Darkest Woods: Chapter 4

Published Oct 23, 2012, 12:48:05 PM UTC | Last updated Oct 23, 2012, 8:08:37 PM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

A very dark love story about victims of child sexual abuse and the marks it leaves and the paths where it could lead. Contains graphic descriptions of the mentioned abuse and of underage male prostitution. Reader discretion.

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Chapter 4: Chapter 4

Day 15







He couldn’t believe how hard he came inside Ethan. That may have been one of the top ten orgasms of his life. That little asshole so tight and his boy so unwilling but easily taken. Henry felt like giving himself a huge pat on the back.


Although the little fucker would pay dearly for not thanking him.


He left the room with a glance back, Ethan slumping down to the carpet. He was breaking the boy. Soon he would have complete control over him, even his mind. He walked through the kitchen and something caught his eye. The jug of milk was on the counter next to an empty, unused glass. He held up the back of his fingers to the side of the jug and found that it was still cold. He put it back in the fridge and walked to Brooke’s room. He opened the door quietly and peaked in. She seemed to be asleep but she was getting better at pretending, thinking mistakenly that he wouldn’t wake her.


He was spent after Ethan or he would have gone in. He had a sneaking suspicion that she had seen what he and Ethan had been up to but he didn’t care. They would find out eventually. He wouldn’t have hid it at all except for the fact that he wanted them to feel isolated and alone in their ordeal. No matter, though. He had been keeping track of Brooke’s periods over the last year, and he knew they never lasted more than two days just like her mother’s had. By tomorrow night she would be done with it.




Brooke and Ethan



The door opened and she hoped beyond hope he wouldn’t come in. She had tears all over her face from the scene she had just witnessed. He would know and she had no idea how he would react.


The door closed again and she let out the breath she had been holding. Finally she understood why Ethan had been acting so strangely. He was going through the same torment that she was. It took every bit of her fear of Henry to keep from running across the house and going to him, telling him that he wasn’t alone, that she was going through it too, but she made herself stay put. She would do it tomorrow.


The morning came with the usual wake up knock and shout from Henry, “Wake up and come to breakfast!”  She got up and quickly dressed in her jeans and light blue sweater and headed out without combing her hair, just gathering it back into a long ponytail.


When she got to the table Henry and Ethan were already seated. Ethan was pale and wouldn’t meet her gaze. She sat at her place then took the plate of toast and took a piece then passed it along.


“Brooke what have I told you about your appearance?”


Brooke looked up her eyes wide, “I’m sorry Daddy. I’ll fix it after breakfast.”


“You’ll fix it now, Brooke.” Henry said in a growling voice.


Rising from the table she caught the dirty look that Ethan shot to Henry. She ran to her room and took the scrunchy from her hair and brushed it out. Then smoothed it back and left the scrunchy sitting on the dresser. She checked her appearance quickly in the mirror, not realizing for the first time that she could not meet her own eyes in the mirror. In her heart she was secretly afraid that if she looked her reflection in the eye all the things that were happening to her would seem more real. She shook it off and ran back to the table. Henry looked her over and nodded then allowed her to pass the plate of toast to him.


Breakfast was quiet as usual except for Henry’s daily chore list. “Ethan, the other day when I was out hunting I noticed that there is a fencepost down about three hundred feet due west. Do you remember how I showed you how to fix them?” Ethan simply nodded, so Henry continued, “Good boy, alright, that is number one on the list after you make sure your room is clean and your laundry is done, understand?”


“Yes, Sir Dad.”


“Good, now Brooke, do you remember the berries I showed you in the clearing northwest?”


“Yes sir.”


“Alright, then after your dailies I want you to go pick some before they are all gone. Fucking birds, I wish I could kill every one of them. Walk up there with Ethan then turn north. You shouldn’t get lost that way, so I want you both back here before lunch, or its punishment.”


“Yes Daddy.” Brooke said and was glad that she would not be stuck in the house all day and she began to think about what she might say to Ethan on their way to their chores. Sure it would embarrass him to know that she had seen but maybe, like it had for her, it may ease him to know he’s not the only one it was happening to.


She finished her chores quickly and waited out on the porch for Ethan. He burst through the door ten minutes later and didn’t even notice her as he headed to the barn to get the tools he would need. As much as Brooke didn’t want to see Henry right then she followed Ethan into the barn. Henry looked up for a moment as he was sanding a piece of oak. Brooke thought she saw a hint of a smile on his face but it faded so quickly she thought she may have imagined it. Without stopping his work he yelled to them, “You two make sure you get done with your chores and get right home. I don’t want you wandering around where I can’t watch you for too long.”


“Yes Daddy.” Brooke said and turned to follow Ethan out of the barn. He was hard to keep up with, his legs so much longer than hers. He walked fast and would not look at her. “Wait for me, Ethan, please. I need to talk to you.”


Without slowing or looking at her Ethan said, “He said to get done fast. Just go pick the fucking berries.”


“Ethan, please, I really need to talk to you!” She felt like tackling him, but she just ran to keep up. She kept her eyes on him, not watching where she was going and while running through the thick leaves she didn’t see the downed small tree. She tripped and flew face first to the ground. She struck her cheek hard and immediately felt the blood flow from it, but she ignored it seeing that Ethan either hadn’t seen or hadn’t cared that she had fallen, so she yelled out at him, “Ethan he’s doing it to me too!”


She saw Ethan stop, the posthole digger falling from his hand to the ground. He slowly turned his bangs in his eyes but not so much that she couldn’t see the look of confusion and rage in them. He ran over to her, dropping the other tools along the way. Once he reached her he yanked her up to her feet, grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her, “What the fuck are you talking about!!?”


She was sobbing, from the pain of the fall and confession coming from her lips and the fear he struck in her at his reaction, “He-he hasn’t fucked me yet, but its going to be soon. He comes to me at bedtime and touches me. He makes me do…things to him too.”


Ethan’s expression changed from anger to tears. He fell to his knees, his arms running down and he held her around her legs, sobbing on her thigh. She slowly dropped and hugged him to her as he sobbed, and she let her tears flow as well. He stopped himself after what felt like forever and pulled back a little, wiping his face with the back of his hand, then wiping her tears with his finger tips. “I didn’t know, Brooke. Oh God, I didn’t know.”


“I didn’t either. I-I’m so sorry, Ethan. I saw. I saw last night…” Ethan closed his eyes and turned his head, attempting to get up but she held him there with her, turning his face to hers, “Don’t do that. It’s not your fault.”


“He’s a pig, Brooke. I wanna kill him. I can take what he’s doing, but to know that you, that he’s touching you…I have to kill him.”


“Ethan, hold me, just hold me. I know it’s horrible, but knowing I’m not alone…” Ethan put his arms around her then.


Ethan held her tight, felt her little body and had an overpowering need to protect her. Her confession that Henry had done things to her too changed things in his heart and mind. He no longer saw himself as a victim but with those few words from her pretty full lips had made him her protector. He would do anything for her. He smoothed his hand over her long hair and rocked her like a baby as they sat there in the woods together. She moved her face over and snuggled her face in his neck and he felt himself respond to her. He moved his face around and his lips met hers. In that first kiss was all the love and innocence they had thought themselves to be stripped up by their abuser. All the tenderness and sweetness lived in the little soft kisses they gave to one another.


Brooke felt his fingers touch her face, and his breath mixed with hers as his mouth opened with hers and their tongues caressed. She wanted it to last forever, this beauty in the middle of all the horror that had been her recent life. The next words came from her from somewhere inside. She didn’t know she was going to say it until the words were already out of her mouth, “Make love to me, Ethan.”


Ethan stopped and looked at her, his face broken with confusion, “Brooke I can’t, what...What are you talking about?”


“Ethan, I want to feel this tenderness for my first time. I want what my mother told me it could be like. He will make it so ugly.”


Ethan felt his heart break. She was right. He would make her losing her virginity pure hell for her, but he didn’t think he could, not then like that, in the woods, “Brooke, I know you think you know what you want, but I would never be able to live with it if I made you feel like he does.”


“You couldn’t” She said and lay down on the leaves and pulled him down to her. He couldn’t protest. He knew that it may be the last chance either of them had to see sex as something more than rape and humiliation. He wanted her, he wanted her for more reasons than he could count but he knew he wanted her because she was sweet and beautiful. He lay with her and they started to kiss.


His hand slowly moved from her waist to her breast, touching softly at first then kneading a little harder. Her hands ran over his chest and grabbed his neck. Little moans came from them both as they slowly kissed and took off each other’s clothes. Ethan pulled Brooke’s sweater over her head and the sight of her white bra over her small round breasts made his cock even harder than it already was. He drew the sweater under her head to make her comfortable, and kissed down her neck and chest, fingers caressing her stomach making their way down to the button of her jeans after she undid the buttons of his shirt and pulled one side off of his shoulder. “Promise me something, Ethan.”


He kissed her mouth softly, “Anything Brooke.”


“You will get me away from here.” His midnight colored eyes looked into her pleading browns and he touched her face, and then said with all confidence, “I will get you away. I don’t know how but I will get you away.”


She drew him to her and kissed him passionately, tearing his shirt off of his back and clawing at his jeans. When they were undressed they spent a few moments just looking at each other, caressing each other’s skin, Ethan leaning over and taking her nipple in his mouth barely touching it with his tongue.


He opened her legs and got his hips between them, his cock perched at her opening, and he kissed her neck and whispered in her ear, “Are you sure?”


“Yes, yes, Ethan do it, make love to me.” His cock slid inside slowly. She was wet and warm and he tried to hold himself back from the orgasm that threatened immediately, and he held it back, wanting to feel all of her, to take the gift of her virginity. As he reached her hymen he pressed gently not wanting to hurt her, and she rose to meet him, feeling him inside deeper and deeper, and finally the pain, the sweet pain. It was done and it was done by him, a boy who cared for her and who had taken her to save her and to love her. As he thrust all the way in the pain was but an afterthought to the heat he arose in her.


They kissed as he pumped in and out, suckling her breast. She moaned deeply as she felt herself nearing orgasm, and he began to pump her faster, feeling his testicles squeeze with needing to fill her up with his cum. “Cum with me, Brooke.”


“Yes, yes.” He felt her legs close around his as her muscles contracted against his cock. He came hard and filled her and they collapsed breathing hard and smiling.


After they caught their breath, Ethan hugged her close, “Brooke, I love you.”


“I love you, too.”


Reality sat in as they made their way home. To make up for the time they had lost making love, Brooke went with him to help fix the fence and he in turned helped her pick the choke cherries. They held hands as long as they thought was safe on the way back.


“Did you mean it?”


Ethan looked at her, “Mean what?”


“That you would get me away, that you loved me, any of it.” She said without looking back at him. He checked to make sure Henry was nowhere around and pulled her behind a tree as they were almost back to the house.


His eyes bore into hers, and he didn’t blink as he said, “I will get you away. I will get you away because it’s wrong what he’s doing to you and to me, and I’m getting you away from here because I love you.”


Her arms wrapped around his neck and she kissed him, a tear coming out of her eye which he kissed away

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