Echo's Journal: Entry 3765

Published May 4, 2024, 10:18:55 PM UTC | Last updated May 4, 2024, 10:18:55 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

no real content warnings, some topics may be a bit on the sad side (jazz hands)

Echo talks about this and that regarding their life 

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Chapter 1: Entry 3765

[ Second quarter of Spring, Tenth Moon ]


I haven't written in here for a while, got caught up in all sorts of things. Well, I guess I may as well get all that off my chest as it's not like anyone looks at this.


Zaeas succumbed, it's been confirmed. It's been a while since I've seen them, but I'm still holding onto hope that I'll find them, maybe they'll be wandering one of the mystery dungeons we get assigned to. I've been dragging the remnants of my team out to the farther corners of each continent, trying to find anything – any hints at all that they're still out there. I know they are.


Omen says this isn't healthy. I mean sure, but I'm not about to give up on my leader. I'm sure Zaeas would do the same for any one of us.


The distortion sickness really isn't something to be taken lightly. What's worse is that there's been a surge in reports on spatial loops – mystery dungeons that didn't quite form all the way through. Some people call them time cages, pocket dungeons, all sorts of things. Point is, they're no less dangerous than a fully-matured mystery dungeon.


Oh, and I ran into a weird guy on an outing the other day. They say they used to be a human, which lines up with what a concerningly large number of PokΓ©mon have been claiming lately. I wonder if it has anything to do with the mystery dungeons...

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