PDARPG Boss Fight Entries: Laguna 4: New Glasses (Prompt 4)

Chapter 4: Laguna 4: New Glasses (Prompt 4)

“Excuse me. Do you know when Ms Thalassa is coming back?”


“She’ll be back when she’s back,” the merman replied, rather curtly.


Zuramel sighed and sat back down on their coral stool. When they’d first heard the siren’s song filtering through a portal that had opened up in their home, saw the green-scaled arm reach out and drag him through to the other side, their mind raced with half a dozen horrible possibilities. Were they to be some strange merfolk’s nearlywed? Pressed into service with the Lost Songs Navy? Nope, turns out all Laguna needed out of them was a new pair of glasses. Because clearly all Earth mages from Lyra knew how to make those, right? Talk about portal profiling!


It’d taken them a few tries to get Laguna’s abyssal quartz to cooperate, but a few wonky-shaped discs later, Zura finally had a pair of lenses they were happy with. Crystal-sung into perfect oval shape by their Earth magic, they were then chiselled and refracted just so to suit Laguna’s unique eye prescription (her right eye was a little worse than her left, for some reason). All that remained was to wait for Laguna to return from… whatever it was she was doing, so she could choose a frame and finally let them go home.


“...after a celestial body.”



Now there was a familiar voice! Zura scooped the lenses up in their palms and hurried across the workshop floor to where Laguna and a strange Paperdemon were entering together.


“Excuse me, Ms Thalassa–”


“Ah, Mx Dumortierite. My new glasses?” Laguna glided forward, her hand outstretched. “Zuramel,” she explained to Eltanin, “another Paperdemon I’ve roped into my service. Purely a coincidence, I assure you. Never let it be said I am not an equal opportunity abductor.”


“Hey,” Zura said.


“Ahoy,” Eltanin replied.


“Gorgeous colour,” Laguna was mumbling, holding each lens up to her respective eye. “And the prescription is perfect, too. I even spy Mummichog slacking off at his desk. Excellent.”


“So I’m free to go?”


“Oh… no, no. Certainly not. Could you make these again, but in a square shape this time?”

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