The 'Red or Gold stolen Drunken Monkey' Cane... Named Jeffery.: Notes on Don Boys Talismen

Published Feb 7, 2024, 7:20:55 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 7, 2024, 7:20:55 PM | Total Chapters 1

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This is a brief copy of the notes pertaining to Don Boy's Cane that he carries everywhere. And why he supposidly named it... Jeffery. 

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Don Boy PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4048
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Chapter 1: Notes on Don Boys Talismen

 Don Boy’s ‘cane’. Don boy has described this cane as ‘A thing I stole from a monkey after a drinking party.’ While this makes almost no sense it does mention one descriptor. He stole it. The cane itself is wood with the usual crook. Unlike most store-bought canes, it doesn’t have a rubber stopper. It’s just more wood. Similarly, it’s all wood. No marks or anything of note other than the grain of the wood. It’s a spiral. Most people see it as a red color, but some see it as a gold color. Don Boy insists it’s a ‘drunk’ color. Helpful to someone, I hope.

 The cane seems utterly normal, but there are a few things that stand out. The first is its length. It changes. We think. Looking at it for any real length of time becomes difficult because it seems to be able to return to Don Boy whenever he wishes for it to. Some have compared to Thors hammer, but it’s more like he just pulls out of nowhere. It doesn’t fly back to him. Another strange thing about it is its durability. From leaving it in a fire, to dropping it off a very large building. It appears to be indestructible. Aside from those discussed earlier, it has nothing else. Well almost.

 Don Boy insists, it talks. No one has heard it talk, or any thing close to that. In fact, the only time we thought it might have said something, was when Don Boy shoved it into the mouth of a raging ‘Empty’. Course we learned that it was the ‘Empty’ yelling in what we guess to be facsimile of surprise. Or confusion. Probably confusion given that the only way to kill an ‘Empty’ is to make it remember its name. So, no idea why he did that, or why it worked.

 The important thing is, he carries it everywhere. Never seen him leave anywhere without it in tow. Even when he eaten that one time. He held on to it as tight as I’ve ever seen anyone hold on to something a giant was using as a toothpick. I still remember him laughing maniacally as the giant tossed him down the old gullet. Next thing we know the giant bends over in pain., and pukes him out. Still clutching the cane.

 You might be wondering what exactly he calls this ‘cane’. I’m sure the more scholarly among you have already thought ‘it’s obviously the Monkey Kings staff.’ Which I agree, makes sense when he describes where he got it, and his seemingly unconfirmed ability to change its length. Hell, you might even be right. Except we fought the (A)<?> Monkey King, and that guy still had his staff, along with a ring, that he rode on? It was a very long day that day. Also, we met someone with a similar cane. Who claimed that his cane (Not Don Boy’s) was stolen from him, by a sober gorilla… Named Jeffery. Which is apparently why, he calls it ‘Jeffery… The second.’

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