Academy: Artemisia

Published Feb 4, 2024, 7:51:35 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 4, 2024, 7:51:35 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Time in the academy has been his most of his life, he befriended Artemisia, fey elf like him, that came to there same time. 


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Characters in this Chapter

Otello Kuutama PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3974
19 total points
7 approved points


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Chapter 1: Artemisia

He had been sitting in the tree for long. Waiting patiencely to see Artemisia walk through so he could surprise her. When he finally heard footsteps coming his way he took hold on the branch and lifted himself up. He had only one chance. The closer she got, the more visible Otello would be for her.

He aimed and took a deep breath. Artemisia walked right at the point of his view. Now, just a step and she was there. Otello pulled the string back and let the arrow fly its way to her and with small swish sound he moved arrows way with a small, but visible gust of wind.

She had stopped and was looking around.

"Who's there? What was that? Who tried to shot me?" Artemisia string a questions. And she continued scouting the area and finally looking at the trees.

"What in Lady luck's name was that?" Artemisia asked. Otello looked at her feeling a wave of regret in his guts. Artemisia looked pissed, but at the same Otello was glad he had gotten her surprised. It didn't happen often. Not on sparring fights, at least. Artemisia was always on point and bested him in all manners. In speed, in technique and in

"I just wanted to see if.."

"I would notice", Artemisia said, "well I did, and you're lucky I wasn't carrying my bow with me or you would be shot on that place."

"I know, it was stupid. I got bored." Otello tried to sank as low as he could while following Artemisia. They kept walking together in silence all the way to the Academy.

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