"Why, just why...?": Theft of Livestock

Published Feb 11, 2024, 4:22:58 AM UTC | Last updated Feb 11, 2024, 4:22:58 AM | Total Chapters 1

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Kowix PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3082
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Chapter 1: Theft of Livestock

“Do I really need to explain myself?” Kowix sighed as she was trimming down a bit of her horns. “Look, that sheep was going to overheat. If I didn’t do something she wouldn’t have made it.“


“Just, be honest. I’m bailing you out anyway however. I just want to know.”


“So I’m a liar now? I really was just trying to stop that sheep from dying! She seemed to be in distress…”


“Kowix, that was the 8th sheep that you brought back that week.”


“And that farmer sucked! Look, I don’t want to continue discussing this. Just get me out of here already!”


“Kowix, you aren’t allowed near that farm anymore. I don’t want to spend anymore money to get you out of these messes.”


“So sheep-napping is bad? Isn’t it helping you with your business for me to save those sheep?!”


“Kowix stop trying to justify this.”


“Look, I AM justified here! Why not just sit down and listen?!”


“Fine, just this once.”


“Score! A-anyways. I was just taking a walk through town, a different route than usual. Then I went over and found this merchant… who had a lot of good out of my budget range.”


“And what does that have to do with the sheep?”


“Then not even a few feet later I saw a farmer buying some livestock. I originally thought nothing of it, that is until I left town. There I saw this HUGE farm! I went closer to the fence to take a look at the livestock… And there I saw a group of those sheep! It doesn’t take an expert to tell these sheep haven’t been sheared in ages! So, I did the only thing I thought I could!”


“How did you even pick up something that heavy? You are genuinely tiny.”


“Ow… that cuts deep… Anyways, it wasn’t exactly picking him up. It was more dragging him. I’m not going to pick up something that is like 100 pounds! That’d hurt… Anyways, I made note of the farm, and returned there later that same day to rescue another. And I just… kept going back there. I think the farmer forgot about them… as it stunk more than what I’d expected!”


“Kowix, that’s just what a farm smells like.”


“A-anyways. Breaking and entering alongside stealing isn’t the worst. I thought it’d be way worse because, well, it’s sheep. They’re alive. However I am correct in what I did! Screw you legal system! I did what one should have done!”


“Just don’t do it again. I’ll help you trim your horns when we get home, okay Kowix?”


“...O-okay. Thanks… I don’t know how long I would have been in here otherwise.”


“A few years most likely, you’ll owe me after this. And I better get it within 2 years, kid.”


“Uhm, alrighty… I’ll see you later! H-hopefully not between bars. How much is my bail anyways?”


“Let’s just say that you’ll be paying off your debt for a while.”


“Awwh…. No fair…” Kowix pouted like a toddler as the mysterious figure left the room.

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