First encounter: The first attack

Published Feb 13, 2024, 1:36:18 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 13, 2024, 1:36:18 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Azriel is not quite sure what to do...

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Azriel PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4135
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Chapter 1: The first attack

In all honesty, Azriel thought that the slime was kind of cute. Since waking up in this weird place, she wasn't sure that she could understand everything. But at least some things were cute. Though the angel had a feeling that she needed to attack it. But maybe she didn't? It was to cute to hurt, honestly. Bending down, Azriel smiles at it. "Hi there! What brings you here?" The slime doesn't react besides moving closer with an angry face. "Hm...Are you trying to attack me? I don't want to hurt you, honestly..." The slime jumps forward and she backs up. 

"Ok, nope!" She laughs. Azreil thinks. It was a slime, right? It looked kind of liquidy, maybe it would like some water? "Are you thirsty? I got some water..." The slime stops, looking up at her. Her wings spread a bit as she holds out a hand. One of the things she discovered about this place was that she can summon water. Well, water and other liquids, like honey and this pale yellow liquid that glowed a tiny bit. So, she focused on her hand, thinking of water flowing from her hand. a small trickle of water apppeared; enticing the slime to come forward to absorb it. 

Azriel smiled. "There, you like it?" The slime wiggles, looking happy. At least she didin't have to kill it. 

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