April Anthology 2018: broken thoughts (04/28)

Chapter 26: broken thoughts (04/28)

Stumbling words suddenly

Gumming up the works,

I I can’t I don’t

I need -

Speak slower speak careful

I’m sorry it’s only

My mind’s half-asleep,

My heart’s half-awake,

No logic to run on

So many decisions.

A simple decision.

Do you want me?

Do you want help?

Where should I meet you?

Turns to mistrust turns to family turns to I am free but my wheels are not,

Turns to where can we buy privacy,

Turns to is it safe here at home.

Turns to I can’t drive and I don’t work

And professional confidentiality

Is less confidential if the neighborhood hears -

Besides the house is a mess so I’m not allowed guests -

And I haven’t gathered courage yet

To tell my parents what strangers are learning.


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