Afternoon of Cherry Blossom

Posted Oct 31, 2011, 11:53:10 PM UTC

"Resting with my flute on the swinging hammock, by a window that looks over the cherry blossoms of spring. The moon shines far away under purple afternoon sky, and the birds dance on candle lamps."

Inspired this past spring while walking under a similar purple-orange evening sky and seeing large flowers (of a tree I can't name). I couldn't get pictures of those flowers under similar conditions before it withered, but cherry blossoms seem to do fine. Started the painting in early/mid-June, and finally finish... for now (may think of additional details to add on later).

Umm... composition, perspective and anatomy are iffy but eh.... also, a silver flute would probably have done better for color-scheme, but I decided to give her a gold one with diamonds inlay. (Gold flutes are quite common! They don't just exist in fantasy: ).

A good song that might work well with this piece:

Unfortunately, it looks very cramped and a bit discolored on screen, but printed as a 2x3 feet poster and hung on the wall (...which I had...), it's gorgeous! Pss- prints available from DA! If you're in US, I can probly print and ship posters to you for much reduced price compared to DA.

Detail and Progress Shots:

The music sheets on the floor are "Prelude to the Afternoon of a Faun" by Debussy (one of my fav), and "Carmen" by Bizet (I think).


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  • Nov 5, 2011, 3:37:01 PM UTC
    I love the serenity this piece creates. The mix of colors you used are wonderful, and range in value enough that the piece stays interesting and vibrant. Also the border you created with the window keeps the focus of the picture where it should be and keeps it from bein too busy. Smile
    • Nov 6, 2011, 9:28:38 PM UTC
      Thanks for the compliment! I tried to keep the colors limited and close together that there's harmony, while varying the values and tones.
  • Nov 1, 2011, 3:47:02 PM UTC
    I love the lighting and color in this piece. It feels like it's within another world.

    The detail shots are amazing. I bet that flute was a challenge to paint.
    • Nov 3, 2011, 10:25:43 PM UTC
      Thanks BR, glad you like it!

      The flute was a challenge, but I think considering how complex it is, it wasn't too too bad. ;P