Vielen Dank

Posted Feb 15, 2023, 11:02:44 PM UTC

Minimaid did something nice for me, so that's my way of saying thanks.

And in other news, I finally found an idea where I can dress Aras up in a maid outfit.

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  • Mar 3, 2023, 2:21:44 AM UTC
    Oh no, what did Aras put in Adrian's cake?
    This is so amazing - thank you so much. I love the piece, and Aras serving up his cake so happily. That's a lot of work to put in so many characters... I truly appreciate it.

    • Mar 3, 2023, 6:25:00 PM UTC
      You're welcome.

      Adrian probably ate some laxative. Or if Aras was being nice, it was probably something that tasted bitter.

      I could have decided to have a different character eat the laced sweet but it just always has to be Adrian. I don't know, it just feels right.
      • Mar 16, 2023, 1:49:44 AM UTC
        It does feel right. Smile Adrian is very malleable. Poor boy. It's his fault for being so fun to torture.





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