Various SP pieces: Looks like Orla got a new hobby


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Chapter 6: Looks like Orla got a new hobby

It was a few days later before Mochi ventured back down to the domain of Volrug and Orla, having to go somewhat in secret. The two infested are a bit of an oddity, seeing as they have their sanity about them. The pygmy singer gives a few whistles and clicks to call out to the duo, she doesn't want to scare them after all! "Orla? Volrug? Are you guys home?" As the silence held out for a minute she began to grow nervous, until she heard the soft shuffling of Volrug moving about the cavern floor. A breath of relief was released as she sees the familiar once polar come out of the cave slowly,  though Orla doesn’t appear to be with him? He has a..mischievous look on his face as he waves a paw at Mochi. Volrug’s mane is full of flowers again! He looks more like a bush than he does an aqrion at this point.


Mochi gives a soft laugh “Looks like the warm weather really woke up your infestation! Too bad it comes as such a pretty flower..and where’s Orla? Usually she’d be out here by now..” A hum comes from inside the cave as Orla comes out, having a bunch of flower wreaths looped on her tail. She perks up and waves a flipper to Mochi as Volrug turns his attention to the golden aqrion. “Mochi! Good to see you again! What brings you back so soon?” The two infested aqrion settle down in front of their cave to properly visit with Mochi, who stays a respectable distance away. 


The shiny aqrion has a pouch with her this time, which she nudges to the pair. Volrug uses his claws to open the pouch, which has quite a few pearls inside. The male stares at the bag for a long second ‘Why on Aquella has she brought us pearls?? It’s not a peace offering, we haven’t even attacked her..’ Mochi breaks their confused silence by explaining. “The wreaths I made with your flowers were very popular, I figured bringing you a share of the profit wouldn’t hurt. Now that I think about it do you guys really use pearls for trading?” Volrug gives a gentle shake of his head while Orla fills in his words. “Not really, most aqrion won't get within distance of seeing us, much less trading with us. A few aqrion have been brave enough to sell us things in the past, but most just want to make a profit by selling our spores to unsuspecting dragons.” Mochi gives a soft gasp, looking worried “That’s horrible! I’m glad you two found a place far away from most aqrion. But that’s not why I’m here today, I came to check on you guys. How have you two been since the warm season is starting?” 


Volrug shakes his mane, knocking flowers loose as he dramatically paws at his snout. He’s acting like Mochi’s question is killing him as he flops onto the sea floor, tongue out and all. Orla stares for a second before giving a loud snort and laughing. Mochi just looks bewildered in all of this as the female giant can’t compose herself to talk. Eventually the giggles become contagious as both females are laughing, even Volrug appears to be smiling in his playing dead. Finally Orla takes a breath to explain Volrug’s theatrics “What I think he was trying to say was that we’ve had more energy than usual. From what I’ve learned it’s the infestation being more active that makes us like this. It’s..strange, but not bad. I mean volrug has been weaving like crazy since you left! I think it helps him remember he has to be gentle with stuff.”


That makes the cursed polar roll his eyes and gently headbutt Orla, who laughs and gently puts a flipper on his head. Mochi smiles and settles to inspect the wreaths that Orla had put down when she was laughing, surprised to find them being pretty tough. She gets excited, her tail flicking “You two must explain how you weave them, they look so sturdy!” Volrug tilts his head, pawing at a half finished wreath he had brought outside. Orla gives a chuckle, nudging Volrug away from the chain so she can show it. “He started out doing a simple weave like you showed us, but he kept accidentally shredding the stems. So he brought a little bit of kelp into the mix and it’s been able to stand up to his claws. I’ve been trying to learn how to weave but it’s kinda complicated..think you can show me one more time?” 


Mochi gives an excited whistle before nodding, Orla was gathering flowers from Volrug yet again. The male seems to not mind much, since it takes a bit of weight off of his mane. The pygmy singer waits until she gets a go ahead from Orla to begin explaining. Volrug was idly weaving beside Orla as the golden female’s attention was purely on Mochi as the older aqrion explained. The females were chattering about anything under the waves while they worked. Volrug took his time to weave a strengthened chain, wrapping it around his tail as he worked. "Wow, this is a totally kinda neat Mochi!" Orla commented, humming. "I can see why you teach people how to do this, it's a great talent to have. Helps with making other stuff we use around here."


Mochi nods, setting her finished wreath aside and watching Volrug as he sniffed Orla's work. The male seems proud of her, pressing his head to hers. Orla smiles and looks at Mochi "Thank you dear, if you ever need a place to stay you're welcome to come find us." Volrug nods, turning to head inside as Orla sees Mochi off. The pygmy goes to the edge of the infested's territory, waving a flipper and swimming away.  Mochi really hadn't expected to make two new friends in the past few days, but she's glad she came searching for those special flowers.

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