Trash Monster Battle Challenge (Nurcan): The mystery arises

Published Mar 25, 2024, 3:22:42 PM UTC | Last updated Mar 25, 2024, 3:22:42 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

Entries for the Trash Monster Battle Challenge event featuring Nurcan.

This story wasn't finished in time and remains incomplete, so it's not canon.

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Characters in this Chapter

Nurcan PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4000
40 total points
7 approved points


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Chapter 1: The mystery arises

2. Explore the Mystery. 

While exploring the farthest reaches of Wouagi, Nurcan witnessed what appeared to be the earth itself rising above the swamp waters, its emergence accompanied by the chorus of crying voices, reaching her senses even from such a great distance.

These voices sounded distressed, and Nurcan wondered what happened to whom they belonged to, as her wings swiftly carried her in the direction of the swamp anomaly. The closer she got to it, the more apparent the vile stench became. The water below Nurcan was no longer the usual rainbow color, but muddied and dull, the occasional islands of trash were rising up to its surface.

Here, in close proximity to the source of the cries, Nurcan could finally take a good look at the gigantic amorphous shape. It appeared to bear some resemblance to a living creature, Nurcan could make out its head and limbs, seemingly made of earth interwoven with vines and flexible trunks of the swamp trees. However the most striking feature was a thick coat of rubbish covering most of its form.

The creature noticed Nurcan and slowly turned its head towards her, facing her directly. The sadness in its dull yellow eyes mirrored that in the voices. Could it be a messenger of the mother nature crying out for help? Nurcan felt determined to find out. This being was unlike anything she had seen in Wouagi up to this point and it felt like its appearance at this precise moment was no coincidence.

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