hereby declare that I claim no rights to NARUTO © 1999 by Kishimoto Masashi/SHUEISHA Inc. and recieve no monetary benefit for any narrative I publish hereafter based on this manga or any of its other media adaptations.

Warnings are in place for slash (male on male coupling), graphic sexual content, manga spoilers, discrimination and violence.


Here is the anticipated chapter two delivered today, as promised. Enjoy.

He sat in his chamber within the tower with only a candle to dispel the blanket of darkness. He could feel every creak and groan of the old building in his bones. As he aged his sleep had become thinner, almost to the point where only a gossamer veil lay between him and conciousness. He was very easy to disturb; and very difficult to sneak up on. Whoever thought old age made you a less perceptive shinobi was a fool. But it is perhaps for the best that this misconception remained common in the minds of the masses. Some things are best kept in the dark.

As he calmly rested himself on his futon, waiting for the intruder to reveal themself, he began to mull over the meeting that had taken place earlier that evening.

"Unacceptable, Hiruzen." Danzo interjected. "The threat must be eliminated."

"A child who knows nothing cannot possibly be a threat to this village," Hiruzen instisted.

"The boy knows nothing now, but in the future..." Koharu stated.

"In the future he may come to know of the truth and seek revenge on the village, and its people." Homura finished somberly.

This had been going on for nearly two hours. This - negotiation - if indeed you could call it that. To Hiruzen, it was more like a battle of the wills. Three against one; the odds were stacked against him once more, but he would make sure the outcome was different this time. This time he would not fail. This time the greed and corruption seething within the underbelly of Konoha would not claim another innocent life.

"The boy knows nothing," Hiruzen repeated "And we shall take precautions to keep it so."

Danzo uttered a soft, mordant chuckle. Then it swiftly transformed into a dry cackle. The sound made Hiruzen instantly bristle; silently, dangerously. Danzo was being particularly - unpleasant this evening.

"My ears must be deceiving me. You, of all people, suggesting a cover-up. You've picked up a few of my bad habits after all, Hiruzen." he hunched over slightly, and the firelight played across his thin smiling lips. Hiruzen sighed and lay his elbows on the table, steepling his thin spindly fingers in front of his face. It was a moment before he spoke again, eyes shut.

"I only seek to hide the truth, because it means saving a life." he raised his lids, and the firelight reflected in his glazed eyes.

"It does not seem prudent to go through all this trouble over one boy." Koharu said. "We must consider the good of the people as a whole. We cannot risk the security of this village simply because of one man's gulity conscience." she peered at him pointedly through her squinting eyelids. "Any threat to the village must be dealt with swiftly, and accordingly. With no - "

"Koharu," Hiruzen interrupted in a steely tone "I refuse to order the pointless slaughter of an innocent child again because of the insecurities of a few elderly people. The leaders of his clan were guilty of treason, but this boy has commited no crime agaist Konoha. It is illegal for us to punish him any further."

"It is the law of the land that all traitorous shinobi shall be executed, without exception." Homura replied.

"But Uchiha Sasuke is not a traitor. Itachi has already paid the ultimate price for the sins of his father. It is obvious from his survival that fate has decided that he is to live."

"Regardless of the law, for the sake of Konoha - " Danzo started, but Hiruzen would not be bulldozed.

"Danzo, not even I am above the law; and if we as the foundation of this village will not uphold it, then who will? However healthy the tree of Konoha appears on the surface, in a short time it will perish if its core is infected with rot. I allowed the Uchiha to be wiped out, because even I realised that they were a threat. But I will not toy with an innocent boy's life, simply because his survival is an inconvenience to a select group of people."

"You are ignoring the possibility that this boy will become a threat." Homura rumbled, offended at Hiruzen's bold words.

"And you are deliberately ignoring this child's potential to become an honourable shinobi, and a splendid protector of this village." Hiruzen laced his fingers together tightly, his voice took on a firm, hypnotic timbre.

"He was heavily encoraged to emulate Itachi by his family as well as his clansmen. Itachi loved his village and was fiercely loyal, and Sasuke has inherited this attitude from him. There is a good possibility that he will grow to be just as devoted. He only needs to be guided onto the right path."

"But the boy can just as easily turn in the wrong direction," Homura said.

"That is what I have my council for; especially you, Danzo. I trust you will do everything in your power to maintain the utmost secrecy."

"Do not offend me," Danzo scoffed.

Hiruzen rounded on the other two. "And what is your verdict?" A pause, before Koharu spoke. "As Hokage, it is ultimately your decision on what sort of action to take. Nothing the council members can say will affect the outcome of a negotiation unless the Hokage sees fit to deem it so."

Hiruzen frowned at the insinuation. Was she accusing him of using his position to browbeat them into submission? His eyebrow twitched slightly in annoyance. "Homura?"

"I still do not support this decision. It is unwise and too many things can go wrong." Homura staunchly claimed. All eyes shifted to Danzo.

The old man appeared to be deep in thought, choosing his words carefully.

"I will need some time to - think this over." Danzo slowly rose from his seat "I shall inform you of my decision during tomorrow morning's conference." not a word was spoken in reply. And Danzo shuffled towards the door, heavy walking stick thumping on the floor.

"Danzo." he stopped. Not turning; stock still.

"If anything hapoens to that boy before tomorrow's meeting, I will hold you personally responsible."

No reply; no hint of concern. And Danzo continued to take his leave.

And here Danzo was; smiling his leathery smile at the memory. Nothing would happen to the little nuisance before the meeting. But the moment it was convened, now that was a different story. Hiruzen must be going senile to be so sloppy with his wording around him. When Danzo found a loophole, he jumped right through it clear to the other side. He would shortly summon up one if his minions from Root to carry out the job. But first he had to deal with the man-sized rat in his ceiling.

Danzo calmly took his seat at the table on that pleasant sunny morning. The other participants glanced over at him expectantly. Danzo parted his lips and dropped a bombshell.

"I support the decision to spare Uchiha Sasuke's life,"

His companions looked incredulous. Homura gazed at him as if he had sprouted a new head. Koharu briefly ceased her constant squinting enough for her dark irises to be clearly seen; her eyes had widened in shock. Hiruzen was at first flabbergasted, before his eyes narrowed in suspicion. He chose his words carefully.

"You agree to allow him to live as a shinobi of Konoha; without interference from you, or any associates which may pose even the slightest theat to his safety, well-being and peace of mind?"

A noncommital grunt which Hiruzen knows is Danzo's form of assent.

"Do you swear to do all in your power to maintain secrecy about the Uchiha Clan Massacre, and prevent Uchiha Sasuke from learning the truth without harming him in any way, shape or form?" Hiruzen had seemed to regain his sharpness today...

"I will agree to your terms on one condition," a knowing look shone in all three of his companion's eyes. Of course...

And behind the door of a patient room in the children's wing of Konoha Hospital flanked by ANBU guards, Uchiha Sasuke slept on. Unaware of his rapidly changing fate. From now on his life would be in constant flux. But for now he could sit still. Sheltered by the peacful, brief now. Blissfully shielded from the future by the blanket of the present, from which none of us can escape. The blanket either warms you or smothers you. Or leaves you cold.

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