The Argo's Railroad: Adventure waits for no one.

Published Feb 10, 2024, 5:37:39 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 10, 2024, 5:37:39 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

How Cyril's current circumstance Leads to his adventures through the Portals. Trapped a passenger on the Argo Breakwater.

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Cyril PaperDemon Art RPG πŸ§‘πŸ½ #pd4047
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Chapter NaN: Adventure waits for no one.

 #50 Does your character have a base of operations between portals? A home, even? Draw or write about where your character hangs out during the downtime.

Over the horizon, you could still discern the path traced by the railroad, with metal rivets extending as far as the eye could see. In Cabin 15, Cyril sat, and in front of his booth was a small table where he placed his toolbox a tidy messenger's satchel filled with a change of clothes and other unmentionables looking over a small trinket, a badge of unfamiliar make. A passenger of the Argo Breakwater, a train traversing all towns and cities in his homeland. Initially, Cyril held an express ticket with plans to stop at Drayton, a small city near the eastern bank.

But that was 13 stops ago. One early morning, as he passed through the dining car to find the washroom, and back to his cabin, an odd stranger wearing a cloak dropped the very same badge he holds in his possession now while passing through to another carriage. Cyril, thinking he would do the man a favor, picked it up with the intent to return it to its rightful owner. The shiny badge pinched between his fingers. If he had returned it, that would have been the end of it. He would have stopped in Drayton and apprenticed as a mechanic until he found a secure and stable job. However, the moment he opened the door, the young tinkerer was faced with greenery his eyes had never seen, dragons of fiction dotting the sky above where clouds should have been, and the smell of a warm summer, whereas he turned his head back the train greeted him with the chilling bite of late-autumn. He slammed the door immediately, breathing heavily. That was the day Cyril's small residence in the train cabin became a much more permanent affair.

Every attempt to open the door of the train ended in him standing in the same spot, an occurrence unheard of. He experimented by taking a few steps in his leather shoes, touching the grass underneath, before heading back inside, where the cold steel and red carpet greeted him. So, there Cyril rests, in a small cabin on a train ever moving, stopping at each city and town across his homeland. But whenever he wishes to step outside, to leave this exciting development behind him, hoping it was only a phenomenon like a dream that you would reminisce about when you grow grey in the hair and lines stretch under your eyes, the portal badge transports him far beyond. 

The magical, fairy-tale-like fantastical development fascinated and astounded Cyril. However, the magic slowly waned once realization struck him like a sack of bricks. When the train completed its loop in a week, and he finally decided to set foot off the Argo Breakwater, opening the door to arrive at his intended destinationβ€”Drayton, Hillmount, or even the precarious Silverback city? No, for each door of the train became an opened portal to a different world. He wondered if that was how he was unable to find the stranger who dropped the badge. Did the stranger find some way to leave without it, or was it Cyril's mistake in picking it up?

Cyril resolved that he must find the owner of the portal badge. despite how unscientific it was, he believed the little badge had a mind of its own; even throwing it away resulted in the trinket reappearing on the table of his cabin. Whatever the case, he had to find a way to return it.

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  • Feb 13, 2024, 7:53:22 PM UTC
    Oh my gosh, this concept is insane! I love it so much!!