Sea of problems: Max working the ship wrecking business

Published May 5, 2024, 3:14:07 AM UTC | Last updated May 5, 2024, 3:14:07 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Max got way to deep underwater

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Max Lin PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1132
118 total points
7 approved points


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Chapter NaN: Max working the ship wrecking business

Deep under the murky waters of the ocean, there lies a world of mystery that only a few have been fortunate enough to explore. Hidden within the depths of the sea, spirits long drowned reside, their voices echoing through the water like a haunting melody. It is a world where sirens dance among the kelp and jagged rocks, luring sailors to their doom with their enchanting songs.


Max, a curious and adventurous soul, stands by the water's edge, setting a small wisp fire under the water. He speaks to the spirits, trying to find out how they died so that they can pass on. But whispers of death echo around him, and he looks to the kelp, wondering if he will ever find the answers he seeks.


Suddenly, a red-haired siren appears before him, her fanged jaws glistening in the dim light of the underwater world. "Well, well, looky here," she says, flicking her tail. "A wisp connection all the way down here."


Max looks up at her, surprised and a little frightened by her sudden appearance. "I assume you're the one responsible for the recent wisps," he says, trying to keep his voice calm.


The siren, whose name is Laguna, laughs. "Guilty as charged," she says. "You can call me Laguna. Hmm, you're quite interesting. Have you ever considered being a siren?"


Max tilts his head, a questioning look upon his face. "Why would I want to crash ships?" he asks.


Laguna smiles wickedly. "Let me show you why," she says, grabbing Max by the tuft on his sweater and showing him the rocks where countless ships have met their end. "It's a thrill, really, to see all those humans struggling and fighting for their lives. And the best part? We get to feast on their souls."


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