Sommertanzabend Schikane

Posted Aug 22, 2022, 6:34:15 AM UTC

Trying to decide if this should fit under Prompt 1 or 3, but I'm going to go with 1 because for this to work, the characters have to be invited guests; not party crashers.


Prompt #1 - The Guests

Your character has received a gilded invitation to the event! You are welcome and esteemed– guards and staff alike part before you and the other guests are dying to meet you. Will you use this opportunity to negotiate with your allies and enemies among the elite? Will you savor every single treat the palace has to offer? Or will you simply dance the night away? Draw or write your character as an esteemed guest at the ball. Your piece must include your character at a location inside the palace or an encounter with a guard or gatecrasher. Reach out to your fellow players if you would like to collaborate!


It's early evening, and it's still too hot. There's only one problem--the air conditioning is broken! And on top of that, the guards aren't allowed to hit the guests, no matter how much they may tease the guards...

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