Missing Badge: Where did it go?

Published Apr 16, 2024, 8:10:12 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 16, 2024, 8:10:12 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Haydée's first steps with Apollo has her find a Luxray desperately looking for their defense attorney badge. Despite Apollo wanting to stick to the main goal, Haydée insists in helping them out.

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Characters in this Chapter

Haydée Mysterious Bloom 🧑🏽 #mb159
1324 total points
438 approved points
Apollo Mysterious Bloom 🧑🏽 #mb194
1324 total points
438 approved points


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Chapter 1: Where did it go?

“I’m sure we can eventually find the Prince, Haydée! For now, let’s just enjoy the ar-” A purple & blue Shinx could be found escorting a shy-looking pale Popplio around the area. Though, he was quickly interrupted by a Luxray in panic.

“HELP! WHERE IS MY BADGE?” The defense attorney panicked as they kept looking around and pushing other Pokémon around to try and find it. “Oh man, oh man, I shouldn’t have shown it to so many people around!” Sparks of panic flashed on the Luxray’s body as their anxiety increased more and more.

Haydée, the Popplio, quickly rushed towards the Luxray with intentions of helping them out, while Apollo, the Shinx, was a little hesitant on helping out at first. He was very firm on staying to his goals and at first, believed that helping others during this quest was a way to stray away from the objective of finding the prince.

“Hey! I’ll help you out! I-if you want, of course…” The Popplio, by the time she reached the defense attorney, went from a brief outgoing personality to her usual shy one. Her partner poked one of her flippers before whispering something.

“Oh, don’t worry about me, Apollo! I’m sure it won’t take too long to find this badge, trust me!” Haydée reassured the Shinx before saluting the Luxray and helping them find the badge. He sighed before following Haydée around.

It wasn’t in the bushes. It wasn’t on the tables. It wasn’t in other Pokémon’s possession. Hmm, where could it be?

The duo spent quite a while trying to find said badge before eventually finding it attached to a towel. Neither Haydée nor Apollo understood how it ended up in such an odd place, but at least they found it.

“Leave this to me, Haydée”, the Shinx declared before grabbing the towel, hanging it on a tree, and then unclipping the badge from it. Well, that was easy.


“OH MY ARCEUS!!! YOU FOUND IT!!!” The Luxray later exclaimed the moment they received their defense attorney badge from Apollo. “You both are life savers, now I can show up to that court case without shame! Thank you so much!” It didn’t take long before the defense attorney jumped around and…went right back to showing off their badge.

Well, let’s just hope they won’t lose it again…

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  • Apr 18, 2024, 12:59:06 AM UTC
    really enjoyed how you used the pokemon-specific body language / quirks in this!! we can only hope luxray won't lost it again asdfgh
    • Apr 18, 2024, 2:12:22 AM UTC

  • Apr 16, 2024, 11:00:43 PM UTC
    AWW THIS WAS SO CUTE i love how much you showed their personalities in such a short story!! and the luxray going right back to showing it off…. smh never learns :p
    • Apr 17, 2024, 12:03:57 AM UTC
      SOBS SO LOUD THANK YOU SO MUCH tbh i do wish i wrote more but im glad to hear that ;o;