Raising your beloved: Chapter 2

Published Aug 19, 2017, 11:20:04 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 19, 2017, 11:20:04 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

Vincent, a vampire, tries to raise his young mate Shelly.

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Chapter 2: Chapter 2

There are children running around everywhere, shouting, screaming and laughing.Andrew keeps trying to take control, he is able to if we have a disagreement or I am too weak to protect us, and locate our beloved, but I hold him back knowing he could lose patience with all the children in the room.Just then my beloved's static hits me, it seems to be coming from the far corner, the walls are also clean, only decorated with paintings of animated characters. There are, however, toys scattered around the floors which I take care not to step on so as not to upset the children.Turning toward the source of the static, I spot a beautiful little girl on the far corner by the window. 'That's her.' Andrew squeals, sounding very much like one of the children running around.'Dude chill, you sound like a child.' I scold him.'Well you try acting calm when the person you waited centuries for is right in front of you.' he replies, sounding more and more like a child.I just block him out, not in the mood to deal with him. I had to get to her, it was like a battle field with children instead of soldiers. I have to jump over napping children, dodge flying toys and avoid being tackled. As I near the little girl I notice an older girl standing next to her and pushing her aggresively. 'Seems someone is picking on our beloved.' I tell Andrew, feeling my anger rising the closer I get. I hear the girl calling my beloved ugly and unwanted.That's when I snap, I quickly ran there and get behind my beloved."What do you think you're are doing?" I ask the girl, feeling myself calm down because of being so close to my beloved."Nothing, I was just leaving, um bye". And with that she quickly speeds off, disappearing in the crowd.I then kneel in front of my beloved. "Hello, little one whats your name?" I ask sweetly, not wanting to scare her off.My beloved looks up at me shyly and blushes. "Shelly." She shyly replies, showing me another beautiful blush."I'm Vincent, why aren't you playing with the other children?" I ask in a sweet voice."I can't." She replies sounding a little embarrassed."Why not?" I look closly but can't find a thing that could hamper her ability to play."I not lowed to" she tells me close to tears. Desciding to ask her later I change the subject"Well Shelly, I came here today to adopt a child, can you tell me about yourself?" I asked, wanting to ease any worries she might have. And get to know her.She looks hopeful for a bit, but then looks sad. "Tere noting to shay." She replies in a little voice."Well, whats your favourite game to play?" I ask her, ignoring her statement."Hidensheek." She says, sounding a little happier."What about your favourite song." I asked, feeling happier that she sounds more comfortable with me."Twinkle, twinkle." She says, practicaly bouncing where she sat."Can you sing it for me." I ask her with a hopeful expression on my face. She starts singing it in an adorably sweet voice. When she finishes I start clapping loudly, drawing the attention of some of the children. I wave them away, and turn back to Shelly."Shelly, what do you think about me adopting you?" I ask her. She looks happy, but she suddenly starts crying and hiccups every few seconds. I quickly draw her into my arms and rub her back soothingly."What is wrong, little one." I ask as I look for anything wrong and try to think of what I said that might have upset her, but come up with nothing."Ta headmishteshes dawer shay no one wan me." She says in between sniffles, then hiccups.If I understood her correctly, then that blond bimbo was going to get it. "Well little one, I really want to adopt you, how does that sound?" I ask soothingly.She looks up at me hopefully before asking, "Weawy, you mean it?""Yes, why don't we head on to the headmistress's office." I say while picking her up."OK." she squeals quite adorably and hides her face in my chest when some children turned our way.I chuckle, feeling the heat of her blush. 'That bimbo better hope I don't see her' Andrew grumbles, speaking up for the first time since meeting our beloved. I agree, though I know doing anything here would not be smart.Translations(in correct grammar too)I'm not allowed to.There is nothing to say.Hide and seek.The headmistress's daughter said no one would want me.Really, you mean it?

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