Daxlas after hours: Slime infiltration

Published Apr 5, 2024, 6:39:37 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 5, 2024, 6:39:37 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

A complilation of short stories of what Daxlas gets up to in their free time. Just random things.

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Chapter 3: Slime infiltration

In the woods there were many magical creatures. Most of them were native to the area, but some weren’t. Daxlas was just looking around the woods for tracks of the magical deer called Ikibus. They were deep in the forest and by the brook they saw something strange. A green trail of slime that headed to the heart of the forest. Daxlas frowned.

β€œThere better not be a slime in this forest.” They mumbled.


They waded across the brook. The brook gently lapped on their black rubber boots as they went across. They shook their boots a little before walking to the trail. Daxlas bent down, picked up a little bit of the trail and tapped their slime covered fingers together. 

β€œYup, that’s a slime.” They confirmed, then swore. β€œThat’s bad, they’re invasive.”


They followed the trail to a clearing. Dozing underneath a large tree was a lime green medium sized slime. It looked so peaceful but Daxlas knew what they had to do. They grabbed a shrinking potion from their belt of potions, and threw it at the slime. The impact woke up the slime, and it cooed a little as it shrunk. It rapidly became the size of a beetle and it let out a high pitched scream. Daxlas walked over as the slime desperately tried to scoot away. Daxlas stomped on it and it squeaked. The goo left over from the slime was stuck to their foot.

β€œEwwwww.” They said, disgusted.


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