Festival of Frost 2021: Shipwrecked - Part 2

Published Jan 24, 2021, 2:38:49 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 24, 2021, 2:38:49 PM | Total Chapters 2

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Chapter 2: Shipwrecked - Part 2

Prompt: Festival of Frost (Shipwrecked)

Featuring: Tonitrus, Kira (rider), Acid (Dragons of Aquella)

Wordcount: 1032



An hour had passed since the start of the storm, and it seemed only to grow in strength. Although, the clouds had been moving steadily away from the landline, which gave hope everyone involved in the rescue of the ships. Tired stryx perched on the coastal rocks, flying in turns to assist the vehicles. The riders were exhausted as well but continued to help as they could. Everyone was nerve-ridden and completely soaked by the downpour and salty waves of the ocean. Kira even heard rumours that a stryx had broken her wing when one of the masts was struck by lightning and fell on her. Although, they were able to escape any casualties, as far as the rider knew. Another strike of lightning brought the boom of the thunder. Most quickly grew used to the loud thunder and the dangers of lightning, but Kira still jumped at any heavy noise, to the great amusement of the stryx that she had been paired with. Old habits die last. 


Kira glanced at the ship below as Tonitrus made a wide turn in the air. The aquatic dragons proved to be of immeasurable help, assisting from the water where stryx could not reach. While at first, the birds were wary of the sudden new companions, the two groups soon grew accustomed to each other, bonded by necessity. Even as the last ship was soon to escape the storm to the land, they continued to drag any fallen sailors out of the water, providing transportation for any missed luggage. That last shop was proving to be a handful. It finally fell into the water, slowly sinking while the ruthless waves drove it closer to the rocky cliffs. The aquatic dragons were able to slow it down, but the ship was bound to be smashed against the rocks. The crew and the cargo were hurriedly evacuated, with the sailors being carried by stryx while the crates were dragged swiftly over the surface of the water by the slithering dragons. 


Kira urged Tonitrus onward and the harpy swooped down, stopping before the sinking ship. The work was mostly finished and only a couple of creatures remained behind, helping with the cargo. While Tonitrus was waived down by one of the riders in charge of the evacuation, Kira took a second to look around the chaotic place. A splash of neon green suddenly caught her eyes and she leaned out of the saddle, gazing into the black pit that the ocean became. Suddenly, a familiar black and lime head emerged from the waters, gazing at them in return. 


“Hey, I remember you!” Kira motioned toward the water creature, who was holding a net  worth of crates. Through the raging storm, she could hear the green dragon humming in response. Here, closer to the coastline, it was contrastingly quiet after an hour spent in the epicentre. Tonitrus didn’t join in, only throwing a careful glance at the gigantic reptile as he tried to catch the rope with the crates in the net. This became the primary way cargo was transported, and as far as Kira could see, this was one of the last loads. When the stryx was able to gain a solid hold over the structure, the rider that was still on the ship quickly moved towards a hawk that perched on the side, finally leaving the sinking vehicle behind. 


Tonitrus’s wingbeats became significantly heavier after the added load, but aside from that, the proud harpy seemed to be doing just fine. The ship let out a final groan as its left hull disappeared beneath the water and Kira shifted to look at the coastline as the stryx she had been paired with let out a call, urging his rider to pay attention. Tonitrus was obviously eager to go home, but Kira suddenly glanced at the neon reptile who let out a sharp call in tone to that of the stryx. The rider snickered glancing at the white harpy. “I think she is challenging you to a race.”


For a few seconds, Kira thought that the golden stryx did not understand the obvious challenge, but then the harpy suddenly let out a shrill cry and shot into the air. As they gained speed, the rider looked over Tonitrus’s shoulder, glimpsing the neon ridges of the aquatic dragon who mirrored the stryx, actively swimming towards the coastline. A few seconds later, she lost sign of the black reptile and turned to glance at the storm clouds.


Suddenly, a Tonitrus rapidly banked to the left, and a bright flash of light blinded Kira. She clutched the saddle as everything thundered around them. The stryx was able to evade the lightning strike just in time, and Kira was more than happy to give full credit to the harpy for that. She had almost forgotten that they were still in the dangerous area, although she could glimpse the edge of the clouds far away, the warm sunshine beckoning them towards the land. Tonitrus seemed to be too absorbed in the chase to take too much of a notice of the close call they had missed, eager to win this chase. “Alright, maybe to spur this rivalry was not my brightest decision as of yet…” Kira murmured.


Soon enough they were reaching the coastline, and with every wingbeat, Kira could feel that the storm was farther and farther away. They quickly reached the beach where most stryx and riders had gathered, along with the crew members of the ships and anything that survived the storm. The relief was thick in the atmosphere, and even lighthearted chatting could be heard. Kira tapped Tonitrus on the neck and pointed towards a bundle of crates, untouched aside from a couple of stray seaweed strands. The cargo was suspiciously similar to the one that their neon friend had carried in the mouth. 


“It seems like that dragon outswam you,” Kira snorted as Tonitrus gave a dissatisfied grumble. She slid from the saddle onto the sand, turning to look at the leaving storm. “Well, at least we made some friends,” the rider said with a smile as something green flashed far away in the waves, a final goodby. 

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