Battle Log: Gale VS. Slime

Published Mar 25, 2024, 8:42:49 AM UTC | Last updated Mar 25, 2024, 8:42:49 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

For when I feel like doing battles in written form!

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Gale PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4732
31 total points
5 approved points


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Chapter 1: Gale VS. Slime

Gale flew in the air above the slime, still assessing the situation. She was called here alone, and at first she wondered why--usually she was at least called in alongside Nevaeh. Then she saw it. Little guy had sure left that farmer's market in shambles, sure, but the slime only came up to her knees at best, and she wasn't even tall. It was almost cute. Nevaeh would've thought so, at least. But Gale saw the place it left behind. It would devour anything in its path. Fruits, vegetables, handmade bracelets, you name it. Left unchecked... a recipe for disaster, no doubt. It appeared to be on its way to a nearby bakery--but if Gale had her way, it would never make it there.

She dropped down to the ground, slamming her hand to the earth. The bits of litter and debris on the ground slowly circled, and then faster, and within only a few moments, there was a small tornado forming. It picked up the slime, and while her intention was to carry it off to somewhere it would do no harm... well, she overestimated its solidity some.

After wiping the slime off her face, she looked around. Goop on the ground. Goop on the floor. Goop on her clothes. Goop on that random passerby. She didn't even apologize, she just stared at him staring at her until he was finally the one to keep moving.

Well, it seemed to solve the problem, at least...

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