Prompt 4: Prompt 4

Published Feb 10, 2024, 7:00:36 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 10, 2024, 7:00:36 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Following the prompt of my character aboard the Avanguard Guild Airship.

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Characters in this Chapter

Ducki PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4067
10 total points
5 approved points
Wyrd PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4068
15 total points
5 approved points


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Chapter 1: Prompt 4

Now aboard the airship, Wyrd ducks with Ducky and they waddle over to the nearest pile of crates strapped down to the ship. Wyrd motions a sign for silence at Ducky as Wyrd watches the guards walk past. Wyrd moves to sneak towards the next crate, while Ducky watches. Wyrd moves quietly without any issues, but Ducky is still in the same spot. Wyrd waits for the next rotation of guards to pass before motioning at Ducky to move. Ducky walks quickly, but makes small quacking noises along the way. Somehow the guards don't notice. The two manage to sneak their way past most of the guards, with Ducky rizzing up the guards who manage to spot the duo. Wyrd is still amazed by how the guards were not able to see Ducky half the time.

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