Man From Beyond the Boarders: Complicated

Published Jul 13, 2012, 4:44:50 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 13, 2012, 4:48:52 AM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

This is a 100 Writing Challenge that I am doing with the friend. Mine is one combined story instead of different stores so it takes me a bit longer because I am trying to figure out how to go with the story and stay with in the word of the theme.

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Chapter 2: Complicated

He sits in his cell looking up at the only opening basking in the little sun light penetrating through as he listens to the sounds from outside. From down the hall he hears the other slaves conversing and laughing as guards boots tap the dirt floor causing the armor they ware clank with each step.  His skin crawls due to be confined for so long when he needed open space to run and stretch his muscles. Climb over rocks and roll in the dirt before diving into the small pound of his home land cleaning his thick fur that had a strange translucent shin to it that shined whenever light hit it.


He snorts cleaning the dust from his nostrils and growls under his breath when a rat scurries into his cell sending it on its way. He does not look up when the man who locked him up approaches the bars of his cage. “You are wanted in audience with the Queen.”Gailin’s voice is laced with pride.

He glances over, his pupils narrowing into fine slits; Gailin does not see this action and continues. “You will be cleaned up and dressed properly before you are presented.”

Gailin steps back allowing another man forward, the chief of slaves, to unlock the door, the key enters the lock and clicks. Before the door is pulled open he is on his feet slamming into the bars roaring as he reaches out for the chief to rip his throat out.  For only a moment the balance of life or death hangs in the air as the chief forces his weight against the bars to keep the door shut and to lock it again.


Even when the door is locked back he refuses to let up determined to rip both men’s throat out. Gailin watches with wide eyes, “What have I gotten?” he ask to no one in particular but his chief answer. “You may have to let this one go.”

Gailin looks at him, “I have too much invested into him.” He answers as he watches the man before him that has calmed down but still growling low in his chest watching him with predator eyes.  He snarls, and speaks with what sounds like words but neither man is sure. Gailin steps forward risking another attack, “You will desist at once or I will have you restrained.”


The man seemed to understand because he moves away from the bars, still growling, but not making any more threatening moves. “I will have to decline the Queen.”

The chief yells for one of the slave boys, “Ask if she would like to see another. Or to come watch him train. We can keep a better eye on him then and there is no threat of him attacking her.”


Gailin leaves the tunnels leaving the chief to prepare one of the other fighters for a private audience with the Queen.  He checks back on the man finding him staring out the opening in his celling basking in the sun. He rattles the door to see if there is a reaction and his answer is a low growling. 

“You will learn your place. If I have to beat it into you, you will learn your place.”


The man rushes the door sending the chief backwards raddling the door he snarls, “Try it and find out just how complicated I can be.”

A shiver runs down the chief’s spine and he can’t help but let it show. “You are the Lords property and you will learn that.” He walks away but the man’s words reach him, “I belong to no man.”



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